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 No.481775[View All][Watch Thread]

Who are you voting for, anon?

So far, the top candidates are:
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Independent)
Claudia De la Cruz (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
Joseph Kishore (Socialist Equality Party)
and now "Based Chase" Oliver (Libertarian)

and then there are some unserious candidates nobody likes.
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It's also irrelevant because the majority of the cases are not "little kids." Giving little kids meds for behavioral stuff is way more common than giving them HRT, which usually is started in the teens and sometimes early puberty. There are very few cases earlier, and those are rightfully controversial, but they are not the typical case.


I assume this is bullshit, but I'm still rooting for it because it's extremely funny.


You're so close yet so far.
This is an extension of the "autism epidemic" because too many parents and kids saw what that was and began resisting the Nazi-Germanic culture war, and calling for the rooting-out of their agentur. They have to lock down schools and deny children everything to secure the institutions against the damned of the Earth.

Why are you acting like the institutions are at all functional? THEY ARE KILLING YOU OFF, and laughing that you are trained to be afraid of your own shadow. Until you can hate the German, you will never be free from the German. Real freedom, not Germanic "freedom".


Its fucked up how psych meds are forced onto little kids to stoo them from running around just bevause teachers and parents wont let them play outside.
And then they wonder why their kids are failing in school and work.


Trump appoints Elise Stefanik as ambassador to the UN


WASHINGTON – Rep. Elise Stefanik will be appointed as the next U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump confirmed Monday.

Stefanik gained international notoriety for her questioning of university presidents during a House hearing on campus antisemitism, and is widely expected to prioritize the international body's criticism of Israel during her tenure as ambassador.

Stefanik was among the most vocal supporters of Trump inside the Republican Party leadership throughout the Biden administration, including at a time when it seemed the party would potentially shift away toward a new generation of leadership.

She was also among the House Republicans who refused to certify the results of the 2024 election, and has propagated antisemitic conspiracy theories related to population control that have been cited by white supremacists committing significant hate crimes.

While Trump will undoubtedly be highly combative toward the UN during his upcoming administration in a manner similar to his first, Nikki Haley, who was UN ambassador in his first term, will not be invited to join the incoming administration.

Stefanik's appointment is considered a bridge between the hawkish neoconservative wing of the GOP and its ascendant isolationist wing that is working to reject previous Trump appointees from the former category from returning to Trump's cabinet.



>Elise Stefanik
She's going to piss off everybody in the UN with dishonest weaponized antisemitism accusations, to such an extend, that they'll end up doing an official thing where they enshrine that linking Jews to Israel is antisemitic.


Never underestimate the UN's ability to not do anything about a problem.


52 Dems are already voting to support dictatorial Trump powers lol
And they don't even have the votes to pass it, but they're doing it anyway.


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>"Nobody cares about LGBT shit/Transgender people, people support kids transitioning and funding gender operations!"
>Post-election polling of undecided voters put Troon shit as number 3 top reason they didn't vote Democrats
Leftypoldotorg and half the libtard wokies here on suicide watch.


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There've been multiple polls where it didn't even make the top 5. What poll are you even citing?


Also, even if one poll showed that voters were highly motivated by a fear of coloreds stealing their white women at convenience stores for pagan voodoo rituals, that would not inherently mean that it wasn't still a load of made up reactionary idpol horseshit meant to distract attention away from real issues. Just because the oligarchs and demagogues want to treat the general public like retards doesn't mean everyone else needs to do the same thing. Nevertheless, I'm still interested, out of curiosity, to see who came out with this poll which allegedly validates the scary bogeyman of the day.


Why do Harris voters care about abortion and 'democracy', but not as much the economy or foreign policy?


Generally speaking if they're voting democrat it's because they're economically comfortable and also support the Democrats' fp because orange badman and vladolf putler are friends and want to do big evil together. "Fighting for access to abortion" is one of those feelgood talking points that the dnc has been selling to its base as essential to saving "our democracy" or whatever.



>In March 2018, Patrick Martin of the World Socialist Web Site published a political pamphlet entitled “The CIA Democrats.”

>In it, he wrote that “an extraordinary number of former intelligence and military operatives from the CIA, Pentagon, National Security Council and State Department” were “seeking nomination as Democratic candidates for Congress in the 2018 midterm elections.”

>This is a departure from the 1960s and 1970s when Democrats like George McGovern, Leo Ryan and Frank Church were against wars like Vietnam and sought to reign in the CIA.


I literally do not understand why the current left is taking up the mantle to defend liberal idpol. So often on the internet I see people attacking "the left" over culture issues that should have nothing to do with us.

Like DEI for example, instead of taking a reactionary approach and defending it reflexively just because conservatives are against it, we should be pointing out how that kind of investment power is entirely because of capitalism. I mean a lot of what they complain about is literally just capitalism, they are just too ignorant or afraid to name it. This is such an easy win and I will never understand why so many so-called leftists fumble it.


We're getting a lot of converts who were the late straggling holdouts on the crisis of ethics in journalism.


>Why do Harris voters care about abortion
Corporate brainwashing. Abortion is just a gravy train for the corpos who harvest organs and stemcells from the aborted baby corpses.

>if they're voting democrat it's because they're economically comfortable
Or they are emulating people who are economically comfortable like movie stars and athletes.

>Like DEI for example, instead of taking a reactionary approach and defending it reflexively just because conservatives are against it, we should be pointing out how that kind of investment power is entirely because of capitalism.
What's DEI got to do with capitalism? If there were no legally mandated diversity requirements then corporations would maximize profits by simply hiring the highest performing people white and asian males. DEI is inherently egalitarian and egalitarianism is leftist.


>What's DEI got to do with capitalism?
It's got everything to do with capitalism. At the very least it's an outgrowth of the corporate ass covering "sensitivity training" of the 90s. It's just there to a) paper over corporate wrongdoing with a veneer of hollow protressivism b) protect the company from accusations of discrimination and c) be a jobs program for pmc-aspirant minority grifters.

>DEI is inherently egalitarian and egalitarianism is leftist.

Its superficially egalitarian in the same way the US is superficially democratic. In both cases the purpose is ensuring bourgeois cultural domination.


>what does a capitalist investor using his capital to compel capitalist companies have to do with capitalism?
Gee, who knows?


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Blueprint for election loss looking at all the data. Troonie shit literally cost Dems the election.
>over culture issues that should have nothing to do with us.
The Western Left is a Radical Liberal counter-culture built around Oppression Olympics. It has no basis in actual Marxism or Materialism, hence why even dotorg will actively ban anyone for having a Materialist/Marxist take on gender or idpol politics. No Marxist who adheres to a Materialist worldview would side with Troonie/Libshit Gender theory. It's literally hyper-post-modern metaphysical woo, that the brain and body are not connected and that a completely subjective "gender spirit" exists outside of biology or material reality. I mean dotorg literally think that "2 spirit" are an actual thing. People have multiple gendered spirits wtf.


Die mad you polcuck retard.


I'm not the one mad. Watching Idpol and Choo Choo shit blow up in the face of the left, and the data clearly showing that everyone hates insufferable "leftists" is great news for me as someone who genuinely holds that the Western Left are controlled opposition who exist to stop any serious mass appeal of actual serious Leftist materialist arguments or frameworks.
The data is clear, "progressives" cost Democrats the election and insane slippery sloping LGBT insanity was a top issue that cost working class swing voters. Kamala could not get the progressive stink off her and it turns out the general public doesn't have the memory of a goldfish when it came to obnoxious shitlibs pretending they hadn't spent the past decade gaslighting, cancelling and bullying everyone for not adhering to the latest Tumblr posts by 16 year olds who think people experience "gender euphoria" when they finally realise they are star gender or wolf gender or whatever the fuck.


Dems never even mentioned anything relating to troons retard get your fucking head out of your ass. What happened was republicans spread a bunch of misinformation and fear mongering about trans people and the retarded voter base in the united states (of which you are a part of) voted for the orange retard (by a small margin of nearly less than a million votes) You are a fucking pos bigot and if this were the 1950s you would be complaining about black people.


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People don't have the memory of a goldfish dude. People have seen for years the shitlib "progressive left" go utterly batshit on pushing insane gender nonsense that makes no sense and pushing identity politics literally everywhere while the Dems scrambled to bow down to every insane Troonie demand. The US currently is so far down the rabbit hole of TRA shit, that literally the top US medical associations literally ignore all the recent evidence and rollbacks in Europe that push against Troonie narratives and rhetoric. It doesn't also help as well that US standards are largely dictated by WPATH which is a completely politicised organization of outright TRAs who behind closed doors admit there isn't evidence for their positions but push their horseshit to be a "GOOD FUCKING PERSON".
>You are a fucking pos bigot and if this were the 1950s you would be complaining about black people.
Black Idpol also fucking up the left has been a long issue, but there is a massive chasim between Black Idpol, and the sheer retardation that was allowing Troons to spread their rampant misoginistic bile, Cluster B insanity and completely redfine sexual and gender norms with incoherent, contradictory woo while they strip Women and lesbians of rights and spaces, try mass groom children (don't even pretend egging isn't a major part of Trans Rights activism) and engage in crybullying to the level they could be in a head to head competition with Zionists for the most disingenious crybully fuckheads in Liberal spaces.
What happened the second Troons took power of Leftypol an explicity anti-idpol board that actually started to have a wider internet appeal? They turned it into a Hon-Hugbox that is obsessed with pushing retarded idpol and actively banned anyone and everyone who engages in actual materialism when it comes to social relations. Troonies do this literally everywhere because they know they genuinely have no arguments that actually hold up to scrutiny, so they rely entirely on crybullying and censorship.


You're reactionary transhumanist obsessed polcuck and you should aerate your skull with a shotgun.


>conflating democrats/liberals and "the left"
>clinging to one faulty democrat data point to push your anti trans slop

You're such a piece of shit. Nothing you've said is materialist or data driven. You're just a fucking transhumanist obsessed retard.

>everyone hates insufferable "leftists"

Your "data" doesn't say this at all. All your data says is that "kamala focused too much on cultural issues" was a more persuasive argument than whatever it was paired up against.


As a whole the takeaway is that the Democrats didn't actually provide the voters with an economic reason to vote for them, which is true. Internally the Biden administration was convinced that the economy is doing fine. Kamala really didn't offer any real concrete economic policies

Beyond that though it's clear you don't understand what Democrat policy towards trans people actually is, what purpose it serves, and why they're now trying to abandon it.

The Democrats and Republicans both use trans people and trans rights in the same way. They're a useful political smokescreen and that's basically it. For the Democrats it provides a veneer of progressivism to their neoliberal policies and for the Republicans it obfuscates their policies of class warfare. By being so unhinged about trans people you've revealed yourself to be a dupe taken in by their ploy, so great job.

The Democrats only provide lip service to trans rights and don't spend any significant amount of time or political capital advocating for them. You're retarded for thinking otherwise. Whenever they "do" have to advocate for trans people it's to the same end that they do for any other social issue, which is as a means to avoid talking about the real issue.

And that's really the same thing you're doing, focusing on trans shit instead of the real class issues at work here. For the voting population, they got demonstrably poorer between 2020 and 2024. The Democrats let popular policies like the enhanced child tax credit, covid era medicaid expansion, and enhanced unemployment insurance lapse. Prices are going up and wages aren't, and the Democrats ran a campaign like everything is fine.

As for the Democratic party itself, it's been at odds with its progressive wing for decades. Every election they blame their "underperformance" on the left of the party and shift further right. This shift has been accelerated by Trump as Republican politicians have fled the Republican party and joined with the Democrats, most prominently in this election being the Cheneys.

The Democrats are in a hard spot because they're in an electoral dead end. They can't offer working people real material gains because they'd never actually deliver on them since that conflicts with the interests of their donors. The pmc is already their voting base, the donor class is too small to matter electorally, and they can't meaningfully contest working class Republicans for a number of reasons. The only "viable" voting population they can try to compete for at this point is the "swing" voters that voted for Trump. Aka, the fascist petite bourgeoisie.


Ruy calls them the "working class" but every one of his examples is a small business owner that is practically slavering at the idea of punishing homeless people and immigrants for impacting their precious businesses.

That's the root of the "trans issues cost us the election" shit. The Democrats want the fascist vote. The "data" you're citing has been crafted to support the same reactionary "we need to abandon minorities to appeal to the real working class" shit that's been percolating for the past decade. You weren't banned from the other board because of a transhumanist conspiracy to oppress your brave "materialist" take. You're just a garden variety reactionary that's been saying the same reactionary shit that's been polluting leftypol for years now.


>nose emote reactions


>You are a fucking pos bigot and if this were the 1950s you would be complaining about black people.

That's another thing about the framing of the "trans issue." The Harris campaign didn't really go out of its way for trans people, but one of the big "blue no matter who" talking points was that the dems were owed your vote for the sake of "vulnerable populations."

A lot of those non white "vulnerable population" or marginalized groups or whatever you want to call them are integral Dem constituencies. The Black caucus in South Carolina was integral to the DNC ratfucking Sanders in 2020 for example.

So the Dems want to abandon "cultural issues" that they believe make them unpopular to the petty booj Trump voter, but doing so means alienating large swathes of their voter base. So trans issues are used as the signifier for that "we want to move to the right" impetus without having to say "no more affirmative action" or "we're deporting your abuela."


>paper over corporate wrongdoing with a veneer of hollow protressivism
Since when does capitalism care about "wrongdoing"?

>protect the company from accusations of discrimination

Since when does capitalism care about discrimination?

>be a jobs program for pmc-aspirant minority grifters.

Since when does capitalism care about minorities?

"Wrongdoing", discrimination, minorities. These are things leftists care about.


They are things liberals care about. Leftists are interested in systemic change. Systemic change which can only be brought about with a united class war.


Does not mean what you think it means.
The members of a ruling class are a minority, serial killers are a minority, people who want ww3 are a minority.


>Does not mean what you think it means.
This is obviously shorthand for sexual, racial, gender minority where straight white male is the presumed majority.


>This is obviously
not to me
>shorthand for
what are we talking here ? chromosomes, or that other definition based on DNA-donor v DNA-recipient ?
races are a believe system that I'm gonna label "imaginary-biology". I do not share that believe system. Zero consideration is granted to "non-believers", so i'm gonna treat this as astrology except worse, because imaginary biology comes with the vestiges of a nasty cast-system.
Confusing topic. There are, lets call it "introspective genders", not measured objectively, but rather experienced and then declared. I don't know if there's something real beneath it or not. Scientifically, anecdotal evidence can hint at something real and measurable, but sometimes it's shared insanity. I'm still waiting for research but wonder if sufficient intellectual liberty still exists to enable unbiased findings to be published.
>where straight white male is the presumed majority.
It's so frustrating trying to find out what these labels actually refer to. The way i look at the world, there's no direct analog.

Compare that to the political labels from the period of the pyramid-scheme cascade-failure in the financial system a little over a decade ago. There was "the 1%" and "the 99%" Which also contrasted a minority with a majority. That was very easy to grasp.

BTW the color-coding is inconsistent, why are there no gray people ?


Greetings, citizens of the United States.
Now that "project 2025" is in full actuation i think it is time for you to learn about the new management class of the country: the oligarchs.

>Who are the oligarchs?

The term "oligarch" comes from the english term "oligarchy" wich derives from the greek words "Ολιγος" and "Αρχω" wich means "government of the few", they are the small and restricted group of people who rules the country and dictate the policy that the individuals in charge must follow instead of taking decisions themselves.

>What is the goal of the oligarchs?

It's very simple: more for me and our colleagues and less for everyone else, the class of the oligarchs wants to increase their wealth and power and help the others that are on the same boat as them, one hand washes another and if the entire upper class rows in the same direction then everyone gets to win, the peasants get to lose of course, but they'll get used to that.

>But how can they do that?

The oligarchs will hijack every single organ and institution of the country and eliminate the ones that can't be hijacked, they will then exploit their wealth, power and knowledge inside the States to influence or even derail the Country to their personal favour. In short, the main weapon of the oligarchs is corruption, abuse of office and traffic of influences; if it's still not clear enough about the power they wield here are a few example, the new management class can:

1.Appropriate public funds and use them for their personal use, no questions asked, it's their money now.

2.Put friends and relatives in positions of power to consolidate their rule.

3.Exploit the justice system to get rid of private competition (usually small businesses) and establish a monopoly

4.Need a real life example? In Hungary EU funds have been used to build a "school" that is identical to the structure of an expensive villa, the so called school has no students.

So the golden rule is that, as long as they have enough money and power, the oligarchs will be able to do everything they want, virtually everything will be possible for them as long as they will be able to pay the price.

>Hold on! Isn't that illegal?

Yes it is, however, law doesn't apply to oligarchs because they are above it.
Every single norm and statute is toilet paper to them, the constitution is worthless, they have absolute immunity for everything they do thanks to their money and their powerful friends, the laws only apply to those who are not in the big club.

>What can i do to stop this?

Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do, as i said in the previous paragraph the oligarchs are above the law and no prosecutor who is mentally sane will ever try to go against them: the entire justice system will be in their back pockets in a small amount of time.
Furthermore, you can't really hold them accountable because most of the time they don't hold any public office and if they do they'll just find a way to stay in power; all you can do is just live with it, you are no longer in charge as a citizen and a voter, every single attempt to stop the oligarchs will only get you ignored at best or at the worst the police will find some marijuana in your car and you will be going to jail for as much time a biased judge will see fit (some people even received life sentence for that).

Just let them do their thing, after all you collectively voted for this.


>you are no longer in charge as a citizen and a voter
>implying the US was ever a democracy


Pure idealism.


You really think that nothing is going to change? Boy you are in for a surprise, once the new cabinet is in power all of you are going to regret the old system, you are going to see so much corruption and abuse of power that Venezuela is going to be nothing in comparison.


There is no "old system". It's still capitalism, and the Democrats and Republicans both support the same things.


>You really think that nothing is going to change?
I'm wondering into speculation territory here so bear with me.

Given the fact that the outgoing administration is trying to start ww3 by attacking Russia, it would be a reasonable hypothesis that the incoming administration is genuinely interested in changing US foreign policy regarding Russia.

There is some further speculation whether the recently inflamed west-asia/middle-east conflicts will at least be reduced in intensity, because that too would fit this hypothetical foreign policy trend.

As far as changes beyond foreign policy are concerned, that's all proclamations so far, there's no "storm-signs" yet.


I can't wait, no literally i can't wait for all the systems of checks and balance to fall and the fascists to take all the power so that they can make the government a tool for oppression and annhilate all the rights of the workers.
The USA are in for a big lesson on authoritarianism.


Trump's FCC pick is a real piece of shit.


>Given the fact that the outgoing administration is trying to start ww3 by attacking Russia, it would be a reasonable hypothesis that the incoming administration is genuinely interested in changing US foreign policy regarding Russia.

>There is some further speculation whether the recently inflamed west-asia/middle-east conflicts will at least be reduced in intensity, because that too would fit this hypothetical foreign policy trend.

My impression atm is that supporters of the status quo are intensely concerned for what the Russians have been calling "collective Biden." Given his advanced age and declining faculties, I think it's a given at this point that Joe Biden at the very least isn't functioning in the full capacity as the nominal party head of the Democrats. Instead its his cabinet that is running things, both as individuals and as representatives of certain collectives of interest.

The big Democrat freakout in regards to project 2025 was that Trump was going to fire anyone and everyone in the federal bureaucracy that wasn't loyal enough or whatever and replace them with "loyalists" in order to make himself king or whatever.

Sifting through the hysteria and from what we saw with Trump's previous admin, I think there is anxiety within the "deep state", "blob", whatever you want to call it in regards to

1) ongoing domestic and foreign governmental policies, their maintenance, and fulfillment
2) the various posts and organs of the government responsible for the acts of carrying them out and the necessary institutional memory and expertise to do so
3) long term damage to the status quo any potential disruption threatens to bring

What we saw in Trump's first round as president was that there was a lot of institutional pushback to him personally as president but also his attempts at enacting some of his policies. The Pentagon for example actively worked against his orders to evacuate Syria and Afghanistan. I think also that many people forget that the US was teeing up war with Russia in 2016 that had to be put on the back burner for 4 years while Trump was in office. Reactions like Russiagate were an effort to keep the pilot lit in the mean time.

So you've got the contradictions between Trump and what he wants, which is sometimes opposed to the interests and projects of elements in the government like the Nuland/Kagan family, and I think the last 4 years have been the deep state trying to obviate the "Trump problem" of having an uncooperative executive, and so Trump will soon be in a position to retaliate in kind. The ultimate (own) goal right now is some sort of conflict with China that will ensure America's dominance into the 21st century, which I don't think Trump has much interest in at all.

So the interesting thing is going to be seeing how this plays out, what the policies and goals are of Trump's cabinet choices, and what long term effects they're going to have on the US, its government, and its policies.


>The big Democrat freakout in regards to project 2025 was that Trump was going to fire anyone and everyone in the federal bureaucracy
This is an oversimplification.
The policies which this is aiming towards are also dogshit. Underestimating them is probably not wise, it's basically PNAC for a new generation.

The idea that only the deep state has cause to be worried about Project 2025 is inaccurate, if you're implying that; the deep state, if anything, has cause to make it sound less bad than it actually is by whinging about "norms" being violated. It stands to be determined whether or not all of this is actually bad for the deep state ghouls; it looks like it might be, but imo there's a high probability that the "firing" part of Project 2025 just amounts to layoffs at some of the more benign federal employers and staffing of the more malign ones with Christian nationalists and actors even more loyal to Zionism than the current deep state is.

My view is that the perceived rift between the Trumpist types and the rest of the deep state is actually much smaller than it is presented to be.


>I think also that many people forget that the US was teeing up war with Russia in 2016 that had to be put on the back burner for 4 years while Trump was in office.
Yeah I remember the war-ghouls were spouting the slogan "the summer of action" in relation to Ukraine. What they meant with that became clear much later.


This author makes a lot of dogmatic assertions without arguments to justify them and I couldn't take her seriously after she brought up "misogyny".


Trump announces Massad Boulos as adviser on Arab and Middle Eastern affairs

US President-elect Donald Trump says Lebanese American businessman Massad Boulos will serve as a senior adviser.

During Trump’s election campaign, Boulos repeatedly met with Arab American and Muslim leaders.

Boulos is also the father-in-law of Trump’s daughter Tiffany.



Statement from Cornel West on the ceasefire


Does anyone still pay attention to this clown?


… It's a good statement. I watched it.

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