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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.481775[View All]

Who are you voting for, anon?

So far, the top candidates are:
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Independent)
Claudia De la Cruz (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
Joseph Kishore (Socialist Equality Party)
and now "Based Chase" Oliver (Libertarian)

and then there are some unserious candidates nobody likes.
82 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


"My generation could rightfully be called the 9/11 generation. As a teenager, I witnessed how that single day, and the actions of the government in the days after, forever altered our nation and our world. Wars abroad, privacy invaded at home, and a horrific day of terror being used as justification for our military-industrial complex and the actions of our intelligence agencies.

The lives of thousands were lost on that day, and millions more in the wars to come. Twenty-three years later, I am the first millennial candidate for president. I am the first who has lived their entire adult life in the post-9/11 world.

My generation may barely remember a time before the TSA, before warrantless wiretaps, before the wars and drones, a time when peace was the goal. Moving forward, we must recognize the failures and no longer be led by fear into the removal of liberty.

May we honor the memory of those who died on 9/11/2001, never forgetting them, and may God bless those who lost loved ones with peace until they reunite in the life everlasting."


A judge has just sided with the Democratic Party of Georgia to have Claudia and Karina removed from the ballot, but we are determined to keep up this fight!

GA keeps going back and forth, as Democrats push to take the PSL (and West) off the ballot even after they've been approved.


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Claudia De la Cruz somehow ratfucked off the ballot in Georgia after the ballots were already printed with her name on them.

"BREAKING — Georgia decides that it will not count the votes for socialist candidate Claudia De la Cruz

Democratic Party lawyers and the Republican-majority Supreme Court worked together to suppress democracy.

After our volunteers collected more than double the required signatures and the ballots have been printed, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled yesterday that our votes will not be officially counted.

This unjust ruling is a reminder of why it is so urgent to build an alternative outside the two-party system."


Very different country then. The split was already there. Douglas was basically saying "vote Lincoln" without actually saying it. The South didn't vote for either - they had their man and their mission.

This isn't that. This is a bunch of stupid horseshit to line up poor people to get killed.


I don't know, but democracy is something that people have to impose. Also the people who have been denied representation probably can argue that they no longer have to pay taxes now.


No democracy in history was never "imposed". It was always given, in some way, from the ruling power to a selected demos, often without asking the demos whether they actually wanted this or understood what the devil a "democracy" was. The democratic conditions were possible because there were men with something useful who could be requisitioned, whether this was armed men for conscription or the capital of a nascent class. But, no group chose, by some unknown force, to impose democracy for vague and unspecified reason. There was a purpose for all such projects that is understood to the initiates once it begins, and it then falls on them to continue this, as members of the democratic society fill offices and must perpetuate this. From the outset, there are those among the demos who are above the ordinary, and those men often were the ones who established the democracy for their own purposes, going so far as subjecting themselves to the same laws and customs applied to any other member. In practice, the superiors are not equally treated, and the relative influence and value of the members is never equal. The superiors are never fixed by any hereditary law, and so superiors can rise and fall, new men can rise from nothing in theory. Democratic societies do not value any conceit of a stable class hierarchy in that sense or a "ruling class", since in principle, the demos exists because the men are requisitioned for the same sort of functions, which are comparable to each other for political purposes. For example, fighting men need an economic life that allows them to afford the weapons they are expected to provision themselves, producers require security and the means to produce those things, and these two functions would have been understood to the other as necessary for the project to work, without any dickering over which was valued above the other or was placed in any natural hierarchy, where fighting men were naturally there to lord over producers, who were lorded over by priests. The tripartate ordering of society remained, and so religious offices and superstitions were always going to be at the apex of spiritual authority and held a regulatory check on the society, but distinct prescribed classes as such were wholly unnecessary and contrary. The democratic subjects really did not belong to any of the three orders of the tripartate division, but to something which was, for the tripartate order, beneath all. To the tripartate order, all who were not subsumed into its institutions were declared slaves, and democracy was declared a logical and natural impossibility. But, that order required men in some way, and none of the three orders in purified form provided anything. The demos itself, which properly belonged to the fourth order of the laborers, didn't actually hold anything either. It was the fifth and lowest orders - those who were consigned to suffer and be rejected - who had the real substance and did all of the actual toil and work. Labor was always a thief - perhaps a thief with pretensions that its theft was just and right, taking from the unworthy and giving to the righteous based on need rather than ability or utility. Usually the easiest way for the demos to find wealth was to take it back from the rich whose theft was more rank and obvious, having served no purpose and being the chief cause of social fbi.gov. The trick, in the end, was to turn all such pressure downward - to codify the ritual sacrifice that was at the core of the human race, and make it life's prime want.


I can see the rationale for voting for any candidate

Trump, if you are sick of retard feminists
Harris, if you are sick of pure, undiluted psychopathy
Stein if you want society and government to actually work for everyone
Chase if u want to do hard drugs in peace

But I still think Stein is the best choice unless Harris actually comes out with a decent platform


>I still think Stein is the best choice
Yeah if she or somebody like her gets into power, the world might actually improve somewhat.



Eugene, no offense, I'm very tired today and have shit to do. Maybe I'll read all that later.

Being way too generous wrt Harris. And Trump, too, tbh. They're both only appealing on the grounds of culture war brainrot, they represent essentially the same interests - the best argument for Trump is that he might scale
back US support for Ukraine, but there's no evidence in his track record to support the idea that he'll do that, so it comes off like Nixon promising to get out of Vietnam.
Harris seems, to me, a lot worse than liberals make her out to be. The fact that she is still currently Biden's VP is illustrative of that - she's willing to be second banana to, and run cover for, a president who struggles to stay coherent for 10 minutes. Putting political concerns ahead of concerns about this man's mental fitness and the message it sends to people around the world demonstrates a deep, aggressive level of incompetence comparable to Trump's.

Your analysis about Stein and Chase is fine, though. And De la Cruz is still on many ballots and represents a socialist choice. Stein and Chase are both opposed to US support for the genocide, and I'll vote for whichever of those two is doing better come November… although I'd prefer Stein, of the two.


Five days until the burgers have a meltdown, get ready to sip those tears.


A lawyer for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger told justices during arguments Tuesday that it was too late to change ballots, but if the court ruled against the candidates, Raffensperger’s office would place notices at polling places and within absentee ballot envelopes that votes for either candidate will not be counted. With this decision, Georgians will choose between Republican Donald Trump, Democrat Kamala Harris, Libertarian Chase Oliver and Green Party candidate Jill Stein on Nov. 5.

De la Cruz said her campaign is “weighing its future legal options” and called the arguments in favor of the decision “outlandish,” arguing that if independent candidates were to follow the rules as proscribed by the justices, they would have to collect more than 120,000 signatures to qualify for Georgia ballots, an overburdensome number.

“Democratic Party lawyers and the Republican-majority Supreme Court worked together to suppress democracy,” she said in a statement. “This unjust ruling is a reminder of why it is so urgent to build an alternative outside the two-party system. We have a socialist program that speaks to the needs of working people — clearly this is something that scares the Democrats and Republicans, and the Wall Street billionaires who control both parties. Regardless of this ruling, we will not stop organizing in this state and we will continue to spread our socialist message far and wide.”

In an email, a spokesman for West said the campaign continues to encourage supporters to vote for West.

The justices’ decision had to do with the meaning of the word “candidate” in part of state code.



Irish comedian Tadhg Hickey endorses Jill Stein.


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I hate corporate slogans.
They're not evolving, what they meant to say was adapting. Evolution happens inter-generational. In their analogy evolution would mean Lockheed Martin goes bankrupt and gets replaced by a new company that's better at making weapons.

I just noticed they think a year has 13 months ?


>I just noticed they think a year has 13 months ?
That was written last October. October 2023-November 2024 is 13 months.


Claudia De la Cruz speaking in NYC yesterday.


Does she talk about socialism at some point?


This was at an anti-genocide march.


Abandon Harris officially endorses Jill Stein.


You can't begin to talk about ending imperialism without talking about ending private property.


>muh 9/11
It's EVERY disaster. Covid was used to move Trillions into private hands. I'm sure the recent hurricanes will similarly exploited.


She's doing that like half the time already, I think people get the idea. Having every single speech and appeal be "here's my platform and I'll talk about no related issues in detail or appeal to anyone directly" would be autistic AF. Not everything is a lecture.

What logic are you even operating on here?
Is this just about him mentioning 9/11?
There's literally nothing wrong with, accurately, pointing out that 9/11 was used as a pretext to launch two wars, pass the Patriot Act, bring back torture, etc. You're not making a counter-point, and the point you appear to think you're making actually just undermines what you're trying to say. Look, read what you're suggesting:
>I'm sure hurricanes Helene & Milton will be blamed on two foreign countries which will then be opportunistically invaded.
Just take a glance at that.


My point is that capitalists will use every disaster for an upward transfer of wealth. If 911 didn't happen they would use something else, or simply false flag their way into more wars. There is a crisis of overproduction that is the root cause of these wars, calling yourself "le 911 generation" is retarded, even though yes I guess it was an excuse for a bunch of shit.


9/11 wasn't about convincing Americans to agree to anything. It was Israel's victory lap, where they knew they could make the Americans do anything and had a Vichy government installed. We don't have a country. We have a "Homeland".


>My point is that capitalists will use every disaster
Different anon here.

Yes there is shock-doctrine. A conscious effort that seeks to use or create crisis to attack the interests of the population. It's been somewhat effective, however it is not universal, it cannot exploit every crisis.

A example of it backfiring is the neocon attempt to hit Russia with a double whammy of a proxy-war plus a economic war. The Russian economy actually grew and they improved their diplomatic position in most of the world.

The counter-tendency begins in the peripheral regions, but it won't stay there.

If the neo-libs try to use the hurricane crisis against the affected population, by denying public aid and by canceling insurance that likely will have the effect of destroying trust in insurance. If people are abandoned, that will de-valuate a huge chunk of real-estate that is within climate-disaster territory, once people try to pre-emptively get out. And it also will change climate politics once people begin suffering consequences. When climate disasters begin having systemic effects it will cause a large increase in the demand for labor power.


Stein is actually the least liked candidate according to polling (ignoring the Libertarians, who somehow score worse).

If there was instant runoff or whatever Stein would not benefit from it. Most people don't like her. Could be because most never saw her in a debate scenario (and she is good at debating) and most Americans are dumb as a box of rocks about political policy


I'm voting Jill for the 3rd time. :)


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Reminder that "the average American appear to have
only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant
impact upon public policy"


Reminder that this study's data was from 1981 to 2002. This was well before the McCutcheon v FEC and Citizens United v FEC cases that blew open the floodgates for dark money in elections.

Reminder that for two thousand years after the death of Aristotle the word "democracy" was defined in opposition to elections, and that it was figures from the American and French revolutions that redefined the word to describe one of the historic rivals to democracies.


I love this lady's voice. It's like if Dakooters was a political wonk.


at 8PM


Only three podia? Is that deeply unserious court jester Cornel West gonna duck out of another debate?


And I see Mr. Abortion is back but Claudia De la Cruz is missing again.


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Seriously has Claudia De la Cruz been in any sort of debate all year? Has she been actively excluded from debate venues, or is she some kind of idiot with no interest in campaigning? Gloria La Riva had no problem debating back in 2020. I'm sure some PSL members are very cynical about elections, but campaigning is literally the whole point of running for an office you have no chance of winning.


Uh, Mongolian throat singing?


IIRC she was at the first Free & Equal debate this year.
But not this one.

>Has she been actively excluded from debate venues, or is she some kind of idiot with no interest in campaigning?

She literally has been campaigning extremely effectively. She has better ballot access than La Riva had in 2020 afaik, and the Dems had to use really dirty tricks to kick her off of the ballot in my state even after she got on. Even without the states she was kicked off of, her ballot access numbers are higher than in 2020.
I think she's a fine debater, but she just doesn't prioritize it. I don't blame her… I've got nothing against the Free & Equal debates, it's good that this exists, but it's also more-or-less a political ghetto with limited reach.


>she just doesn't prioritize it. I don't blame her
I'm afraid I have to. Out of all forms of campaigning, debates have by a wide margin the greatest impact in getting your message out there. In fact it's exactly why the Democrats and Republicans formed a private cartel to exclude all other candidates from presidential debates, they took the lesson to heart when Ross Perot shot up in popularity after a single debate in 1992. Ducking out of debates when you're not actually being barred from them is an incredibly stupid campaign move. I know more about this deranged Constitution Party candidate's politics than I do De la Cruz's simply because he's been in every one of these debates.


I'm so glad that for once Jill Stein didn't respond to that question about two-party domination by shilling for Instant Runoff Voting. Maybe someone's finally gotten some more info to her and she's becoming more tepid about that particular trash-tier alternative voting method.


>I'm afraid I have to. Out of all forms of campaigning, debates have by a wide margin the greatest impact in getting your message out there.
And yet she has more ballot access than La Riva. The PSL's tactic of being at the forefront of the anti-genocide protest movement has worked incredibly well. FWIW, it's also been a successful tactic for the Greens this year, but they had a larger base to draw from to begin with. They've also been expanding community outreach as well:

>In fact it's exactly why the Democrats and Republicans formed a private cartel to exclude all other candidates from presidential debates, they took the lesson to heart when Ross Perot shot up in popularity after a single debate in 1992.

Yeah, but the thing is they largely succeeded, and I alluded to that in the post you're replying to. More folks should watch Free & Equal, sure, but as is the typical viewers are freaks who are super interested in politics. If it had the viewership of the MSM debates, I'd agree with you, but right now it doesn't. More people tuned in to the kooky clown debates about Haitians eating dogs and the importance of Israeli expansion than saw this.

>I know more about this deranged Constitution Party candidate's politics than I do De la Cruz's simply because he's been in every one of these debates.

And yet Randall has ballot access in 12 states whereas De la Cruz has ballot access in 19. The actual ground game of the PSL might be the most impressive of any party right now in terms of how much they accomplish vs. how much they start with.


Instant runoff sucks, you forfeit all you votes


Just watch a video her. Cruz is a no-energy airhead spic who never has anything interesting to say and just says buzzwords.


You've investigated all the electoral schemes ?

Is there any that is actually better than sortition , meaning democracy by lot.

Which is basically using statistically representative sampling like what is used for scientific research. If you pick a large enough randomized sample from a group you have a high statistical likelihood that it is very representative of that group. In scientific research this is being used because it is very effective at preventing bias.


Of course not, but it's a silly comparison because sortition is democratic whereas elections are oligarchic. As far as the best social choice methods go (whether electing people in an oligarchy or making popular choices in a democracy), rating-based voting methods such as approval voting, score voting, and STAR voting are at the top of the pack. It's the same reason that anytime you fill out a psychological survey it asks you to rate how you feel about something on some kind of scale, rather than some contrived preference ranking. Ratings provide information that is more expressive, less biased, and in the case of decision-making less tactical.


Lmao no she's not. I've seen her speak in person multiple times, including this instance: >>482520


She has energy there but still a bunch of buzzwords you could pay any airheaded spic to say


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I reposted this from lemmygrad


is this real?

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