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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Who are you voting for, anon?

So far, the top candidates are:
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Independent)
Claudia De la Cruz (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
Joseph Kishore (Socialist Equality Party)
and now "Based Chase" Oliver (Libertarian)

and then there are some unserious candidates nobody likes.


If you give anything to this farce you're making it worse. Only path is for the myth of liberal democracy to be abandoned en masse, with visible disgust among all for what was done to us.


They're going to appoint whomever they want anyway, and made that clear since 2000.




It's still worth participating in bourgeois election in order to get more awareness for better politics


Jill Stein is the obvious choice. Has the broadest ballot access and is in the most general non-sectarian anti-capitalist party.

>unserious candidates nobody likes

So Cornel West. I have to say the thing I have enjoyed most out of this year's political theater is the complete discrediting of this court jester. It's been a long time coming and Adolph Reed's critique of him still rings true.


itt: leftists complain on the internet while doing absolutely nothing active at all.

Thread #2374646699177500000


itt: rightists projecting their own complacency onto leftists only to accuse them of ruining things for choosing to participate in the system.
post number four seven-tenths multiplied by ten to the twelfth power


None unless we have an actual party for working people.


I'm not going to vote for any of the candidates because I am not an American.


You get your ass over here and apply for citizenship.


Send me the $10k to pay off the cartel and I'll be over that border within a week


I like Cornel West. I don't follow the diss tracks + don't really care about those. Stein's good, too!


It is far, far too late for that. How well did that work with Bernie? It made the left stupider and self-own, which was the point of the herding operation.

You would put up a party as a matter of procedure, but you aren't going to win a single thing ever or come anywhere close. By now nothing can get through the millions of filters and all of the things politicians do to not be destroyed.

Even the smallest offices are now wholly unusable for any good purpose - but then, that's been the point all along. You're not there to tell people nice things if you're a politician. You're there to play ball and you'd be a fool if you thought it was about anything different. If you think this is about optics or "teaching the controversy" you're part of the problem at a basic level. Again, sure you would put up a party to look like you're an actual organization with a popular base, back when that mattered. It hasn't mattered for nearly 25 years now, and not in a highly abstract way. It hasn't mattered in a very basic way that nearly everyone in the country senses. The two parties are racing to destroy even the pretense that they need public support, both called for the end of the facade in 2020 (because it had effectively been destroyed). If you want to chase after votes in an obviously rigged election and think you can rejig your message for next time, I don't know what to tell you.

Only thing you can do when the process is this farcical is make clear the obvious deformities of the process, that the ruling elite won't let this end without a war, and that we're being lined up for more bullshit to get poor people killed. Pretending those aren't the stakes is a waste of time.

That said, I don't fault anyone for forming a party to try, but every leftist candidate will tell you in no uncertain terms that the process is not salvageable. They're not that stupid, even the nutters who make running for President as perennial candidates their hobby horse.


Also I think the Solidarity Party (pro-life Christian democrats) are going harder on the "sell off the country to China" angle than ever, because that's about to happen. Yeeeeeeehaw, American politics!

Anyway, it is interesting to read the tea leaves to see what the assholes are trying to pull this time, but you're not actually voting for something real. You're not even voting for dog catcher at this point.


>Also I think the Solidarity Party


Nevada Democrats sue secretary of state and Green Party to block Jill Stein from ballot

The Democratic Party is escalating its attacks on third-party candidates in an effort to block any challenge to the two-party monopoly. On June 11, the campaign of Green Party candidate for US president, Dr. Jill Stein, reported that the Nevada State Democratic Party has sued the Nevada secretary of state and the Nevada Green Party, in an autocratic bid to keep Stein off the ballot.

Absolutely shameful.


If you vote for any of the US presidential candidates, you should kill yourself


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I'll voting for a socialist.


This is by far the biggest endorsement for Jill Stein and the US greens yet. Hope they can capitalize on it, there is a lot of potential to use this to get catapulted into public consciousness.

You are doing this wrong. You are appealing to the wrong sentiment. People won't vote for Stein to gain your approval. The US Greens could gain a lot of new voters that are motivated to vote for her specifically because they are trying to take away the choice to vote for her.
You have to appeal to
<fuck you, don't tell me what I can't do.
You have to frame it as
<they are attacking your freedom to choose


Every two years the Democrats do this bullshit. They've been filing frivolous lawsuits to waste the Greens' time and resources, challenging every single signature in ballot access initiatives, ever since Nader ran in 2000.


>You are doing this wrong. You are appealing to the wrong sentiment. People won't vote for Stein to gain your approval. The US Greens could gain a lot of new voters that are motivated to vote for her specifically because they are trying to take away the choice to vote for her.
Reading comprehension?? Are you an LLM? Stein is a US presidential candidate, so why would I imply I want people to vote for that wrinkly bitch by saying:
>If you vote for any of the US presidential candidates, you should kill yourself


>frivolous lawsuits to waste the Greens' time and resources
How come the judicial system plays along with that ? Don't they get annoyed because it wastes their time as well ?
>Reading comprehension??
I assumed you made a typo and meant to say
<If you vote for any of the other US presidential candidates …
as a display of solidarity with the Greens.
>Are you an LLM?
Why would i be a lunar landing module ? Sorry couldn't resist, btw I'm not a bot
>that wrinkly bitch
Well at least she doesn't have early stage dementia.




#Latest @TheEconomist

Chance of winning:
Trump 72%
Biden 28%
Electoral votes:
Trump 306
Biden 232


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Dems for Congress and whoever the Dem ticket is for president



FYI despite the platform and the national association with socialist parties, many if not most locals don't give a shit about much beyond envirnmentalism.

I don't have an issue with people voting Stein, but the idea the Green Party is some left-wing party at the local level is a mistake. There's been plenty of Green mayors and they do nothing unusual.



They only give a shit if their job is at risk. Democrats are pretty selfish assholes who only wake up if their livelihood is on the line.

If they cared so much about this election they wouldn't have gone out in hoards to nominate an 81 year old as the "savior of democracy"


It really depends on where you live. There's still a split between socialists (roughly two thirds) and liberals (roughly one third) in the Greens, and it's very distributed regionally. In places where the battles for ballot access are the hardest like Georgia you'll find some of the most radical anti-capitalist Greens.


Wasting your vote.


Think it'd be fun to see Trump in jail, that's pretty much the only reason.

Also, the supreme court

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