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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.481775[Last 50 Posts]

Who are you voting for, anon?

So far, the top candidates are:
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Independent)
Claudia De la Cruz (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
Joseph Kishore (Socialist Equality Party)
and now "Based Chase" Oliver (Libertarian)

and then there are some unserious candidates nobody likes.


If you give anything to this farce you're making it worse. Only path is for the myth of liberal democracy to be abandoned en masse, with visible disgust among all for what was done to us.


They're going to appoint whomever they want anyway, and made that clear since 2000.




It's still worth participating in bourgeois election in order to get more awareness for better politics


Jill Stein is the obvious choice. Has the broadest ballot access and is in the most general non-sectarian anti-capitalist party.

>unserious candidates nobody likes

So Cornel West. I have to say the thing I have enjoyed most out of this year's political theater is the complete discrediting of this court jester. It's been a long time coming and Adolph Reed's critique of him still rings true.


itt: leftists complain on the internet while doing absolutely nothing active at all.

Thread #2374646699177500000


itt: rightists projecting their own complacency onto leftists only to accuse them of ruining things for choosing to participate in the system.
post number four seven-tenths multiplied by ten to the twelfth power


None unless we have an actual party for working people.


I'm not going to vote for any of the candidates because I am not an American.


You get your ass over here and apply for citizenship.


Send me the $10k to pay off the cartel and I'll be over that border within a week


I like Cornel West. I don't follow the diss tracks + don't really care about those. Stein's good, too!


It is far, far too late for that. How well did that work with Bernie? It made the left stupider and self-own, which was the point of the herding operation.

You would put up a party as a matter of procedure, but you aren't going to win a single thing ever or come anywhere close. By now nothing can get through the millions of filters and all of the things politicians do to not be destroyed.

Even the smallest offices are now wholly unusable for any good purpose - but then, that's been the point all along. You're not there to tell people nice things if you're a politician. You're there to play ball and you'd be a fool if you thought it was about anything different. If you think this is about optics or "teaching the controversy" you're part of the problem at a basic level. Again, sure you would put up a party to look like you're an actual organization with a popular base, back when that mattered. It hasn't mattered for nearly 25 years now, and not in a highly abstract way. It hasn't mattered in a very basic way that nearly everyone in the country senses. The two parties are racing to destroy even the pretense that they need public support, both called for the end of the facade in 2020 (because it had effectively been destroyed). If you want to chase after votes in an obviously rigged election and think you can rejig your message for next time, I don't know what to tell you.

Only thing you can do when the process is this farcical is make clear the obvious deformities of the process, that the ruling elite won't let this end without a war, and that we're being lined up for more bullshit to get poor people killed. Pretending those aren't the stakes is a waste of time.

That said, I don't fault anyone for forming a party to try, but every leftist candidate will tell you in no uncertain terms that the process is not salvageable. They're not that stupid, even the nutters who make running for President as perennial candidates their hobby horse.


Also I think the Solidarity Party (pro-life Christian democrats) are going harder on the "sell off the country to China" angle than ever, because that's about to happen. Yeeeeeeehaw, American politics!

Anyway, it is interesting to read the tea leaves to see what the assholes are trying to pull this time, but you're not actually voting for something real. You're not even voting for dog catcher at this point.


>Also I think the Solidarity Party


Nevada Democrats sue secretary of state and Green Party to block Jill Stein from ballot

The Democratic Party is escalating its attacks on third-party candidates in an effort to block any challenge to the two-party monopoly. On June 11, the campaign of Green Party candidate for US president, Dr. Jill Stein, reported that the Nevada State Democratic Party has sued the Nevada secretary of state and the Nevada Green Party, in an autocratic bid to keep Stein off the ballot.

Absolutely shameful.


If you vote for any of the US presidential candidates, you should kill yourself


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I'll voting for a socialist.


This is by far the biggest endorsement for Jill Stein and the US greens yet. Hope they can capitalize on it, there is a lot of potential to use this to get catapulted into public consciousness.

You are doing this wrong. You are appealing to the wrong sentiment. People won't vote for Stein to gain your approval. The US Greens could gain a lot of new voters that are motivated to vote for her specifically because they are trying to take away the choice to vote for her.
You have to appeal to
<fuck you, don't tell me what I can't do.
You have to frame it as
<they are attacking your freedom to choose


Every two years the Democrats do this bullshit. They've been filing frivolous lawsuits to waste the Greens' time and resources, challenging every single signature in ballot access initiatives, ever since Nader ran in 2000.


>You are doing this wrong. You are appealing to the wrong sentiment. People won't vote for Stein to gain your approval. The US Greens could gain a lot of new voters that are motivated to vote for her specifically because they are trying to take away the choice to vote for her.
Reading comprehension?? Are you an LLM? Stein is a US presidential candidate, so why would I imply I want people to vote for that wrinkly bitch by saying:
>If you vote for any of the US presidential candidates, you should kill yourself


>frivolous lawsuits to waste the Greens' time and resources
How come the judicial system plays along with that ? Don't they get annoyed because it wastes their time as well ?
>Reading comprehension??
I assumed you made a typo and meant to say
<If you vote for any of the other US presidential candidates …
as a display of solidarity with the Greens.
>Are you an LLM?
Why would i be a lunar landing module ? Sorry couldn't resist, btw I'm not a bot
>that wrinkly bitch
Well at least she doesn't have early stage dementia.




#Latest @TheEconomist

Chance of winning:
Trump 72%
Biden 28%
Electoral votes:
Trump 306
Biden 232


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Dems for Congress and whoever the Dem ticket is for president



FYI despite the platform and the national association with socialist parties, many if not most locals don't give a shit about much beyond envirnmentalism.

I don't have an issue with people voting Stein, but the idea the Green Party is some left-wing party at the local level is a mistake. There's been plenty of Green mayors and they do nothing unusual.



They only give a shit if their job is at risk. Democrats are pretty selfish assholes who only wake up if their livelihood is on the line.

If they cared so much about this election they wouldn't have gone out in hoards to nominate an 81 year old as the "savior of democracy"


It really depends on where you live. There's still a split between socialists (roughly two thirds) and liberals (roughly one third) in the Greens, and it's very distributed regionally. In places where the battles for ballot access are the hardest like Georgia you'll find some of the most radical anti-capitalist Greens.


Wasting your vote.


Think it'd be fun to see Trump in jail, that's pretty much the only reason.

Also, the supreme court


I'm following the demcent line of my party

The United States is not a fascist country
Xenophobia: a 21st century vector for fascism

Never forget the police terror of the Trump years
The many vs. the money: Working class brings the heat to Bowman campaign


Can your "party" really even be considered a party when they never even field candidates? It's hard to say CPUSA is really any better than DSA when they instruct people to vote Democrat every election.



In order to advance socialism, we must advance democracy and democratic reforms.

If some find me too “liberal” let us consult our wise teacher, the venerable Vladimir Lenin. From his 1905 treatise Two Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution, chapter II; What Can We Learn From the Resolution of the Third Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. on a Provisional Revolutionary Government?

“In answer to the anarchist objections that we are putting off the socialist revolution, we say: we are not putting it off, but we are taking the first step towards it in the only possible way, along the only correct road, namely, the road of a democratic republic. Whoever wants to reach Socialism by a different road, other than that of political democracy, will inevitably arrive at conclusions that are absurd and reactionary both in the economic and the political sense. If any workers ask us at the given moment why we should not go ahead and carry out our maximum program, we shall answer by pointing out how far the masses of the democratically-minded people still are from Socialism, how undeveloped class antagonisms still are, how unorganized the proletarians still are. Organize hundreds of thousands of workers all over Russia; enlist the sympathy of millions for our program! Try to do this without confining yourselves to high-sounding but hollow anarchist phrases—and you will see at once that in order to achieve this organization, in order to spread this socialist enlightenment, we must achieve the fullest possible measure of democratic reforms.”

I have discovered that Lenin becomes more relevant every year, not less, to the current conditions of the United States. Lenin said socialism is about people’s power. How can you have a working class state, where the workers are in charge, without the workers being properly organized, politically, economically, and socially, to even reach a point where that is possible or gaining the knowledge of their own true power and the experience of making their own decisions? A worker cannot run the state if they do not even understand or participate in basic democratic elections and civic affairs. Ultra leftists have attempted to turn Lenin into a mascot of their immature fanaticism while ignoring the brilliant Marxist and enlightened small-d democrat he actually was. This is something we must correct. Only by defeating fascism and preserving our democratic republic will we press ahead on the road to socialism. It is our party’s detractors who do the most harm to advancing communism, by allowing liberals to lead political struggles, rather than communists. If you cannot organize voter turnouts, then forget about your revolution.

Ironically, our enemies see this clearly. “Famous Chinese leaders like Mao Zedong and Mikhail Gorbachev loved democracy because democracy is a step toward socialism, which is a step towards communism,” said Loren Culp, failed GOP candidate for governor of Washington state. At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC),during a panel moderated by Steve Bannon, fascist Jack Posobiec told a crowd “Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on Jan 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it’.” And let us not forget that GOP congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene swore at a 2022 event hosted by the NY Young Republicans, that if she had organized the Jan 6th coup, along with Steven Bannon, that the insurrection would have won and would have been “armed.” At this same event, the President of the NY Young Republican Club, Political operative Gavin Wax, told the crowd, that “we want total war.” Echoing the language of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Gobbels, who asked assembled Nazis in 1943, as the tide of war turned against Germany, if they desired totalen krieg, total war. Wax said “We must be prepared to do battle in every arena.” “In the media, in the courtroom, at the ballot box. And in the streets.”. As communists, we must be prepared to answer in kind, on each and every front.


Nah, not buyin it. CPUSA is a clown organization that's controlled opposition at this point. I guess that's what happens when a full third of your membership is FBI informants at some point.


My patience has entirely run out for orgs that bitch about fascism from the Republican camp but have nothing at all to say about the fascism coming out of the Democrats.



President Biden, has rightfully earned the epithet Genocide Joe, for his appalling and indefensible support for Israel’s ongoing military campaign. He cannot be entrusted to defeat the fascist danger on his own, because he himself aids in the erosion of U.S. democracy too, by bypassing congress for weapon sales to Israel and authorizing airstrikes in Yemen. Congress has shown an inability or an unwillingness to legislate while we have seen an increased use of executive orders to circumvent our dysfunctional and gridlocked political system. The trend of centralized decision making around one man, as the answer to a country’s domestic problems, characterizes a world wide political phenomenon. Biden’s democracy vs autocracy thesis holds more weight than he may realize, yet he himself also contributes to the problem.

In order to successfully defeat Trump, and protect democracy, we must mobilize, organize, and rally the great masses of the working class majority in this country, which the Democratic Party often fails to do themselves. After all, the 2020 Democratic victory in Georgia, was accredited to non-partisan grassroots community organizers, instead of the Democratic National Committee political machine. Our Co-Chair Joe Sims said that “defeating Biden’s support for the Israeli government’s genocide in Gaza is the path to defeating fascism in November.” The massive show of force in the key swing state of Michigan, where over 101,000 people voted ‘uncommitted’ rather than for Joe Biden in the Democratic primary, shows how high the stakes are for the fight for a ceasefire. Make no mistake, the fate of Palestine and U.S. democracy are now intertwined. Failure to reach a ceasefire could very well mean a defeat for Biden in Michigan and even in the entire general election. While Biden will have no one to blame but himself for his defeat, the results would be catastrophic. Ironically, Biden’s love for Israel might end up with the U.S. becoming a Janus-faced Israel; a fascist country led by a corrupt authoritarian, at the helm of a far right wing party, in command of a cruel and hateful security apparatus. We must do everything in our power to ensure this does not happen.


>we have to save the Democrats from themselves
Yup, fake party. Rather join Avakian's cult than this pathetic bitch org.




God, I agree with the thesis that this shit is dire, but organizing around Biden is a total fucking waste if that's what they're arguing for. Correct me if I'm wrong, 'cuz I've only read what you posted and haven't read the full article, I'm more-or-less assuming based on users' responses to it, here, which can sometimes be misleading.


Third party debate tonight:

Unfortunately the wannabe abolitionist and the not-so-independent turbozionist decided they didn't need to defend their positions or ideas. Further confirming to me that Cornel West is a completely unserious candidate while Kennedy is just a donor whore. Not too sure why Claudia De la Cruz didn't show up.


>Green Party, Libertarians and Constitution Party are the only ones attending
Well at least they have a wide spectrum of ideas. Should be interesting.


Was the Constitution Party always just the Abortion Party? There's a Constitution Party in my state but I don't remember them being this obsessed with this single issue.


Just an FYI as someone who worked with Greens on the ground, they are not a "left wing party". They have a habit of running left-wing presidential candidates, partly becuase they are the only party with national coverage willing to let left-wingers run a ticket. But the "left-wingedness" of the Greens is driven by social media. At the local level, Greens are mostly just Republicans and Democrats with solar panels. They've also held multiple mayoral positions and don't appear to be transformational at the national level.

There isn't any left-wing party in the United States. Even less reason to form one nowadays that a right-wing president would be emboledned by SCOTUS to just say "nah I don't think I'll let you", if a lefty actually won a super important election here.


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Just an FYI from someone else who has worked with Greens on the ground, it entirely depends on where you live how actually left-wing they are. The Greens in my area are all socialists.


None of these labels mean anything if they don't actually do anything transformational when they get power, and they've had plenty of mayoral positions.

My suspicion is the "watermelon" greens are a temporary aberration. The local in my area was led by a nominal socialist for a year or two until he got bored and it went back to the same people who started the party in the 90s, who are NOT the kinds of people in your video.


>My suspicion is the "watermelon" greens are a temporary aberration.
The socialist-liberal split has been around since the founding of the Greens as a national party in the '80s actually.


That was what the Greens always were constitutionally, what the Green movement globally meant - a "left-right alliance". Nader was that and didn't present as a "leftist", but was tarred as such because it was a term of abuse to hurl during the period where the conservatives were maniacal.


They are a Christian Party - as in, Christian Supremacists. They run on abortion because that tugs at the strings of those who are very, very devoted to the issue to the point of obsession, as a lead in to what they really offer, and because with Roe gone, the hardliners on abortion are wondering why there's no ban on abortion with any teeth that really speaks of why it continues. Their solution - which was inherent to the party's purpose - was that Christianity needs a greater role in civic life. They have to deny that they're the "Christian Nationalist Party" for a variety of reasons, but that's really what they're for. The Constitution is in so many ways a dead letter. The Bill of Rights have all been abrogated, as have many of the amendments. The functions of basic government have eroded by the wishes of the prevailing participants, and if you actually looked at the thing, it is not something you could bring back in the form that is invoked, nor was that the intent. Funny thing about the Constitution is that the framers believed - all of them believed, though they disagreed on how it would happen - that the document would be revised in total periodically, and that such an assembly could occur without devolving into mayhem, because it would be stupid to think the law is static from an imagined starting point. The starting point of the Constitution was that it was rammed down the country's throats and a lot of the men passing it hated the thing and knew it was a bad deal. But, it was there, and the alternatives to reform it were "slavery" or "rejoin the British Empire". Both of these were stoked by the same forces, which eventually got what they wanted and began the long process of dismantling the country outright.


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Lol cucksevatives love projecting their "bigness".

I think Vance would have been the sign that this ticket is doomed, if not for the careful theater. I think though the next play is to just end the country. If the Democrats wanted to keep it going, they would have signaled that they have a replacement for Biden or at least disseminated the alternative in private, rather than talk about the same political heads like Kamala that no one wants.


My guess is, if anyone from Team Democrat is interested in challenging Trump, it will be announced by making clear that the republic really is dead, and the objective will be to create a new thing, except without the faggotry we see on display from Trump and company.


Why did my post about state-assigned girlfriends get removed? .net is showing they are no different than redlib Ogre..


I'm looking into it. Was it a post or thread?


org has threads about state assigned gfs all the time that dont get deleted.
Its the threads about other things that are


Iirc De la Cruz was at some previous iterations. I think those were the debates for the primaries or something?
I forget if West has attended any.

I honestly don't care about "left vs. right." Tbh my personal ideal would be that the Greens, Libertarians, West, PSL, etc. just join forces for one election to fix our foreign policy and then work out the kinks afterwards. It's unlikely to happen, but it would probably be the best electoral outcome. We're headed into an era of empire desperately trying to protect itself from collapse with increasingly brutal repression, and also an era of an overstretched empire at a vulnerable point where it can be hijacked by Odoacer types. What I'd like is to alter the course, and I don't care if others who disagree with me on a lot of things are involved in that - I find right-libertarian economics very dumb, but I'd still love to have them on board for a coalition if it meant the country that I live in doesn't get trampled by the Iron Heel or instigate WWIII.


>and now "Based Chase" Oliver (Libertarian)
The entire libertarian party needs to be thrown out of a helicopter at this point.


Why? I heard Libertarianism is close to communism in certain ways


The original libertarianism was just another word for anarchism when France banned anarchists. In Clown World USA "libertarianism" means you basically just want to turn every capitalist into a feudal lord.




>endorses Kamala Harris


It's his final "fuck you" to the democrat establishment. Leaving them with the inept diversity-hire candidate nobody wanted.


I think even senile Biden has more of a chance than that cop.


Expected from him. That was always the deal - Kamala was the threat of what would happen if he were pushed aside. His word doesn't count for anything at this point, anyway.

I suppose we will see in a few weeks what it will be for real, now that events are in motion.


My thoughts:
1. He needs to get the fuck out of the presidency already. He's not right in the head. Whether or not she ends up being the DNC nominee, Harris, purely for successional reasons, should be president right now.
2. She has a better chance than he does - Biden 2024 would absolutely have been doomed. I think Harris 2024 probably still is, but it's a somewhat more subtle kind of doomed. Harris has the stink of the Biden administration on her - she's not senile, sure, but she's among the DNC sycophants who covered up the president's mental state and supported the genocidal party line. She has one definitive advantage over Biden, and that's the 'not senile' part.
3. My previous belief was that the Dems are trying to lose on purpose. I still believe it, but I think it's possible that they're just trying to be less obvious about it now. The same interests still largely control both the DNC and GOP. If Biden had stayed in to election day, it would have been an absolutely certain no doubt loss for the Dems without any risk of victory. Maybe they figured they can still lose with Kamala. If Biden stays in the presidency 'til November and Harris doesn't change course hard to reject Biden's foreign policy, then she'll have a higher risk of not being able to escape association with Biden's worst policies.


Oh, they're giving up the election outright. Democrats could win this with literally anything simply by offering something anyone would want to vote for instead of going out of their way to be as disgusting as possible, but the script didn't call for that. So, nothing they choose would be about "winning" at this point. This is about getting the country ready for what comes next.

This was going to happen, and it happened around the time it would - with Donald Trump confirmed as the Republican nominee and no primary on the Democrat side. It was a question of how they'd go about doing it, but they were never going to run Biden 2024 with what had built up, and this was likely agreed to when Biden won in 2020. It was necessary to abrogate the primary process and ram something the people really don't want down their throats.
Had Biden been able to stand up and withstand what was coming for him, they probably play out the script with him, but no one survives that. Guy was a sitting duck for attacks from all angles, and no one really liked him.

I still don't know who they will pick for certain, but I'm guessing Harris is agreeable enough and would stay the course we're on most effectively. Since she's not there to win, they aren't thinking about whether she'd be a good President. She does, believe it or not, have a base that's into her and what she brings to the wrestling ring. She's also a complete trainwreck of a person, but that's part of the "game", I imagine.

I can tell you right now - the people who still vote already know what they're voting for, and there isn't any wiggle room to change their minds. This is all about getting through as much pain as they can during the succession. The only thing that would really change the outcome of the election would be someone coming up who states bluntly the country is about to end, and it is better to end it in a way that favors certain interests rather than let the Trump plan go ahead. We all know what that becomes.


My guess though is that they're testing how well they can do away with the idea of laws and elections altogether. They're not interested in pretending they have public support, because people get ideas that they can appeal anything done to them after all these years.


>My guess though is that they're testing how well they can do away with the idea of laws and elections altogether.
No way, sham elections are the most effective way for them to hold onto power. Going full mask off would only hurt them.


Sham elections require the ruling power to keep raising the stakes, or else no one has any reason to believe this is real. If the elections are purely for form, why spend the money on them? They don't convince anyone of anything, and it's harder to stay in power while maintaining this much of a facade with all of the interests to pay off.

What is paid now for the show is exorbitant - not that they are lacking for money, but among the things paid out are the dribble-down effect to placate the army of influencers, to feed the fags.

They do not need elections to convince people to let them rule. That was locked in a long time ago. They use elections to break people psychologically into accepting any depravity, to say "this is what you are".

There's no more need to break the slaves in. You had the dominant factions of the country calling for cancellation of the elections. The only people who don't want it to change are the people who are cast out, who know that once the mask drops, they're dead and they won't have allies. This is what has been built up since the 1990s. You assholes selling these myths made it worse for all of us, but fags will always be fags.


>It's his final "fuck you"
Some people are worried that he might do something rash in his remaining time in office.


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He should show us the aliens


Jill Stein nominates Butch Ware as VP
I’m honored and thrilled to welcome Butch Ware as my running mate and the Vice President we need at this moment in history. His personal experience overcoming systemic injustice, his deep knowledge of history and people’s movements, and his commitment to building a sustainable, just, peaceful world make Butch the ideal candidate.

This is truly a historic ticket bringing together a Jewish woman and Black Muslim man against genocide, endless war, climate collapse, and rampant injustice, and for an economy that works for working people, a livable future for our children, and an America and a world that works for all of us.


Their positioning them selves pretty well in the political meta of embodying peace.


The independent presidential candidate is currently on the ballot in 16 states—including the critical swing states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia. Last week, West was thrown off the ballot in the key swing state of Michigan after the Democratic Party successfully got him disqualified over West’s campaign’s alleged failure to properly notarize election forms.

West’s campaign will challenge the Michigan disqualification in court on Friday, August 22nd.

The Democratic Party pressure campaign to get West to bow out of the race comes amidst reports that RFK Jr. will end his presidential campaign by the end of this week. RFK Jr’s vice presidential running mate, Nicole Shanahan, suggested in a recent interview that if RFK Jr. dropped out, he would throw his support being Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Very ""democratic…""


Dems are trying really hard to destroy democracy.


ATLANTA – A judge ruled Monday that four independent and third-party candidates are ineligible to appear on Georgia's presidential ballot, although the final decision will be up to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

The rulings by Michael Malihi, an administrative law judge, would block the qualifications of independents Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, as well as the Green Party's Jill Stein and the Party for Socialism and Liberation's Claudia De la Cruz.

Kennedy on Friday had said he would seek to withdraw his name in Georgia and some other closely contested states as he endorsed Republican Donald Trump.

Democrats legally challenged whether all four qualify for the ballot, seeking to block candidates who could siphon votes from Democratic nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris after Joe Biden won Georgia by fewer than 12,000 votes in 2020.

Raffensperger must make a decision before Georgia mails out military and overseas ballots starting Sept. 17. Spokesperson Mike Hassinger said Raffensperger's office is reviewing the decisions and will decide each as soon as possible.

If affirmed by Raffensperger, the rulings mean that Georgia voters will choose only among Harris, Trump and Libertarian Chase Oliver in the presidential race.

Georgia is one of several states where Democrats and allied groups have filed challenges to third-party and independent candidates. Republicans in Georgia intervened, seeking to keep all the candidates on the ballot.

In the Kennedy, West and De la Cruz cases, Malihi agreed with arguments made by the state Democratic Party that petitions for independent candidates must be filed in the name of the 16 presidential electors, and not the candidates themselves, citing a change made to Georgia law in 2017.

“In Georgia, independent candidates do not themselves qualify for the office of president and vice president of the United States of America for the ballot,” Malihi wrote. “Rather, individuals seeking the office of presidential elector qualify for the ballot to have their candidate for president or vice president placed on the ballot.”

Lawyers for Kennedy, West and De la Cruz had all argued that was the wrong interpretation of the law, in part because Raffensperger's office had accepted the petition without protest. Counties later concluded that Kennedy, West and De law Cruz had each collected the required 7,500 signatures to qualify. The campaigns say it would be unduly burdensome to collect 7,500 signatures on 16 different petitions, for a total of 120,000 signatures.

Malihi also ruled in a separate challenge backed by Clear Choice Action, a Democratic-aligned political action committee, that Kennedy must be disqualified because the New York address he used on Georgia ballot access petitions is a “sham.” The Georgia decision is based on a decision by a New York court earlier this month finding Kennedy doesn’t live at the address he has listed in the New York City suburbs.

“The facts presented to the court concerning the respondent's domicile overwhelmingly indicate that the Katonah address is not, and never was, the respondent's bona fide residence.”

The Green Party has hoped to use a new Georgia law awarding a ballot place to candidates of a party that qualifies in at least 20 other states to put Jill Stein's name before Georgia voters. But Malihi ruled it was impossible for the party to prove it has qualified in at least 20 other states before Georgia's deadline to print ballots, saying the party doesn't qualify.

Supporters of the other candidates have accused the Democrats of undermining voter choice with technical arguments.


what a farce, Aristotle was right, democracy means rule by the poor, otherwise it's just plutocracy.


>Harris pledges to appoint a Republican to her Cabinet if elected


didnt Abraham Lincoln do this?


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How it's going:


Protests live now outside the "debate" in Philadelphia.


"My generation could rightfully be called the 9/11 generation. As a teenager, I witnessed how that single day, and the actions of the government in the days after, forever altered our nation and our world. Wars abroad, privacy invaded at home, and a horrific day of terror being used as justification for our military-industrial complex and the actions of our intelligence agencies.

The lives of thousands were lost on that day, and millions more in the wars to come. Twenty-three years later, I am the first millennial candidate for president. I am the first who has lived their entire adult life in the post-9/11 world.

My generation may barely remember a time before the TSA, before warrantless wiretaps, before the wars and drones, a time when peace was the goal. Moving forward, we must recognize the failures and no longer be led by fear into the removal of liberty.

May we honor the memory of those who died on 9/11/2001, never forgetting them, and may God bless those who lost loved ones with peace until they reunite in the life everlasting."


A judge has just sided with the Democratic Party of Georgia to have Claudia and Karina removed from the ballot, but we are determined to keep up this fight!

GA keeps going back and forth, as Democrats push to take the PSL (and West) off the ballot even after they've been approved.


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Claudia De la Cruz somehow ratfucked off the ballot in Georgia after the ballots were already printed with her name on them.

"BREAKING — Georgia decides that it will not count the votes for socialist candidate Claudia De la Cruz

Democratic Party lawyers and the Republican-majority Supreme Court worked together to suppress democracy.

After our volunteers collected more than double the required signatures and the ballots have been printed, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled yesterday that our votes will not be officially counted.

This unjust ruling is a reminder of why it is so urgent to build an alternative outside the two-party system."


Very different country then. The split was already there. Douglas was basically saying "vote Lincoln" without actually saying it. The South didn't vote for either - they had their man and their mission.

This isn't that. This is a bunch of stupid horseshit to line up poor people to get killed.


I don't know, but democracy is something that people have to impose. Also the people who have been denied representation probably can argue that they no longer have to pay taxes now.


No democracy in history was never "imposed". It was always given, in some way, from the ruling power to a selected demos, often without asking the demos whether they actually wanted this or understood what the devil a "democracy" was. The democratic conditions were possible because there were men with something useful who could be requisitioned, whether this was armed men for conscription or the capital of a nascent class. But, no group chose, by some unknown force, to impose democracy for vague and unspecified reason. There was a purpose for all such projects that is understood to the initiates once it begins, and it then falls on them to continue this, as members of the democratic society fill offices and must perpetuate this. From the outset, there are those among the demos who are above the ordinary, and those men often were the ones who established the democracy for their own purposes, going so far as subjecting themselves to the same laws and customs applied to any other member. In practice, the superiors are not equally treated, and the relative influence and value of the members is never equal. The superiors are never fixed by any hereditary law, and so superiors can rise and fall, new men can rise from nothing in theory. Democratic societies do not value any conceit of a stable class hierarchy in that sense or a "ruling class", since in principle, the demos exists because the men are requisitioned for the same sort of functions, which are comparable to each other for political purposes. For example, fighting men need an economic life that allows them to afford the weapons they are expected to provision themselves, producers require security and the means to produce those things, and these two functions would have been understood to the other as necessary for the project to work, without any dickering over which was valued above the other or was placed in any natural hierarchy, where fighting men were naturally there to lord over producers, who were lorded over by priests. The tripartate ordering of society remained, and so religious offices and superstitions were always going to be at the apex of spiritual authority and held a regulatory check on the society, but distinct prescribed classes as such were wholly unnecessary and contrary. The democratic subjects really did not belong to any of the three orders of the tripartate division, but to something which was, for the tripartate order, beneath all. To the tripartate order, all who were not subsumed into its institutions were declared slaves, and democracy was declared a logical and natural impossibility. But, that order required men in some way, and none of the three orders in purified form provided anything. The demos itself, which properly belonged to the fourth order of the laborers, didn't actually hold anything either. It was the fifth and lowest orders - those who were consigned to suffer and be rejected - who had the real substance and did all of the actual toil and work. Labor was always a thief - perhaps a thief with pretensions that its theft was just and right, taking from the unworthy and giving to the righteous based on need rather than ability or utility. Usually the easiest way for the demos to find wealth was to take it back from the rich whose theft was more rank and obvious, having served no purpose and being the chief cause of social fbi.gov. The trick, in the end, was to turn all such pressure downward - to codify the ritual sacrifice that was at the core of the human race, and make it life's prime want.


I can see the rationale for voting for any candidate

Trump, if you are sick of retard feminists
Harris, if you are sick of pure, undiluted psychopathy
Stein if you want society and government to actually work for everyone
Chase if u want to do hard drugs in peace

But I still think Stein is the best choice unless Harris actually comes out with a decent platform


>I still think Stein is the best choice
Yeah if she or somebody like her gets into power, the world might actually improve somewhat.



Eugene, no offense, I'm very tired today and have shit to do. Maybe I'll read all that later.

Being way too generous wrt Harris. And Trump, too, tbh. They're both only appealing on the grounds of culture war brainrot, they represent essentially the same interests - the best argument for Trump is that he might scale
back US support for Ukraine, but there's no evidence in his track record to support the idea that he'll do that, so it comes off like Nixon promising to get out of Vietnam.
Harris seems, to me, a lot worse than liberals make her out to be. The fact that she is still currently Biden's VP is illustrative of that - she's willing to be second banana to, and run cover for, a president who struggles to stay coherent for 10 minutes. Putting political concerns ahead of concerns about this man's mental fitness and the message it sends to people around the world demonstrates a deep, aggressive level of incompetence comparable to Trump's.

Your analysis about Stein and Chase is fine, though. And De la Cruz is still on many ballots and represents a socialist choice. Stein and Chase are both opposed to US support for the genocide, and I'll vote for whichever of those two is doing better come November… although I'd prefer Stein, of the two.


Five days until the burgers have a meltdown, get ready to sip those tears.


A lawyer for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger told justices during arguments Tuesday that it was too late to change ballots, but if the court ruled against the candidates, Raffensperger’s office would place notices at polling places and within absentee ballot envelopes that votes for either candidate will not be counted. With this decision, Georgians will choose between Republican Donald Trump, Democrat Kamala Harris, Libertarian Chase Oliver and Green Party candidate Jill Stein on Nov. 5.

De la Cruz said her campaign is “weighing its future legal options” and called the arguments in favor of the decision “outlandish,” arguing that if independent candidates were to follow the rules as proscribed by the justices, they would have to collect more than 120,000 signatures to qualify for Georgia ballots, an overburdensome number.

“Democratic Party lawyers and the Republican-majority Supreme Court worked together to suppress democracy,” she said in a statement. “This unjust ruling is a reminder of why it is so urgent to build an alternative outside the two-party system. We have a socialist program that speaks to the needs of working people — clearly this is something that scares the Democrats and Republicans, and the Wall Street billionaires who control both parties. Regardless of this ruling, we will not stop organizing in this state and we will continue to spread our socialist message far and wide.”

In an email, a spokesman for West said the campaign continues to encourage supporters to vote for West.

The justices’ decision had to do with the meaning of the word “candidate” in part of state code.



Irish comedian Tadhg Hickey endorses Jill Stein.


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I hate corporate slogans.
They're not evolving, what they meant to say was adapting. Evolution happens inter-generational. In their analogy evolution would mean Lockheed Martin goes bankrupt and gets replaced by a new company that's better at making weapons.

I just noticed they think a year has 13 months ?


>I just noticed they think a year has 13 months ?
That was written last October. October 2023-November 2024 is 13 months.


Claudia De la Cruz speaking in NYC yesterday.


Does she talk about socialism at some point?


This was at an anti-genocide march.


Abandon Harris officially endorses Jill Stein.


You can't begin to talk about ending imperialism without talking about ending private property.


>muh 9/11
It's EVERY disaster. Covid was used to move Trillions into private hands. I'm sure the recent hurricanes will similarly exploited.


She's doing that like half the time already, I think people get the idea. Having every single speech and appeal be "here's my platform and I'll talk about no related issues in detail or appeal to anyone directly" would be autistic AF. Not everything is a lecture.

What logic are you even operating on here?
Is this just about him mentioning 9/11?
There's literally nothing wrong with, accurately, pointing out that 9/11 was used as a pretext to launch two wars, pass the Patriot Act, bring back torture, etc. You're not making a counter-point, and the point you appear to think you're making actually just undermines what you're trying to say. Look, read what you're suggesting:
>I'm sure hurricanes Helene & Milton will be blamed on two foreign countries which will then be opportunistically invaded.
Just take a glance at that.


My point is that capitalists will use every disaster for an upward transfer of wealth. If 911 didn't happen they would use something else, or simply false flag their way into more wars. There is a crisis of overproduction that is the root cause of these wars, calling yourself "le 911 generation" is retarded, even though yes I guess it was an excuse for a bunch of shit.


9/11 wasn't about convincing Americans to agree to anything. It was Israel's victory lap, where they knew they could make the Americans do anything and had a Vichy government installed. We don't have a country. We have a "Homeland".


>My point is that capitalists will use every disaster
Different anon here.

Yes there is shock-doctrine. A conscious effort that seeks to use or create crisis to attack the interests of the population. It's been somewhat effective, however it is not universal, it cannot exploit every crisis.

A example of it backfiring is the neocon attempt to hit Russia with a double whammy of a proxy-war plus a economic war. The Russian economy actually grew and they improved their diplomatic position in most of the world.

The counter-tendency begins in the peripheral regions, but it won't stay there.

If the neo-libs try to use the hurricane crisis against the affected population, by denying public aid and by canceling insurance that likely will have the effect of destroying trust in insurance. If people are abandoned, that will de-valuate a huge chunk of real-estate that is within climate-disaster territory, once people try to pre-emptively get out. And it also will change climate politics once people begin suffering consequences. When climate disasters begin having systemic effects it will cause a large increase in the demand for labor power.


Stein is actually the least liked candidate according to polling (ignoring the Libertarians, who somehow score worse).

If there was instant runoff or whatever Stein would not benefit from it. Most people don't like her. Could be because most never saw her in a debate scenario (and she is good at debating) and most Americans are dumb as a box of rocks about political policy


I'm voting Jill for the 3rd time. :)


File: 1729122196742.pdf ( 557.54 KB , 67x118 , testing-theories-of-americ….pdf )

Reminder that "the average American appear to have
only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant
impact upon public policy"


Reminder that this study's data was from 1981 to 2002. This was well before the McCutcheon v FEC and Citizens United v FEC cases that blew open the floodgates for dark money in elections.

Reminder that for two thousand years after the death of Aristotle the word "democracy" was defined in opposition to elections, and that it was figures from the American and French revolutions that redefined the word to describe one of the historic rivals to democracies.


I love this lady's voice. It's like if Dakooters was a political wonk.

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