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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What's the point of this site? Why don't you post on leftypol.org which is the real leftypol?


Because I only bother having discussions on forums that won't squelch my speech for wrongthink. Last time I posted on the old place I got a month-long ban merely for agreeing with a post critiquing bad moderation. That's when you know it's time to move on.


I just get on here when i get bored of org


This site is a nice break away from the semi-reactionary prudishness of LeftyPol


Because org is just reddit 2.0


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>Why don't you post on leftypol.org which is the real leftypol?
First off, no. This is the real /leftypol/.

Secondly, I posted on the fake leftypol (.org) for way too long, and it gradually got worse and worse. It eventually got to a point where the site was totally unusable - posts would disappear with no explanation, and I was getting banned with no explanation, too, and a lot of users were being banned randomly on a whim for things which weren't even rule violations. It took a long time, but eventually I got tired of that bullshit and finally decided to check out .net, and this site is a lot better.

Also, attached are some things which came out from a .org mod around the time I left. The .org moderation is composed of weird sadists.


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>X website needs to take responsibility for Y user shitting up another site somewhere else on the web, which can't even be proven anyway
I really get sick of this myopic fallacy. Did people learn fucking nothing from gamergate? Have people learned fucking nothing about how the internet works after decades spend on anonymous forums? Why is it any less likely to be a provocateur sabotaging the "reputation" of a community they dislike?


I forgot the last section of that was him dissing us when I posted it lol
Some of that is valid-ish, but his critique of .org is much more on point & enlightening. This site is vastly better on the simple account that I don't have weird, unpredictable mods randomly banning me.


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Leftypol split on 8ch because the BO trooned out, became an insane campist to the point he outright became pro-ISIS and started mass banning anyone who went against his Idpol LGBT shitlib, (while also supporting ISIS/Jihadists) viewpoints.
This continues to this day on .org which is just a shitlib hugbox where the mods are all troon BPD weirdos who will ban you for whatever reason they like, delete all your posts and entire discussions that go against their thin skinned sensibilities, and the entire site is just an unserious shitlib hugbox for anyone actually interested in current politics and trends. .org has great historical discussions but beyond that it's frankly unusable due to all the troons with skin as thin as wet toilet paper who have huffed so much oppression olympics politics they genuinely think liberal Idpol is socialism.
>posts would disappear with no explanation,
Honestly the worst part and complete proof that the mods know they can't actually stand up to argument, they can't even let people see them and their metaphysical shitlib retardation get BTFO to the point they just ban the user out of spite.


That's not a real Leftypol fbi.gov, how come they got the Jewish nose emote reactions?


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Those lassaloids (= uyghurkikes) shut down the onion every time I post my ruthless critique on literally anything. Also the sheer amount of nutsoy bots with their multi-imperialism faggotry (here they only stroke to each other in their containments). The other 60% of the board is constituted of libshit nutsuccdam opsecless degens with their eternal movement to bring back the past state of things or slow down the natural descent from it, as it is usual with the fucking leftoids since 1923, shooting squads on their asses marxallah.


FUCK YOU OGRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


First time i see that word
mind explaining it ?


The old BO isn't trans and he was pro-Assad/Syria, which is not pro-ISIS.


Leftypol is too left tbh


Can you explain this in a way that people with an autism score above 75 would understand?


>First off, no. This is the real /leftypol/.
The real /leftypol/ died with bunkerchan, you are just /pol/ and the ogre is just r/socialism.


The coup of Bunkerchan was a catastrophic loss, but we're still the real /leftypol/.


"Too left"?
What's that?
LeftyPol is at best liberal.
They adapt the same spooks as the libs and rightoids they hate

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