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 No.3433[View All][Watch Thread]

722 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


>under capitalism housing operates as a luxury good
Yeah like when survivalists talk about the rule of 3s, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food, 3 months without housing: the last one is so you feel ~comfy~


/leftybritpol/ - Bug Eating Serfs


They're horrible. You can't breathe properly in them and they make my mouth dry


Are there not masks with better air flow?


Try breathing through your nose instead.


>scotland is more left wing!!!
>they all voted remain
checkmate scotnathiests


>you can’t breathe properly in them
You’re one of those cunts coming into my work pretending to be asthmatic aren’t you. Listen, no mask= dirty slag, catching STIs, passing them on. No different with Rona. Although even worse because you leninhat have never let me put it in your bum. Don’t be a slag. Wear a mask.

They are LITERALLY more amenable to communism.

Left wing isn’t based on being pro brexit you absolute melt.

And acquaintance friend I’ve not forgotten about you I just cba writing a serious post about how retarded you are right now


also also
> be woman
> send voice message
Why b they do this?


Too be fair, Brexit was really a choice between which flavour of neo-liberalism and nationalism you want.


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w o m e n b e s h o p p i n g


So true




Anything Acorn is lobbying against is prices on a luxury good.


Women are able to balance based and cringe in a way most men could never achieve


Every great revolutionary is atleast on the spectrum


No a big chunk of their activism (that I've seen anyway) is about the conditions of rented apartments


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>mfw when a poor family have to sleep in a homeless shelter because they couldn't afford a luxury good due to a lack of consumer advocacy


You're talking about it like Acorn was formed to protest lootboxes or games that are buggy at launch. They're protesting over probably one of the most important fucking things in a person's life necessary for their continued existance.


Rented acomadiotn under capataislsm operates as a luxury good.

You need food to live

If I form a broccoli buyers union, that ain't a union


Define a luxury good


Rented accommodation is typically a luxury good


Good not needed for imminent survival


There is no such thing as a "luxury good". That's capitalist nonsense for neoliberals who think any poor people who spend money on some cookies or maybe a pint are wasteful greedy subhumans who need to tighten their belt while we have a monarch sat on a gold throne with a crown with 2000 diamonds in it.
Marx literally said that consumer products are equal in importance as life's necessities. Not to mention shelter is a necessity.


All necessities are made luxury goods under capitalism



I'm not talking about the technical economic term, I was talking about the phrase. In any case, what exactly is the difference between your rhetoric and the Tories? I often see Third Worldists saying shit like this, and sometimes they literally say the same shit and push the same ideas as neoliberals do.


List all goods needed for imminent survival


River water and rice


As a marxist, im talking about the techinacl economic term


Can you prove that?


Yes I can live off river water and rice easily. These are the building blocks of life


If rice is required for survival how did Europe survive before it was brought here?


Rice is just a stand in. Could be wheat. Whatever the local carb is and river water


What is considered a "luxury item" by capitalist court wizard economists isn't really important. Yes, obviously in capitalism they increase the price of necessities and push down the price of consumer goods, but that's irrelevant for this conversation.


You can't just eat wheat, retard


You can, pussy bitch


Wrong, like all your posts.


It opperates under capatilism as a luxury good, STOP YOUR 1ST WORLD COPE. Your renters advocacy group to get 50 quid off rent is not revoultiona\ry


You litterally can live off wheat and water tho


Why do you keep saying luxury good? We've already established only river water and rice aren't luxury goods. You should just say non-luxury good when referring to river water and rice.


It doesn't matter whether it operates under capitalism as a "luxury good" because capitalism is fundamentally irrational and not congruent with reality. Capitalists don't give a fuck whether something is necessary or not, they give a fuck about whether "number goes up."


Because if your """""""""""""""""""union""""""""""""""""""" is about not consuming a luxury good. IT AINT A FUCKIN UNION


OK then, its not a union, its a tenant collective, happy now? Is that all you give a fuck about, the word?


I'm already a fees paying member. its a really effective tenants collecitve


New thread


tbf there are brands like supreme where you should have a finger cut off if you find them appealing rather than appalling.


No, do actually read anything you respond to?


You can't even eat just rice. Is this just really drawn out bait? Is this socdem flag?


"treated" not "made"




I do.

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