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 No.51[View All]

Why aren't you using Linux? If you are, good job. If not, you better start soon.

>Open source vs. Free Software


>List of free as in freedom distros approved by the FSF


>A really good linux distro that doesn't have systemd, but a fast and simple init/service management system called runit


Image credit:
By [email protected] Larry Ewing and The GIMP, Attribution, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=80930
189 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>it's Arch-based and therefore essentially bloatless
lol no. Arch packages come with all options enabled, so they are as big as they can be. Arch is the epitome of bloat.


Get off your high horse faggot literally no one cares what kinda hentai you watch.


Be careful, proton is run by an evil company, people may not like how it isn’t made by a bunch of nerds working on their own.


Proton is and you need to install spyware to run it but this isn't the case with Wine, which Valve contributes to.


What is “spyware” to you guys? Quite literally any program owned by a Corp is accused of being spyware? What specific information does it actually send back to valve? Why the fuck would valve want to know your system config or some shit.


Not that anon but,
Steam can ask to scan you system to better recommend games to buy. Not sure what exactly they're scanning and what exactly the data is used for


Well that would make us “unsafe” even if you used wine would it not?


FSF (generally) defines spyware/malware as sections of code that can be rewritten by the corporation who authored it WITHOUT the users consent. It's pernicious because everything down to the firmware in your CPU (intel trust management) is basically corporate malware. Yes in 99% of cases this feature won't be used against you, but the more overarching point is that you are paying for a product that keeps you on a leash for a little bit more convenience (and that convenience can be toppled if more people switch to open hardware and software paradigms). GNU is literally anti SV at its heart it just requires more adoption and for people to realize just running Ubuntu isn't enough, replace your Intel chip with open source ARM chips (currently Rockchip or Allwinner both used by Pine products) remove all proprietary firmware for wifi and gpus (usb dongle or check out the newest panfrost acceleration which is an open source project for Mali GPUS).

Unless you are really into all this its hard to replace all your computers with fully free software (I mean Libreboot supports atm like ~20 devices most a decade old), but its a goal you can work towards even replacing 90% of your computing to be using free devices is a huge boost.


I use Tails myself. My pc doesn't even have a local drive, just a psu, motherboard, ram and cpu


You really are making this post about Steam huh


>Why the fuck would valve want to know your system config or some shit.
LMAO do you even know what datamining is and how it works?


Like literally any service in which you pay for shit is gonna know that stuff.


Thought I would revive the Linux thread. What is some (somewhat) basic shit I should do with my Xubuntu install?


install and run guix on top of it


so that's like a package manager? Whats the benefit of that over APT and ubuntu repositories?


you are forced to live with libre software without compromise (unless you pull in custom SCM files).

Also you will have access to bleeding edge versions of almost everything without contaminating your environment or causing too much headache.


Game devs make poor optimization decisions all the time, and nvidia has a profit opportunity to fix those optimization problems themselves and then bundle those fixes into their drivers, so that games run 10% better on their video cards compared to AMD. They call it 'game ready drivers' I believe. These fixes don't propagate over to the nvidia linux drivers. Therefore, you'll get a small decrease in performance while playing video games with an nvidia video card when compared to playing on windows with nvidia's fixes. This isn't related to the hardware or linux and is specific to video games, so other stuff like video editing or 3D modelling should be able to use 100% of the power of an nvidia graphics card.

I'm not entirely sure what the story with AMD is, but I've heard they're a little more friendly to the linux community.


So this is connected to Debian repositories? Do those programs work on Xubuntu aswell?


The benefit is your project is controlled by virtue signaling liberal social climbers who may become wreckers or themselves be wrecked at a moment's notice.


I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.




your faggot tears fuel our creativity retard


Yeah, creative ways to fuck up free software projects with virtue signaling bullshit and an atmosphere of canceling.


if you don't know the answer then it's not for you. stick to APT.


In my experience wayfire works just as well as Sway.


nobody misses him outside of your reactionary circle and he will decay into nothing but a footnote in history


>reactionary circle
Guarantee you don't know the first thing about Stallman or what happened to him.


I don't have to know what happened to him during that peculiar time frame. Karma is a bitch and that retard has been detached from reality for well over two decades with stupid takes on non-technological matters.

There's a limit on how much benefit of doubt people can spare before dropping someone out of line. FOSS will outlive boomers no matter how much they seethe over change of culture


downsides of free software #2: you actually tend to know something about the person who made it. notepad was made by the faceless microsoft corporation of banal evilness, but if you go for a free software replacement you'll always realize the best one was made by Gregg in Minnesota, who writes anti-communist blog posts for fun, or someone equally insufferable, while the less good ones are (obviously) less good. you're forced into a sort of tedious recognition that your notepad-y goodness is contingent on the actions of a specifically named dickhead, while microsoft's banal corporate evil is much easier to ignore.
(This really goes well with Sayre's law. )

dangerous and down right stupid


>FOSS will outlive boomers no matter how much they seethe over change of culture
It's going to be difficult if free software advocates don't even use free software, such as Stallman's successor. Don't paint a very hopeful image for free software. Even worse when projects get torpedoed by wreckers obsessed with virtual signaling over writing and maintaining their software.


do tell me more. did redhat or literally anyone drop gcc or glibc? did any project reject commit or patch over wrongthink? no? How curious. It is almost as if developers and users of free software did not need irrelevant old creeps to tell them what to do, eh?


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Was Stallman was politically persecuted ?
If America is closing down, will China reform and open source up ?
Will the primary stage of a moderately open source be followed up by FOSS in 2050 ?


meant for>>6683


it was definitely a hitjob. Stallman is an autist, said some shit about his friend who was epstein adjacent and they tried to paint him as a pedo apologist.


Comments which Stallman was entirely right about, by the way. Sexual assault is an overly vague term that charges accusations before evidence is known. Furthermore, Marvin Minsky has since been exonerated.


I've ranted about this before.
I thought one of my comrades was a fucking rapist for 2 years. TWO YEARS. Because he allegedly did violence to his ex-fuck buddy.

I just found out, like 3 days ago that the violence was expressing sadness that the fuck buddy didn't want to fuck anymore.

… seriously. this shit is poisonous as fuck. Now whenever I hear that a girl experienced violence I'll have no choice but to ask for a lot of detail and approach it with skepticism. Which is entirely terrible for people who do actually experience violence.

Minimizing violence and sexual assault as well as exaggerating it is pretty poisonous. Fuck!


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geys this is Linux thread not GNU/Linux thread. can we talk about topics beyond cult of personality pretty please


Linux is just a kernel.


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then talk about your latest snowflake .config and how you managed to shrink vmlinuz size by few MB and made systemd's login prompt appear few nanoseconds faster


All the accusations were intentionally vague and unproveable, some accusations were also heavily misconstrued - the 'RMS is a knight for hot women' was literally written on his office door by some retard undergrad and he promptly erased it afterwards - the reality is that FSF has been far more welcoming to women, lgbt and POC members since like the 90s (which is confirmed by literally any FSF member and enumerable blogs going way back) when SV was still openly chauvinistic. This was all a targeted brand attack - using one of their morally bankrupt SWEs as a pawn.


the idea that RMS and FSF 'push women out of tech' is literally the most laughable thing in existence. Half the kernel drivers for key components like xHCI are written by women who didn't need to go through some arbitrary interview process, instead just write good code - and get it past Torvalds - SV and for profit software keep everyone out of tech both through their hiring process and creating a walled-garden where only the programmer elite can interface with software in a meaningful way.

I know its been 2 years since this went down but i am still so salty about it.


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Pure revisionism. I can also make anecdotal comment that women had to pretend like guys (quite literally. no girls on internet amirite?) just to fit in and get taken seriously with patches or larger pull request.

If RMS made these comments in (((private))) cloud talk, and somebody accused him over out of context voice recording or smear campaign it would be media hit job for sure. BUT NO our special fart cushion really had to voice out his logical purity with his name attached because he dares to point out bullshit at all cost and most importantly, because he can in his position


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> a blog post about the laws surrounding pedophilia and necrophilia
lets cancel Foucault and Deleuze while were at it
he apologized later the actual push women out of tech shit was just retarded she said shit on a blogpost written by a SWE at salesforce
theres also his and the FSFs legacy to consider versus some random SWE at salesforce
also your post glows in the dark

> tender embraces is inappropriate

what part of severely autistic and afraid of water do you not understand


This makes me more sympathetic to Stallman. Was that your intent?


oh I'm sorry what large scale collaborative civil movement did french schizophrenics spearhead to combat privatization of essential commodity?

Someday when you parent a child, you might understand that there's certain age cap where esoteric flitting attempt stops being cute

lesson I learned while wasting my time on this topic again after two years seem to be that I have certain guilt and trauma involving masculine culture to the point where I have to overcompensate by cancelling of irrelevant figure.

I'll fuck off no worries


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> irrelevant figure
> large scale figure to combat privatization
youre full of shit, also pic related


wrong post, im not sure if im making my ire known, but seriously fuck you and your authoritarian bullshit spearheaded by a nebulous appeal to a child's innocence.


by irrelevance I'm implying he's not the atlas maintaining GNU/Linux ecosystem contrary to your victimization complex. redhat's gcc/glibc/systemd team and linux foundation is. along with countless other projects under umbrella of GNU license who never gave two cents of fuck about RMS.


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>Poetteringware is maintaining the GNU/Linux ecosystem
Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

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