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File (hide): 1608528882808.jpg ( 237.31 KB , 636x900 , e8e640b1f60eeb28b716513a8f….jpg )


 No.8285[Watch Thread]

/kind/ is looking to build its own "webring" like network of likeminded boards since the actually existing webring has been overrun by /pol/types. Why don't we join them? I think we would be a good fit.



File (hide): 1608528883030.jpg ( 257.07 KB , 2022x1288 , 1547429360413.jpg )

Looks like a cute board.


How do we know you aren't some honeypot like pinkchan?


I don't run that place


How do we know you're not a fed too?


File (hide): 1608528883735.png ( 868.95 KB , 2100x2100 , mib_kuma.png )

You didn't see anything


Based trips


File (hide): 1608528913753.jpeg ( 103.1 KB , 1536x768 , Obi-Wan-Kenobi_6d775533.jpeg )

That is a name I have not heard in a long time…

Seriously , rebuilding the old structures like web rings would undercut the big companies that have taken over the net.


File (hide): 1608528913866.png ( 215.64 KB , 650x449 , 12783945.png )

this seems like a friendly place.

i will welcome them


I think bunkerchan might be too autistic for this place


Bunkerchan should have been part of a webring since 8ch was killed. The reason we aren't on the main one is because that idiot Space_ did a bunch of spamming on julay and pissed its admins off.


Theres a few still kicking around, theres a fairly big one for altchans but as the OP says is mostly overrun by /pol/ types (although theres a few good boards on there) and a few others for smaller sites that are co-ordinated on counterculture places like Lainchan.


>counterculture places like Lainchan
It's the same /pol/ shit.


We get it, you're desperate for new users and need to spam without seeming like a spammer.




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It's a group of websites linking to each other, like leftypol.org and GETchan.net.


>counterculture places like Lainchan
lol do people still believe this shit?


They should ask GETchan, they're way comfier and like anime more than leftypol




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