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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
Tor Only

Password (For file deletion.)

/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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 No.3[Last 50 Posts]

We should raid leftypol.org.
1. They are our community. They are us and we are them a consistent and sustained effort to post there. This will have the effect of drawing more eyes on the board and maybe giving curious anons a reason to post here.

2. The current narrative established at the org for why the drama happened in the first place is false and should be combated.

3. It will produce a massive amount of butthurt and lulz.

4. If anything this can raise awareness about the situation at hand and possibly result in some type of merging, or, concession between the boards over time.

5. Diplomacy must also be considered as our intented goal should not be to troll them for the sake of trolling them, but, rather to set the record straight, make demands, and if necessary force some type of agreement to be reached and, yes, have some fun while doing it.
ITT: General thread for raiding leftypol.org


No, too fucking boring


Yeah work is pretty boring, indeed, but, the exposure certainty doesn't hurt us and we are more likely to pick up users from there than 4chan.




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ITT: Coping ogers.


> no-bully box
uygha you are on the bully board




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let's gooooo


I think the best way is to follow the module that the 4chan

Make a couple of posts every few hors pertaining to leftychan in one way or another. They have an onion, too,


So you can avoid their banhammers, but, while our /i/ is small it is going to be hard to keep it up if we are not constantly posting. Maybe we should just mass spam the board? At best we can just get their onion shut down for hours if not days. Ideally even permanently.


the 4chan thread has***


Lol, they banned me for spam when I was just norm posting, kek.


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They're onion is still banned currently last I checked, which, is a good thing. it should be back open in a few hours. Just spam the shit out of it and get it locked down again.

We can also spam this image on pol and stir them up by proclaiming that ,org are the hosters of this board and they will go spam the org. Quite funny to watch, lol.


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>shitting leftypol.org
All day 'errday


I'm spamming them right now if you wanna play along. Their tor is back open. Apperently the spam filter only filters out exact duplicates, so, posts with strings that have marginal differences can circumvent the spam filter. Also, thread replies don't get hit by the "threads being created to fast" filter.


fuck off falseflagger jewish nigger


Lol, hey their irc bridges into their matrix and has no spam filter.


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raiding your friends to own the left




I mean, the jannies there are the splitters not us.
Regardless of what they want to tell you or how they want to spin it.


We should raid them with good posts.


Frankly the best way to raid them and promote leftychan.net is to make subtle posts that shoe horn in the leftychan domain. Just kind of sneak it in a conversation. Make it so dubious that mods wont know whether to remove it or not. We have to turn the mods into a bunch of fumbling skitzos.


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.org jannies seething at this for no reason?


Guy wasn't even me.


Kek, rent free


I like explanations behind decisions not power-tripping faggots mind you.


>.ogre jannitors seething

Many such cases!


I went ahead and merged the /b/ thread into this org thread as to prevent a ton of org threads from taking up the overboard. Carry on.


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It was in a thread complaining about modding itself so it can't possibly be that.
They put their personal vendetta over the bare expected modding and community feedback, literal man-children.


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More Janny schizophrenia.


when they get so collectively autistic over this i always get the feeling there are actual glowies between them or at least some informant pushing this, otherwise this is ridiculous
probably just me schitzoing though


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The jannies there deff have succumb to some kind of group delusion that would be the ire of many bourgiouse historians if anything. They appear to have totally lost their minds.
We can deff take advantage of this though by generate a narrative of heavy handedness.l and capitalizing on that.


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Have any of you identified a janny that is dead set on banning you, I get a feeling Pasquale hates my guts so much, any ex-janny care to share some info on who this guy is like?


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Comet, dude fucking hates the fuck out of me, kek.

Post your oger seeth.


ITT: We need to create a copy pasta about leaving the cult of leftypol.org

I was thinking of something like

"Dear anons, leaving a cult can be difficult if not impossible once you find yourself in it. Cults use a type of manipulation in order to keep you in the cult and away from your family and loved ones (and comrades!)

First: They carefully craft a specific ingroup
Second: They make you totally dependent upon that in group
Third: They carefully craft a narrative in order to keep you tethered to that in group.

When any one steps out of that narrative, or, begins the question that narrative cults use shame in order to guilt their opposition into line, etc etc…"

Something like that. Maybe some one can help me out.


Re-posting for to save for dissemination.

Let's talk about how cults work: There is an unaccountable group of leadership that is not allowed to be questioned and their narrative is taken as 100% fact regardless of what it is. Any opinions (even from your own ranks) that counter this narrative in any way are shouted down, removed, deleted, etc etc etc. Anyone who dares to actually leave the group is basically ostracized from their social group that they have grown accustom too and have grown to be a part of and attached too and the pressumed opinions are then reified and then molded back into the carefully crafted narrative. We saw the same actions take place after the bunkerchan split and now we see it happening again with the leftychan.net split. This website is basically just a cult of personality built around the jannies. Especially now more than ever.


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This is pathetic, guillotine yourselves.




Off to spam leftypol now


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Fresh OC


So what we do is, post deliberately borderline stuff on .org, all the time, causing them to have to ban stuff all the time, which they already do, but we will push this so that they 1) start banning regular posters innocently posting 2) have to waste a bunch of their time 3) their spies will be reading this right now, so now they will have in their mind that some posts will be directly for this purpose, spreading confusion amongst them, causing them to act erratically, for these ban happy people, this will mean bad decisions.

Either, they will become more heavy handed, or in fear of falling for the OP, they will loosen up.

Whatever happens, we win


Pretty much that's the idea yeah lol. They can't help but take the bait. They are getting increasingly paranoid. Anything remotely mentioning leftychan.net is being shut down.


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I'll just leave this here.


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Sorry for the quality


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I wonder if the jannies on org will ban this image.


The guy with the porky.gif is such a faggot lol


He's a mod


Yeah I think that is discomrade.
It's a very boring and over played gif.


Yeah, I have the feeling he is a mod.


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When meta stuff gets discussed you can recognise some posting patters, I wonder who's that


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close. it's ghostixo. the­y literally bragged about it in chat when they started posting it months ago.


Just posted these again. Thank you based anon.

Oh shit that's it. I remember seeing that, peak cringe.


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That's the fucker. Thanks.

Heh jannies seething.




is he just cheap jann labour?



Today I will…..raid peftypol


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It doesn't matter, I still lost in the end. Some battles were won, however warcrimes were committed by both sides. Now we all must live with the psychological scars.


Take it to meta, fag.


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Myself and a few others were the ones who made all those deleted posts. Most of the .org mod activity over the last few days has been them combating our presence. My post is entirely relevant to the topic at hand.


How did you guys coordinate anyways?


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You do not need to know that.


Don't be a faggot. Having a way to coordinate makes for better raids in the future and more fun. You got a matrix server?


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We did not coordinate using the internet as it has been compromised.
And neither did we engage in a "raid", we just wanted to have our own special thread and then the mod team ruined it all. They are the bad guys in this story.


So what happened anyways? Curious.


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We made a thread to discuss our thoughts and ideas. However the mod team began continually attacking said thread, deleting posts, banning people and ultimately bumplocking the thread.
I have now come to learn that it was the user called "Bee" who persuaded the mods to sage the thread by emotionally manipulating them. The mods even claimed that our little thread had caused multiple users to physically vomit and traumatised others. I do not believe this actually happened, and it is just lies formulated by the mod team to sage our safe space.
I will not forget how cruelly we were treated by the moderators of leftypol.org. The entire saga has had a profound impact on my emotional wellbeing and caused much distress to others who were unfairly persecuted. That is how I ended up here, I want to see those bastard mods get their comeuppance.


Well you should make the thread here. Our mods aren't uptight faggots like theirs.


Yeah please by all means.


Can you post screen caps by chance?


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We have decided to not do anything like that thread again. We are all still recovering from the whole ordeal, it was very emotionally draining. I appreciate the offer nonetheless, you people are much kinder than the others.

Unfortunately not. There are still some remnants of the thread remaining, but I would estimate that around 75% of the posts are gone.


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leftypol dot org.mp4




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Apologies, I do not understand what you are trying to convey.


I was actually in that thread for a short time but not enough to get the full idea of what was being talked about. Care to at least elaborate?


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go ahead


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In my thread we discussed a variety of topics, some of which were admittedly quite heavy. It is not the sort of thing that one can easily explain. The main flashpoint were some videos posted that a few regulars found distressing, namely the "Bee" and the "pasquale".
My interactions with the moderators were initially positive, we discussed the situation in their moderation thread in /meta/ and come to an agreement. Unfortunately some of the mods did not stick to their end of the bargain and continued to interfere in our thread, which just served to further inflame tensions. From what I can gather there were discussions had behind closed doors that eventually lead to my thread being destroyed, a decision I was not consulted about despite requesting that I be kept in the loop. My experience with the mod team at leftypol.org was extremely negative to put it lightly.

I am becoming concerned that you are mocking me in some way that I cannot understand. Please do explain what this is supposed to mean.


T. Angry oger

What topics were you discussing? I mean who gives a shit it's an image board. That's reddit levels of moralfsgging.


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We were discussing topics such as suicide, self harm, death and our life experiences. Videos related to these topics were posted, which is what caused the thread to be labelled as a "gore thread" (I believe the advisory is still on the OP).
As I have mentioned, much of the opposition to this thread come from a few overly-sensitive regulars who did not like the videos attached. It was a very tiring battle for us to fight against these individuals, a battle which we did not win.


Yeah those people are psychopathic.
I know from personal experience.


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I concur, they are certainly an odd bunch.
Sorry that you have had bad experiences with them too, I am trying not to take it too personally and I hope you can do the same.


I mean it would be different if they didn't have control of the largest leftist image board on the internet.


You gotta sing to this tune afterwards.
ババンバ バン バン バン
ババンバ バン バン バン
ババンバ バン バン バン
ババンバ バン バン バン

さよならするのは つらいけど

ババンバ バン バン バン
ババンバ バン バン バン
ババンバ バン バン バン
ババンバ バン バン バン


these people are discussing gore and words awesome priorities


Lol, we can raise hell in their thread section and confuse the fuck out of them. That would be fun


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Lol, some one is avatar fagging as pennyfags real face. Would be fun to join in.


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They don't want you to see this


>Myself and a few others were the ones who made all those deleted posts
>You do not need to know that.
>We did not coordinate using the internet as it has been compromised.
>we just wanted to have our own special thread
>We made a thread to discuss our thoughts and ideas
>We have decided to not do anything like that thread again. We are all still recovering from the whole ordeal, it was very emotionally draining.
>It was a very tiring battle for us to fight against these individuals, a battle which we did not win.
this uygha glows


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Org jannies deff don't want you to see how reactionary their user base is.


I'll just leave this here






based program, but the ne WP with China and Vietnam is cringe


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Post Gore randomly without spoilering in their threads, their transhumanist jannies can't handle it and might even drive Bee and other oversensitive libshits to an hero lmao. Here is a good source:

Clearnet: https://gore.g3.pm/
.onion: http://gorechan5oeulldicgvdiu62mqpmqyfjpwz4qekkgn2d57576q2wgdyd.onion/


it's what they want. I've got a plan, I'm making a thread in an hour and you retards doing this will just cock it all up. Wait an hour and Siberia, then you can post all the gore you want.


*wait and check siberia


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No, gore is gross


Don't be such faggots.

I'm down with a little gore spam.


Nah, /pol/yps are little pussies who cant watch Gore without feeling sick, so they spam with their eyes closed. What a bunch of shit, dont bring your pussy tactics here.


Ah I knew it. Just some angry ogers. All is fair in love and war I am afraid.


ogres spammed us with CP, Zoophilia and necrophilia, they deserve it.


They literally cannot stop obsessing over poster unions. Bravo sage, they act like your typical porky when caught in a lie: they keep lying


Both >>645 are retarded falseflags just keep it lowkey banter none wants to see that shit


I mean I think high key is fine too. Anything to make them break and make their job impossible or make posting slow down. That is how sabotage works.


it's difficult to do that on a public board
our subversion would be so much more effective if we could coordinate without tipping them off


We need an /I/ matrix


did they delete your thread already? lmao fucking pussies causing themselves drama and thinking its our fault
.better yet they deleted it despite it calling those retards out saying the thread was find. digging their own grave kek.


*was fine


I just asked coma about it and we should be getting one soon, there's some technical stuff that needs to be sorted out with the matrix first

Yeah they fucking did. Spent 10 minutes writing the post, posted picrel and put a massive fucking gore warning on it. I called out bee in the OP, wether that had a factor in its deletion idk.
There have been rekt threads on /siberia/ historically, so the jannies are full of shit when they say they've always deleted gore. Here's the thread I made in /meta/ about it


How much shit postings till they close their onion? Would be a massive W.


Is Bee m00by? Why am I seeing them referenced so much? All I remember is they're some trans brit nazbol tangentially mentioned on britleftypol and since then for months they've been irrelevant until the last weeks


>Is Bee m00by?
No they're different people. M00by is a mod whereas bee is a regular on the matrix and /siberia/ who posts under the ancom flag.
>Why am I seeing them referenced so much?
m00by is probably the most active mod and has a lot of influence over the rest of the .org jannies. Bee is incredibly annoying and (allegedly) recently got the mods to delete gore threads because they were upset by them
>All I remember is they're some trans brit nazbol tangentially mentioned on britleftypol and since then for months they've been irrelevant until the last weeks
This doesn't seem right tbh. Bee used to run a nazbol telegram but was never a nazbol herself. M00by certainly isn't a nazbol either and I'm pretty sure they're both burgers. Neither of them of them are trans but they shill the troon shit really fucking hard, especially bee. Actually it's been speculated that bee might be trans but nobody really knows.
You're seeing them referenced so much now because they're schizos who really don't like leftychan. They're getting paranoid af about this thread too


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the .ogres are asking for talks because of our raids lmao
Consequently I am going to suggest that we raid harder and more often, three's some good info in the pennyjak thread in /b/ on how to make edits of his face. I think that should be our main startegy along with just general shitposting.


Why the fuck would anyone sign this for a stupid domain kek
Hey dumbasses if you want a second domain so much just fucking buy one ololo




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>A public apology for raids


Leftypol jannies tongue my anus


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I might have posted Nikocado's anus for pasquale to enjoy one or twenty times lol


The audiacity of these retards


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Couldn't handle the banter


>one or twenty times lol
what board are you posting on?




well you've fucked it site wide, I can't post on /b/ either lmao
have the jannies disabled posting? have we pushed them over the edge?


Yes, they have stopped new thread creation


you still going?


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I think that pasquale is just sat there refreshing the page. My spam posts get deleted in less than five seconds lmao


Sad existence


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Say hello to the ogres lurking this thread!


I feel sorry for pasquale, I have to deal with the flood timer so can play vidya while spamming. Unfortunately my janny bro needs to keep refreshing, very sad


ignore this
the results were good imo. This is probably a .ogre avatarfag angry that they done badly and are now trying to discredit the results.


I just wanted to show that bee voted for himself 5 times


Oh sorry, I didn't realise. I thought you might be bee tbh
But yeah that's fucking hilarious, should we post it in that thread.? I think more people need to see how autistic bee is


Keep hitting them don't let up. This is when it matters the most.


I think we are slowly wearing them down. They still haven't deleted the pennyface thread in /siberia/, it's been up for hours now.
Either they've admitted defeat in regards to pennyface or there are literally no jannies online atm


Thread creation works like this: If x amount of threads are created in X amount of time.the board auto locks threads and disabled them for being created for 1 hour or however long. This can deff be abused. If we can focus more of our efforts to posting at once and really hone in on the site then we should be able to keep threads from being created. Theoretically.


they've disabled the tor node btw


Based based based


What mass VPNs can we use? We can turn that fucking place into the next 4chan at this rate


We should also consider targeting the actual leftypol board, IIRC. Make it unusable. Get thread creation locked.


I'm using windscribe, I'd say they've banned about 20% of the vpn servers so far lmao
good idea


I'm still posting on it tho


idk then, they must have reenabled it. Either way don't stop posting


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Nice lol


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I've just checked the mod logs and tonight's performance has been our best yet. No wonder they're asking for peace talks, I think at this point pasquale has seen more prolapsed assholes than a proctologist.
Still in awe that these uyghurs don't even get paid to clean up our shit lmao


They're crying in their congress about it, apparently. Anyone in the congress post screens?


There should be brigades from different timezones


Oh yeah they're seething hard, I can only imagine what their private chats are like. Nothing worth screenshotting tbh, just the mods that were online at the time shittalking us and posting screenshots from here.


I have europe covered, I know there's a few in the americas raiding. Do we have any asian or australian anons for maximum efficiency?


Just burger here


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well at least we have both hemispheres covered then

Also, whoever is raiding right now deserves a medal. You're going to give discomrade RSI at that rate lol


We should make a post on soyjak.party about our raid and see if we can get the soyjackers in on it.


Alright, I'm online again and judging by their gay chat I'm going so fast it's actually blocking posts from other users. Have fun, janny scum!


bosting on ebin bread. I'm going to try something with pdfs or image thumbnails soonish…does anyone know where they host their version of lainchan? Are they still using whatever is on github?


No they aren't they haven't made it public yet.


https://youtu.be/qfb5FYd83Ao some one with video editing skills should edit this and turn it into propaganda against org.


Judging by the input and output results, they use the in-built PHP image library for thumbnailing. I recall them crying about not being able to get PDFs to thumbnail and someone suggested switching program.


He does it for free.


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I will be able to take over in about 30 minutes


I need your help brainstorming my plans further. Sharing our ideas openly in public actually works in our favor because it increases ogre jannies mental workload even while dealing with 'legitimate' posters. Especially for this kind of sabotage.

I am back on Uni as a Masters student and am tasked with attending my team's Keras models. While catching up with python's DL infrastructure, I am learning that LSTM models for text generations have reached an interesting level and text spam bots (for advertisement or derailing campaign) just might work (I know some are already on work but not many people want to admit it for obvious reason). And testing this on wild for the lulz should be logical next step.

So the idea is to train model with so called effort posts, ranting posts made my ogre jannies (I have been profiling them myself as a poster for sometime now) and pdfs written my their favorite writers (mostly blogposts or papers written by cockshott) to make machine generated texts that are normatively gibberish but extremely expensive (in terms of cognitive loads required to process them) to moderate correctly.

If they want effort posts, they will get effort posts. I am sure they are twitching with glees waiting for theorynons to return again.

what do you think? I think in long term this kind of attacks are more efficient than just bruteforcing them with rectal prolapse which they will experience first hand thanks to their lifestyle sooner or later anyway


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If you're being serious and bull shitting this sounds like a great idea. This is next generational warfare shit lmao
Testing your model on .org would be both fucking hilarious and incredibly interesting to see how the paranoid jannies deal with it.
I'll have a think about what kind of threads you could have it make, the most destructive as of now seem to be borderline drama threads and bait threads on the main board
>which they will experience first hand thanks to their lifestyle sooner or later anyway



for now you gave me an idea, there's this search engine https://search.marginalia.nu/ which favours text-heavy sites with old web design that i think we could go and search the thread's topic and copy-paste random paragraphs from the results. most are old and amateur-ish which add to the ambiguity of it all


Any midwit can use Keras or TF to train model with random dataset. It needs some effort to make actually convincing result. My career path so far has been bit too theoretical so it is my intention to make this toy project my effort to make some impact IRL strictly for lulz tho. Drama threads' casual one liners are indeed low hanging fruits but what I really want to do is bully them until they can stomach what they truly are. Their pathological traits destroyed only place on internet I truly felt like I belonged and I am going to enjoy doing this to them.

Thanks for suggestions. I will fish for old revleft posts or blog posts made by lone MLs. I lost most of my rafiq postings years ago so I would be happy if I can recover them through this.


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Someone posted this on /siberia/


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I could save this from the thread, they're fucking losing it


lol I thought some posts had got deleted from that thread


Krates actually seems like a non-demented mod even though I imagine he's not very popular here. He doesn't seem to give much of a shit about the random rules the rest of the jannies have enforced on everyone that literally fucking nobody asked for (besides jannies sockpuppeting).
Literally who asked for /siberia/ to be moderated as harshly as /leftypol/? We've gone from "don't dox cops it's against the law" to "don't post the face pic of the person that posted their face pic, that's hecking doxxing"


They're all the same except one of them is trans confirmed Antonios. I don't know what theyr deal is. I only get banned by pasqal.


Lol proof anti is trans?


Who cares about bans? It's the constant deletions of anything they don't personally like from fanatical hotpockets that are the pain


>one of them is trans confirmed Antonios
are they hot trans or creepy trans?
>I only get banned by pasqal
same, someone needs to do a welfare check on paquale, he's spending too much of his time moderating that site


once i bitched about avatarfags and got banned for "polyp"
now if you remember, they proudly "profile" polyps, so now my ip is forever tainted. fuck you jannies and die


if you were banned before the split then dm comatoast and he can send you your profile if you have one


nah it was after
im sure bee just couldnt stop bitching about the hecking dissenting polyps
pennyfag actually seems chill to me, although annoying, he is nothing close to the sheer narcissism and control freakish nature of maefag


>pennyfag actually seems chill to me, although annoying, he is nothing close to the sheer narcissism and control freakish nature of maefag
pennyfag is significantly more tolerable than bee, but he still defends her from any criticism and can be an annoying little cunt when he wants to


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/i/ renamed to /ppw/ when?


I don't think anyone here hates penny it's just he's funny to meme because the face pic he posted is banned but him posting the face pic wasn't banned. If the mods took "doxing" (it's not doxing) seriously he would be banned for self doxing, but instead they attack the people reposting his pics. Most likely because of fraternization on their chatroom.
Do the mods ban the picture of Zizek eating a sandwich in the street, which not only did he not post himself, but never consented to? No. Because Zizek has been deemed a "public personality" as opposed to the avatarfag that publicized their own face which because reasons doesn't make him a public personality, just a poor citizen a clique of the board has decided to harass for literally no reason (note: the harassment is just reposting the face pic he posted, nobody has tried to dox him).
Realistically it's because the site is run by a bunch of chatroom circlejerkers who are neck deep in mission creep. Penny has just become an unfortunate method to argue over the absurdity of the .org moderations inconsistencies.


Oh yeah definitely, I don't hate penny poster. In fact we've had many positive interactions before the split. That doesn't change the fact that he could be an annoying avatarfagging retard at times though
I think the jannies are starting to claim that people posting pennyface aren't doxxing but are instead raiders from here. Which is obviously a lie because even when someone asks for his pic and it gets posted they still remove it
Bee is by far the worst idfag, penny poster doesn't even compare


>it's not doxing
ngl I think posting a user's face on a political site often raided by 4chan faggots is getting close to the line. a face is personally identifying. hell I dont even like them keeping my IP but at least that changes.

>are they hot trans or creepy trans?
they posted some face photos a year ago i think? not hot but not really creepy either, could pass in my opinion. no i didnt save it but hopefully someone did


also this


>I think the jannies are starting to claim that people posting pennyface aren't doxxing but are instead raiders from here.
They've shifted from all sorts of things see
They don't actually operate under any sort of rules, they just do whatever they want and that's why they should be terrorized, not because of leftychan
>ngl I think posting a user's face on a political site often raided by 4chan faggots is getting close to the line.
Nobody would post it if it didn't illicit a response from the jannies lol, nobody here even seems to dislike Penny that much compared to the jannies. It's solely to annoy them and infringe on their authority.
It wasn't even a rule until they quietly decided it was in the last year, and it only became an issue after it became a way to annoy the mod clique.


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>ngl I think posting a user's face on a political site often raided by 4chan faggots is getting close to the line
well the retard should've thought about that before he posted them. If someone had tracked him down and were posting his pics then I would agree, but he posted them himself. He's a grown man and knew the risks

>they posted some face photos a year ago i think?

>no i didnt save it
smh head. why are you a decent and considerate human being anon? you should be doing picrel


This would be more entertaining if the reply to "This is very unsettling" was "That's normal"


haha, it would


It's public information if he posted it. Sorry don't be a retard.


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Neat, but won't that just fuck over normal posters while jannies ignore it thinking they're effortposts? Remember, we're dealing with pseuds here.


As much as I find penny picture avatar fagging funny, putting comrades in danger is pretty retarded.
they will retain control unless we make the site unusable.


Yes that might be true but running the largest leftist imageboard into the ground with your Ml larping, deception and inability; nay out right refusal to abide by your own rules is even worse.


The jannies will run that place into the ground within a few months anyway. We're just speeding up the process a bit.


K I played around a bit and am confident that my plan should work. I am allowed to use some GPT-3 tokens but I really don't want to explain what the hell am I doing to my colleagues should I get caught so I will have to stick to boring RNNs that I can train on my rig.

Here's my more detailed plan :

1. Prepare poisoned data. collect cockshott's and other revisionists' writings. I appreciate his work reintroducing soviet economics planning to the general public but he really should stick to what he knows instead of claiming HTML is Turing complete or other namefags' wall of texts, mutate its contents i.e. add negation / change conjunction to logically inconsistent or contradictory forms / other tricks I learned on compiler courses.

2. Train two networks, one that is responsible for generating opening texts or free floating wall of text that is trained on prior dataset (generated from keyword or single sentence), another one that can summarize text (in extremely faulty and bait inducing way). I have to study bit more for the second one but the first one is basically just Keras tutorial 101 so should be easy to pull it off.

3. ???


Won't happen in a week but shouldn't take few months.

My strategy is profitable as long as I can waste more of their time and resource than near free electricity my province throw at my face. also my time but I kind of want to see if I can use this technology to make indoctrination protocol so I would consider it well invested

Each jannies have one or two trigger topics that they cannot resist engaging. I know their rough time zones so posts should be noticed. Remember I will be generating extremely faulty bad faith posts or schizo postings that they cannot fight back with simple word filters.

About regular users, I think you raised valid criticism. My take right now is people who cared has been leaving for a while and people left there are fbi.gov variety tankies or libs that do not add much value to praxis. Besides I don't know how they will react / how effective my strategy will be yet. I can always pull the plug if I feel like I am not generating desired impacts. or when they admit that they don't really care about imageboard, democracy or anonymity and other word plays and just replace the entire thing with fbi.gov server


Meanwhile you can help me by just manually crafting bad faith posts. Butcher archived posts by changing random words into antonyms using your favourite scripting language, use summarizer like autosummarizer.com and derail threads.

It's soyjack posting but actually cool


I am noticing previously allowed content that has been cracked down on rapidly in recent weeks has seen a more relaxed approach in recent days, perhaps an internal moderation discussion has happened where they realized that they are exacerbating the issue. Perhaps they are suffering from fatigue.


do it yourself, faggot. why are you telling me what to do.


To the leftypol.org janny reading this: Not everyone here is some kind of .net loyalist, myself and several others are simply disgruntled with the ridiculous crackdowns the post-split group has indulged in, and were already annoyed at the direction you were taking the site in. Remember that it wasn't Evil Space vs The Amazing Jannies, but "I hate jannies, but I hate Space more" for many users.
Stop ghettoizing and deleting everything in /meta/, turning /siberia/ into /leftypol/ but without politics, hiding behind doxing laws that don't exist to protect your chatroom friends, whining about drama when your main board has become dominated by ecelebs, shilling how much you love yourselves as Anon and calling everyone that suggests you're shilling for janitors schizo. You engage with your users dishonestly because you suspect them all of being dishonest. A thief believes everyone steals. /b/ used to be a third of the site, now it regularly dies out. Bring back the spirit of /b/ and stop your fellow jannies treating /siberia/ as their personal fiefdom. Your attempts to rebrand /b/ (random) into /siberia/ (off-topic) to stifle discussion are apparent and not funny or smart, you are needlessly stifling the freedom of the site, often for personal reasons. You should not have allowed this situation created by personal interest to develop.
If you continue to roll back your "creative and flexible" approach to the rules then we will send our simple demands and desist when they are met. The issues we mention are practically the only demands and all we want is for you to assert the rights of the userbase to return to normal in /siberia/ and be able to openly air their grievances in /meta/, and for all mods talking about moderation to have to use their mod hash - there is no need to kneel or allow fascists and racists, what we are asking for is what we want. All you have to do is give the userbase their freedom back and no longer deceive them.


I have had to read through this a few times to understand it but it sounds very cool. The lib russian bots meme is becoming real and will be unleashed on leftypol.org lol
>Meanwhile you can help me by just manually crafting bad faith posts
already been doing it that ;)
>Perhaps they are suffering from fatigue
I think this is the more likely scenario. From what I've seen of recent matrix chats their attitude towards moderation has not changed. And judging by them directly asking coma for an end to the raids I think they're getting frustrated and tired of it all. pask and discomrade have been the main ones fighting us off, so they're not even sharing the load evenly.


They just have to stop gaslighting their posters
"Designing transparency as a default"
My sides


big raid just happened comrades
by the end we had around double the amount of threads in this screenshot. the jannies are starting to slack real bad


>From what I've seen of recent matrix chats their attitude towards moderation has not changed. And judging by them directly asking coma for an end to the raids I think they're getting frustrated and tired of it all. pask and discomrade have been the main ones fighting us off, so they're not even sharing the load evenly.
I want to make it clear that I don't care what happens with leftychan, and I don't care if leftychan casts us aside either. Any agreement with leftychan that does not fulfil our demands is not something we will respect. We want what is listed in the demands and will accept nothing less, blocking us from this /i/ will change nothing. Everyone is free to act under the SFP banner, the demands are simple: Users should be reasonably free on the designated freedom board (no, we will not continue to fight for the freedom of fascism), the mods should stop deceiving their users, complaints should be able to be lodged freely in the meta board without interference. Reasonably free does not mean "how the jannies see it", it means they will allow the users freedom while clamping down on fascists. This is only difficult to parse for a lawyer dedicated to not understanding the demand.
These are simple demands and the fact these basic privileges are no longer part of leftypol betrays the thinking of the dictatorial clique. These used to be things guaranteed to everyone! Now they have stripped them away under cover of darkness because of the leftychan boogeyman, which they themselves perpetuate with their control freak behavior.


If you don't like how we run leftypol.org then how about you stay here, fuck off, and run this site however you like? The fact you'd still rather post on our site now that you have your 'independence' is pathetic.


did you not like my threads then caballo
it took you a while to delete them, were you too busy jerking off to kids cartoon characters?


if caballo is really crytyping here, he has learned nothing


Nah it's him. I've seen caballo react badly and post like this before, he's also the one who just deleted all the raid posts. The guy is a moron.


Sorry but this requires verification. You're just a name in a field.
Although it's not as if you needed a second opinion on how despised you are, the website you control hates you, your own countrymen despise you more than any other relationship on the site. Everyone remembers what you said to them in 2019.

Now, give into the demands or the raids will continue. They're simple demands and you'll eventually have no choice since we're not connected to .net. The demands aren't even unreasonable! It's a list of things that were normal a year or two ago.


Tell Pasquale to tongue my anus pls


>Transparency by default

Hilarious considering that they have been mods for years now. Entrenched system of power and communism go hand and hand don't you know?

What's the point of transparency if there's no way to hold anyone accountable?


>What's the point of transparency if there's no way to hold anyone accountable?
I was actually thinking about this during the split, is there a way to make a website where people are held accountable by the users?


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Other idea is to abuse the report function. I remember some mod complaining the the queue was almost empty, so give them their own medicine.

Report random posts you see and give the most obtuse reasons you came up with. Like in masse. That'll keep them occupied for well a while and if not they'll start ignoring reports altogether. Either way, a victory for us.


great idea
also use a VPN or tor when doing this because I have seen them ban IPs for abusing the report feature


how about 4chan style janitors? Allow the users to clean their own boards with approval from the moderators. If there's any argument with how Tue site is being run, it would surely come out through this mechanism, no?




woah woah, elaborate on that last bit please


Nice false flag Caballo


>it just ukranian girl in latex outfit inserted as an ad. it should trigger filter as I made sure it is not compressed or anything.
mate I'm still not sure what you're talking about, what do you mean ukranian girl?


by the way pasquale, about five posts you deleted were not made by my experiment. it was a legitimate theory post written by effort posters that I trained on . Keep chain deleting and keep follow web of reports. You get to read and think for once in your life. I am truly grateful for your service


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wow…you have been busy lmao. I can start on /siberia/ again soon


Fyi we don't endorse calling law enforcement.


or posting any illegal shit. All my posts have been consenting middle aged men with anal prolapses dangling down to their knees. idk what this anon is talking about with ukranian girls but I don't like it tbh


ofc I am joking. there exists no pdf/epub file that might cause legal trouble for site owner in leftypol.org. Programmers of calibre like them should have no problem scanning their filesystem for quick checkup anyway just to be safe.

All I want is their pph to go up and IP counts to go down while catching up on my python skills I neglected


I feel like it's a false flag but yeah that goes with out saying. It will be handled as soon as possible.


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We don't need the Feds breathing down the necks of .org especially since they'd definitely put us on the chopping block immediately after nor do we want to promote child abuse on this site. Be smart don't fall for glowie posts.


Good on you mods.


.org/leftypol/ is getting close to the >>500000 GET
real shame if someone took it


How far are they from it? Haha


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leftypol now uncritically supports the TaliFAGGOTs in their struggle to establish islamofascism inside Afghanistan lol


You can tell the jannies are burgers because of how uncritical they are of Islam. To them it's an exotic little harmless religion practiced by the oppressed BIPOC folx, and being critical of it is an exclusively rightoid talking point.


discomrade you just banned and deleted one of few real human poster in that thread. try adderall before reading next time.




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look at all these quality discussions happening! it truly is a beacon of knowledge and praxis guiding working class! Shout out to Anti and Caballo for their decade worth service. We finally made it!


Can;t tell if trolling or not.


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Name a bigger lolcow than pasquale




me and my entire life :(


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b-but anon… you are pasquale


:( this is the second worst thing anyone has ever said to me


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no worries he will retire when they recruit new jannies


We're temporarily locking this thread.


Thread is unlocked at the moment.





So where should we start?


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They are doing a Reddit "embassy" LARP how are they this detached


they are raiding


Where here?


holy jewish nigger lassalle


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I post on both sites :^)
No need for reunification, this is the slower site, so it will be the backup site like the bunker to 8/leftypol/


lets raid the .ogres with actually good threads


this but for leftychan.net



We need to start this shit up again. We should launch an indefinite campaign of conversion. We should come up with arguments and reasoning why the org anons trapped in their shit hole should come over to the glorious leftychad.net.


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A few of us of have actually been doing what you suggest over the last two months. Alongside some agitating in /meta/ and /leftypol/. Been working pretty effectively, as the last few days have shown.


What are the best reasons why I should pick leftychan over org? Asking for a friend.


not so much about picking sides at this point. without another happening this site will realistically stay at pretty low pph. The oldfags will come here though when inevitably the .org furfags throw another tantrum and then it will be up to us to vote on issues pertaining to this site and it's moderation. Every effort should then be taken to relieve the jannies here of their independent thought to make them servants to the usertariat.


Check the digits.


GET of truth


Based get


orgcucks banned the onion again


I wonder how long until they just remove it completely


They literally just removed my post calling out pedos


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fuck the orges.


One year ban from the jannies. Just restarted phone and mobile data going in again.






Sisters… is there anyone in here that isn't a low functioning cluster b pedophile that spends every day of their life trying to spam actually successful leftist sites instead of boosting their own 0pph? Maybe at least delete the CP here?


>still malding about the 4 guys who won't post on .orge
Thanks for the traffic though, 3pph.


The mods here are literally the reason org is so successful, lol.

We live in their heads rent free. This is just an amazing cope to deal with the fact that the site is basically on its last leg at this point. We have 3x the infrastructure they have and they haven't done anything of note since the split.


>The mods here are literally the reason org is so successful, lol.
More like the name brand recognition. If Dollars hadn't given them the bunkerchan url we'd have better pph.


What do you mean brand name recognition?


Any thoughts on how to make "leftychan" come out in google searches first for "leftypol"?
I'm thinking on DDoSing them, but it would be a waste of time and money if userbase wouldn't migrate here.
I guess if I could keep them down long enough it could work because google crawler could no longer index their pages?


Don't most anons know of this websites existence


I'm range banned like a motherfucker by lameypol, but I just shipped our shit over at /his/



Holy shit picrel lmao


I doubt it. I didn't know until some butthurt jannie namedropped it in a rant.


They like to suppress knowledge of it's existence. I causally drop it in conversation of n org from time to time.





Kinda the fragile faggot MO. Play deaf and dumb when your worldview is so retarded that it crumbles under the slightest amount of scrutiny. There's a reason those people want to censor everything except retarded threads on anime porn


Why would anyone want the losers from .org to come here? We've been blessed .org has to deal with the /pol/ retards 24/7 while we have barely any of that going on here.


Should we launch another raid on ogre?


im up for it


I’ve had maybe 80 separate IPs banned from there over the past month, including range bans that were meant for other anons. In between a lot of false flagging, shithousery, serious posts and a few OPs, I have a larger presence on there than any of the troon jannies realize. If we can get even 5 anons to coordinate some psyops, they’ll never pick up on it.


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All right, we need to launch another raid on ogre. No gore, no porn. It has to be psychological warfare. We have to take contrarian positions on topics and create OPs that can be controversial in a way that won’t get banned outright. We have to subvert them with leftcom ideas such as “Russia and China are reactionary countries”, or smear pieces about Stalin. Subversive Trotskyism in nature is a perfect recipe of done right for instance, outright calling Russia reactionary leads to bans, so it has to be slipped in. We have to influence the core base of anons, not for recruitment (few of them will come here), but to change the tide on what they believe.

I had all of you assuming I’m a troon mod from org, and I accomplished that with minimal effort and with sleep deprivation. If we can get a concerted and sober effort to raid org, it can reignite the paranoia of their jannies and continue to chip away at their control over a Marxist IB that should be ours and not in the hands of radlib faggots.


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>Russia bad
>China bad
>Stalin bad
>is le hecking subversive psychological warfare
WTF ? those are just the standard ruling ideology positions ?

Why do you tell people they should spread ruling ideology ?


I already post leftcom talking points to undermine the manufactured consensus they're trying to cultivate. Best thing is that it gets underneath their skin because they can't outright ban me for it.


>Actually everything is between this blatantly constructed false dichotomy.





If we make leftypol liberalized, the core users will reject it and find us here. The remaining ones will make them more Reddit than usual. It’s a win-win strategy nonetheless and making them all continuously paranoid is textbook psych warfare that is conducted by every intelligence agency in every nation, even Palau.
Fucking based.


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>>Russia bad
>>China bad
>>Stalin bad
>Why do you tell people they should spread ruling ideology ?
<Left communists who propagate for the communist revolution are spreading the ruling ideology, while being murdered for their views by s*alinists since 1920s
<Italian left communists who have witnessed the fascists first-hand & immediately noted the glaring similarities between fascists & s*alinists presumably propagated the ruling neofash ideology too, 30 fucking years before this ideology would be invented
<German succdams, the most degenerate fascist whores in history, too noted the "surprising" similarities between their lovers & them bad boys s*alinistas (who whored themselves to their waestern partners even harder than the succdams LMAO)
<Bit it is the multiimperialistas who simp for ultra-reactionary faschizoid genocide-tier shitholes are die trve lebt™, guize, trust me! *glow.gif*

I can't wait for you to appear in some shitty R*shia which throws anarchists & even system-abiding succdams into jail for 20 years & start spewing your reactionary bullshit to the people who have to survive under le basto cumrag PEW TEEN you fucking inhumane faggot. You are the disgrace to the communism, & a self-righteous one @ that!
The people will never accept you, considering that even in the so-called "anti-imperialist" countries even some s*alinoids don't support or even actively oppose the shit the western multiimperialista left approved governments do. The absolute state!

"Left"com, my ass. Imagine being so fucking historically reactionary that communists have to invent a bullshit identity to separate themselves from your faschizo thought so they won't be perceived by the populace as the same fucking regime cocksuckers which are known as da trve communistas.

>raiding a long sold-out r**zkie-ch*nah propaganda agencies owned honeypot
You are fucking insane. Go touch a book.


>"Left"com, my ass. Imagine being so fucking historically reactionary that communists have to invent a bullshit identity to separate themselves from your faschizo thought so they won't be perceived by the populace as the same fucking regime cocksuckers which are known as da trve communistas.
<we are da true gummunists!

leftcums and mltards have more in common than you would like to admit

both are teleological dogmoids, only clinging to different interpretations of "da trve teaching"

it's not coincidence that Lenin achieved what he did by going against marxoid orthodoxy kek

leftcums like Pannekoek were still seeing councils everywhere while the era of mass parties was dawning lol


You’re a stupid faggot for telling somebody on a raid board not to raid something. Or you’re probably an ogre tourist.


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>nooo you can’t kill reactionaries and wreckers that’s le inhumane and immoral!
lol it happened before and it will happen again, stay mad faggot


Some one should drop some good copy pasta or somethingbto drop on their asses because I am an uncreative faggot.


If we get another hard-ML state socialism, the socdems will do stuff like consumer-goods/health-care, anarchists get tasked with stuff like software-production, MLs will do heavy-industry/infrastructure and so on. You know to each their respective area of strength.

By the way, the Russian communists now support Putin because state-capitalism is much better than the neo-liberal shock-doctrine that would await them if the US neocons got their wish of turning back time to the 1990s

Despite of all your fiery lefty rhetoric you are still just yelling at the same boogieman as the mainstream media does. Do you not understand the simple geo-pol-math that if there is a conflict between a national bourgeoisie and the imperial bourgeoisie, you support the former against the latter, because the national bourgeoisie will put surplus towards development, while the imperial bourgeoisie just spends surplus on expanding/maintaining empire.


>If we make leftypol liberalized /reddit, the core users will reject it and find us here.
You ignore the possibility that after leftyorg gets unpleasant, that the core users could just go elsewhere, you know because the internet has more than 2 websites.
Strategy-wise, you need to figure out push and pull. If you want to do something that pushes users away from org, you also need to combine it with something that pulls them here.


Can't we try and influence the oldguard still wandering the net with no home to come here? they didn't just go away they are probably lurking the wider net out of bordem.


I just copy/paste some random thread from /pol/ with a picture of dirty feet so they’re subjected to seeing autism alongside something gross.
I’m more interested in destroying leftypol while we focus our recruiting efforts elsewhere. I don’t want ziggers, troons and false flaggots on here.


>Can't we try and influence the oldguard still wandering the net with no home to come here? they didn't just go away they are probably lurking the wider net out of bordem.
Sounds good but the "wider net" is huge, how do you intend to reach them ?


You want to wreck that site because they don't toe the Neocon line on the anti Russia narrative ?
I have loads of complaints about dotorg too, but that just makes you look like a glowy.


What makes some on elook like a glowy is obviously creating derision between a common goal because ofd your own self aggrandizing ideology.
This is like people who complain about republicans being in unions when their political affiliation has nothing to do with the benefits of being in a union. Just shut up and show some solidarity. You look like a wrecker rn and I would suggest everyone just stop giving this anon attention.


I dunno, good question.


I want to wreck that site because I hate the jannies and will pull any reason or angle just to destroy them.


Also, nothing wrong with looking like a glowie if it makes them more paranoid…


While nobody here was doing anything, I ruined a good portion of the latest /ukraine/ thread on ogre. Most of my comments are gone but you can tell from the many undeleted replies that I detoured and derailed the jannies’ favorite topic for several hours. Several hours.


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Started a Lysenko thread on ogre earlier today just to get them fighting each other (they are currently doing this).


ive been spamming them with gore and scat for the past few months whenever they'd ban me for retarded reasons. I think I made them more paranoid because the site is a bit dryer than it was and I've seen claims of false bans. I would post honestly to the other users so they couldn't delete my posts when I was trolling the administration.

Whenever they'd ban me, I'd use my mobile connection and restart my phone for a new IP. Now, I think, everyone on T-Mobile in my state is range banned.


>everyone on T-Mobile in my state is range banned
Actually based.

I don’t usually spam, but I’ll do false flags or concern trolls. Whenever I’m banned, I either drop slurs or what I do nowadays is I’ll open up a random home address via Google Maps and send it to them as the “appeal”.

I still have many OPs and individual posts they never removed because they never noticed it was me. The mods are actually really stupid and I don’t normally say that about people.


Isn’t it funny how after I said this and after that thread was popping, mods just removed it? Yet they act like we’re “irrelevant” and nobody comes here, but somehow they knew it was an outsider who made that thread? They might as well follow the route of how large subreddits are run where mods curate what posts are made or make them themselves.


I wonder if the ogre mods realize I made the central bankerino thread…


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>IP orged as "sus possibly spam"
tell me again how org is not a honeypot


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This was posted on another thread but I dunno if the new freinds are aware this leak happened:


If you guys joined the matrix then it would be harder for them to track us. we have a private room for /i/ specifically but it hasn't been used forever so don't be disparaged if people don't get to you right away. We need desperately to populate it.


I’m too lazy to get on Matrix and learn how to use it. I’m a creature of habit


That's ok.
It simply means that we will have to work the prying eyes of the jannies at org into our calculations.


Until I’m motivated enough to use Matrix, I’m going to keep ogre jannies on high alert with this thread.

We should use every available VPN to spam them so they don’t know whether to ban all VPNs and ruin their site or handle matters individually, which would be time consuming.


At this point ultimantly I think it would be best for everyone to demand reunification but under our terms; Democracy and the inclusion of boards here and the removal of fag jannies like m00dy, pask, whoever else.


Reunification is impossible at this point, not just because their jannies are insufferable faggots but also because a core part of their base think we’re irrelevant and would rather prefer the company of jannies who log IPs and do perma range bans on VPNs. Anons have to island hop and hope m00by or some other retard doesn’t have a shit fit with them.


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Absolute state


lol beautiful woman? that was you?


If you can give me a specific example or two, I can answer. I’ve fucked that board up so much with my various schizoid ramblings and shitposts that I forget much of what I’ve posted


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I forgot but I think I noticed someone posting like that before


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Only 6 hours? My longest ban was like 1 or 2 weeks


eh,i've had a few perma bans, but I suppose the jannies think that IP is clean and therefore i'm a newfag or something.


That's smart


If memory serves me correctly, I’ve posted pictures of Polish and Egyptian porn stars only, plus a hippy girl with a nice ass and pretty face who’s also done porn lol. I’m a proud degenerate.
I either get 4 weeks or perma.


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Imagine policing content that’s posted on a board meant for random topics and shitposts. I actually despise those jannies and hope they choke on a sandwich.


Misato is such a sperg lol, I couldn't hate the dude even if I wanted to.


There’s really nobody on there who’s likable. Can’t think of a worse group of misfits apart from the ops team David Sherratt used to run.


fucking nasty hoe

it makes me physically ill that some landwhale is avatarfagging as Misato

>muh reactionary inkwells


I hate fucking w*men. Truly they are not capable of enjoying any art. Pitiful creatures.


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>be me
>notice there’s a thread on the Romanovs
>false flag and say they should’ve been tortured first
>thread devolves into false dichotomy of “we should’ve tortured all of them” vs “what happened to them was wrong”
>thread reaches bump limit
>make new threads on the Romanovs while pretending to be Leninhat because he in particular acted very unhinged in the original thread
>threads get deleted and I’m banned
>switch to new IPs over and over
>eventually make a Leninhat general, which was the most active thread for a few hours before being deleted
>multiple people are now pretending to be Leninhat because of me, all while talking about the Romanovs and calling everyone a fascist lickspittle

Pulling psyops on ogre is practice for me. I’m only making this public knowing ogre jannies observe this thread because I’ve grown bored of impersonating Leninhat. They won’t even know my next move.


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You're doing God's work soldier


What these namefags don’t realize is image boards aren’t meant to be pruned and moderated like subreddits, especially not boards that originated on infinity.

>m-misogyny bad

Niqqa the entire point of image boards is they’re used as containment zones for people to write things they wouldn’t write elsewhere online. 4chan is completely unmoderated spam garbage, but you have to appreciate the low eye queue idiocy and racism to a degree because you won’t find it anywhere else in bunches. These people are newfags who have no idea how old 4chan and various forums used to be, or that oldfag leftists would call you a double niqqer faggot on the regular.


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>They won’t even know my next move.
Kek. You should've used this picture for further impact.


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I should’ve actually used this


what jannoids need to realize is that they should keep the fuck away from the posteriat

just be a good human spam filter and get the fuck out of my way bitch

jannies should be treated as publicly owned slaves tbh

>but you have to appreciate the low eye queue idiocy and racism

nah, you don't need to appreciate shit

you just need to embrace the chaotic nature of anonymous imageboards
all the other shit comes with the territory


Please stop this. I read a bunch of posts on org and I can't tell if they're intentionally bad as part of a raid or actual real normal common opinions..


I have created a new thread specifically for our psyops >>1351 >>1351 >>1351


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I appreciate and embrace the chaos, I literally am chaos (and highly schizophrenic)
>I can't tell if they're intentionally bad as part of a raid or actual real normal common opinions
That’s exactly the point

Also before I start posting in the psyops thread look at this shit lmao

Unique IPs: 147

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