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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.486037[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]>>486182>>486206>>486307

Police search for gunman after Brian Thompson, 50, killed in Manhattan in ‘brazen targeted attack’



Hero of the people


Literally who?


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‘Deny, defend, depose’ found on shell casings as cops hunt UnitedHealthcare CEO’s masked killer after ’targeted’ attack

UnitedHealthcare CEO shot down: The words "deny," "defend" and "depose" were discovered by detectives on the shell casings found at the scene where Brian Thompson, the CEO of major insurance group UnitedHealthcare, was gunned down.

Thompson’s wife, Paulette Thompson, told NBC News that he told her “there were some people that had been threatening him.” She didn’t have details but suggested the threats may have involved issues with insurance coverage.



I did it.


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Nice job I gotta admit


Nice, health insurance companies are some of the most evil companies on the planet.


Our guy will never be ratted out. What a champion.


Didn't some guy on X/Twitter already report info to the police?




Damn, imagine being so despised that everybody is trying to claim your assassination.


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I don't get it to be honest. "Deny" and "depose" are relevant, what is being "defended" though?


It's the title of a book about how the insurance industry fucks people over


I'm assuming it means something like "defend the company's right to murder people."


God this man is based.


Who should he get next?


Elon Musk


Aren't we kinda jumping to conclusions ? Was the motivation really comeuppance for this CEO murdering people via health-care-neglect ?

I do understand the reaction where people are beginning to ask how many CEOs does it take to get universal healthcare.

This could also just have been porky on porky violence, you know some capitalist hiring a hitman to get rid of a competing capitalist.


Who cares about his motivations?


Why doesn't porky on porky violence happen more often? Did it fly under the radar?


Kek. Also I need an id on his fit because I'm gonna start dressing like that.


>Who cares about his motivations?
Not sure but, if this really was retaliation for homicide by health-care neglect, that might have political consequences.

I hope it would cause universal health care, but i don't know.

>Why doesn't porky on porky violence happen more often?
In feudalism the lords all had their own little armies, they killed each other a lot.
The bourgeois state took away private armies for that reason. Partly by decree as in the state claiming a monopoly on violence and absorbing all the private armies.

There were corporate mercenary armies in the 18 and 19 century. Those got the shit kicked out of them by state armies. Which finished off most of what was left of private armies.

Technically in the UK there still are a few legacy feudal armies, but they likely are mostly LARP for tourism at this point.

I think there still are so called "corporate security forces" who recruit military and police rejects, they're closer to mobsters than soldiers tho. A infamous group like that was the Pinkertons (might be spelled incorrectly). I think the CIA might eventually go private, because … end-of-empire.


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This guy.


Remember, remember, the 4th of December
When some richie rich guy got shot
I know many reasons this holiday season
Will clean up the HMO rot


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I know nobody wants to consider this possibility, but isn't it weird that Yoav Gallant, wanted in 124 countries for literally thousands of murders, arrives in NYC on December 1st and then this guy gets killed on the 4th less than a mile from where Gallant is staying?

Don't get me wrong, I 100% support Brian Thompson getting shot, but isn't it weird that nobody is asking whether or not the Israelis might have some motive to take this guy out?
The NYPD can't find the Claims Adjuster at all and they're just putting out statements like "welp… obviously this guy wasn't a professional, very amateurish" when the guy had a silencer, did it in front of people, was caught on camera, and still got away and might well never be caught. Meanwhile, a guy with one of the longest rap sheets in the world and connections to Mossad is staying right down the street and doesn't leave NYC until today, it's ridiculous that Gallant isn't even being considered as a potential suspect who could have a motive.


Ok first something strange that i noticed from the video of the deed, is that the shooter appears to be manually cycling the gun after each shot. I'm not knowledgeable about guns, but i would speculate that it could have been caused by an improvised muffler(shittier than a silencer) that somehow interfered with the semi-auto cycle function of the gun.

So equipment-wise it might not be that professional after-all. But you are right that the moves on this guy ooze professional hitman.

Him getting away probably doesn't mean much, the surveillance terror systems are designed to mess with journalism and suppress democracy, not things like catching shooters. The core of the ruling class uses helicopters and armored Limousines to get from their corporate-layer to their gated community, they're not likely to get shot on the sidewalk.

You are not wrong to suspect a connection to the Gallant daemon, proximity to such a intense distortion of darkness could cause stuff like this to happen. On a more serious note, you think the Israeli mossaded this guy to take the attention off Zionist Himmler ?


Good point about the surveillance state being made for suppression and intimidation rather than stuff like this.

>You are not wrong to suspect a connection to the Gallant daemon, proximity to such a intense distortion of darkness could cause stuff like this to happen. On a more serious note, you think the Israeli mossaded this guy to take the attention off Zionist Himmler ?

I think that if Gallant called it, it was most likely over a scorned Israeli business or maybe Brian Thompson was privately skeptical of Zionism and the Israelis had a successor waiting in the wings to take over the company upon Thompson's death. IE it was probably about business and control of a(nother) major company if the Israelis were behind it. I don't think they would kill an American CEO just to distract people, it would be a waste of resources even for people as petty and evil as that. If there's a motive, a detective could probably find it were they to look, but I don't know much about what interactions, if any, that (shitty) healthcare company had with Israeli interests.


Right now this guy is in the hero of the people box. There is a certain political utility because it raises the specter of consequences for murdering people by with-holding health care. Maybe something to go on to get universal health care.

However I'm not sure if linking him to the Zionists is really useful, unless there is something more concrete to go on. Although there might be political utility for weakening Zionist political interference, obviously the Zionists going after bourgeois targets would make them very unpalatable to the powers that be.


Dogg, the sheer seethe in the media on the amount of unwashed subhuman peasantry cheering on this! Really kicks the rocks off for the future.

>>486037 (OP)


The consensus right now among gun guys is that the shooter was using a custom-loaded subsonic cartridge that doesn't have enough power to cycle the action, meaning it needs to be cycled manually. This would help to conceal the sound of the shot against the ambient noise of the city.

Also, even before the current suspect was arrested, people had no real evidence for the professional assassin Navy SEAL with 300 confirmed kills theory. You don't have to be Solid Snake to put a few shots into a porky at point-blank range. Bourgeois shills promoted the contract killer theory because they don't want average people getting the idea that they could do something like this. Unfortunately for them, this has now been rendered obsolete, as it seems that a working-class Italian plumber can do this. I've also heard the theory that the cops will frame somebody if they can't find the actual killer, but it wouldn't have been this. It would have been somebody who was obviously schizo if it was a frameup, not somebody that a lot of people would sympathize with and certainly not a guy with such an amazing meme-fodder name. From what I've been reading, it seems that our plumber's grandparents had their claim denied by United Healthcare. People are going to be sending him lasagna in prison.


Sad this seems to be another potential comrade lost to Kaczinski's ignorant ravings.


>Sad this seems to be another potential comrade lost to Kaczinski's ignorant ravings.
Two things.

First: he's a patsy. State has no proof and every incentive to make shit up.
Second: Even if Luigi did it (which he didn't), there's no reason to care about the particulars of his ideology. He could be a Nazi and I would not GAF. A Nazi can get fucked over by UnitedHealthcare, too. This is the understanding you should take from this, and by putting the petty concern of ideology before the concern of class you're losing track of the very real truth which has been reaffirmed, that class interests are broad, motivating, and far more powerfully uniting than specific ideological interests. Save ideology for the parties.


>However I'm not sure if linking him to the Zionists is really useful, unless there is something more concrete to go on.
The concrete fact is that Gallant happened to get into NYC days earlier, stayed nearby, and left days after. Based on his record of killings and assassinations, he should have been a suspect from the start just by default. I doubt that he was investigated at all in relation to this, and that's odd whether or not I consider it politically convenient to "link" Gallant to this.


Allegedly Mangione's manifesto (Dec. 9)

Patsy, but still some good lines there.


>The consensus right now among gun guys is that the shooter was using a custom-loaded subsonic cartridge that doesn't have enough power to cycle the action, meaning it needs to be cycled manually. This would help to conceal the sound of the shot against the ambient noise of the city.
Thanks for explaining.
The lower power round kinda has the social relation of an insult, as in he was not expecting a Boss-fight.

>Also, even before the current suspect was arrested, people had no real evidence for the professional assassin Navy SEAL with 300 confirmed kills theory. You don't have to be Solid Snake to put a few shots into a porky at point-blank range. Bourgeois shills promoted the contract killer theory because they don't want average people getting the idea that they could do something like this.

That is true, but it did look very smooth and controlled, like this is gonna be copied by movies.

> Unfortunately for them, this has now been rendered obsolete, as it seems that a working-class Italian plumber can do this. I've also heard the theory that the cops will frame somebody if they can't find the actual killer, but it wouldn't have been this. It would have been somebody who was obviously schizo if it was a frameup, not somebody that a lot of people would sympathize with and certainly not a guy with such an amazing meme-fodder name. From what I've been reading, it seems that our plumber's grandparents had their claim denied by United Healthcare. People are going to be sending him lasagna in prison.

What you are saying does make sense but they probably don't have a unrelatable scapegoat ready for every situation. I would not take this guy's guilt at face value. They probably deem it a worse PR-situation if somebody from the lower classes can off a high profile porky and just get away with it. The frameup hypothesis is not out of the picture yet.


>The concrete fact is that Gallant happened to get into NYC days earlier, stayed nearby, and left days after. Based on his record of killings and assassinations, he should have been a suspect from the start just by default.
Fair enough, your logic is sound.

>I doubt that he was investigated at all in relation to this, and that's odd

You're probably right about that too.

>whether or not I consider it politically convenient to "link" Gallant to this.

Obviously genuine justice is a scarce commodity these days, given that the Zionist incarnation of Himmler was granted the privilege to commit mass-murder with impunity. So considerations of political utility really is all there is.

I think people are lionizing the shooter because that CEO had a official position where he could decide about who lives or dies. That's not an acceptable power anybody can have. Feudal kings got guillotined alot for trying to claim that privilege, and quite often it was bourgeois capitalists pulling the guillotine release lever. So on a political level these aren't really cheers for vigilante justice against somebody who did an insurance scam. And I'm also not sure this is proletarian class consciousness either, because this action is entirely within the bounds of the sensibilities of classical liberal bourgeois values. And as such my political calculation is: maybe this can be milked for concessions like universal health-care.

If this was proletarian class struggle it would have been organized systemic action not directed against a single individual.

I know that many people are lamenting the callous attitudes expressed towards life, but i think that might be a reflection of the ruling classes own attitudes.

The material conditions are such that health-care is increasingly becoming a "mechanized industry" in the sense that things like medical machines, pills, treatments and cures are becoming mass-producible things that are subject to economies of scales and not granting everybody health-care is irrational.


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'90s cartoon Doug featured a colorful cast of characters, such as Skeeter & love interest Patsy Mangione


>chad had to live one year as an incel
>immediately starts killing CEOs


for context, the news is saying Mangione had a recent-ish back condition preventing physical intimacy, including sex


>>486037 (OP)
more from his "manifesto"

“To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn’t working with anyone,” Mangione wrote.

“This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there,” he wrote.

“I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done,” Mangione wrote. “Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming.

“A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but [h]as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allowed them to get away with it,” he wrote.

“Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain,”



Mangione namechecked Michael Moore in his manifesto and gave praise to feds to the anarcho-rightoids on X praising him as an example of vigilante justice against monopolies are trying to do a U-turn.


Mangione namechecked Michael Moore in his manifesto and gave praise to feds so the anarcho-rightoids on X praising him as an example of vigilante justice against monopolies are trying to do a U-turn.

Also, the media toned the fucker WAY the fuck down after they had his manifesto in full and refused to read it looking for other "motives" beside punishing corporate greed


Wrote a song about this the day before yesterday, but didn't record it 'til today: https://leftychan.net/music/res/534.html#661
I'm not changing the lyrics (they're out of date if you believe the cops, but I'm fine with that), but should I bother re-recording it just so it's tighter?


Radlib terrorism


Is it true he's a furry?


Saying I dindu it is such a weird move. He's not getting out of jail regardless so people donating to his legal defense are weird.


Because I'm poor I get free healthcare in america so I can't empthasize too much but I know that health insurance premiums are ridiculous.

It affects the working lass and even the upper middle class. Huge sums of money paid for basic health care, often double digit percentage of income, being bankrupted 4 times over for a single surgery etc


actually after the ACA protected the lower middle class the health insurance premium issue may mainly affect the rich tbh


I guess this rich kid got horrible back pain he thought a surgery could solve and got denied by United. Given out of pocket health care is expensive even for the rich in the USA, the face of anti-health-insurance is a rich kid


>the ACA protected the lower middle class
Nah. It was a law written by the health insurance companies.


He's a patsy.


It was designed to prevent a public option but it lowered premiums for the lower-middle class to near 0 and massively expanded Medicaid to the poor.

The whole health insurance thing bites rich people the most. It's the uber wealthy preying on the wealthy and middle class.


brainlet take


Nope. He's a patsy. Innocent. Framed.


PS anyone who presumes guilt and discourages funding his defense is extremely suspicious


In the time since ACA passed premiums have only gone up and working class people are paying more abd receiving less than ever.


he's on video r-tard

The ACA was a bad law, it was meant as a replacement for a much better public option. However, it is a fact that it massively decreased health care costs for million of poor and lower-middle class people.


you are delusional if you think funding a ridiculous dindu it story will do him any favors

a greedy lawyer is looking for money from his wealthy family, promising him to prevent going to Riker's a much less safe place than Pennsylvania jails. Mangione was selfish enough to take the offer and stop his political tirade.


>he's on video r-tard
You can say retard here, fed.

Also, I've seen the video, we've all seen the video, the stills, etc. and it doesn't look like the same guy.

If you think money doesn't help with legal defenses in America you're delusional.

Of course, you don't actually believe that, it's a ploy to try to discourage people from helping. "Yeah bro, trust me, the feds totally have him dead to rights, it's a super airtight case which is why you shouldn't help pay for the legal team." Even if the first part about the case being solid was true (which it is not), that would only be more reason to fund his defense. If you actually believed that it would be a difficult case to beat, that would be more reason to fund the legal defense, not less, as the richest people with the best legal teams and most limitless legal & financial resources regularly get away with stuff in America. Unfortunately, neither admitting he is a patsy nor pretending that the case is difficult to beat will actually provide a good reason for you to shame randos for helping with legal costs, so now you're resulting to petty personal attacks about his "greedy" lawyer and how the patsy is "selfish."
Or perhaps they both have cooties, and that's why no one should help them. You're a joke, buddy.


>defending a nazi faggot in court cause he killed a ceo

Literal brain retardation.


>nazi faggot
Oh, is that the best you can do? Smear him harder! Harder!!


Even if he was a nazi killing a CEO far outweighs his personal beliefs. The most hardcore nazi on the planet is less evil than a health insurance CEO.


> it doesn't look like the same guy

So they framed a valedictorian bougie? And yea, it does look like the same guy. It is the same guy.


It's not a case Mangione can beat. He is doing a hail mary to avoid Rikers. He WILL be locked up the rest of his life. That's the choice he made as a political martyr, if he wants to be a political martyr then he should be one and make more verbal statements about his opinions in court.

The case against him is airtight, they have his DNA, photos and videos of him, including his face. They have his ghost gun and his fake IDs.

Mangione will be in jail the rest of his life. If he cares about what he believes in he'd show contempt of court and do verbal tirades for what he believes in.


>bourgeoisie is when u study very hard
Try harder, fed.

>be me
>totally real leftist
>arguably the most legit socialist in the world
>the proverbial King of the Leftists
>By Royal Marxist Decree, I do solemnly declare that the guy the feds are accusing of killing a CEO is guilty, the cops would never make anything up, and because I think he killed a CEO no one should help him pay for the best legal team possible

>they have his DNA

A detail conveniently discussed after they had already arrested their patsy. Even if they didn't have his DNA, they're not legally required to not lie about it in order to try to get a confession. But you already know that. ;D
>his face
Doesn't look like him.
>ghost gun and fake IDs
Easy to plant & easy to forge respectively.

Mangione could very well die in prison, but he isn't guilty.


your story makes no sense and is cringe


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No you dumb fucking uyghur.
If the left is relying on NAZIS to champion our beliefs then we have a serious fucking problem. The dude was another average nazi skitzo who finally snapped. A typical terrorist who does nothing but serve his own self interest to his equally dimwitted peers. All you are doing by embracing this retard is exposing how ignorant and cringe you are when it comes to your beliefs as a leftist and, further more, how hollow your beliefs truly are.



The left is so pathetic. I think I am just going to abandon you fucking pathetic dogmatists and just become a liberal. You have no foundational beliefs you have no ethics you have nothing. You just move between one desperate attempt at relevance to the next. It's absolutely pathetic.

It's not a smear you dumb fucking UYGHUR. He had troves of right wing content and literature on his amazon and absolutely zero left wing lit at all. You people are so desperate for anyone to ratify your beliefs its pathetic. You are pathetic.


> you have no foundational beliefs
> i'm going to change my politics because of an anonymous internet post



Nobody cares what books he reads, you nerd. We care that he SHOT AND KILLED A MEMBER OF THE RULING CLASS

Now where are the copycat killers? I was told if you televise it, it will keep happening.


>to champion our beliefs
Well the left believes in systemic change.

Is this the path to systemic change ?
As in is this a trolley problem, where ceos are on one rail and the masses are on the other and there is a rail-switch lever ?
This is a genuine question.
My hunch is it could be possible to create something like consumer-unions to negotiate better health-care plans.

If you look at the system as it exists today it is very violent, it leaves mountains of corpses in it's wake. The fact that it is using sneaky systemic violence, rather than more overt forms of violence is not relevant. So when we raise the demand for non-violence, we have to direct it at the most violent faction first. And there also is the question why the weapon of systemic violence isn't being subjected to the same kind of prohibitions as other kinds of weapons.

>The dude was

>A typical terrorist
An example of violent terrorism is somebody planting an explosive that kills random innocent people in a random public place, the population experiences terror because they worry that it could have been them. Another example can be the state abusing it's powers, that also produces a similar kind of terror. What the UK did to journalists covering the genocide in Gaza under the guise of "combating terrorism" ironically, that qualifies as terrorism. Because it once again is affecting random innocent people. And random innocent people worry whether they could be victimized by this. The Zionist regime dropping bombs on random civilians that also ticks the terrorism box.

By contrast this guy did not attack at random, he picked a very specific target. What ever you want to call that, it does not fit the category of terrorism. Because random innocent people don't have to worry that this could happen to them. People aren't experiencing terror. You can even see this in the public reaction: it was either approval or disapproval of his actions, but it wasn't fear. Terrorism is linked to politics of fear.

There is a tendency to degrade language to where all the positive words are applied to the in-group and all the negative words are applied to the out-group. Lets not do that. Lets use words to describe actions rather then allegiances.

I think you can call him a murderer, but you also ought to call his victim a serial killer too.


I don't really believe the guy they caught is the killer btw, but that's a moot point.

If nazis are killing CEO's that's kinda based of them. They can't even make leftists out to be terrorists in that case. It would actually be worse for us if he was a leftist.

Now on the other hand if he was a lefty, I fully appreciate the fact that individual terrorism is counter-revolutionary but since the left is not doing anything at all (literally nothing) then shitting on such acts is just hypocrisy. None of us are involved in any meaningful praxis so why should we bitch?

Anyway this guy isn't even a Nazi how are we jumping to that conclusion?


>become a liberal
You already are by the sounds of it.


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Not sure if he was a nazi but he definitely had middle-class tendencies.
>A typical terrorist who does nothing but serve his own self interest to his equally dimwitted peers.
I agree with this, I understood why he did but don't agree with the action at all.

"If we oppose terrorist acts, it is only because individual revenge does not satisfy us. The account we have to settle with the capitalist system is too great to be presented to some functionary called a minister. To learn to see all the crimes against humanity, all the indignities to which the human body and spirit are subjected, as the twisted outgrowths and expressions of the existing social system, in order to direct all our energies into a collective struggle against this system—that is the direction in which the burning desire for revenge can find its highest moral satisfaction."


"We Marxists consider the tactic of individual terror inexpedient in the tasks of the liberating struggle of the proletariat as well as oppressed nationalities. A single isolated hero cannot replace the masses. But we understand only too clearly the inevitability of such convulsive acts of despair and vengeance. All our emotions, all our sympathies are with the self-sacrificing avengers even though they have been unable to discover the correct road."



>your story makes no sense
My "story" is literally just that he's a patsy & was framed by the feds. Not particularly confusing, & totally precedented.


>Nobody cares what books he reads, you nerd.

This too. It might be murder, it might be justice done to a murderer, but it is not "terrorism." The target was chosen because the target hurt and killed other people by the thousand.


>Not shilling for literal nazis makes you a liberal.

State of communists rn.


This is ultra leftist pandering.


Calling random people nazis is something liberals do, yes.


It will keep happening and nothing will fundamentally change as long as property relations remain untouched and class consciousness is low.


That's true but I also think this shooting demonstrated that there is some baseline of class consciousness in America.


Again you retard he was into adolf hitler. You can keep denying reality but all you are doing is showing how fucking shallow and pathetic your beliefs are. He was most likely a pollfag. You are not a leftist you are just a roll player. Sucking his dick dry because he inadvertently killed a ceo because he is a skitzo (big suprise) is not leftism.


>skitzo poll fag randomly kilsl ceo because his health insurance fucked him over

>wow bro the revolution is so close!!!


Wtf I just learned Obama read Fanon & Marx once I guess he was a Communist after all!


His politics don't matter. What does matter is that it's based and that people everywhere agree.


>waaah he wasn't ideologically pure enough you can't cheer for his action because of this
>also you're dogmatists btw
I've been reading 4chan and the corporate shills there are deploying similar tactics but in reverse, "you can't like this guy because he was muh leftist commie libtard, only muh ebil lefties would do this, also you're brown and jewish" and such. It's not working any better there. Almost all of 4chan is celebrating this bourg faggot's death too, and a lot of them are getting classpilled because of this. For my part, I don't care if this guy was a Nazi pedophile who eats well-done steak. This was an objectively good thing to do.


4chan hasn't been relevant since at least 2017 who cares


killing a single individual CEO is a highly ideological act

it's something you would expect someone who wrote a long manifesto or a statement of beliefs to do.

At this moment, he appears to be a status seeker without much conviction, especially after his not guilty plea. The fact other leftists don't want him to be honest is even more pathetic.

What would be revolutionary would be for him to show a dedication to intelligently articulated issues with private health insurance, which it's not clear he does or many people on the chans and twitters do.


A Lakeland, Florida, woman has been charged after police said she told an insurance company, “Delay, Deny, Depose. You people are next.”

She reportedly called BlueCross BlueShield regarding medical insurance claims she was denied

It seems Mangione is inspiring females to make vague meaningless threats that get them thrown in jail immediately

"A Lakeland woman was charged Tuesday after police said she ended a call to an insurance company with the words, “Delay, Deny, Depose.”


I find it interesting how the meaning of those three words are so obvious and yet the media universally acted like it was some mystery


“She readily admitted that, ‘Yeah that’s exactly what I said but I didn’t mean anything by it’,” Chief Taylor said. “Well, you don’t get to pull that back after you say it.”

Literal state of the left right now


Important enough for the bourgs to send shills there. And apparently so is this place despite much lower traffic.


I just checked 4chan and they're cheering the shooting so I dunno wtf ur on about

CEO execution is the right-libertarian method of corporate justice. Drill down on how right-libs want to deal with corrupt corporations and after an hour or two of arguing it always end with them arguing to execute CEOs.

CEOs get replaced in two seconds, it's a retarded ideological stance.


>I just checked 4chan and they're doing exactly what you said they're doing, I dunno wtf ur on about


"she's a patsy for the REAL woman who called BlueCross, the CIA set her up, it's a conspiracy hurr durr"


That poster's showing some serious *cough*fed*cough*nitive dissonace.


>>486037 (OP)
Think I'm changing my mind about Luigi, because his haters are so annoying, case in point:



I was reading an essay the other day by a medico on his reflections about covid and how "the science" is losing out to antivax nonsense. The tldr is that he thinks he (at the time) and people like him were too focused on having the right opinions and missed the wider context of what was happening, and what kind of psychological benefits antivax ideology was providing the people they were arguing with.


He connects his experience to a similar problem where there are people on the left more interested in having the Correct Take at the expense of actually accomplishing anything. In particular he points out the failure of the left to meaningfully oppose and gain against Thatcherism.

This killing has energized the proletariat in a unique way, and rather than utilizing that energy in a useful way instead "Leftists" want to squabble over dogma and obscure colorations given to the act by oracular divinations of the perpetrator's character.

However you slice it, people love that it happened and particularly who it happened to. "Finally it happened to someone that deserved it."


You forgot about the part where everyone in the country started memeing about how based that was.


this is giving me the ick. I think we shouldn't talk about this CEO shooting anymore, this guy is problematic fr. like UGH he was no angel! hello!


>I think we shouldn't talk about this CEO shooting anymore
Well the ruling class probably wants to make an example out of this guy (who could just be a patsy) , but they probably can't as long as there's attention on him. Regardless of what you think of him as a person, you probably don't want to let a ruling class do something like that.


I suppose next he's going to be telling us that socialism is bad and we should all just vote for Democrats because that's what real leftists do. Imagine actually having a problem with a porky getting offed. And the idea that it's a bad thing has already been disproven by BCBS backing down on some more penny-pinching corporate bullshit they were going to do. They're not sending their best.

>t. health insurance executive


We should talk about him and how his actions weren't the correct ones to take. Capital can easily sweep these isolated incidents under the rug.


>t. health insurance executive



>Authorities in New York City have issued a warning to healthcare executives following the distribution of ‘wanted’ posters featuring prominent industry leaders. These developments come after the apparent assassination of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson on December 4. The posters depict OptumHealth CEO Heather Cianfrocco and UnitedHealth Group CEO Andrew Witty. A poster of Thompson is included, with his face scored through with a bloody red ‘X.’


It's frankly hilarious how all the CIA has to do is plant some """right wing""" twitter posts under his name and suddenly your working class hero is a nazi. And you wonder why your movement is such a joke they don't even bother banning your from reddit.



> THREAD: The official narrative of how Luigi Mangione was apprehended doesn’t add up. Evidence suggests a deeper surveillance operation involving real-time facial recognition technology. Let’s delve into the inconsistencies and explore the implications. 🧵 Image


>Considering Mangione’s efforts to conceal his identity, it’s improbable that a fast-food employee could identify him based solely on limited public images. We’re talking about a high-pressure, fast-paced environment where employees process hundreds of customers daily.

>But what if the real key to his capture wasn’t human recognition at all? I’ll bet you didn’t know McDonald’s kiosk cameras have facial recognition technology: pointjupiter.com/work/mcdonalds/

>Given the integration of this technology, it’s not unlikely that federal agencies can access these systems for surveillance with real-time facial recognition across multiple venues. The NSA and other agencies already have a track record of using private surveillance networks.

>Admitting the feds are running real-time facial recognition surveillance across the country would spark outrage. Instead, they sell a more "believable" narrative that a heroic employee saved the day.

>If this is true, it means federal agencies have access to live camera feeds in private businesses, and they’re using AI to scan and identify individuals in real time. Surveillance isn’t limited to fugitives – it could extend to anyone, anywhere.

>This has massive implications for privacy and civil liberties. If McDonald’s can be used as a hub for mass surveillance, what about other chains? Grocery stores? Gas stations? The infrastructure is already there. Image

>Kroger has faced scrutiny for using facial recognition tech too – and it’s even more dystopian. Not only are they scanning faces, but they’re linking that data to shopping profiles and potentially altering prices in real time based on your data. aclu.org/news/privacy-t…

>This isn’t just about marketing – it’s surveillance capitalism on steroids. Corporations are turning our faces into data points to manipulate our spending, while the government secretly piggybacks off that infrastructure to track civilians.

>We should demand transparency. If facial recognition is being used at this scale, we have a right to know. How much data are these companies collecting? Who else has access to this data, such as third parties and law enforcement? How are these technologies regulated, if at all?

>We’re at a crossroads. If we don’t push back now, this kind of tech will become the norm. Surveillance will be baked into every facet of our lives, from shopping to dining to simply walking down the street. Image

>The Mangione case and Kroger’s practices show us the future: a world where our faces are not just tracked but exploited, both by corporations seeking profit and governments seeking control.

>We need transparency and accountability: Clear limits on the use of facial recognition tech, protections against price manipulation based on profiling, and strong oversight of government access to private surveillance networks.

>This isn’t just a McDonald’s or Kroger issue – it’s a systemic shift. Facial recognition is becoming the foundation of a surveillance economy, and we must demand better protections now.


Tbh this narrative is the 2nd most feasible after him being a patsy and it being a setup.


Ftr that poster is also CIA. ;D
Most users here don't buy the psyop.


Yes, let's condone the actions of people that thank feds and don't value human life.


>badjacketing this hard
>tfw the entire board of directors of United Healthcare is in this thread begging us not to throw turtle shells at them
Riddle me this you fucking shill faggots. Assuming it actually was a psyop, what the fuck would be the point? Why would the porkies put together a psyop designed to bring people together across political boundaries in utter contempt for them? If it is a psyop it's the worst psyop ever. Seems to me like the only psyop here is the people attempting to convince you it's a psyop. This is the standard porky tactic whenever somebody does something that they actually feel threatened by. They try to make it out to look like it's fake because obviously nobody would ever actually attack the filthy rich bastards screwing the whole country over. They need to do this to maintain their illusion of invincibility. But the truth is that they're not invincible and this shooting has proven that to everybody. They're quaking in their $1000 boots right now.


<Door N°1
The guy from the burger-restaurant recognized him
<Door N°2
Surveillance shit
<Door N°3
It's the wrong guy and they're framing him, because the actual shooter got away, and they can't admit that.

You also are not grasping the full extend of a surveillance society.

It's not just about spying on everyone. They're creating something like a theocratic institution that can accuse people of literally imaginary crimes, just by making up fake surveillance data. Also actual criminals can do the reverse by hiding their crimes with fake surveillance data, manufacturing fake alibis.

The problem isn't just about getting rid of the surveillance, if people decide to remove all the bugs, they can . It's perhaps much harder to make people realize that it can't really be trusted. Remember the Iraq war ? They made up fake satellite images and invented a story about weapons of mass destruction. Aside from the malicious stuff, systems have errors.

It used to be that it was very difficult to create fake images sounds and what ever else, movie studios could do it but that cost a lot of resources and time. So people trusted pictures, videos etc to be genuine recordings of reality. But it's not anymore and therefore the first step towards a better world is addressing misplaced trust, and ask our self's is surveillance actually a recording of reality.


>Riddle me this you fucking shill faggots. Assuming it actually was a psyop, what the fuck would be the point?
I was saying the poster that AnCap flag was replying to was a fed. Check who AnCap flag was replying to. The psyop I'm referring to is the "HE WAS A NAZI!!!! STOP CLAPPING!!!! DON'T GAIN CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS!!!!! NOOOO!!!" guys, who are clearly feds. ;P


Sorry, I misinterpreted what you were saying as a shill accusation against ancap poster. I figured it was intended to set us against each other because socialists and ancaps don't normally get along, but it turns out ancaps don't like Thompson either because the Obamacare mandate to buy private health insurance is anti-free market. But what I said is generally applicable to the shills here regardless.

>let's value the life of a guy who had so little respect for others' lives that he let them die by the thousands solely because it wasn't profitable to keep them alive
How about no.


Literacy is at an all time low and it's so sad. You are free to do whatever you want but if you want to cling desperately to some random right wing skitzo (of which he was as again I have stated several times that his amazon library had fucking mein comph in it) rather than, I Don't know, get off your fat lazy ass and actually build a left wing collective movement to fight for something more then you are just going to come off to the average person as another shallow freak libtard. You are a desperate parasite shifting from on host to the next.


Yeah it is a highly ideological act. His insurance company fucked him over. You can fire a gun and stalk a CEO and have zero class awarness.


>hahaha a ceo got killed

>wow bro the revolution is tomorrow!

You have a childs fucking understanding of politics.


>He praised a right wing fucking primitivist who killed literally thousands of innocent people!!!

Foundationless fucking worthless opportunists up in this bitch.


>His insurance company fucked him over.
Luigi Mansione was not a customer of UHC.


You write like an actual child anon.


Why is his name Luigi's Mansion? WHY


and he probably could afford proper surgery anyway since his family is filthy rich.
i personally think the backpain post-surery drow him crazy and made him hate the medical industry,he started reading up on it and realized how fucked up and inpopular the insurance business is, so he then figured out that he might aswell sacrifice himself for a greater cause and become a martyr.
His life quality would be shit anyways because of the pain and being unable to have sex, might aswell do something to be remembered and idolized by


Why isn't yours?


>Ex-United Healthcare Employee BLOWS WHISTLE: FORCED to Deny Claims


He's not wrong though


He's not wrong though


Bro, are you like upset about the death of that CEO?


How did things get this bad? Seriously?


They're not upset at the CEO dying they're just pointing out that isolated violence like this won't lead to real revolutionary action.


I get it, but you can say that about anything until something happens. People are at least finally feeling that there are others out there that feel the same way as them about their current conditions. And that's a huge leap forward.

You see propaganda aims to make people feel isolated and powerless and is incredibly successful at it. They will manipulate comments on the internet to create a fake consensus and silence any dissent.

The cheers for this guys death have been heard.


Judge presiding over Luigi Mangione case is married to former health care executive.

Damn, it's like they're trying to piss off their citizens.


it's not going to lead anything.

A narcissistic valedictorian bougie has only inspired some middle-class woman to do some stupid death threat over the phone to a random United call worker, got thrown in jail for terrorism, and then cried and said she never really meant it

that was all that happened




What's the latest on this? I've heard that the cops didn't read him his miranda rights correctly being searched, and that his legal team (or someone else) is accusing the cops of planting DNA evidence. I can't actually find good news sources?

Did he already have a court hearing in New York?


>Did he already have a court hearing in New York?
I don't think so. I haven't been following this one closely, so if you beat me to updates on it post 'em for the whole class. Otherwise I'll try to figure out what the latest is, but can't guarantee I'll report back in a timely fashion.


I can't find the news but I like how scared the ruling class are:

>Reddit Is Restricting Luigi Mangione Discourse—but It’s Even Weirder Than That

>The website is attacking the users that made it the front page of the internet

LOL they're actually living in fear of their own people.



>LOL they're actually living in fear of their own people.
As they should!

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