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What would you do in this situation?


Holy shit that is so horrifying to think about.


That body just sat there for 2 years? I was thinking some people live down there and would have used the body as rape meat on day 2 at least.


If you go down there you should bring extra batteries for your flashlight


People live in the catacombs? I know uyghas live in sewers in major cities. It wouldn't surprise me.


Apparently it's a hoax.

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Here is an introduction to the M.O.N.D. hypotheses which assumes that dark matter does not exist

The "MOND people" are motivated to drop dark matter because it does not have empirical evidence.
No detector has been able to find the dark matter particles even after decades of trying. That means there are no direct measurements and that makes many materialists a bit skeptical, as well as restless to move on to different theoretical models.

This is a riveting tale about gravity, the shape of galaxies and the speed of stars.

What do you think about dark matter ?
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> reference point of an individual on the earth
I think you are getting some terms mixed up, for an understanding of why GR becomes involved when talking about spacetime between different points in the universe this is a good summary.



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Wait, so, if MOND is true how do you explain other predictions by GR like gravitational lensing and time dilation?


all astrophysics is bullshit

go to skyscholar channel on YT


>No you fundamentally don't understand why people use GR
nobody uses GR or SR in any real place


Yeah, stuff like this would make me sceptical of whole heartedly embracing natural sciences, much prefer math & engineering if I had to choose.

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guys my brother is dead plz help me i went into his room and i he was dead at the chair


his pc was open and had a text file on the screen its the most terrifying thing ive ever seen
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mark said that i should forget about all this and never mention this game again

i asked him what he was talking about

he said to forget


he said to burn that computer and forget all that shit

and something about a game file in instagram DMs

i had my brothers account so i just searched something about a game



Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


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>you lost the game


>The game

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fuck off

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Sup leftychan.
Anybody ever heard of this guy? He's a mid twenties artist with skitzophrenia. I'm not really here to talk about him, per see, but he also talks a lot about the crazy shit he sees and he always returns to this one point "it's all part of or connected to a central energy or "consciousness" in the universe" I'm not saying he's right I am just curious, like, you hear the same thing from people who do psychedelic drugs. They talk about a oneness with things and see fractles and and patterns if not out right hollucinations. I have never see the types of hallucinations this skitzo friend sees on LSD or DMT but they are similar in a way. My question is why does everyone in altered states of minds report this type of shit?

He has a tictok if you wanna see more of his shit. He has some crazy drawing. He's cool though. Seems like /ourguy/
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>We can only be approximately sure
So ? the scientific explanation beats all the other explanations because it's the only one that has at least some evidence to back up the claims it makes.


That doesn't make it inherently correct though. Like was said, it doesn't make the skitzos right either. It's just interesting is all. Science totally falls apart under the weight of the solipsistic proposition, though.


It doesn't necessarily contradict physics, and the expansion of the universe has no bearing here whatsoever. These ideas and the reasoning behind them are complicated and there's variation depending on who you're talking too. At best it goes against some intuition and surface level experience, but you could spend hours listing scientific facts that do.

Consciousness or "thoughtstuff" (for lack of a better term) as a fundamental, or the fundamental, component of reality isn't inherently solipsistic and is rarely proposed in a solipsistic hypothesis.


Right I get that. I am just using solipsism as a tool here to explain to our fellow anon how little we really understand.


I met him once in my dream

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Anybody remember this show from early 00's on TLC/Discovery channel where they showed the most haunted places?

Like one episode would be chicago or something?
I can't find it anywhere on youtube because the show that matches that description has such a generic title "America's Most Haunted Places"



HOLY FUCKING SHIT NVM I FOUND IT after searching for another haunted show called haunted hotels

this is so crazy


Good thread. There's a lot of stuff on tictok that leaves me scratching my head these days.
What was that show where they would pay people to go to these haunted places and the more shit they could endure the more money they got? They had one episode with a chick who apparently fucked a ghost lmao.


yo i don't think ever showed that on discovery kids man lol

this list is of all the famous and obscure paranormal tv might help you find it, it's how i found mine

also shoutout to the dudes on youtube who upload these random ass tv shows somehow for their 32 subscribers

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tldr this Spanish island off the African coast has been undergoing over 4000 earthquakes under its soil in the past few days. Alarms were raised, and it finally ticked off

Thousands of people are being evacuated and lava is rolling over houses and roads
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let's hope bros


Surface continues to deform, uplift reaches 19 cm
>The scenario of new eruptive fissures opening might be not that unlikely at all. The surface continues to inflate, which is a sign that more magma is being stored underground that (can erupt) erupts at the surface - the existing paths are not large enough. The volcano might choose to either enlarge them or create new ones.

We are here for a while


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>bro let's build our wholesome 2nd residences and resorts all the way downhill an active volcano ridge cheap land & shiet
Sad for the actual villagers (and harvests) but this is great for tourism porkies to unfuck themselves


Lava should be reaching the sea soon and the island will grow in size. How would this affect that potential landslide I have no idea but the erosion is there


I wonder how long it will take for accurate volcano predictions and the construction of artificial lava channels.

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Old administrator space was a better manager. Under the rule of the space administration there was a period of several years peace. But now, only after not even a year, the adminstrators and jannies got to petty squabbles and wrecked the site so that there are four low PPH ones. Even the Infrared guerillas, mocked by the denizens of these boards and slandered as bigoted misogynists, have multiplied in number to thousands, whereas place degenerated into the very lumpen the Infraredfaggots were decried as earlier. If a return to the old bunker is not effected, this could be the end, virtually.


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Glowies of course are diddlers.
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OK but anyone screeching about an "oppressive class" is not right wing or libertarian in any way.

>Why did you make a pdf of it instead of just a picture?
The tweet is a clickable link.


There's more from TrueAnon about these folks.


nitter more like uyghur lol


imagine following a cia spook


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Caleb Maupin has been vindicated once again.

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