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Do you believe anything like the russian sleep expirement happened? Many claim it is a fake, but there are other similar expirements that are confirmed real. The cutting off of dog's heads and bringing them back to life while decapitated. Lysenko headed a research division that tried to breed a monkey-human hybrid.

Scientists having encountered something paranormal would not be so far fetched
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… mate it's a well known fake…


Well apparently it isn't that well known cause i've never seen shit, lol.


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Truth is more horrifying than fiction. For every sleep experiment that didn't happen, 5 things that were worse actually did.


> Lysenko headed a research division that tried to breed a monkey-human hybrid.

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So, which of you motherfuckers have watched a bunch of Graham Hancock videos and what do you think about the subject?

Obviously there is a big crossover with Nazism and Hyberborea and all that shit, but where are we on the idea that there are ancient lost civilisations, ones which were quite advanced?

I'm fairly sold on it, they keep find new ones, like the one around Ankor watt for example.


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Didn't nazi's think they were aliens or some shit?


Yeh there is the whole vril energy thing, many of whom thought the aryan race came from a different planet


the Nazis had many weird ideas, for example they thought that it might be possible that we were living on the inside of earth, like the planet might be hollow. Because they imagined it possible that the surface is on the interior of a concave Earth, Hitler sent an expedition with powerful telescope cameras, to the Baltic island of Rugen to spy on the British fleet. the expeditionaries did so not by aiming their cameras across the ocean, but by pointing them up to peer across the atmosphere to the Atlantic Ocean.


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Magic acupuncture tattoos

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Does anybody else believe that the increasing rate of cancer is due to

1) The atmosphere being full of fossil fuels and
2) All the nuclear bombs tested (think of bikini atol, nuked every day multiple times for twelve years)

Seems like the irradiation has just seeped into everything, causing it to mutate in fucked up ways.

Other than that, its only been 100 years or so since we polluted everything, then suddenly its like 1 in 3 people get cancer.

I don't really know anything about it, did cancer exist before recently, when was it documented? Of course it could have gone undocumented, but I feel like its not that hard to find tumors and stuff most of the time
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No not really I think our modern diet with round up laiden crops is causing mass homonal issues and intestinal cancers. An anon in ogre pointed out that things like IBS are extremely common these days as well.


Perfidious Ba duping us again, they knew they just wouldn't tell.



>On January 18, 1955, then-AEC commissioner Dr. Willard Libby said that there was insufficient data regarding the effects of fallout due to a lack of human samples – especially samples taken from children – to analyze. Libby was quoted saying, "I don't know how to get them, but I do say that it is a matter of prime importance to get them, and particularly in the young age group. So, human samples are often of prime importance, and if anybody knows how to do a good job of body snatching, they will really be serving their country."[4] This led to over 1,500 samples being gathered, of which only 500 were analyzed.[4] Many of the 1,500 sample cadavers were babies and young children, and were taken from countries from Australia to Europe, often without their parents' consent or knowledge.[5] According to the investigation launched after a British newspaper reported that British scientists had obtained children’s bodies from various hospitals and shipped their body parts to the United States, a British mother had said that her stillborn baby's legs were removed by British doctors, and to prevent her from finding out what had happened, she was not allowed to dress the baby for the funeral


>atmosphere being full of fossil fuels
lol what? sage the retard at it again


Ah yes I forgot our air is clean

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> The highest point has without doubt been reached by the Chinese bureaucracy's laughable fake of the great statues of the industrial army of the First Emperor, which so many visiting statesmen have been taken to admire in situ. Since one could mock them so cruelly, this thus proves that in all the masses of their advisors, there was not a single individual who knew the history of art, in China or anywhere else.
Is Debord right to claim that the terracotta army is a fake?

Apparently there's some other French guys who agrees: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Terracotta_Army/Archive_1#The_statues_are_a_fake
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That's not true.


He was my entry into Marxism and I have a lot of sympathy for autonomism and such but ultimately he was part of the new left


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Not that any of this is related to the OP, but I call bullshit. Debord was a straight up council communist and you are more lib than he ever was with your naive support for reformist one-issue unions and other such dead-end democratism.
I dare you to cite one single quote from SoTS or any of his other works that would situate him in the same milieu as the opportunist "new left", or just admit that you're talking out of your ass.

As for OP: I really don't see how the CPC would gain anything by flouting muh culture and traditions like this when these statues would have had to be in production during those proudest of times when they still had at least some pretensions for making rupture with the decrepit old world.
I wonder what Vienet has to say about it now that he's long established as one of the world's foremost Sinologists.


>atomic tests
lmao I don't know if the soldiers are fake, but atom bombs definitely are.


>equating communism with nazism
>not a lib
go back to your mom's ballsack and die.

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The nukepill is the hardest thing to accept. Nukes aren't real. It's impossible to create a chain reaction like that even with "refined" material. That's why once nukes started to get into the range of "so big that we couldn't physically make enough TNT to simulate it" all the tests went underground and were hidden, then simulated with computers. There were never any nukes, it was all just a big back and forth of propaganda to keep populaces of america and russia in line post-WW2, and now the world pretends they exist to try to stop world powers from fighting while they mongrelize every population into servile drones with no history or class consciousness. Nukes aren't real. Wake the fuck up and stop being paralyzed by fear before you lose your whole nation, culture, and history. That means everyone, everywhere, not just one group of people.
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Nevermind, i see the advertisement now. I posted it because of the history the bikini.


its also some christfag shit at the end. Still, the bit about women being taken to the waters edge in a horse and cart is pretty wild


Braindead unscientific take.


post proof, schizo.


based. nukes are the ultimate woo woo

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>We as some of you might be aware are coming to an end of the age of man. Sometime in the near future we will enter the age of the Biomechanoid. Will you accept the cold embrace of metal and rise above your primitive state ascending to godhood to find your destiny amongst the stars. Or will you stay a sorry blob of flesh and be left behind to die on this sick and decaying world. The choice is yours!
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M8 we just call that death.


4D intelligent life will not have a conscious, because they do not need to make any decisions. They are everything that was and will be, they are God.


There is a conspiracy that transhumanism is how the elite will bring heaven to earth and make humans gods. Of course the elite will control your cyber bodies, look at all the surveillance that goes on with modern machines.


I once had a conversation with a dude who thought the transgender politics liberals are obsessed with was a vast psy-op to prepare the masses for a transhumanist world where people would be able to fundamentally and completely alter their sex.


posthumanism. read deleuze

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Post videos on UFO sightings ayyys and other unidentified flying objects through out history as well as discuss them.

They are out there!
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There's no evidence of super secret alien tech existing, stop trying to make me disprove your claims, you have to prove it.

>They mentioned a revolutionary electrostatic cooling system

You mean electrostatic fluid accelerator, also called ionic wind
that's not a secret, you can buy an air ionizer that uses it

You forget espionage , maybe you can't find out what they are doing in secrecy, but other governments certainly can. Do you really think they could have kept this from the Soviets ?


They mentioned the cooling system was used for spy satellite optics so I doubt it was ion wind cooling.

Rival nations discovering these things via espionage doesn't mean they would disclose them, it would be far smarter to keep secret your discovery and develop your own equivalents.


>I'm sick of the US pussyfooting around with this 'we've probably seen ayys' shit they keep doing on Twitter.
the whole thing is a psyop for more airforce spending. they have the means and the incentive.


I still highly doubt they have anti-gravity tech. What sources do we even have confirming anything remotely like this?


I admit its entirely circumstantial (as you would expect the evidence to be for something that would be so secret). Other than anecdotes, there were many publicly acknowledged anti-gravity research programs in the 50s and 60s that ended up being classified with no further information available, there is testimony hinting at some kind of revolutionary propulsion technology like the black project scientist's claims I mentioned earlier, as well as two claims of Ben Rich, former head of Skunkworks: The first, that they made multiple breakthroughs in propulsion over the decades he was there that are still top secret; the second, that some UFO sightings, with all their incredible aerodynamic properties, are sightings of classified craft.
During the Nimitz tictac encounter, the pilots involved mentioned apparent civilians who came in and took the data collected from instruments. It's open tot interpretation what the deal is with that, but I think it's far more likely that it was because they wanted data on an encounter between a classified drone operating on revolutionary propulsion and conventional aircraft.
There's nothing definitive when it comes to this subject, but its all worth considering.

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Haiti was on the middle of a civil conflict when an earthquake hit them, surely the political impact of it will be of relevance, Should a revolutionary left weaponize tectonic movements as to destabilize (no pun intended) capitalism? Is it even possible? Perhaps detonating a nuke in a geographical fault?

Let's discuss the political impact of earthquakes.
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The US loves sending aid to nations ravaged by "national" disasters, what more proof so you need?


how does that prove anything? If I give a homeless guy a spare cig does that prove that I have a homelessness ray?


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Natural disasters always cause income inequality and wealth for the richest at the expense of the poor. You can absolutely weaponize all natural disasters. Look at Covid. We have 10 million americans on the verge of homelessness, insanely high inflation, and trillions transfered to the rich with trillions leaving the proles.


I didn't say anything about fossil fuels, retard.

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