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File: 1655410579984-1.mp4 ( 14.21 MB , 576x1024 , q0r-5w9EGe_Ct__S.mp4 )


Work from home email jobs like this are bullshit and seeing them is all the evidence I need to decide that the economy is deeply flawed and will shortly collapse in on itself. This isn't just me being a commie either, you can have relatively productive economies under laissez-faire capitalism, but 2022 America doesn't fit this category at all.

You see, people with these types of jobs like to kid themselves by saying: "haha I spend 90% of my "work" time scrolling through facebook and procrastinating, the schmuck who owns this company sure would be so mad if he found out!". The thing is, they know. They simply don't care. I just can't fully understand why they don't care. Is porky just trying to carry on as normal in the hope that things will blow over, burying his head in the sand as markets begin to collapse in on themselves? It makes no sense to me which is why it's so frightening.

These girls obviously don't know any better, and I am admittedly somewhat jealous of them as a manual labourer, but once all the people in these ridiculous jobs get made redundant I do wonder what will happen to them. Even the gig economy, including onlyfans, is drying up as people have less disposable income and fuel prices are skyrocketing so no Uber.
What I'm saying is, I feel like this upcoming recession will be very different bros, I can feel it in my stomach. Is anyone else getting this same feeling of impending doom?


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What these retarded normies don't understand is that with out productive labor out put "creating value ala things of utility) in the economy of course the economy will collapse in on itself. You can't survive on speculation and air. Normies think money runs the world, but, ofc, the truth is that labor and the creation of useful commodities makes the world go.

The coof virus only exacerbated this and accelerated it; this already underlying existing issue because Americas productive output has been on the decline for decades, The chickens are coming home to roost I am afraid, though.


I don't understand what a product manager does, from the video they seem to be reading information-output on a computer screen and then they input information back into the computer based on that. Some capitalists are probably trying to use that information to train an artificial neural network, and replace them with a bot.

On the other side of that equation is that if all the people work in a digital office, you don't need capitalist owners anymore. Because there is no more capital involved.

The Bullshit jobs might be about ideological control.

>you can have relatively productive economies under laissez-faire capitalism, but 2022 America doesn't fit this category at all.

No you are extremely wrong about that. You have been tricked by ruling ideology.
Capitalism does not prefer productive labor if you let capitalists do as they please, under the neo-liberal doctrine, productive labour = everything in the private sector. unproductive labour = everything in the public sector, regardless what the activity is.

The way Marxists qualify productive labor, as something that generates persistent wealth that can be accumulated by society is not how capitalists see it. The big bourgeoisie want this shit economy, they want to have a big unproductive service sector that tends to their needs, they want luxuries for them self, they want too much military spending to attack their rivals, and from their perspective the current system isn't broken, they get what they want from it. They don't care that, luxury yachts/cars/mansions are unproductive, that financial services hiding their assets from taxes is unproductive, that bloated corporate bureaucracy for controlling workers is unproductive, that data surveillance is unproductive, that blowing up countries or overthrowing governments is unproductive, that ideological enforcement of ruling ideology is unproductive. All that stuff benefits their class interests, if you let capitalist do as they please ( laissez fair ,if you prefer French ), this is what you get.

If you want more work directed at productive tasks you could go for a soviet style planned economy, cybernetic socialism, social democracy or the chinese model. All these models divert more labor power to the productive sector, either by removing the capitalist class altogether or by controlling them vPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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It's more an ideological thing, also. These people grew up with parents who worked mon-fri 8 hours a day and busted their ass building up western society and they all worked and did work for their unions too. This generated a sense of work ethic in boomers that they have now turned into an out right fetish. Americans work hard now than any point in history but it's never good enough for these people.

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