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chins really are pathetic


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Xi-bros.. I don't feel so good.. written before the housing bubble popped..


what, you don't want to work 12hours a day 30 days a month for our multipolarist cause, you fucking NAFOid?

you're just brainwashed by the neocons, you don't know what's good for you!

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Been trying to look into trades for antisocial drifters who dont have to tolerate the disgusting masses on a day to day basis
only positions i could find were
>night security
>truck driver
>night janitor
and thats it ideas are pretty tapped. have no prospects on any above posted positions. any anons know any trades that wont break your body?


A machinist or night-shift warehouse operative are good for solitary people. There'll always be demand for them too.


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thanks, kinda slept on this post. gonna see what it takes to become a machinist since warehouse work has been ass to me in my previous experiences


I got a job stacking shit on shelves at a grocery store and I'm actually surprised by how much I'm left alone. Maybe I'm something wrong and am gonna get fired soon


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anyone kno what is the easiest trade to learn? The trades are pretty memed up and watched some videos on how elevator technicians make bank. proceed to look up to profession's reqs and theres a news headline along the lines of "glut of elevator technicians leaves many seeking alternate employment". the only trade that i could think that isnt gonna physically wear you down is trucking, is there anything near that? i hate driving with amerigip fuckwits and have been at least five accidents i can think off the bat(3 rearends/2 sideswipes/havent driven in 2yrs), i can think of off the bat.
you have my envy, dont fuck it up

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>workplace type/position/Maybe company
>favorite shit to steal

heres mine, probably forgot the odd job or 2 whatever

warehouse, packer, amzon (pretty much my favorite job tbh)
>coworkers gloves(dipped them in bleach, also fuck em)
>label stickers
>safety vests
>safety tape

library,temp frontdesk clerk
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I stole a lot of fucking chips and chocolates from one of my old jobs


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u work at convenient stores or bakeries or something


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did u get got?

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Of course the board for work is dead
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Shaw knew his shit.
Also not surprised that he was a fabianist.


Finally got work at a fucking deli brothers


Is it unionized ?


>any service industry job

UFCW does exist tho


It's in a big box store in America, of course it fucking isn't
I think there's only one state that recently made it illegal for your employer to force you to watch anti-union propaganda for a fucking hours

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Don't want to work for what we give you? Fine, be replaced by robots.
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>Maybe in absolute terms more energy and complexity is emerging but relative to the amount of wealth being created complexity and energy use are dramatically going down.
Societies that deploy more complex technology use more energy without exception.
Measuring how much total energy was embodied in a commodity (assuming that is what you mean with wealth) is almost impossible in a capitalist economy, because capitalist economics doesn't record externalized costs.

> With AI a single worker will be able to run an entire factory floor, it will unironically be like "The Jetsons".

That means increasing the amount of capital-stock, You need the regular factory production machines plus the AI tools.
The rate of profit goes down if Capital-stock increases proportionally to the population size.
Capitalism is not tending towards the Jetsons scenario. The capitalists are not investing in technology driven labor productivity increases anymore. It has completely stagnated for over a decade. (see graph)


When This Pilot Quit Her Job, Her Employer Billed Her $20,000

You will work for is and you will like it.


Honestly, bring on the AI automated revolution, it's what is going to lead most likely to the collapse of Capitalism as Westoid politicians won't even do the bare minium to help people like Basic Income.
I've already on my home computer, tested out using AI voice and Chat GPT to automate my job (call support) and it literally works, honestly better than I do my job, if was allowed to do work from home, I could literally just make my computer do my job for me while I shitposted on the internet.


Questions about that graph:
1. How is the output measured? In what units?
2. Do you have a graph that goes back beyond 1987?
3. Data of what countries was used in the graph?


Every advance in real living standards has been brought on by technological innovation, but in capitalism this is not so straightforward. Capitalism creates contradictory situations where progress coincides with immiseration. A UBI will not solve this basic tendency, one only has to look at the effect it will have on real wages. The eventual outcome of such contradictions is always destruction of capital, human and otherwise.
Capitalism will not collapse without politics. Yes, rapid automation will likely push capitalism into crisis. But every prominent communist has triumphantly pointed out moments when capitalism is in severe crisis, in its "last stage", at its most "rotten and decayed", et cetera. All this ever lead to was a violent reassertion of capital's power. Without the political will to seize power at such moments, crisis is merely the cocoon from which capitalism is reborn, stronger than ever.

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I'll start
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Yes, we live among you. Impostors, if you like.


Is wrk the opposite or r9k?


Idk. I browse leftychan and 4chan /r9k/ at work. I'm sure NEETs are overrepresented on those boards but I have seen anons on the 4chan board post proof of earning six figure salaries. Being able to bullshit your way through an interview and having a job doesn't mean you can get sex.


I ment to say of r9l* but sure lol


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Hi I am Middle Data scientist, good ComputerVision skills with OpenCV. I am very wide skilled.
I want relocate from Russia.
I have skill with Linux Administration Gentoo/Debian/Ubuntu, and basic security skill.



Can't tell if bot or Non English speaker.


It's just data scientist Vitaliy Chepelev from Belgorod, Russia.

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Why the fuck do we have a society that has rationalized and normalized the idea of working grave yard shifts? Literally no human on earth is biologically designed for this shit.

It doesn't make any damn sense what so ever.
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Just sleep during your shift after everyone leaves lmao


I work on an assembly line.


The answer is literally in Capital Volumn 1. Any time that the means of production are not actively being used they are losing value. Thus, it behooves the ruling class to keep them producing as close to constantly as possible. When extending workers hours stopped being practical, shift work become a necessity.


>Our biology is fine with night time
>the sun gives me a headache



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Sup, I have a buddy of mine that works with me.
We used to work at this shitty restaurant where we were extremely underpaid, etc etc. You know how that goes.
Anyway, we both ended up getting an extremely good well paying job. Now the company prides itself on its outstanding quality and god labor practices, but, I have been doing really well and excelling and my buddy is not doing so well. we got trained on different shifts. My shift worked really hard to get me where I needed to be as a group and as a unit. I had to change teams I was on several times because of issues with the management but now I am where I need to be and doing well. We are now on the same shift and he is getting trained on this shift. This shift has extremely high production quotas some times 3 or 4x higher than the other shifts and they are all assholes. The guy teaching him is being a prick too and yelling at him, etc etc etc. Well he got a little sick of it today and went and talked to the shift manager and he asked to changed to a different team where he wouldn't be getting constantly yelled at.
Basically the manager told him to fuck himself and that he isn't changing teams. He also told him "yeah we almost canned a guy today" (my friend is unsure if this was a tacit lowkey admission that they are thinking of firing him.) Well, I know from my experience with the shift I got trained on that sounds like a bullshit approach and it sounds like they are not giving him the necessary attention to have him excel at this job. Which isn't easy, btw. He has a family and he is trying really hard to keep his job but he doesn't know what to do.
He asked me for advice and said he was thinking of going above our shift manager and going to his boss or HR. Obviously, I told him I would. I don't like to let them push me around, but, he is worried about it. He doesn't want to loose this job and go back to washing fucking dishes and a restaurant.
I told him if I was him I would wait a week and take he training I could get from the asshole team lead and ignore him being a prick and see how he feels in a week or so. but he retorted with "well I am scared they are going to look for a reason to fire me which makes me want to go to HR first"
I gave him my advice and I don't know what to think of it. What do you guys think? Seriously in need of advice here for my buddy. He's a good dude who is honestly to god for this shitty world and he's just trying to make a living for his family.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



Assuming the goal is to simply to get the trainer to quit being an asshole, the best route might be to compliment and validate him.

In short, it's extremely hard to treat someone like shit when they are complimenting you. A sort of tactical surrender often lulls bullies, who find less amusement when their victim isn't resisting, fighting back, or getting upset.

'Youre right, I wish I had the skills you had, how can I do better' (said somewhat genuinely) can be quite disarming to an overbearing bully.

If you want to get the guy fired, it would probably be best to document to abuse and take it to HR. That may get the guy fired, but it might not actually help your friend in the company, who might be seen by other trainers/managers as a snitch.


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Look, the thinis, yeah, the team lead is an asshle but he doesn't have the power to fire people…he isn't THAT BAD outside of work.

Who i'm really worried about is his boss the guy my buddy 3went to. I have full cinfidence my friend could do the job he just needs people like I had who were willing to put in the time and patients to train him.

That's good advice though. I'll deff pass that down. Thanks anon.

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What do you do for work anon?
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DevOps for webdev corp


So you're a lazy white collar worker, kek? Just kidding.


Work in a food processing plant.


ye pretty much


I want to work in tech, so, I can't complain.

DO you work with meat?

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