First and foremost, Costco is run by retarded monkeys. How so you ask? Well let me tell you the “real” fucked up shit that goes down in that shit hole place of employment. I am not denying the fact you make more money starting out and being topped out than any other retail company, but you can roll a piece of shit in sprinkles and massage my balls and I still wouldn’t eat it. My experience comes from the AM shift, where we stock and merchandise the products before the store opens. This work is basically slave driven with middle management having their head so far up their ass they can wear it as a hat running the show. Costco pays employees twice as much as Wal-Mart employees, but they expect you to do twice…wait I mean ten times as much work also. These so called floor managers are dumb fuck dick suckers with no college education who sucked every dick and sucked every butthole on the hierarchal dick chain to get to where they are at. Prove me wrong that these dumb fucks are not incompetent and I will eat a jar full of 100 day old pubes and I am excluding and sheeple middle mangers, who work for Costco, go fuck yourself you piece of donkey seamen hobo fluffer.
Let me break down middle management for you: High School Education, sucked dick, and if it wasn’t for Costco they would be managing a Denny’s, sorry to you Denny managers but when you give asses power than everyone gets shitted on. So how does management work at Costco? Like this: Part-time, suck dick, fulltime, eat ass, supervisor, suck dick and eat ass, department manager, eat dick, suck ass, and get fucked in the ass, admin manager, eat dick, ass, shit, get ass fucked by two dicks at the same time, assistant manager, eat dick, ass, shit, get every orifice filled with dicks, eat pubes, and you become Warehouse manager. But remember while these cock knockers are taking it up the ass they recycle the abuse downwards to make themselves feel better. They rely on their best employees, the foolish yes man who gets sucked in with promises of promotion, so they begin sucking and licking the hierarchal dick chain to find out all efforts do not mean shit. They take your ideas and make it theirs, they talk about how great you are as an employee, but behind your back they tell managers above them how much you suck. They basically have you do their job while they fiddle their pee holes. Anybody including a “retarded” monkeys not a normal one, but a retarded one could do these managers jobs. Ooooooh you
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