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Found this scathing but informative critique of how working in the military really works. It covers many subjects but I think this one about Special Forces is particularly interesting.
>continued: Did you ever notice when they talk about SOCOM being created, they always say "as a response to what happened in Operation Eagle Claw"? Notice their words very carefully. They never say "to prevent 'disasters' or 'failures'" like Eagle Claw. No. Always "in response to". What they mean is SOCOM wasn't created "to make the various units communicate and work with each other" or some shit that people say. No, it was restructured so they can escape scrutiny WHEN they fuck up. It was created to save all these military bureaucrats careers, so their fuck ups NEVER see scrutiny. Not only to the public, but to congress and even the pentagon who are supposed to hold them accountable. So now when they fuck up, they can paper over everything with "classified" LOL. I bet the causality rates in Tier 1 operations routinely exceed 50%. And for what? The guys are sent on pointless missions chasing mundane ragheads so the higher brass can make a huge profit and great career prospects. So when these "operators" always brag about the "sacrifices" they made, remind them that their "sacrifices" were for some hidden military brass's CAREERS, not their "country", etc. LOL


>What they mean is SOCOM wasn't created "to make the various units communicate and work with each other" or some shit that people say. No, it was restructured so they can escape scrutiny WHEN they fuck up. It was created to save all these military bureaucrats careers, so their fuck ups NEVER see scrutiny
I don't know what this is really about but there's probably bad organizational design if the first priority is blame-evasion


The bradley worked great despite all the laughs of pentagon wars.

Creating a new thing which solves the problem is good, particularly when you fucked up trying to do something new.

The M113 guy is retarded, and if his ideas were followed, you wouldn't see many of the great, effective products which make the NATO military the best in the world.

I love the hilarious image of operators taking 50% casualties regularly, but they're not actually used to win wars, just posturing, so they don't see enough engagement to take real casualties like you'd see in something like the civil war.


>The bradley worked great
In the gulfwar 1990-91 "Desert Storm", sure, it destroyed loads of ancient badly maintained Iraqi tanks, that still had hand-cranked turrets. Out of the 2k bradleys only a handful got destroyed.
But in the recent Ukraine war, not so much, bradleys got chewed up.

>the great, effective products which make the NATO military the best in the world.

You sound like a weapons porky shill.


Soldiers, at least in the west are mercenaries who fight for corporations and I am tired to pretend otherwise.
In Russia it's the same but for oligarchs.

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ITT: We post our recent poverty moments
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Wtf is wrong with you?


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Customer should shut the fuck up.

Late night is when fast food stores are closing up for he night or in the middle of cleaning.

Customers need to stop acting like service workers are their secondary butler-parents.



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What are some good ways to get out of work but still get paid?


become booj or neetbux


Sexual harassment lawsuit

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Anyone else find it ridiculous that jobs are able to drug test you for what you are doing outside of work? If I want to smoke weed or shoot heroin outside of work I don't see why I shouldn't be able to do it.

If I'm drunk or high on the job that's one thing but I don't think people should be allowed to be fired for what they do outside of work. Especially, yeah, when alcohol (arguably one of the most destructive Drugs ever) is legal and B: When it's 2022 and pretty much everyone and granny is stoned out of their mind.

What's the deal with this? Why are people willing to literally let their employers anal rape them?
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Why would I support making capitalist state's stronger? Porkies love bragging about "muh civil rights" they wear it like a badge so they look better, all about appearances, the more totalitarian and harsh a capitalist country is the faster bosses lose control of the workers.


Isn't it a bit of a stretch to say it will make them "stronger" they aren't an invading military force or something


Is 420chan really dead?


Yes. Rip to a real one.


Apply this to schools about punishing students for incidets that happen outisde of school.

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"Just pick up a trade" is the new "just learn to code bro"
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>Omg, don't tell me to learn a useful skill. I should get paid for just existing!
Millennials and gen z were a mistake


And he has already been doing the trade for the past ten-plus years, most of which he spent doing the miserable bitch work for a pittance.
>Learning a trade allows you to potentially become self employed
Fucking lel. The petit-bourgeoisie is dying out and yet bootstrappers constantly put forward the claim that you can join them with just a little (read "a decade or two") of poorly paid and miserable hard work.
Construction is good, except when it's not. It's a boom-and-bust business, and it's a young man's game.


90% of coding under capitalism is paper pushing bullshit


you seem to be lost.


>strawmanning as usual

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How do young people even move out of their parents now? I'm nearly 18 years old with zero plans to go to college and I don't have my driver's license. I live in California so rent will cost an arm and a leg. My dad bought a house in this hellhole and he's expecting me to work and help him pay the mortgage if I want to live to live here. I don't want to live in this hot as fuck place, if you know California as it is now it's getting hotter every year and the fires get worse and worse. What I really want is a place to start fresh in another state, but rent is going to be costly as fuck in every city in this country.
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You probably don't leave your suburb or collective house in a gentrifying neighborhood, and your 'concern for worldly affairs' is a fake and ghey overcompensation to soothe your moral anxiety.


you probably live in suburbs anyway and your "toughness" is just overcomoemsation for lack of mutual concern.

Alot of people like you I emcounter in the suburbs or "ghettos".

Yall dont care because you dont have to live in it.


And you do, white boi?


Actually, upon second reading, your comment was nonsensical. Perhaps you aren't white, or maybe are from the Balkans or st


tbh this is the black ad white petulance logic alot of adults have concerning kids.

They think kids dont deserve mutual respect nor autonomy.

They complain aboutkids "leecging off their psrents" (aka having fun without having to work).
But they forget that kids dont have any legal rights. They cannot buy anything for themselves or negotiate contracts for themselves.

They are not allowed to go anywhere by themselves except school.

Imo, childhood is incarceration.

By right, adulthood begins at ouberty but our dumbass Victorian forefathers thought that childhood needs to last as long as your youth.

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Which one of you made this?
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Dont factories and mills have airconditioning nowadays?


It depends on the facility and where you are. The mill I work in has air-conditioning in the control rooms but outside on the floor, no. During summer it can get over 100 degrees easily in the floor.


Right? Exactly, you really do feel pretty accomplished working in a facility like that. I'd much rather do that than soy out at Amazon.


Freelance voice actors buy these sometimes so they can go over the top without disturbing the neighbors: Neat.
Honestly this just seems like a neat thing to keep around even with with the hellish context.


true that.

Alot of office jobs have the same toxic dynamics as middle/high school sociology.

As a kid, alot of childrens shows only shown office jobs as the default of adulthood amd that triggered some existential anxiety.

My prepubescent hunch about adult dynamics based on cartoonish portrayal of office jobs are somewhat validated years later.

At least with blue collar work, your work has practical effects on the real world.

You can survive on such work.

Office jobs are just pushing pencils amd throwing around papers to feel busy and having to dress formally all the time and dealing with unwanted romantic effects.
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Post wagie humor here
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heres one said by blacks
"last to get hired, first to get fired"


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Cut in line at the buffet, take all the crab legs


January Eleventh Twenty Hundred Twenty Three Anno Domini

November First Twenty Hundred Twenty Three Anno Domini



this is the american proletariat

fix him

ps fuck janny transhumanists rest in piss


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american proletariaat checking in

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Wtf. You guys told me that electing Biden and beating Cheeto Hitler was a victory for labor?!
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>This was typed with Cheeto stained fingers.


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Good job, team left


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I'm so glad we voted out Orange Man to appease a bunch of histrionic roasties


Yeah that was the only reason, the ultra capitalist bootstrap party with a historical disdain for poor people sure is any better
Maybe that's why half their fucking talking points are about their addiction to twitter


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