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 No.4206[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Haz is completely humiliating and degrading that individualist anglo brainlet on stream. Tune in
Picrel is sage
729 posts and 99 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Ginjeet brought up a lot of interesting points, explained dialectical synthesis through example and drank and smoked on stream. Thank you Gentleginjeet you were sick.


Let me TLDR why sage thinks strikes are direct action: sage runs a "tenant union", so he basically knocks on doors and says "fuck the landlord lets not pay rent". That's his fucking union lmao. First of all good for you, you have reached an adam smith ricardo level of consciousness. But not just that, its also basic self-interest. but for Marxists, unions mean a different thing. for us fucking Marxists, unlike sage, we grab the neck of capital and strangle it at the point of production. But sage's labor union shit "No matter how small and local we do our part" anglo individualist meme feel like they are work. its not radical resistance. it doesn't touch basic social ontology. rent strikes wont achieve anything


Because these guys aren't complete morons and actually based, and since we (leftypol) found them early, we are basically dialecticaly influencing the direction of their channel. We are shaping them up to defeat breadtube.


>for us fucking Marxists, unlike sage, we grab the neck of capital and strangle it at the point of production.

Imaging "grabbing the neck of capital" through live ranting on Youtube lol


Why does the arbitrary classification of something as "direct action" matter? Is this what you guys have been posting 700 posts about?

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 No.2608[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

These guys over at Infrared have been interacting with our threads (/IG/, /INFRARED/) on almost a daily basis, and for that mere fact alone deserve our respect. They contribute to our PPH (post per hour) being higher. The last thread's thread starter was a bunch of slander and trolling attempts, so I'd like to get off on a better footing for this one.

Infrared is:
>20 people (as of now)
>20 people from ALL AROUND THE WORLD
>anti-anglo (aka. anti-whatever that makes the western left incompetent)
>pro-Communism with a capital C

Reading group on Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#IBC:matrix.org?via=matrix.org

To all the haters and trolls: keep coping. Infra is BASED beyond belief.
819 posts and 106 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I want you all to know Haz just admitted on stream to literally skipping leg day ahahaha


he doesn't even do his fucking core


Hahhahaha he said he wouldn’t ban me from the chat by here I am timed out… can’t handle to the truth Haz strikes are direct action


Because you were spamming idiot, just talk to him on zoom, even Gentle Ginjeet with his unibrow was less of a pussy than you. DM him on twitter, if you're so concerned about doxing speak in your anime voice.


No one thinks your anime villain ass has the truth.

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 No.1840[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for the discussion of infrared and their heterodox view of Marxism-Leninism.
Infrared is a collective group, with Haz being the leader(? or atleast the one in control of their youtube/twitter/etc.)
From my observation they draw a lot of influences from Martin Heidegger, Aleksandr Dugin, Alexandre Kojève, Jacques Lacan, Nick Land, Slavoj Zizek and so on and so on.
>What's this guys deal?
-Anglo man bad
-Marxism is NOT a western ideology
-Merkel is a based anti-imperialist
-socialism is when china does stuff
-we already live in socialism
-socialism is actually like feudalism
-O N T O L O G I C A L

Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl63ZOm_bepvwoKjw24rogA
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ShowInfrared
762 posts and 203 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


based and anti-anglo pilled


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Haz, what is the material reason the Anglos are so cancer


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A blessing upon your' house. Thank you for this image

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 No.7443[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for the discussion of Anarchism.

Foundational texts:
>Alexander Berkman, ABCs of Anarchist-Communism
>Peter Kropotkin, Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution
>Errico Malatesta, Anarchism and Organization

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799 posts and 170 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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what obvious reasons?


They look like a small child


is this shit not cyclic we have to make a new one ?



 No.19690[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to the discussion of Australian politics and events.

I get that since the split the number of Australians here probably went from being counted on two hands to just one, but I figured that there should be at least a thread here that we can keep bumping.
598 posts and 133 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


To be fair they were all university students, so maybe that colours it differently.


Honestly, how long ago was this? Resistance (the youth wing) was formally abolished due to lack of specific interest by Uni students like two years ago (after a big, fairly public split in 2016 when a bunch of anarchist type youth left, although the old guard leadership didn't acquit themselves in a saintly manner either). We don't actually have many Uni students left. For my part, I'm strongly anti-stupol.


Thread full, is this one worth archiving?


Yes & pls link to the next one in this thread. I want to continue discussion.


Made a new thread: >>353583

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 No.9920[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Webm thread
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Your avarege liberal woman in 2021


Dis baie pragtig, hoekom ek het dit nie voorheen gehoor nie?

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 No.10737[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

722 posts and 113 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


no more than it is for a capitalist society with banks, etc. reliant on technology. Obviously it would still have a role. Cybersecurity would probably be better in a socialist society because the investment in it would be made up front unlike in the private sector world of capitalism where it' a last minute addon if addressed at all, and usually only after a major breach.


to add to what this anon is saying, there's a lot of stuff in computer science relating to security. stuff like formal verification, which is hardly ever used even for safety critical code. only in aerospace really.


arent formal methods more for safety than security?




>it is likely that people will put in crappy data into the system by mistake, or that some workplaces will try to game the system. detecting stuff like that requires statistical analysis
An example of something very useful for detecting fraud: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benford's_law There is also a psychological resistance against repeating numbers that is stronger than what one should expect from results of throwing dice.

For reducing accidentally wrong inputs or inputs that are wrong because users are forced into wrong inputs by the constraints of the input forms like check lists. The standard input form should have at least four distinct options for any question: Yes, no, not answered (yet), does not apply.

Using insights from voting theory can be used to reduce the benefits of tactical disinformation (there is a tradeoff however in that a large dose of this robustness against tactics reduces the sensitivity to information).

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 No.20905[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Letzter Pfaden wurde dank der /Pol/acken vom Brett gepusht. Deshalb ein neues Deutschland General.
495 posts and 89 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Eventuell ist das eine Anspielung auf genannte Maßnahmen mancher westlicher Länder, dass die dritte Welt sich nicht industrialisieren dürfte.


>>997 (me)
, da es den CO2 Ausstoß erhöht.


>Verbringe deine Zeit mal anders, als dich die ganze Zeit über so Culture War Scheiß aufzuregen.

Weißt du wer sich die Idee der "Kulturellen Aneignung" (Cultural Appropriation) ausgedacht hat? Die Nazis! Die Nazis haben auch jüdischen Musikern verboten, "deutsche Musik" aufzuführen! Die Nazis haben "undeutsche" und "unarische" Musik verboten, um die deutsche Kultur "rein" zu halten! Aus exakt dem selben Gründen verbieten die Wokies Weißen Dreadlocks zu tragen. Sind die ideologischen Parallelen zu den gestirgen Nazis und zu den woken pseudo-linken Faschisten der Gegenwart nicht offensichtlich? Oder ist das alles nicht so schlimm, ist ja nur "Culture War Scheiß"?


dies sollte sich jeder user dieser drecks website zu herzen nehmen
nehm bitte deine medizin oder verbring weniger zeit im internet. ami hirnwürmer haben dich komplett zerfressen


Moved to >>>/leftypol/415911.

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 No.12395[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for news and discussions of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, its material conditions, the status and health of its socialist tradition, disproving common myths about it, etc.&
Archive of first ~500 posts on original thread:
Subsequent archives:
Related archives:
503 posts and 215 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yes. See >>12505
For a MEGA folder with their videos


Yes. Thanks


Looks like we have some newfags who don't know how to general → >>263898


Sometimes it's worth creating a separate thread on a topic if it will bring in enough posts. Otherwise you have a lot of people discussing a particular subject in a general and it would crowd out any other subject.


Anyone else here feel that overall, the DPRK is the most ideal form of society on earth today? Not that it couldn't be better, but that everywhere else is worse for one reason or another.

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 No.903[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues(bug reports, suggestions). Otherwise use >>30356
Public Repo: https://github.com/towards-a-new-leftypol/leftypol_lainchan
If you have any grievances you can make a PR.

Mobile Support: https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/releases/latest
Thread For Mobile Feedback: >>>/tech/6316

Onion Link: http://wz6bnwwtwckltvkvji6vvgmjrfspr3lstz66rusvtczhsgvwdcixgbyd.onion
Cytube: https://tv.leftypol.org/
Matrix: https://app.element.io/#/room/!RQxdjfGouwsFHwUzwL:matrix.org

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible
931 posts and 174 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


If someone posts in /leftypol/ and /b/ with the same IP, they will increment the IP count for both boards but obviously they will be counted only once for the total. In conclusion, you can't just add the IPs from each board to get the total unique recent IPs for the whole site, you have to subtract too the IPs appearing multiple times in different boards.


I apologize for my autism. can we get post deletion implemented soon pretty please


What do you mean? You can already delete your own posts (you have to wait a little bit after you posted to delete it in order to avoid triggering flood detection).


how long? I thought we were only allowed to unlink file


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> Error when trying to move threads. #225
> https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/48558.html
You can see from the thread that you moved every image up to the spoiler >>49585 then died on this line:

See this comment in mod_move_reply:
> if ($file['thumb'] != 'spoiler') { //trying to move/copy the spoiler thumb raises an error

The $replies foreach $clone block:
must take all the care already taken by the OP foreach $clone block:
with the mention that constructing array('spoiler', 'deleted', 'file') anew at every step is ridiculous, and should be constructed only once, earlier in the function.

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