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What the fuck is up with these places?
Why the fuck do anglos think that it is ok to house animals in these conditions and treat animals like this? Isn't it pretty fucking retarded to be trying to preserver species of animals anyways? At least from the stand point of nature? Shouldn't we be allowing the ecosystem to grow and adapt to us even if we are fucking it up? That seems more reasonable. Why the fuck are zoos a thing?
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I agree that many zoos are indeed cruel. The worst one I visited was in Beijing, where only the Panda had an acceptable enclosure.


zoos are also places of ecological research,

curiosity is a natural human trait. we should be doing all we can to preserve species, and hopefully clone species like passenger pigeons or dodos that we hunted to extinction.


or a cetacean. seaworld is disgusting


I hate zoos because the animals remind me that I am also a caged animal.


>What is field research


annoying and difficult, ugh. I prefer to do all my animal conservation and study within walking distance of a food court.

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Understanding why cities are shit is interesting but it is also incredibly frustrating because what can we do? Is there some kind of DIY urbanism or something?
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What a very informative video. Thanks, anon.


But that's what makes it so frustrating! I don't want to wait for a revolution that will probably never come!


don't be so pessimistic capitalism is on the way out. You'll get your chance at planing.


>don't be so pessimistic
>capitalism is on the way out.
imagine thinking it's good news


imagine her smell

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General thread for thrifty living and advice for saving money.

One of the biggest money savers for me, was, unironically, going vegan. Ofc not buying expensive fake meats and such, that is deff a money sink.
But making everything from scratch myself proved to save me a shit ton of money in the long run.

I used to make my own soy milk by buying soybeans in bulk and blending them down and then boiling them and using cheese cloth to strain the pulp. I also used to press my own tofu. It really did save me hunreds of dollars.
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Plus there’s a lot of girl in home Econ classes.


Having a relationship of any kind is only a hamper on your fiances. You shouldn't be in a relationship until you are well sound financially and ready for such responsibility.


>You shouldn't be in a relationship until you are well sound financially and ready for such responsibility.
So you need to overthrow capitalism if you want a relationship, because capitalism makes people to be financially precarious.


Nah, if you find a nice girl you can split expenses evenly. There’s still some girls out there that want to get married and not erode the cock carousel till they’re 40.


Most people, yes. Over throwing capitalism will destroy the alienation that it produces, anyways. Even if you are working a minwage job, I mean, you can be in a relationship and it can be healthy, but, both people have to understand your expenses.

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That will be 12 billion


40 dolloros for every american


Queens is a nightmare to live in. the subway doesn't reach most of Queens and there are lots of indians.


>There are lots of indians

What did he mean by this?



Love how lines disappear and basically no new ones get added in the latter half of the 20th century to now.


shtinky :(

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What can we post about on this board exactly?


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Post your favorite mudhut


Polpot would despise this board lmao.


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zoning laws

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Seattle might get rid of its single family zoning in the near future - is this good or will this be exploited by landlords to fuck people over somehow?
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What the fuck is single family planning?




It's totally neutral then considering that either way the working class is typically fucked either way. Landlords bleed workers dry and home ownership is impossible for most people who aren't part of the labor aristocracy.


no zoning law gets passed without it benefitting the rentier class


Do you really think it will make any difference in a city that is already urbanized on every available piece of land?

Seattle is building apartment buildings and seeing more people live in single family homes. Thats it. There is no room to end single family zoning and create terrace homes or multi-use buildings.

What we should be doing is pushing suburbs to allow multiple types of housing and never have strict single family zoning laws. Imagine having single family homes, terraced homes, apartment buildings, lofts, condos and townhomes on the same street. You could have a huge availability of housing types that would lower prices and destroy all the problems that come with suburban housing. These cities talking about it doesn't mean much to ending the problem.

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 No.62[Reply][Watch Thread]

thread for the discussion of various rail projects.

NYC to get new R211 subway cars with open gangways

China opened the first high speed rail line to Tibet last month

Norfolk Southern fucks up another train

Why Norfolk Southern keeps fucking up trains
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this shit so so impractical. it was bonkers for passengers and it is bonkers for cargo.


it's ever so slightly less bonkers for cargo, because that doesn't need a life support system, and it needs lower safety standards. If cargo gets hyper-smashed that's less problematic than If they turn people into hypermush. It's probably ok to accelerate cargo at 3g. But if they accelerate people with more than 1g it becomes very unhyper and uncomfortable.


I'm not physicist but something tell me accelerating cargo pod that contains as much freight as traditional train would be both dangerous and inefficient. Like, how would one even design it? fucking mountain tunnel sized railgun that shoots freights at destination? I guess it doubles as BFG which is cool


*pod that is capable of shipping as much
sry I'm bit high


I dont understand it either. How is this more effective than having moar cranes to load and unload ships?
Where are these crates going?
Its must middle managment, totally superfluous

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