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my money's on the former.
22 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


My argument:
<Socialism is when you want to steal the means of production away from the people who built it and give it to your buddies.
Your argument:


ITT: People who think the answer to the negative effects of industrial civilization is more of the same


I have you an argument


>I have you an argument
If that's true then it should be no problem for you to copy and paste it into the ??? part below.

My argument:
<Socialism is when you want to steal the means of production away from the people who built it and give it to your buddies.
Your argument:


This thread was restored from backup, but the links were not preserved. Here is a locked version of the thread with working reply links >>>/restore_threads/521

Lainchan's move operation copied the thread to a rescue board OK with the links working, but moving it back to the right board after importing screwed up the reply links. This is a bug.

Btw here is the thread before I restored it. It has a bunch of deleted comments. I don't [yet?] know how or why they were deleted. I moved it to gulag before moving the one from the backup here. >>>/gulag/255

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What philosopher cults do you loathe the most?
I'll get the ball rolling:
- Hegelians
- Conties (in general)
- Freud, Jung, Crowley, and other schizos
- Ayn Rand and alt-lite shitheads

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Any /schopbros/ here? I know we're a rare breed here, there's Hegelians all over the boards, but maybe there's some fellow travelers. I have approximately 500 philosophy books in my bookcase, but out of all of them, Schopenhauer is my favorite to refer to people who want to "Get started" in philosophy.

> Essays

< https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/11945

His essays are incredibly clear and are often on relevant topics. Even when he's wrong, it's easy to understand why he's wrong and say "that's bullshit!" His great work, "World as Will and Idea," takes a bit of time to delve into, but is really worthwhile if you're a fan of Kant or Hume. It was ultimately Schopenhauer who redeemed Kant – and introduced a lot of Buddhist ways of thinking to post-Enlightenment Europe.


Never read him, but I heard he was a depressed cunt with nothing good happening for him. I dont want to be a depressed cunt either.
What exactly makes him radically different from Hegel? I find his pendulum analogy quite similar to your common dialect.


> I dont want to be a depressed cunt either.
Well, he does talk about how world, the life, existence are inherently kind of shitty to contrast against the philosophical optimism of copelords like Liebniz. Liebniz responded to the problem of evil by saying, "this is the best of all possible worlds; we have just enough evil and suffering to make it so we can comprehend good and evil and choose good and be rewarded for it…" and Schopenhauer basically said, "no, you're full of shit" like Voltaire did in Candide.

If you worry that reading philosophy will "make you a depressed cunt" then philosophy probably isn't for you. Or Leftism, tbh. Schopenhauer didn't say that life isn't worth living, he just said that it's shit by default. He does identify ways out of this "shit" though. If you feel like the world is shit and agree with his analysis of why it's shit, then you may agree with his solution.


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A friend will be reading WaWaR ~midnight Pacific (-0700) every night.

Come join in: cord.gg/UAx7UPRSdu


hmm the host got married and some other stuff so it's getting delayed a bit. sorry folks


Holy based, Roomba read ch 1-4 of the Payne 3rd edition trans.

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I tripped acid this weekend and saw my inner monad in my pineal gland.
8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


the plank length is derived from fundamental constants which are measured experimentally. It basically means that on a fundamental level reality is quantized, it exists in discrete chunks instead of being continuous.


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Interesting, I never thought of it like that before.
Our reality has a crystalized structure. What would happen if this reality was fractured "unnaturally"?
Would space time rip apart and cease to be as it was? Is this what happened during the big bang?

>The term Planck scale refers to quantities of space, time, energy and other units that are similar in magnitude to corresponding Planck units.

Leibniz deals exclusively with the quality of a monad, stating that every monad is unique. As such, a monad is not defined by quantity but by quality.
Monads are only created by God, and only destroyed by God. Only moves by God.
Monads do not interact with one another, but is moved by a great mover, God.

<51. But in simple substances, the influence of one monad over another is merely ideal: it can have its effect only through the intervention of God, inasmuch as in the ideas of God a monad rightly demands that God have consideration for it when organising the others from the beginning of things. For since a created monad cannot have a physical influence on the interior of another, this is the only way that one can be dependent on another.

I suppose this is the best 18th century science could do when describing what we call quantum physics.


I tried reading Leibniz's original text (public domain one), and read some online articles about his monadology, but I still don't quite understand it. When I asked my philosopher professors about it, they just said it's not relevant and that they don't understand it. This was 5+ years ago…

Is Monadology just a big meme like a lot of other conties? I feel like there's good ideas buried in there, I just have no clue what it's about.


Monadology is basically just metaphysics and trying to btfo Descartes mind and body problem through the great mover (god). I dont think he tried to be some great philosopher or change how people thought of the world, it was just his personal theory on the world and how it operates. He was educated in philosophy but that was hardly his main calling, as he was a mechanic and scientist first and foremost.
He also liked Spinoza very much, although he disliked the antichristian leanings in the unpublished works he read.

>When I asked my philosopher professors about it, they just said it's not relevant

Like, 90% of philosophy isn't relevant lol


>What's to stop you from splitting a plank length.

Literally no amount of energy could be generated to do so. It's only theoretically possible in mathematics it's not possible on reality much like transgressing the speed of light

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Does free will and determinism actually hold any solid bearing against Marxism? i've been in conversations where Marxism was labelled determinist and that it doesn't recognize free will. How true is this?
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click to expand.


They have nothing to do with each other. Whoever told you that Marxism was determinist was either clueless or trolling.


I mean I wouldn't say they have "nothing" to do with each other. Basically all of philosophy is influenced by the Greeks


why wouldn't Marxism reject "free will" if it's materialist?


Because the proposition of wether or not free will exists is irrelevant. As far as we can tell history is in our hands and that's all that matters.


Before you can decide free will vs determinism.
You have to answer the question of "free from what ?" and "determined by what ?".

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You know what it is.
Who it is.
The man, the myth, the one and only.

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Here I am


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I don't understand, is Phil Greaves, smearing Joti Brar ?


So lenin was not a Marxist after all?

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This is a really great channel about urban development and what went so wrong with the usa. However, one criticism I have lies at the heart of this video and the only good term I have at the moment is liberal technocratic hypocrisy

So the guy partially blames the reason for zoning restrictions on white people blocking any attempts at low income housing due to racism. And of course in other videos white flight comes up. But the reasoning behind this stuff only goes so far as to blame white people for being racist.

Now this is a touchy subject, of course white people were racist, but they were racist for a reason. Crime was way up in the 70's due to de-industrialization and all other causes i'm sure we're all familiar with. But to flatten that out into just saying white people were racist, buries the problem. It doesn't address underlying causes.

And the reason that's important involves the author of this stuff a little bit more. This is someone that has moved from a canadian suburb to amsterdam. So in other words, they're doing the exact same thing as white flight but now on a international scale. They can afford to flee the united states to a european(white) country. It feels incredibly hypocritical. How is this not just as damaging as white flight? You can imagine the same thought process playing out 50 years ago in the same cold technocratic fashion of "the suburbs are better than the citys" as you can now with "europe is better than america"

It makes me despair for the future becoming just another repetition of the past. And it is liberal in the sense of "i got mine fuck you" and technocratic in the sense of "the rest of you are being sub-optimal and racist". All that being said, this is a great youtube channel about urban development and I urge people to watch most of the videos on here. Or at least americans who care about why their shit is so fucked up

Another great video


Seems like a nice channel with reasonable ideas on residential planning.
Is there anything about people trying to do more advance stuff like experimenting with arcologies ?



So urban, did you have a city carpet wile young?


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I had a train playmat


They had them at my school but I never owned one myself. I had an actual little trainset. Playing with it was the first conscious thought I had, actually.


first impression: wow neat
looks a little closer
wait a minute these tracks don't work, trains can't do T-intersections.


ya, i also had electric trainset, spoilt brat


Moved to >>>/777/1242.

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 No.31[Reply][Watch Thread]

>I will live in ze pod
>I will live in ze pod
>I will live in ze pod
>I will live in ze pod
>I will live in ze pod
>I will live in ze pod
>I will make porky happy
>I will not have kids
>I love the experience economy
>Get my wageslave
>Buy experiences from an e-thot
>And be happy.


I don't buy this narrative about the pods.
Arguably this brings us closer to the conditions needed for the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism; this is another example of capitalism's socialization of (re)production.
>Buy experiences from an e-thot
<Implying people who'd live in OP pic related's setting would do that

Get better material.


>I will make porky happy
>I will not have kids
Why wouldn't porky want people to have kids? Pregnant women are the most profitable consumers and having kids tends to "deradicalize" people since they don't want to risk getting their children legally kidnapped by feds.


>Why wouldn't porky want people to have kids?
they don't need any more people.

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