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Why aren't you fit, anon?
>Literally takes 10-15 minutes per day to add muscles with basic bodyweight exercises. To lose fat, do fast cardio (think 15 second sprints and 2 minutes walking). Cut out unnecessary calories like sugar and milk in coffee. Never eat until you are completely full. It generally takes 15 minutes or so for your brain to catch up with your stomach. Stop eating when you're 70% full. Be careful with alcohol and drugs that wreck inhibitions, since they'll cause you to make poorer food choices.
Other tips from aesthetic anon?


What if I can do drugs and drink occasionally but have the mental fortitude to still adhere to my diet and exercise routine?


If you get the results you want, then don't let some anon retard tell you you're wrong

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Weekly Goal Tracking Thread
>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
<Improving the world starts with improving yourself
>How to use this thread
Throughout the week, keep a mental note of the positive things you're doing. As the weekend rolls around, list them down by Sunday. When we take a moment to celebrate minor personal victories and goals, we're more likely to repeat and stick with them. This weekly post exists to help you keep on track and improve your life.
>Positive change doesn't occur all at once. Rather it's the compounded effect of small daily habits and repeated action.


>Read ~150 pages
>Bought new book
>Bought 4 pairs of pants and a couple tshirts to update wardrobe
>Picked up freelance writing work
>Transferred some of my cash savings into a physical asset
>Gym x4
>Cycle x2
>Morning exercise routine x4
>Cleaned kitchen and closet well


I'm learning to play openTTD don't know if this counts but it's hard as fuck.


No idea what that is. Respect

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<Addition by subtraction

>Most of the shit you spend time on or put into your body isn't helping you.

Sure, it might provide a temporary feeling of pleasure. But chasing short-term, immediate happiness is one of the primary reasons that people fail in life and become so existentially ghey.
>'But capitalism promotes the pursuit of short term pleasure,' you might say.
So fucking what. Are you an automaton? (Rhetorical question. Probably 50% of people here are, in fact, faggot NPCs and would unironically answer yes if they are being honest).
The point remains: your life would start to improve if only you could identify and ruthlessly excise those things which are holding you back.
Here's the litmus test. If it's helping you 'deal with' or 'cope with' your life, then it's holding you in place. Drugs, junk food, video games, porn, spergy media, certain people. Most likely, they provide temporary relief and help you feel ok about being a loser.
I'm not saying that if you give all these up, you're going to become a billionaire. But you're going to start making the marginal improvements which, taken together and compounded over time, lead to a much more satisfying life with far more opportunities and cool experiences. You'll be able to become someone who other people are capable of feeling respect for, who can make a positive impact directly in the lives of people around them (instead of larping as a revolutionary online like a fag).
>Inb4: 'waaaah, no we have to end capitalism and then I'll be able to get my shit together and have a better life waaaah.'
Retard faggot uyghur. How the fuck are you going to get rid of porkie and the capitalist system, something you really have no control over, but can't even get rid of just some of your own shit habits, addictions, and cope behaviors? This is exactly what I mean by the term 'existential faggot.'
1 post omitted. Click to expand.


>capitalism promotes the pursuit of short term pleasure
Yes, as long as the system does this, people will be degraded by the system.
You are huffing pure ideology if you think your appeals to personal responsibility can override systemic shit.

You are trying to find individual solutions to collective problems.
If you want people to have better pursuits, you need to change the system so that it promotes those.

>to get rid of porkie and the capitalist system, something you really have no control over

It's possible to change economic systems, if you look at history, that happens alot.
Individually people have no control, but collectively they do have the power to change the economic structures.
You are making the mistake of ignoring the societal level.

In class societies, the lower classes tend to get degraded, because ruling classes usually are very unexceptional and mediocre people, and the only way for them to be better than the rest is to make everybody else worse. In capitalism there is a lot of money to be made from that degrading stuff, so even if your individual motivation could work and all the people started to self improve, the system would start to loose profits and react to it and increase the intensity of degrading people.

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Poast gf


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>It's possible to change economic systems, if you look at history, that happens alot.
>Individually people have no control, but collectively they do have the power to change the economic structures.
>You are making the mistake of ignoring the societal level.
>In class societies, the lower classes tend to get degraded, because ruling classes usually are very unexceptional and mediocre people, and the only way for them to be better than the rest is to make everybody else worse. In capitalism there is a lot of money to be made from that degrading stuff, so even if your individual motivation could work and all the people started to self improve, the system would start to loose profits and react to it and increase the intensity of degrading people.

You are such an autistic faggot

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Weekly Goal Tracking Thread
>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
<Improving the world starts with improving yourself
>How to use this thread
Throughout the week, keep a mental note of the positive things you're doing. As the weekend rolls around, list them down by Sunday. When we take a moment to celebrate minor personal victories and goals, we're more likely to repeat and stick with them. This weekly post exists to help you keep on track and improve your life.
>Positive change doesn't occur all at once. Rather it's the compounded effect of small daily habits and repeated action.


I started NoPorn this week let's see how it goes


Nice, anon.

Porn is cuck training. Jerking off to a chick you're attracted to getting banged by another dude. As a habit, it only hurts you.


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>Ended a relationship of nearly 3 years. Kinda goaded her into having a convo where I knew she would break up with me over an unresolved issue. For the best.

>Prayed at a church once or twice.

>Did suggest meeting up with the 18 year old from last weekend. But she's out of town this weekend. Still not sweating it. Girls are a low low priority.

>Went out with a woman who I used to work for. She's been trying to date me forever. But I can tell she has a somewhat anxious attachment style. That clashes with my own avoidant attachment style. If I was starving to get laid, it would be ridiculously easy, but then she would be bothering me constantly and I'd have to brush her off/ghost her. Not really something I want to do. Also approached exactly 1 girl and was able to social media close. She's kinda soft 6 in my book (devil is also in the details), but she could also be a potential lay with less drama in the future if I'm horny or want the ego boost.

>Shaved my chest instead of using the probably-carcigenic hair removing cream I usually use.

>Used a pore clearing nose strip one day, and a collegan mask another day.

>Bought a light teeth whitening system and used 1x

>Currently on day 3 of no cigarettes or nicotine. Combined with my supplement stack and not being bogged down by texting a borefriend every night, I have ridiculous amounts of energy.

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damn thats brutal


Im gonna only go on the internet every weekend only.
ive also cutting down coffee, i was on around 10 a day now just 1, i think it fucked with my head tho, chronic migraines.

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<How to best use the habit tracking threads

I don't really track outcomes that much. Instead, I track actions and habits. The reason for this is simple.
>Someone can have a goal to get in shape. But if they never make a regular habit of working out, they will never get in shape. Alternatively, someone else can have no particular goal around fitness. But, if they exercise regularly and consistently for a long period of time, they will get in shape. It's the action/habit that makes the difference, not the outcome in mind.
For myself, I don't log my achievements in a split second. In the back of my mind throughout the week, I know I'm going to be writing down what I did. This also pushes me to do a bit more. Usually on Friday, I create a draft list of action achievements. Then, I think about it a bit more, and add to it before I post it. That's why it's so long and has somewhat mundane sounding things.
>A lot of what I do isn't that hard or time consuming.
It's important to remember that the time is going to pass anyways, regardless of what is done. The quality of that time is variable. Someone with a habit of going to the gym and someone with a habit of scrolling through social media put about the same amount of effort/thought into either. A habit, afterall, is something that is done almost automatically. It's establishing or breaking habits that takes effort.
There's a certain science to tracking habits like this.
>When you recognize your own achievements, it releases serotonin in your brain, making you feel good. Thus, it's like a self induced reward and you're more likely to continue those good habits.
It honestly blows my mind that so few people join in on this thread. Some of you might be happy and have decent lives. But I know what people in the far left are like. It's a lot of a pathetic losers. This is literally an easy way to improve your life.
Thinking, 'Ill never change' is both disempowering and untrue. You will inevitably change. Think about how different you were 7 or 10 years ago. It's hard to perceive looking forward, but you'll likely change in equal measure by 7 or 10 years from now. Rather than hoping for the best, it's far more effective/helpful to take the reigns of your own life.
Everyone will encounter setbacks or face difficulties. But how one acts when things are Post too long. Click here to view the full text.




>Focus on actions and habits, not outcomes
>Writing down positive things increases your propensity to do more positive things
>Change is inevitable, so it's best to change in a conscious and self directed way

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Weekly Goal Tracking Thread
>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
<Improving the world starts with improving yourself
>How to use this thread
Throughout the week, keep a mental note of the positive things you're doing. As the weekend rolls around, list them down by Sunday. When we take a moment to celebrate minor personal victories and goals, we're more likely to repeat and stick with them. This weekly post exists to help you keep on track and improve your life.
>Positive change doesn't occur all at once. Rather it's the compounded effect off small daily habits and repeated action.
5 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


Initiative makes Chad. Natural chads just do it unconsciously thanks to early positive experiences.


>Initiative makes Chad.
<if I close my eyes they can't see me!!
where do you think you are? go peddle your "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" bullshit somewhere else

there is material foundation to everything, including sexual attraction


I'm not sure how I'm supposed to answer this…
>You're right. You're physically (and probably genetically) inferior.
Feel better now for being right on the internet? Lol
<Inb4 more egotistical coping


>You're right. You're physically (and probably genetically) inferior.
I'm not inferior because of not being attractive to the opposite gender. That's the whole point redpilloid.
Was the elk with normal sized antlers inferior to the elk with gigantic antlers who couldn't lift his fucking head, just because the female brain selected on the basis of the bigger antlers?

If you think that I think that what is natural - always right, then you're wrong
especially when it comes to humans
there is nothing """natural""" about humans the moment they invented civilization


Whatever you gotta tell yourself, bro

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Weekly Goal Tracking Thread
>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
<Improving the world starts with improving yourself


I started working over time again at work.
It's hard but the money is nice.


-Continued not smoking weed
-Quit drinking soda and sugary drinks. Was basically consuming 500-700 calories per day that way (or 3500-4200 calories per week).
-Found a wallet and was able to track down the owner on social media, getting it back to him on the same evening.
-Bought a new house plant and repotted a bunch others (up to 26 potted plants in my apartment)
-Started out the week with a pretty bad back ache which moved up to my shoulder. Forced myself to go to the gym anyways on Wednesday and kept that up for the rest of the week.
-On my day off, I did the gym, went for a jog, and cycled a bit. Chest is popping.
-Found a cheap but decent looking pair of fake vans for like $12. Now I just need a couple pair of pants and some new shirts.
-Studied a foreign language a few days for about 10 minutes each time. I'm conversant but just want to brush up and add more vocab.
-Read the business book I'm reading. Have 2 other books I want to finish by the end of the year.
-Swept and mopped/cleaned entire apartment. Much needed.

Nice. Having money coming in is hugely important. I hope you're able to save or invest a bit.

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>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.


based but bluepilled thread


Socialism will be built by men of action and qualification, not by moralfags with nothing to offer but an opinion


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>Quit smoking weed, dropped a bit of weight. Started remembering dreams again.
>Bought a reusable coffee filter and tea kettle so that I waste less time and money at cafes.
>Took my gf out on an adventure date to try something she's never done before.
>Gym x3 + long bike ride x2.
>Read a bit from a book none of you would like.
>Cooked a nice, healthy meal for myself one evening.
>Got new shoes.
>Played with my friends 5 year old son at the park. His parents are divorced, so he doesn't really have a decent male role model. Got to jump over fences and demonstrate random feats to show him what he'll be capable of one day. He was happy. Friend was happy.

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>Itt: we celebrate minor personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week.
9 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click to expand.


Anon what do you do to cope with the pain?


SSRIs are wildly ineffective and the side effects aren't worth it


I sit in my armchair and read books.


Yeah but withdrawal is a pain in the ass (or so I'm told), and why risk it all just because of some side effects I barely notice?



I simply live with the pain.

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 No.214[Reply][Watch Thread]

Itt: post questions on meeting women, dating, relationships, and sex.

I'll try to give mainly practical advice based on my experience and understanding as someone who started out as fairly shit with women and now does alright. Obnoxious blackpillers will be left on read.
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Get a prostitute for your birthday


Don't get a prostitute. Probably the worst thing you could do, unless you want to be a trick.

Every little action is a vote for the sort of person you want to become. By getting a prostitute, you're telling your inner self, 'Im the type of guy who can only get laid if I pay for it.' Absolutely disasterous for your self image.

For your birthday, grab a (preferably non alcoholic) drink with a friend or acquaintance, if you have nothing else planned. As for getting laid easily, shooting for less than hot girls makes it easier. So does booze. But you want to use both as a stepping stone to better things without getting stuck using either as a long term crutch.


I think I'm getting over my fear of speaking to women my own age. In work I can now talk to my zoomer female coworkers pretty easily.


Awesome. Congrats man. The first few steps are always the hardest.

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