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Has anyone else watched this movie? I thought the first half was fun wish-fullfilment, and her personality was a natural cat, and she used it to get closer to thr boy she liked.

But I didn't like the drama or action when she was seemingly permanently trapped as a cat and had to visit the cat city. It was too cartoony and the ending wasn't as satisfying as it could have been, and felt rushed. You didn't even get good romance at the ending.


Is this some fresh release? I saw people talking about it on the fedi.


Yeah it just came out on either Hulu or Netflicks last week.


Seems to be interestin.


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The highest form of Japanese experimental literature, it is a disruptive, subversive entry into the incestuous world of culture.
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Is there a specific filetype you want?
there's pdf, epub, mp4, webm, zip, gzip, not sure which else. You can check the github or ask the mods in the mod thread or on matrix.


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>A long and permanent marriage, based on mutual love and cooperation—that is the ideal standard. To this the influences of the school, of literature, and of public opinion in the Soviets tend. Freed from the chains of police and clergy, later also from those of economic necessity, the tie between man and woman will find its own way, determined by physiology, psychology, and care for the welfare of the race.
very wholesome


Here's a question, why are there not many little brother anime to match those about little sisters?


Most guys aren't gay.


Because the anime industry is male-dominated and most male otaku aren't gay either probably also because men are more perverted. But at least you have Boku no Pico which was made by a bunch of male otaku pedos :^)

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Comrades! To be a true revolutionary, one must realize that the height of your socks should be as high as the red banner you wish to uphold! What are you waiting for?
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What cringe

>femdom is fascist
&ltfascists are obsessed with dominating and subjugating women to their will and having gay love.
&ltNazis were full of transvestites and other fags.
Nah I have it right.


Actually how about all the males are mandated to become femboys and all the females are mandated to become tomboys.




how about no one is mandated to become anything they don't want to just to serve others sexually

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I'm a way too old otaku who's always been into a lot of underground Japanese subculture shit thanks to learning the language but even I have to be amazed at the sort of shallow orientalism that's going on on imageboards, like cumming at sakura trees, larping as an imperialist or making Japan seem as the last trad ethnostate (it really isn't), or more recently and what prompted me to make this thread, someone posting a picture of their room with a huge ass poster of Tokyo's subway map. Like really? What's the appeal of that? Sure, he might have been a train otaku, but nothing else in the picture indicated that.

To sum it up, fuck orientalism.
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>Memorizing kanji isn't that bad. Both Japanese and Korean are a pain in the ass to learn because of the grammar more than anything.
Gotta agree with this. It's strange to say, but kanji aren't the hardest part of Japanese.


>because of the grammar more than anything
Depends on your native language. Grammar was the easiest and the most intuitive part of Japanese for me because of its extremely similarity with my native language.


Yeah, certainly, the grammar is somewhat difficult at first if it isn't a familiar style, but it can be said with a grammar rule, unlike with kanji, one only has to learn it and few more to use in a fairly large variety of situations, whereas kanji is not as "difficult" to pick up, especially if one has studied similar languages, but requires the quantity learned to be more for it to be of practical use. Otherwise, it's probably correct to say the difficulty of kanji is often overstated.
This post probably came out somewhat incoherently, but basically the grammar is quite fun to learn sometimes, more than kanji, which involves more tedious work.


Communism shall definitely be victorious.

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All hail Azathot, the Slut Sultan, the Netorare Chaos at the Center of the Universe. Unless you're more into Yandere Cthulhu, that is.

I wasn't sure where VNs should go, but this one is about as uninteractive as it gets without going full kinetic, so I thought /anime/ is better than /games/.


what is this?


Simply having interactivity doesn't make something a game, so you came to the right place.

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Have any of you guys ever seen this? What did you think with its messages related to democracy / authoritarianism and such?
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Doesn't Reinhard seize all of the traitorous nobles wealth which basically gives him unlimited money cheat so he can add giant fucking engines to his liquid death star and the Reich still does not have any problems when it goes kaboom.


Yes he does but to be fair, the death star was already built, only the engines were a new addition. However the Reich built 2 death stars before Reinhard took power so you have to wonder were the money and resources needed to build those came from. Later on in the series Reinhard's new Reich is planning to build 3 additional death stars to defend the imperial capital. We also see nonsense (at least in the anime) like peasant farmers using animal power or at best 20th century looking tractors. Yet these peasants are part of an economy that can produce 10s of thousands of space battleships. The author glosses over the whole economic aspect of things.


Author clearly self-inserted as Yang.


I think you're reading too much into the "history would be boring without you", yang wasn't the type to support GMT at all, being a young historian and avoid democracy enjoyer.

For sure, the imperial history segments are filled with such propaganda tho


Those fortresses might take generations to construct too.

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I love death note. And I love light yagami as a character.

However it was very obvious that his entire worldview is extremely… reactionary I guess? Or like darwinist? Killing criminals and not trying to fix underlying problems is obvioiusly retarded. I wonder if any normalfags were able to make this obsevation
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OP has horrible taste


Probably everyone who has seen it. It's just fun watching this insane fuck blindly going about killing millions of people and plus the 4d chess cat and mouse game in the show.

Thinking the show is anything but is just a losing game on the analization side.

We should ban these type of posts, all these are is you guys just declaring your opinion (generally to put yourself above others) and not elaborating on anything. These don't fuel the conversation at all, unless the conversation your having with is a wall.


Go back to reddit contempt is ubiquitous on an anime board


Go back to /v/.


btw I am better than you

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alright did it myself, sorry for expecting the slightest bit of human decency from someone who supposedly wants to generate discussion over this shit if he cant even upload it properly
its in a shit quality cause this faggot probably screenshot it and can't show up in 22h to fix his fucking mess like the uyghur he is


Calm down jesus


A remake of light novel? By the same author? We're reaching level of commercial reimagining that shouldn't be possible.


It's literally a doujin he sold with his band…


fr i dont understand people who use anonymity as an outlet for anger just play ur low k/d cod matches instead of shitting up the threads lol

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Post /fa/ 2D characters.
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You can get Kapital, Underground, Yaeca, CDG etc cheap off rakuten - it's honestly a lot better quality and more sustainable than buying high markup 'fast fashion' from Zara or some shit.


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Also wearing couture is badass


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Bleach sucked but it had the best drip


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Any character made by Araki.


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The more characters you kill the least impact each consecutive death has.


One man's death is a tragedy.

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