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Anybody know any good cutesy Yaoi manga/anime?
I've watched the stock standard Doukyuusei and Yuri on Ice, but apart from that, I don't know of anything good.

Also, general SFW Yaoi thread.
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Bump the thread.




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While I personally dislike yaoi content as it's not to my taste (and attracts fujoshits), the concept itself is not that big a deal because in the end it's never used to push ideology or some other garbage, unlike Western comics and media which exploit such stuff. It's just aoftcore (or hardcore) erotica with a simple romance plot between 2 men, not some sort of virtue-signal.

Western comics can't seem to shut up about gays and society, even though literally nobody but a small, always existing minority of people are openly attacking them. The constant pride flags all over the place and corporate shilling and stuff like changing a banner on a subreddit is all so fake and literally gay, as is the entire concept of a "pride month". Note that this is only for Capitalist Western countries, and this started in the USA, The place this whole hullabaloo started. This gay pride, is inane idpol, because it's the same as being proud you're white or of a certain nationality - if your identity is built on superficial things like who you fuck and what skin color you are, you're essentially a shallow NPC because this whole pride thing is just a mess of ideology. It's intentionally dehumanizing because it encourages people to have samefaced personalities and not disrupt the porky status quo. Anyone who speaks out against this is immediately a homophobe, even other gay people who 'dare' to point this out.

So what does this have to do with Yaoi? The fact that Yaoi stuff doesn't promote this, the content does not define the characters involved nor is it some shallow, misplaced source of pride or ideological basis.

A good example of stuff that inspires Yaoi is the Western interpretation of Sasuke and Naruto - the two are often paired in stories due to the latter's obsessive behavior, even though that was a hyperbole of the author to emphasize how much Naruto values his bonds and friendships, which is the Japanese POV, but I digress - this fact of course encourages yaoi pairings of the characters, however while doujins and memes tend to make it short and sweet (or humorous) and not exploitative, Western authors, (like in fanfiction) tend to dramatize it into a mix between a disturbing cocklust and a bad Indian Soap Opera. But because people fear being called out as "homophobes" for pointing out how blatantly idpoled the content may be, they stay silent.

An example would be the rainbow flare on the r/NarutoFanfiction subreddit. A recent thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>A recent thread
Thread in question. Mods essentially are continuing to keep it up to "spite" haters, even though frankly I side with people who don't like this corporate pandering. Mods locked the thread.


>The fact that Yaoi stuff doesn't promote this
But it does a lot of the time, just in a different way, like "we're both boys and love/fuck each other but according to our homophobic society we shouldn't be together :("
Of course this isn't nearly as bad as it is in the West but still

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 No.233[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

itt hueg fricken 2d oppai
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god I wish I was that mat


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>btw gib him ur money pls


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beach episode


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 No.3969[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What is /leftypol/'s opinion on vtubers? I think some of them are cute and funny.
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It's just fucking random female streamers preying on lonely depressed men. Like what is even revolutionary about this shit.


>Like what is even revolutionary about this shit
did someone claim them as revolutionary? I missed that.


A lot of people are, especially leftists in weeb circles
Somehow people who detested the idea of thot streamers are now simping for vtubers day in day out


I frankly haven't seen it, but I don't use discord or weeb circles outside this site… though r/AniCommunism is faggy and liberal enough to do that.


>people who detested the idea of thot streamers are now simping for vtubers day in day out
and on top of that the people who defended egirl streamers despise vtubers. It's weird as fuck, but my guess is that it's due to the aesthetics of it all. Both of them are two sides of the same coin.

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>he hasn't seen this japo-american masterpiece

<The Hobbit is a 1977 American animated musical television special created by Rankin/Bass, a studio known for their holiday specials, and animated by Topcraft, a precursor to Studio Ghibli.
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I love how memeworthy this was and love even more that the internet hasn't yet taken this apart into memes.


>>>/hobby/11615 LOTR thread




Thanks very much! As a side note if you ever want to watch obscure asian movies that aren't easily found, kiss.asian is a good source to start.

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Thread for Questions and Answers that don't really belong in other threads as well as source requests.

- Questions
- Answers
- Anime/Manga sauce
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Do we really need your whining for such a slow board?


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at least i know how to use sage


>using sage as reddit downvote
Stay mad, bump


I have to say it's a quaint anime that in some ways resembles DxD and in Darksiders, though it's not as good as either. Still fun I suppose.


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Looking for translations of pics related it's apparently called
Kemokko Lovers 7 | 케모코 러버즈 7 [Korean] ケモッ娘ラヴァーズ7 [韓国翻訳]
Creator(s): amakuchi, bajou takurou, emons, kemosuke, nakagami takashi, nezumin, sanjiro, shinobe, silinder, mayoineko
(C91) [Mayoineko (Various)] Kemokko Lovers 7 | 케모코 러버즈 7
(C91) [迷い猫 (よろず)] ケモッ娘ラヴァーズ7

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>literally who? the show.


Me on the right.

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Which ultraman series is the coolest
I want to watch a show with lots of cool attack names and poses


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What are some day to day hijinks comedy anime

No over arching arcs or plots
Just comedy from daily situations

Like Doraemon, Perman, Kitretsu, Ninja Hattori?
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They are slow, just at different times, due to time zones and other shit we have periods of no traffic and periods of high traffic.
No, I like ecchi shows like DxD, but there the fan service is actually amusing and has hilarious plot relevance rather than just "ooh boobies"
>what is the humor like
I think I'm just oversaturated from all the typical Japanese jokes of this medium, to the point where I can tell where a joke is going ahead of time, when it's predictable it stops being interesting.


I don't know man, I haven't been to High School in ages

If I see any High School Boys, I'll make sure to ask them


>How's that good in any way if you don't want softcore porn getting in the way?
agreed, fuck coomers


I'll whack you if you call me a coomer
I have hitmen around the world


>I don't know man, I haven't been to High School in ages
>If I see any High School Boys, I'll make sure to ask them
Fucking kek

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 No.1417[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are some good communist anime?

I liked kemono friends a lot.
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This. Just watch the hidden gems and move on


>Most anime are reactionary and centrist shit
15 years ago I'd disagree, but at this point the mass produced shite has overwhelmed the old stuff.
>just otakus trying to get off to moe girls
That's more the community than anime itself.


All media is like that in a capitalist society, its only some leftist individuals/small groups that create media with leftist ideals.


>uni success drop significantly if you also work part time
And I know from personal experience that this is both an individual problem (some can pull it off and some can't) and that even if uni grades are poorer, its better to be a mediocre student but not have huge loans, than be a POSSIBLY better student and live the rest of your life paying college debt with 0 insurance that the major your took will let you get the jobs you aim for.


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THIS. It was litteraly an inspiration for zengakuren movements.

<nobody mentionning Shigeru Mizuki

you should really read his bio and his autobiographical work. really good stuff.

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What is the materialist explanation for yaoi fangirls/fujoshi? Why are there so many of them and why do they so spend so much money? Why are straight women obsessed with gay men?
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Gay men in Japan are almost exclusively into bara, where the story is almost never important and the typical characters are very different (yaoi has more thin pretty boys, bara is dominated by muscular/overweight men which would never be found in a yaoi story). There is a hybrid bara/yaoi genre that has a small but passionate fanbase.


I posted a whole bunch of essays and studies about this in the PDF thread >>8736
There's several theories as well as different reasons for girls to get into it.

In my opinion, the popularity of BL nowadays might also be influenced to some extent by the fact that gay shit is much more popular and thus female-oriented, male/female anime porn is relatively obscure among them, (especially because "straight hentai" is largely "male territory", while BL has become the de-facto "female territory"), thus fewer women find out about it, most otaku women are in an environment that promotes gay shipping, while straight shipping is rare with some exceptions this, of course, is extremely common in liberal online circles; fujos have evolved just like the internet has evolved. Straight couples also tend to appear in all-ages works while BL is more often pornographic.
Yumejoshi—those who fantasize about being with/fucking anime guys—exist, but they're not as big as fujoshi—those who fantasize about anime guys being with/fucking each other.

To be fair, yaoi "romance" is, most of the time, just porn for girls (it definitely makes them horny), even if it's less graphic than men's porn.

I was about to say this


The yuri which lesbians prefer to read is somewhat different from the types which het males prefer to consume though, similar to how yaoi and bara have different audiences they're targeted to.


How can you tell them apart? There doesn't seem to be a name to differentiate them, so I had no idea it was like that.
Apparently straight women also like some yuri but I bet it's much more romantic and lighter instead of sexual.


BL allows girls to self-insert and to schlik on males that don't exist, not because they're 2D but because they're generally males with all the good traits and none of the bad traits. There's a lot of studies on this, but I'm more of a yuri scholar.

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