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 No.3193[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>mfw I keep convincing friends that anime and coomer art are inherently capitalistic
>tell them how coomerism fuels patreon bucks which impose an unrealistic and unobtainable image for women and males because of the rate of porn consumed created by comissions
>tfw only leftypol will be the only anime friendly lefty place, eventually
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The way of the revolutionary obviously is revolutionary celibacy.


It's the culture industry brah.


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obligatory bump, because of the recent prohibition of adult content on a certain capitalist site


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I just went straight from anime to homosexuality though Much better.
Keep seething coomer, sex work is not real work, and wont exist under socialim.

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I wish Char was real

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Stone Ocean waiting room
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Who is she?


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Fairouz Ai, half-egyptian half-Japanese voice actress.


Ahh she's Tokiwa-chan in Mewkledreamy, nice.


she cute


still waiting

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I have never watched a single Anime nor read a single Manga in my entire life. Where should I start, what are the essentials? What is the "State & Revolution" of Anime and/or Manga? Don't reply EVA, I hate that little twink Shinji.
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Read or watch Parasyte.


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Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura are all fun romcom fantasy.


FMAB and Sailor Moon are good.


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 No.1993[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just give me your anime hot takes. I don't care if they're retarded.
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Ok, sorry, the way you said that threw me for a loop, I couldn't tell if it's sarcasm or not.


the whole point of porn is misogyny though.


Cooming is misogyny.


cooming is violent and genocidal, archetypal of the neoliberal discourse of "creative destruction" in the form of cooming inside of a woman. you literally get pleasure from killing your life force. it is like a ritualistic suicide.




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Anime is reactionary for re inforcing and capitalizing on the concept of Moe and Manime

Slice of life and the Shonen genres are guilty of this the most
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>>9447 samefag addendum

One has to wonder if the leftist sympathetic people in the animation industry had poured their energies into it because of the major setback of the Left in Japan and the general retreat of leftists around the world from attempts to shape history in that period of capitalist onslaught.


Probably how it used to be but not anymore, which is why Miyazaki is known for his caustic lamentations about Otaku and anime today in general. Back in his day animators and Japan's population in general were a determined and hot-hearted bunch, while today they're just stuck in a rut, enforced by the systems legalese that makes any stepping out of line dangerous, let alone any activism (See >>5012 ).


>nooooo how dare women be cute? They have to be obese green-haired lesbians like me!


Women like being feminine, you're just a man-hating sjw.


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This but unironically

also itt scrotes cope

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Favourite anime related Youtubers? Why especially do you like them? Is there even a point in watching one of them?

Picrel and Pause and Select are definitely on of the better ones out there
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I don't watch anime

Just people do essays about it then I post my willingly uninformed opinion in twitter which I proceed to screencap and post in several imageboards as an OP


e-celebs are shit.




Code MENT's best moments



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 No.373[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How would you go about fixing the Isekai (sub?)genre from its current state of mediocrity and stagnation?
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Anyone watch Redo of Healer? I've only seen the summary and clips but frankly while it's an interesting concept, it feels really friggin' edgy, especially with it being a 'harem' show that gets down to it. Aa comment I read summarizes my impression of the show from what I've gleaned of it, "Redo of healer really puts you on your toes one of the animes where yes you completely understand why he does what he does but at the same time you are thinking jeez dude chill"

So, is it worth watching this or is just an edgy grim-dark 'fantasy' like every other DnD edgefest to ever grimdark?
Because this is giving me Shinimaou no Basara vibes and I loathe that discount-DxD hentai.

Also is it just me or is there a trend of Isekai/fantasy anime having an edgy MC getting (petty) revenge and power, we got Shield Hero, Isekai Shihai No Skill Taker, Arifureta, Nidome no Yuusha, and Moonlit Fantasy, heck Moonlit Fantasy is one of several anime where an isekai character is banished, wanders the world penniless and bitter and meets magic creatures and becomes super OP and shit. It's so repetitive yet eaten up. Not that Isekai should be the happy-go-lucky shit like Isekai Cheat Magician or Isekai Smartphone but frankly it feels nauseating. Overly Cautious Hero, Re;Zero* or Goblin Slayer balanced levity and grimness which is why I can enjoy it, but other stuff makes me feel dirtied. Dungeon Seeker managed to not feel contrived either. I think I might be a bit annoyed also by the artstyle itself - it's generic moeshit with 0 sakuga and the colorful, flat color pallet makes it clash horribly with the ideas. Like Berserk had good animation that fit its dark fantasy setting, and had detail and complex shading.

*I'm not saying RE:Zero is good, it's not, but it has some good moments that I appreciated and it knew not to overdo the "It's time to suffer and die Subaru-kun!" concept to the point of insensitivity.


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So the idea of Overly Cautious hero is that there are pantheons of gods and stuff that support selected Isekai heroes to free worlds ranked D, C, B, A, S , SS and SSS.

This gave me an idea for a sort of reverse Isekai where Earth is a SSS-class world because there is no one Devil King and his armies to take down and instead the various magic heroes end up killed because they can't solve societies problems (so figures like Jesus Christ or Che Guevara or Hercules are examples of such failed Isekai heroes, who nonetheless had impacts on the world.


I think this "overly edgy isekai" thing is just a fad that won't last long.


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It's been going on since at least 2015 (that's omitting earlier edgy works). I mean I recently watched Arifureta and it wasn't outright awful (though it derailed quite a bit) but regardless, overall this 'fad' is getting annoying because they don't go for a dark storyline but an edgy one, otherwise you can't fit in the Moeshit, and generic harem gags and other shit aspects into it. At least Shield Hero tried to be somewhat consistent in its story telling.

BTW another shitty manga that is outright porky-shit is Meikyuu Black Company, a play on the Japanese term;


Why DxD and Date A Live work so well


The finally of season 4 was actually pretty tight even if gentle arc was fucking dumb.
I normally dont like shounentrash but the animation and art is pretty fuckin good.
Also Eri is adorable.
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It does now but it didn't used to have such slow character development.


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I can't speak for most people but /a/ seems to like it because of their obsession with Deku/Katsuki* yaoi and the increasingly edgy plot direction of the past year.
Literally the most interesting characters are on the side. Deku was initially a favorite, but over time I've come to be more apathetic towards his character.

*Midoriya and Bakugo's relationship in a nutshell:

Midoriya: Hey Kacchan, your shoelaces ar-
>Bakugo: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you fucking shithead? I’ll have you fucking know I graduated top of my class in the middle school, and I’ve been fucking involved in numerous fucking villain raids, and I have fucking confirmed 300 fucking kills. I am fucking trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top fucking hero in the entire fucking UA. You are nothing to me but just another fucking target. I will fucking wipe you the fuck out with fucking explosion the likes of which has never been fucking seen before on this fucking Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can fucking get away with saying that shit to fucking me? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of fanboys across the UA and your quirk is being traced right now so you better prepare for the fucking storm, shithead. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little fucking thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my fucking bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the howitzer impact and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little fucking shithead. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Deku.
Midoriya: You're such a good person, please let me suck your dick


I honestly prefer characters like Mezo Shoji and Class 1-B
They're much more interesting and varied IMO.


Himiko Toga is basically a generic Harley Quinn-type villain-girl, I bet she'll even have a love interest in Shigaraki after a time-skip



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>Darling in the FranXX: Japanese anime series about fighting for the survival of humanity

>Darling in the FranXX is an original Japanese animated (anime) television series that aired between January and July 2018. It includes 24 episodes and was created by Studio Trigger under the direction of Atsushi Nishigori, who was the character designer for the popular series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagannin 2007. The series is now available on the streaming service Crunchyroll, which specializes in East Asian media.

>The series takes place in a future dystopian world where humans live in self-contained, glass-domed cities, defended by young teenagers who operate the FranXX—giant robotic weapons (mecha) that require a pair of pilots, one male and one female, to operate. The children defend the cities from klaxosaurs, a mysterious race of beings who live underground and regularly attack the cities.

>The children themselves are indoctrinated in regard to the history of humanity and the overall circumstances surrounding their service. They aspire to be “adults,” a number of whom live in the center of the cities, but with whom they never get to interact. The people in power are collectively referred to by the children as “Papa,” and they pray to them, as though to a deity, before each meal.

>The series’ main protagonist is a young pilot named Hiro, who once showed great promise, but in recent years has found himself unable to operate the machinery with success. The operation of the FranXX is associated with the onset of puberty, with the male and female crew members assuming positions within the machines that are overtly sexual.

>The principal aim of the show’s creators seems to be to examine what it means to be a human. (But how enriched and developed is their conception?) We learn that the society’s “adults” are humans who underwent a process whereby they could become immortal at the expense of their reproductive systems. They live in an advanced state of unchanging age, but no longer have interactions with each other and live sterile lives where they do not even speak.

>Anime is a complex medium, with many divisions and subdivisions. Its roots in Japan are generally traced back to the early twentieth century, but it was
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>Not posting your own text for the OP and linking to the Article for details
>Posting Darling in the Franxx
The show is a ripoff of Evangelion mixed in with some Gundam, it's full of Moe-blob shit and bland characters as well as the kind shitty romance triangle that Evangelion specifically avoided for good reason. Honestly I never thought I would need to repost my breakdown of WHY Darling in the Franxx is shit but I guess I'll have to recover the archives and do that, just so some poor sap doesn't get suckered into watching this trashbin by the hype and the Studio Trigger logo.

The article is also pretty shit since it just says generic things about "anime over the 1970s and 80s" and goes out onto a tangent from the anime at hand.

A-are you implying that Yaoi and Yuri means you have an understanding about gays and dykes? Yeah, no wonder everyone hates you Fujos.

Because it allows for cute angry antics and dumb romance drama about "forgetting our promise" and also putting in less work for having a relationship seem real.

Don't, just watch Gundam and Evangelion and you've seen 90% of Franxx, everything else is a fanfiction tier obsession with sex and relationships that resembles the Clan Restoration Act from a decade ago (CTRL+F in https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FandomSpecificPlot/Naruto)


Fuck off, cuck, you're alienating us animechads from socialism. If you keep shitting on us, we'll eventually want nothing to do with socialism. Is that really what you want?


I keep seeing the pink haired anime lady memed (Fran?). I finally know where the hell she's from now.


This thread was redirected leftypol, that's why it has these responses… also the vid was funny


From the Article Unedited:

>Many of these series do have their charms, as does Darling in the FranXX, and the animation is very skilled, but there tends to be a larger focus on more juvenile themes, which express themselves in the ultimate plot and character progressions in many series, preventing them from saying anything truly insightful about life.

>The themes involved here are fairly banal and platitudinous, and the view of life one takes from them is inevitably limited. The creators of this and most anime series are trying to “teach messages,” but such advice doesn’t amount to much more than empty moralizing in a world racked by escalating social inequality, poverty and war.

>Social inequality is mentioned in passing, but the focus is on interpersonal relationships and sexuality as the real defining characteristics of what it means to live and be human. In their arrogance, adults threw away their ability to reproduce in a selfish attempt to become immortal, but “nature” had other ideas and forced the children to regain their sexuality in order to survive and propagate the human species. The idea of human “progress” is depicted as inherently flawed.

>Darling in the FranXX does have some redeeming qualities in that it pushes the viewer to consider larger social questions and shakes up one’s view of reality, but the lack of a real commitment to thinking through the problems of contemporary life means that the viewer, in the end, is not pushed far or challenged enough.

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