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File: 1608528782601.jpg ( 174.59 KB , 342x519 , HayaoMiyazakiCCJuly09.jpg )

 No.469[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you have anything to say about this man?
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Thanks m8!


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Really good video on Kiki that puts into words why it gives me such a blue mood, as do Ghibli films in general. It also succinctly encapsulates hat makes them so magical and good - they're high fantasy with mundane domestic elements. It feels like Miyazaki put in his own experiences directly onto the screen, as did the author of the original book, in some ways this reminds me of how Anno and his crew projected his own life, feelings and ideas onto Neon Genesis Evangelion - I feel that all the best animated works are like this.


miyazaki is a nietzchean solipsisticic eco-fash retard that writes dollhouse plays with no characters and dumb morals. they look good but aren't good.


inhumanist environmentalist freak
would sacrifice mankind for bugs


ok, and?

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Why didn't King Kai teach Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Tien the Kaioken and spirit bomb techniques? Did Toriyama already forget that was a thing?
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power levels nerds constantly stay losing
dragon ball is and always be comedy>plot


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It's the artstye of the DBS movie that released 3 years ago
DBS: Broly

I don't the plastic clay look. It has it's own charm to me but this softer animation is also nice.


Unfortunately the "comedy" is terrible.


Because they are weak as fuck they couldn't handle it. Duh


Cmon, remember when goku was naked? Funniest shit I've ever seen lolol

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Why are Kyokos always the hottest girls in anime?


What the fuck is a kyoko?


a girl named Kyoko


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 No.7111[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


>Popular isekai anime KonoSuba and That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, as well as several others, have been banned on certain sites in Russia recently. The Russian court decided that the isekai (meaning "otherworld") titles "promote reincarnation beliefs" and show that "after death, there can be a more full and interesting life, free from control of one's parents."

>On Monday, the Russian district court in Saint Petersburg banned a total of five anime titles, citing the federal Russian law for the protection of children from harmful information. The list of banned series includes isekai anime KonoSuba and That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, comedy horror anime Zombie Land Saga, comedy romance Nekopara and harem anime Princess Lover!.

>"The court has ruled that, for example, KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! promotes reincarnation beliefs by showing that after death there can be a more full and interesting life, free from control of one's parents. The world after death is shown to be colorful, full of adventures and offering an opportunity to lead an indulgent life full of drinking, sexual relations and unlawful activities, while the real life is shown as joyless and filled with loneliness."

Hopefully a wakeup call for leftist weebs who advocate for censorship to protect the children unironically. Has it ever occurred to you that isekai is dangerous because a child watching isekai MIGHT commit suicide to be reincarnated? No? And why is that? Maybe just maybe there is a difference between fiction that is blatant wish-fullfilment disconnected from reality and suicide cult propaganda?

This is where "all fiction is political" analysis got us. Fucking retards.
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>wagie bootlicker
<buzzwords are so cool, let me spam them incoherently!
1) There is more than Isekai as a fantasy you dullard
2) a little fantasy and escapism is fine, being a weeb obsessed with this shit because your life is shit instead of trying to improve your life or at least find enjoyment IRL is being sick in the head and requires help, of which suicide is not a good option
So yeah, imagine being so ass mad because "muh animu"


ban all anime becuase its all mierda


>"after death, there can be a more full and interesting life, free from control of one's parents."
Wow they are banning christianity!


>Isn't that kinda true though?
and even if it was?



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post your ideas about epic anime:
>battle shouen stylized seinnen but instead of battles there is science and research related stuff, like conferences, and data gathering
>main character is PhD student at tokyo university researching something very technical and complicated with the objective of curing world hunger or something.
>some ideas for arcs
>MC battling for funding with someone trying to use the money for something fucking useless but profitable
>MC sabotaging people trying to use his work for evil, like building weapons, or kill people directly or indirectly
>MC fights against large corporation trying to sabotage his work, because it cuts their profits
>MC realises his scientific approach was wrong and has to pivot several times, and has to learn new skills (training arcs)
>MC realises his knowledge is incomplete and has to go to a master from another discipline to teach him, he gets taught a moral lesson about the nature of science
>MC's PhD master gets killed by the corporation trying to stop him, so he swears revenge on them, and uses science shit to do so
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This should definitely made into an anime


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An anime that is about international communist volunteers, like Guevara, Bethune, or Hemingway.

Or about the Cuban medical brigades, the Chinese barefoot doctors, and Soviet pandemic control efforts


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This actually reminded me of a Louise The Zero fanfiction that had Che Guevara summoned as her familiar and he goes full revolutionary on them. pdf is what was completed last time they updated.


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I really enjoyed this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT6Kz2WN9qM
It definitely should be made into a full OVA.


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mc is a good looking lower middle class high school student with actual samurai ancestry. great great grandfather's katana is exposed in his house living room.
in that stuff they must write for the school with the careers goals and such, he writes in the first place yakuza, in the second hikkikomori. when confronted about it by the teacher accusing him of just wanting to slack around at the expenses of others he unapologetically says that it has always been like that: it's what fat cats in society do but don't get any reprimand for it on the contrary they are praised. and, specificating that if it was in his power he would end all of that, if he can't be on the top, isn't anyway going to slave for others, against which he would prefere to die.
further in the story he concludes that the real nature and spirit of japan is lazyness. then he gets the idea of starting a nationalist movement with the program of fighting the evil euro influences (working ethic, prussian edu…). to add credibility to his nationalism he becomes a weeb, wearing kimonos, going to folk stuff (all things he despised as an anti-social). starts taking kendo classes to beat people more proficiently in the streets along with his delinquent friends he hangs around with. his nazbol group ends constantly clashing against far right goons, deemed by him as german inspired fash. violence. gets jailed. meets real yakuza in prison. becomes a yakuza. he's the only one of his classmates who made it.

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 No.7100[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I heard Nagatoro was adapted recently is it worth watching?
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This is exactly the problem with these things because the more you build shit up the higher the expectation and anticipation, eventually being so higher that the pay off could be nothing but a disappointment where you just go: “meh, it was okay”.


I finally caught up with the whole manga since I don’t really watch anime. Anyways I liked it more than I thought I would, and it more charming than I thought it was going to be. It’s playful and the dude character isn’t as insufferable as I thought he would be, what’s weird though is that the main character only began to be a bit insufferable in the later and more recent chapters. But usually it gets offset by him doing something cute with Nagatoro. What I like about it is that it’s so clear that he likes her and he knows he likes her but is too afraid to admit it to himself or her. She 100 percent likes him, no 110 percent likes him, from the beginning in fact. Her teasing is so obvious and it was so obvious she was not much different from “Senpai” except more extroverted so they’re both “virgins” except it’s the girl who’s overcompensating here. I really liked the chapter when Senpai actually challenged her by asking what she meant by lewd stuff since that’s the kind of return teasing I wanted to see senpai give her cuz it’s so obvious.

Another thing I like is that as we see friends faces in the later chapters it essentially is a development alongside the main characters. As we see more faces the relationship between nagatoro and Senpai is only more obvious but that obviousness becomes only that much more painful because it’s colored by the awareness of Nagatoros friends especially. They know she really likes Senpai and they edge them closer but not outright force it so as an outside observer you’re with the friends and become annoyed whenever it’s clear they want each other but just won’t do it. I mean they’ve been on like 4 or 5 dates by now I think, and maybe 1 “official” date.

Anyways, I like it, has gotten a bit tedious lately but I hope their relationship takes off sooner rather than later. I’m actually more interested in what they are like as an official couple acknowledging they’re a couple.


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A I the only one who thinks Nagatoro and that Cat-loli from Jahy-Sama look really similar?


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I don't do hentai (let alone for this show) but the memes in this were too much when I saw them posted, so have the sauce for your perusal


it's trash

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What's the best anime show? Simpsons or Family Guy?
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It's King of the Hill sneed


I didn't say it was now. Just that it has.


Doesn't that kind of imply you mean currently? Lol




The one with the most Dragon Ball Super references

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 No.6102[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Who is best girl
And why is it Misato Katsuragi
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>I don't even know where to begin to describe the awfulness
Completely shit take, I just watched it and I liked it a lot.

I would rather have had the whole thing be done in traditional cell medium but since the reality is that can't be done I at least liked the fact that there were scenes that were completely 2d. And even the mix of different styles (2d, 3d, completely trippy shit at the end, and even how there *real life* shots are interspersed that reference the ending was kind of cool.

I thought the plot was enjoyable, I could follow it better than the other eva movies actually.

The deep dive into each character's thoughts at the end was a nice wrap up of unanswered questions for me.

There is some really good character progression.

Idk, obviously it's not the original show, it was probably never meant to be, but it's a great finale to an amazing series, I think the hate it gets is completely unwarranted, or maybe it is from some purist perspective but I really enjoyed the film and I think people should just go and watch it.


>bumping this god awful thread instead of the original


>shit take
>rather have had the whole thing be done in traditional cell medium
SO you admit it's worse than the budget original series?
>but since the reality is that can't be done
Why not? There are plenty of animators and they already work for shit-wages anyway. Anno took as much time as he wanted making this sequel and still managed to fail to use good 2D stuff. The CG was passable but clashes with the 2D background and is cluttered as fuck.
> there *real life* shots
That's nothing new, Anno did all of that in the original series' final episodes during Shinji's breakdown. He ripped off his own ending.
>the plot was enjoyable, I could follow it better than the other eva movies actually.
Better than the first two? Not in my opinion - those stories followed the original NGE plot and somewhat made sense, this just feels like a mecha fantasy a la Darling in the Franxx. Being better than 3.0 is not a major achievement.
>deep dive into each character's thoughts at the end
Again, same as the original, but worse.
>good character progression
hahaha what!? Where? None of the characters are even their original selves except for the adults and pink sloot. Rei wants to be a farmer and falls apart, Asuka remains an angry midget with mood swings, Shinji repeats his mood swings just like in the past 2 movies, Misato apparently abandoned her own child and be angry all the time, Ritsuko is a paper-cut half-heartedly pandering to the lesbian fans because "muh yuri fanfiction". It's all so tiresome. To someone approaching Evangelion for the first time or having watched the originals a while ago, this may not be apparent, but it is to me, which is why I loathe it.
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does anyone have the original?


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what scene is this meme from?

the lady looks cute

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Start an idol group to prevent the deletion of /anime/!
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There should be a mega overboard that gathers posts from all three sites.




It seems the site's stream section is up again, so perhaps there could be an anime channel, unless it already exists???


This board, due to a proposal again, could get deleted.


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When I was a wee lad I read Katawa Shoujo and ended up really liking Emi. She hit all the right spots for me personality wise. I finished her route with the impression that she was supposed to be the token tomboy among the main girls. To my astonishment, when I went on the Katawa Shoujo forum I found out that other people did not consider her a tomboy. How? She's the athletic, bold, energetic girl who likes to play rough. Did I not just describe a tomboy? Is it because she doesn't "look" like a tomboy? Ridiculous. It was as if at some point I had been transported to bizarro world where the word tomboy had been hijacked by pathetic fetishists who now tied the word tomboy to physical appearance.

As the years went by I found myself highly attracted to 2D girls with varying types of what are culturally seen as masculine qualities. Like the aforementioned athletic, bold, energetic, likes to play rough but also aggressive, assertive, emotionally reserved, brash, vulgar, messy, short-tempered, rhetorical, analytical, philosophical, gluttonous, as lustful as a man and so on. In other words, women who behave like the worst and best of male cultural stereotypes. Do they "look" like tomboys? Some do. But even then I have nothing in common with the pathetic fetishists, the most egregious and possibly loudest of which circlejerk over 2D girls who only "look" like tomboys and otherwise do not deviate much from the assumed average girl who on top of that unironically fantasize about turning said "tomboy" into a traditional 1950s cooking, breeding and raising servant (read: wife).

Don't believe me? Give a definition for the word tomboy. Then objectively think of all the fictional girls who come to your mind that fit that definition. How many have you never thought of as tomboys?

It's not just the word tomboy that is being systematically destroyed by pathetic fetishists. The word gyaru did not simply refer to physical appearance alone, but a whole subculture. To be a gyaru it's not enough to dress the part, you also have to act the part else you're a poser right? That's how subcultures work. Gals are stereotypically vain, airheaded, trendy, extroverted, socially intelligent, gold diggers, Americaboos and so on. Today? Shy gyaru. Awkward gyaru. Recluse gyaru. Tomboy gyaru. Normal girl gyaru. Otaku gyaru. Of course a character turning out to be different from expectation is funny on the occasion, but when every gyaru is effectively a poser gyaru thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Tomgirl is a much more recent term than tomboy though, and so it's characteristics are by definition the reverse of Tomboy but for some reason feels a bit tasteless, probably because tomgirl tends to be used mostly in a sexual tone every time it's used, a fetishized termin for girly-boys that arose probably because "trap" has become a bit old and liberals get their panties in a twist over it and "Nancy" is too old for most Zoomers on the internet to even be aware of.


Speaking of Otakushit and their fetishisms I stumbled across this site (below) recently and I'm stuck nostalgic joy for early 2000s graphic design of the site - finally something that isn't the flat phone-oriented shit I see all the time - and disgust at it basically being yet another Otaku fetish sale site. Opinions?


>I do agree with OP in the sense that certain fetishists, along with OP himself, are cancerous individuals that are ignorant of the medium and the ecosystem that it fosters, and sustains it.
states he agrees with OP
states OP has no clue
wew lad


>no quotes
>a retard
sasuga commiechan


who are you quoting mr. chin

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