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Is this series just going to be an endless procession of carnage or is the plot actually going to arrive at something satisfying and meaningful some day?
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Also the SERIES is prob one of the best in the world


Do we even know what he really wants?


This is one of the first anime I watched when it aired and I regularly rewatch it even though I keep telling myself its just edgy stuff for normies. It has a charm that I haven't really found in other anime.

I't's also interesting because it kinda switches genres regularly. Going from soldiers fighting monsters to political coups to wide-scale wars.


Hange is insanely hot.


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Well chaps, was it kino?




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Jonathan comes from rich family
Dio comes from poor family
Is jojo part 1 capitalist propaganda
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2bh it's not completely clear.
The Joestar mansion looks like a noble sort of aristocratic estate,
but George could have just been a rich English merchant.
I believe the implication is that they're nobility though, since Jonathan is just such a 'noble and too pure' sort of idealistic character.

But for OP, what >>2161 is best in my eye; Jojo is too goddamned fucking stupid for there to be any overarching themes of class,
even in a subliminal way.
I honestly doubt Araki could even comprehend the notion of economic class.
Dio is quite literally comically evil just for the sake of being so, and is not meant to be reflective of any particular type of human in general: Dio or DIO, he in particular is just an evil fucking bastard simply because he is so don't bother questioning it.
And so is his dad.

SPEEDWAGON on the other hand is also a 'underclass dreg' sort of character, but he is the complete inverse of Dio.
He has honor and respect, he doesn't screw over everyone possible to get the upper hand.
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The most evil fuck imaginable such as Dio only becomes a danger if he gets into power. The Joestar family's bourgeois naivete is very much responsible for letting Dio get worse and worse. I'd like a fanfic exploring what would happen if the Joestars just peaced out on the Brandos. Would Dio have become more like an evil version of Speedwagon? Would someone else get corrupted by the mask eventually?

There's little to no class commentary in JoJo. Whenever something like Nazis show up it's always stupid, comical and over the top. I wouldn't bother going looking for a profound subtext


Why are you retards making a new thread when there is already a Jojo thread?


Them being aristocrats would tie in nicely with the Joestar blood theme.


Nice analysis bro, ever considered setting up a youtube channel?

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Dr. Stone's premise is quite intresting but I feel it don't really uses it's premise to it's fullest. I mean Tsukasa's plan to destroy all of the adults and to try to "Stop Science from existing" is doomed to fail, not to mention his conclusions are entirely based on the notions of "Human Nature" and "Adults being greedy".

Is there any way to make the anime or even it's premise better?
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I'm talking about communist in the literal sense. Someone who wants a society without private property.


Boomersidal primitivism is just idealism.


This show would've been better if the advancements were slower because they go from being monkey tier tech wise to having phones in 24 episodes. I liked it anyway though.


I expect them to construct a laser for something any day now.


Dr. Reddit.

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Does anyone know how the light novels ended? I really liked how the anime started, (and this scene was amazing.) I just lost interest after the main character's father died and they had to invent a bunch of random new arcs with throwaway characters while she traveled the planet. They should've kept the zombie dad instead of killing him since he actually had some character development in the first 3 episodes, unlike the moe characters they added later.

Did they at least ever explain why God abandoned the Earth, and the origin of the girls who buried the corpses?

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Are there more labour or union animations similar to this? Some were aired too apparently.

It's quite funny.


I would be hard pressed to find any labour union anime, or animation in general.


This thread could be a general thread for labour animation also.

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What is the proper way to fix the hellscape that is Lux in Texhnolyze?


This show's conclusion still baffles me.


Organize the Lux proletariat against the Class before it's too late.


Does anyone have a Marxist or Deleuzian analysis of this. Am I going insane or is the city called Lukács, the two groups (body without)Organ and Lacan? Constant reference to The Spectacle? The Class? Everyone is losing body parts to technology? Something about will to power?

There seems to be something there but I'm not quite grasping it and all I can find directly about the show are reddit teenagers saying nihilism = meaningless.

> In paragraph 13 of Beyond Good and Evil (1973), he remarks that we should beware of superfluous teleological principles such as the drive to self-preservation. His own principle is more general, encompassing the drive to self-preservation but also the drive to self-destruction or self-overcoming: A living thing desires above all to vent its strength—life as such is will to power—self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent consequences of it’

>Deleuze comments that ‘Nietzsche criticises Darwin for interpreting evolution and chance within evolution in an entirely reactive way. He admires Lamarck because Lamarck foretold the existence of a truly active plastic force, primary in relation to adaptations: a force of metamorphosis

>Roughly forty-five years after this compelling, if heavy-handed, Marxist critique, Deleuze and Guattari appropriate a crucial concept from Worringer's life-philosophically inflected writing, namely, "inorganic life," in order to theorize the resistance to global capitalism. Through a close reading of Worringer, I pose the following critical question: How can a concept that was once condemned from a Marxist perspective as an ideologically suspect "flight from realiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Have Yoshi survive and succeed in starting a civil war, which ends with a faction winning and holding complete control over the city. In order to maintain power and prevent another war, they keep a powerful military force, which is what they will use to defend against the Class and eventually invande and settle the surface. The revitalized people of Lux replace the stagnant people of the surface (who will probably upload themselves into a virtual world or something as a response) and civilization resumes its evolution. From watching this show twice, this is what I gather Yoshi's ultimate plan was, given that he knew the conditions of the surface people, the Class and Lux.

As the ending of the show stands, the robot-tree-people might or might not evolve into full cyborgs and eventually go to the surface. The blue-haired guy was crazy and seemed to have only intended to destroy everything, but then why make the robots and his own feet grow roots when the fighting was over? Maybe he really wanted throw the fate of humanity wholly to evolution, whatever evolution might look like for robots with human heads and roots.

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Is this the worst sequel of all time?
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The second season was announced a few weeks after I finished watching the first one and I was pretty excited because I loved DtB despite its flaws. But what I got was a fucking mess and the last episode aired on 24th or 25th December and it ruined my Christmas that year. The gaiden episodes were ok but they still left a bitter taste in my mouth.
It took me years to get over my hatred for Bones.


How did they get away with it?


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No idea, I heard it sold well but apparently not well enough for a third season.
It's either that or nobody wanted to continue because they wrote themselves into a corner. A few years ago there was a small party to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first series, people were kinda hyped for an announcement but it was basically "we can confirm we won't continue it lol".
What a shame.


In retrospect I think Darker Than Black was basically the Lost of anime. When they started they had no idea how it was supposed to end and then they just pulled a bunch of mystery box stuff out of their ass.


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What happened at the end of season two anyways

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Post memes, speculation, hype or contempt for Berserk and see the latest developments of what Kentaro "checking fanboy suicide status when I pull off another Hiatus" Miura.
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>super unpopular in Japan
no fucking way,it's at the same level at JoJo,it's one of the fifth best selling manga series of all time (or it was at least,not even 2 years ago)
The "gaijin intellectual" would tell you it's because it can't go to the level of detail as the manga.
The reality is probably a mix of the license falling onto the wrong hands and shitty legal framework making it impossible to stop (like what happened with OPM season 2),money and contract being signed primarily by the editors instead of Miura who probably just want to do his shit and not participate that much in the adaptation (maybe I'm ABSOLUTELY WRONG on that tho) and the terrible state of the animation industry,of how the workforce has to work,and capitalism in general.


>the terrible state of the animation industry,of how the workforce has to work,and capitalism in general.
I meant over Berserk's ENTIRE history. Like, what is it about Berserk that has made it such a pariah for adaptations, even if it's so influential?

Even the first anime, earnest as it was, was made on a shoestring compared to others of the period, and halted a couple dozen chapters behind the manga.


It made him release a chapter.


Berserk thread on hobby might get moved here. Repost some of these posts there when it arrives.


Please move/repost these to >>1822

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Happy 19th birthday to best boy
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Shinji is the most underrated MC ever, I don't get why brainlets always shit on him. He's unironically ultrabased. Dude got a spike through his head and impaled through his stomach in the first two fights but he stills keeps going despite it to protect the people he cares about. Fucking chad


It probably exists even if just as a function of the gargantuan amount of eva fanfic.


People shit on him and other good shit because they are manchildren that started watching anime instead of American cape shit.


Probably since there is another set of images with this idea. Does anyone explicitly know such fanfics?


Well I don't think he's ultrabased, but surely he's decent. And yes, the amount of hate he gets sometimes is absurd. You have people on the right calling him a pussy, and people on the left calling him a misogynist.

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