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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
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/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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What kind of activities do you do IRL, /i/?
What advice can you give to fellow comrades here about how to engage in IRL activities.
It doesn't have to be window smashing, it can be something as simple as a FNB chapter, for example.

I live in a rurual town, so, I just do fucking shit like leave copies of Das Capital laying around in various places. I always find the mutual aid libraries that are posted up around town and leave copies of them in there. Or I leave them in our mutual aid foo resource bins, as well. Curious people who need supplies will pick it up.

We can use this thread for advice for organizational purposes IRL. Share your experiences and thoughts, etc etc, on what goes on in your real life both at work and on the street.
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How so?


This reads like a glowie baiting unironically.


How is asking for advice on how to organize your work place irl glow?


It's weird that it's so specific and also on /i/ of all places.
Maybe I'm just NOIDing out, it just seemed odd imo.
But do carry on if you want to lads.


Fucking noid. Next he'll shoot up a studio.

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What sites do you think we could extend an olive branch too? I know the concept of a webring was floating around for a long time. Maybe we can reach out to other communities and leftist communities and try and establish a webring with now that we are free from the org? maybe something like dismantle.capital?
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The hell is this?


>troon shit
.orge fags all over again. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Yeah reading their current posts makes me think theyre the same over-sensitive types that we just got rid of. No thanks.


pretty much. but i dont want them to ally with ogres so if they keep posting there i will call them out every time.

based bros


>but i dont want them to ally with ogres
Why not? Let them keep the troons. It will probably just make them implode even faster.

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 No.8[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Crystal Cafe raid when?
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smh losing porkie money
if nobody else turns up then I think I'll make a thread and then call it a night. A raid with one person is a pretty shit raid.


Our board is still small and the chips are against us. We just gotta keep drilling at it.


I guess so. Looks like the raid is off anyway, I'm too tired to one-man raid. Maybe your marxism thread will be their test, if there's more retarded posts in there that will be the moral justification to go ham


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yeah I fell asleep


kek, you didn't miss much. They nuked the thread, but, did not ban.

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