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The working class of Palestine have spoken. HAMAS OUT! PEACE WITH ISRAEL NOW!


Junko isnt coming back




Palestine will be free from Hamas and Iran!


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My dad was a personnel clerk in Saigon and he told me the story about some lieutenant colonel who liked to command from a helicopter hovering at *very* low altitude and had a reputation for having this aura around him where everyone just knew he would always come out without a scratch only his aides absolutely did not. My dad's boss was complaining how he only had so many spare first lieutenants to dole out every month and this asshole was going through them at twice the rate of other battalion commanders.

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accepting or understanding of other "skin-color-based groups", but, ironically, the exact opposite. Before it used to be that whatever blatant racism there were in European countries was contained to either to the closet racists or other village idiots who nobody took seriously. Now, thanks to the agenda-pushing by the intellectual elites of liberal bent, all the racists have come out of the woodwork and are now doing politics and by doing so have managed to gain a substantial following, which is no wonder if your layperson trying to life his life is suddenly and seemingly for no apparent reason being criticized, shamed and vilified for his "colonial past" which they had nothing to do with, consumer choices that are merely dictated by the market price, cultural heritage for "not being inclusive", and traditional norms which apparently are oppressing minorities or which aren't compatible with current year, although said traditions have grounded the peoples' lives for decades if not centuries.

So, instead of helping the down-trodden and exploited minorities by educating people out of their biases and prejudices they've instead managed to aggravate most of the laypeople, brought the racists into power, started the culture wars between the left and the right, since of course the left will respond to the seemingly racist-driven agitation of the masses, when in truth it was merely responding to the disproportionate and unreasonable demands of the neoliberals made on the common folk, liberalized the left thereby alienating the working class the interests of which they've historically always guarded and driven forward, and made "liberalism" and "democracy" curse words in these countries, which is part of the reason why we're seeing democratic backsliding in ex Communist countries in Europe.

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Funny how lesbians magically dont exist when there is extreme poverty.

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these are all socialist models which is why the new technofeudalist oligarchy which only now utterly controls the government is totally fighting to destroy them. The oligarch havent yet after very many decades but thats only because progressive demoKKKrat have protected us working men and Our programs. These programs are no threat to proletarian at all. Clinton welfare didnt starve millions. Obama didnt give trillioms medicaid to insurance companies. BidenomiKKK SNAP funding increases didnt raise food prices and lower wages.

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Have you done it before? Which places did you go to? How was it like? Any recommendations?

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part of that includes killing native culture to unify the population. That is accomplished by introducing a foreign element across nations to diminish their unique culture. So they rob the local citizen dry with taxes and fund with that importing foreigners to turn all eu countries into same mixed race bereft of a unique culture. Its been planned in ~30s and at least ongoing since 40s where US forced germany to import turks post ww2 against german wishes. People are plain retarded/indoctrinated and didn't resist the slightest for 70 years and by now they also cant. Immigrants are the majority = your democrazy voting rights are null. Funny enough i think right not its still more immigrants than natives complaining about the country going to soykaf cause they import everyone and let criminals roam free.

And how bad is it with taxes? Fixed taxes have been doubled since 40s and tax brackets for wages never get adjusted for inflation. Tax burden easily tripled. Thats what the old people dont get about "kids not wanting to work". What is happening now is smart kids are running. I honestly think we will see the equivalent of USSR perestroika occur with the eu - people with money are exiting right now despite heavy taxation on leaving and once the parasites have noone to rob the system crashes.

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What do you like about Japan and Japanese culture?

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I am a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist who upholds the Maoist PPWs in India, the Philippines, Turkey, and Peru, along with the surviving Socialist States of Cuba and the DPRK, and critically supports the Axis of Resistance (ie. Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the PMF, the Houthis, etc.) and the Bolivarianist Latin American States (ie. Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, etc.) against U$ Imperialism and the Zionist State, along with viewing World War III escalating into a Global Nuclear War as a Historically Progressive event that will destroy the entire Global Capitalist-Imperialist System, thus allowing for a World Maoist PPW to create a Global USSR (the Map I posted shows all the SSRs and SFSRs of the Future Global USSR, with the caveat that Sub-Saharan Africa would incorporate many more SSRs then shown here, as l lumped them all into one Giant “Black African SFSR” due to the fact that I don’t know enough about the Ethno-Linguistic demographics of Sub-Saharan Africa, but I will do some In-depth research on this subject and will be making a new version of this map in the next couple months that will fix this, 😂🤣✊😜!) that will place the Workers and Oppressed Nations of the World on the Shining Path to Communism, ✊😜🇨🇳🇰🇵🇨🇺🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🚀☢️🤔?

I critically support the Revisionist “People’s Republic of China” against U$ Imperialism as well, and believe that if a Maoist faction (it is unclear if Xi Jinping is secretly Maoist or not) takes over the CCP, they won’t need a Maoist PPW, as the Maoist faction will fully restore Socialism (State ownership of the Means of Production and Exchange combined with a Massive Social Safety Net) in China, ✊😜🇨🇳🇰🇵🇨🇺🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🚀☢️!


>Why would I want the “West” saved
Ethically most people in the west are not responsible for the crimes of the western ruling classes.

Practically, parts of the western ruling class is spoiling for a fight, while China and so on, would most likely succeed in crushing fascism round 2, it would be nice if we could go to the next stage in civilization on a less bloody path.


>I'm a Maoist
rofl, you know Mao is dead and the Gang of Four is long gone, right?


And with him all his books and writing and ideas… oh wait.

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 No.854[Reply][Watch Thread]

She is not proletarian because she is not a producing member of society, meaning producing something that sustains society. Pronography is a redundant luxury good. Additionally, she doesn't sell her labor power but self-employed people are similar to petit bourgoise. Finally, how much money you make does have an impact on whether or not you have an urge to overturn the current mode of production. Wealthy working class people and poor working class people are not equivalent just because both sell their labour.

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