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 No.101[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are some classic cute yuri animu to watch??
420 posts and 389 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


>pic 3
>they will never fart in your face


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league of legends >>6739 >>9592 >>9619 >>9630 >>9696


d.va/ahri >>5992 >>7281 >>9678


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dead or alive


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street fighter

dead or alive >>9582 >>9670 >>9678 >>9685 >>9689 >>9696

tifa/aeris >>5653 >>6042 >>6275 >>7341 >>8992 >>9683


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league of legends >>6739 >>9592 >>9619 >>9630 >>9696 >>9701

mercy/pharah >>6915 >>9643 >>9658 >>9692

tsunade >>9150

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Hello. I want some anime that have people attempting to outsmart each other as a major part of the show. I already watched Death Note, Code Geass, Hyouka, Classroom of the Elite, Kaiji, Akagi, No Game No Life (some of it was nonsense, but some of it was really impressive), The Promised Neverland, Legend of the Galactic Heroes (I am mentioning this one even though it wasn't mainly focused on mind games so nobody suggests it anyway), One Outs, Talentless Nana, Kakegurui and Zankyou no Terror (it focused on mind games at the start). Please tell me of more mind game anime.
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I do. I didn't like most of Kakegurui, but the Contributing to Society and roulette games were amazing. Others were not so good but had some good spots (like in ballot rock-paper-scissors where Yumeko spotted that her opponent won all high-stakes games, leading her to the conclusion they were rigged which leads her to figure out the signals using information we never had (that nobody was looking at her and that the boy was making the signals). I watched it because it was reccommended on the anime subreddit's reccommendations wiki for mind games (https://teddit.net/r/anime/wiki/recommendations#wiki_mind_games ) and it appeared on several Reddit asks for mind game anime. Browse through them at these two links: https://teddit.net/r/anime/search?q=Mind+games&restrict_sr=on&nsfw=on https://teddit.net/r/animesuggest/search?q=Mind+games&restrict_sr=on&nsfw=on&sort=relevance&t=all
I would prefer anime. For manga, I have Liar Game. It's available for free online (https://archive.org/details/manga_Liar_Game ), I have read it fully at least twice, it's my favourite manga and I am currently reading it again. I'm at the point where they explain the rules of the musical chairs game.

Also, I already watched Kaguya-sama. Most of it wasn't very impressive but the part with the umbrella was amazing. The characters playing mind games switched goals too quickly. For example, I remember they were playing mental chess but then the narrator said their energy was drained and they both wanted the food on the table (there was only one food item).


All manga is available for free online.


>>7748 is it for a lot of fights and the whole plot is set around a puzzle


How often are the fights with mind games? Are they a major part of the show?


Can someone answer >>8461 please? Can someone please recommend me more mind game anime?

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/kind/ is looking to build its own "webring" like network of likeminded boards since the actually existing webring has been overrun by /pol/types. Why don't we join them? I think we would be a good fit.

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It's a group of websites linking to each other, like leftypol.org and GETchan.net.


>counterculture places like Lainchan
lol do people still believe this shit?


They should ask GETchan, they're way comfier and like anime more than leftypol


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Top 10 Anime Moments That Didn't Age Well
1 post omitted. Click to expand.


You don't like the pokemon anime, game or cards?


Magic is still better than all of them.


Collectible games aren't better than excrement.


WotC are still massive faggots


Did you ever play Cardfight Vanguard? That was kind of a fun variation on Pokemon and Yugioh. Every card is a monster but it can be used as a spell, and you play stronger monsters "on top of" your weaker ones (you build up). I don't remember the rules very well because I only got into it like 8 years ago and played for 2 or 3 months

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NO animals, animal human hybrids etc
These pictures are just for references
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click to expand.




Are embeds broken?
Uvogin from hxh


that's a bizarre fetish you have


WTF is going on there holy shit

It's not a fetish, My hair is styled like that and I enjoy seeing myself represented in anime because it is possible to make that hairstyle look even wilder in that art form


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I didn't think it looked like that but then I remembered the N*tflix live action one and it really looks like the hair I have
So yeah you were right

What if someone watched the live action cowboybebop before the anime one? haha imagine that

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GROWING UP EVERYBODY TELLS YOU "oh hehe r34" "if it exists, then pornography exists of it heheh"



r34 was never real.


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I don't know what to do with my life after this revelation
I can't carry on

Knowing this truth has shattered my faith in humanity
We need to destroy anime as we know it

There's too much of it, and not enough of people being horny


There are too many waifus, I am going to cleanse the world of them all so we can begin on a clean slate again


Some one pay Koba. who the fuck is this anyways?


Sofia Bulga

I just watched the first episode of the anime this is from Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy which I found on youtube while searching about DS dating games

I hate RPG shit but this anime looked cool and was funny, It just released this year, so I get why there's no heart of her

She appeared in the anime just some months ago


Literally who.


At least I'm not alone lol

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What did I think of these frogs
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This seems familiar.


I mean what is it from?


Sgt. Frog.



Care Bears. Come on you knew that.


I think I did on some level

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Is this the most unhinged hyper as fuck anime?

also what was the extremely leftist terrorist joke about

i like this kinda cheap 2000s animation i think


excel saga is fucking based

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Have you noticed how weebs who are into otaku Japanese media behave as if they are special and unique for consooming stuff? Kinda cringe if you ask me.
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homie i get what you're saying
i swipe throught bumble and tinder and so many of these girls got weeb shit all over like it's some special shit or skill

like fucking relax bro, it's just japanese cartoons.


weed users are worse.


is this k-on?
this chibi girl character looks very cute


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 No.4715[Reply][Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

This thread is to talk about things on Japanese culture, and the good and bad of it
146 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


The KyoAni arson was my fault.


what the fuck


bro i straight up can't understand when you guys are memeing or not

so Gonzalo bad also and not some slanderized leftist?
what about pol pot? and drpk?


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I wrote in 8ch/leftypol a post about how Haruhi Suzumiya was a great gnostic anagogy. I guess the inquisition read it and decided to act. Notice they used fire.
You can't convince me otherwise.


So, what's up nowadays everyone? Is this place alive?

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