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File: 1608528351668.jpg ( 30.64 KB , 352x450 , trashman.jpg )


The cancer has been resected and lives at 0ch. Delete this human waste.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


It looks down, bro.


Is it down for good? What's up?


&gt&gt294it's 0ch.io now


Did 0ch die again?


Where did you guys go now?

File: 1608528355582-0.jpg ( 144.03 KB , 1198x876 , 1564760739390.jpg )

File: 1608528355582-1.jpg ( 24.79 KB , 662x471 , 1528659277761.jpg )



File: 1608528354311.png ( 385.39 KB , 1200x1200 , 1200px-802Marshadow.png )


happy halloween /dead/

File: 1608528353604.png ( 362.49 KB , 1445x1621 , delet this.png )


hahahaahahahahahajskadshahwhahhashhahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshadhajskhdakhfoqewhfahkshfkahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahI'M POSTING ON YOUR BOARD NERD WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT NOW NERDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ? xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddxdalso >no tank flag


File: 1608528353724.jpg ( 82.63 KB , 854x859 , 1434762619453-3.jpg )

Why must I continue to suffer like this


File: 1608528353801.png ( 300.79 KB , 389x411 , delet.png )

&gt&gt319suffering is fun and should be embraced

File: 1608528352793.jpg ( 142.3 KB , 901x1200 , tommy-robinson-mossad.jpg )


Trump likes the idea of a big state but under the control of big business this is non-to-far from kimean korea so what do you reckon will come of these meetings??

File: 1608528350466.jpg ( 89.55 KB , 910x879 , 1e7b0ea3728e0f04cd02e91a50….jpg )


It seems that /leftypol/ has finally found it's way to the board it deserves.If only you weren't too late to witness /dead/.

File: 1608528350305.jpg ( 386.17 KB , 1800x1322 , diogenes.jpg )


This board is comfy. It warms my aching bones.Why is a board like /dead/ the only thing that made me feel today?


🚨ALERT🚨This board is contaminated by n1x. Do not use this board.DELETE THIS BOARD SPACE_🚨ALERT🚨

File: 1608528349598.jpg ( 18.49 KB , 300x211 , makhno.jpg )


make /dead/ great again


oops, i accidentally posted the same thing twice


&gt&gt256why didn't you delete it then?i thought not knowing how to delete posts was just a 4chan thing

File: 1608528328375.jpg ( 45.27 KB , 600x629 , 12790914_923188941129399_5….jpg )


post you irl
21 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


&gt&gt218I don't think you know what the flannel is for. But that's alright.


&gt&gt219forgot me flag


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File: 1608528348500.png ( 113.36 KB , 1020x783 , 1446020247161.png )

Like this.


File: 1608528350884.jpg ( 57.39 KB , 355x356 , IMG_0455.JPG )

File: 1608528346396.jpg ( 374.14 KB , 640x890 , Hegel wizard.jpg )


I claim this board in the name of the great wizard, Hegel. I dare you skeletons and spooks to stop us! Death? We live in and through death eternally!
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1608528346644.jpg ( 279.83 KB , 600x382 , Ice Wizard.jpg )

I am absolutely reporting for my Hegelian duty. *sniff*


>Hegelian autists shitposting on my dead board on a dead *chanNot surprising tbh. GTFO filthy correlationists; Nietzschean speculative realism is the future of philosophy. Hegelianism is merely Enlightenment ideology for people who hate the Enlightenment.


&gt&gt229Comrade I'm pretty sure you mean answering Nietzsche contra Benjamin with collaborative anti-capitalist culture that elucidates the pervasive commodification of all beauty.


&gt&gt230Don't you mean Critical Nietzschean Speculative Realist Nihilistic Romanticism? :^^^)


File: 1608528347052.jpg ( 127.17 KB , 700x957 , a51d1ffc84cae64f90ed5ece48….jpg )

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