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File: 1608528354311.png ( 385.39 KB , 1200x1200 , 1200px-802Marshadow.png )


happy halloween /dead/

File: 1608528353604.png ( 362.49 KB , 1445x1621 , delet this.png )


hahahaahahahahahajskadshahwhahhashhahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshadhajskhdakhfoqewhfahkshfkahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahI'M POSTING ON YOUR BOARD NERD WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT NOW NERDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ? xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddxdalso >no tank flag


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Why must I continue to suffer like this


File: 1608528353801.png ( 300.79 KB , 389x411 , delet.png )

&gt&gt319suffering is fun and should be embraced

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Trump likes the idea of a big state but under the control of big business this is non-to-far from kimean korea so what do you reckon will come of these meetings??

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It seems that /leftypol/ has finally found it's way to the board it deserves.If only you weren't too late to witness /dead/.

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This board is comfy. It warms my aching bones.Why is a board like /dead/ the only thing that made me feel today?


🚨ALERT🚨This board is contaminated by n1x. Do not use this board.DELETE THIS BOARD SPACE_🚨ALERT🚨

File: 1608528349598.jpg ( 18.49 KB , 300x211 , makhno.jpg )


make /dead/ great again


oops, i accidentally posted the same thing twice


&gt&gt256why didn't you delete it then?i thought not knowing how to delete posts was just a 4chan thing

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post you irl
21 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


&gt&gt218I don't think you know what the flannel is for. But that's alright.


&gt&gt219forgot me flag


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Like this.


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I claim this board in the name of the great wizard, Hegel. I dare you skeletons and spooks to stop us! Death? We live in and through death eternally!
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File: 1608528346644.jpg ( 279.83 KB , 600x382 , Ice Wizard.jpg )

I am absolutely reporting for my Hegelian duty. *sniff*


>Hegelian autists shitposting on my dead board on a dead *chanNot surprising tbh. GTFO filthy correlationists; Nietzschean speculative realism is the future of philosophy. Hegelianism is merely Enlightenment ideology for people who hate the Enlightenment.


&gt&gt229Comrade I'm pretty sure you mean answering Nietzsche contra Benjamin with collaborative anti-capitalist culture that elucidates the pervasive commodification of all beauty.


&gt&gt230Don't you mean Critical Nietzschean Speculative Realist Nihilistic Romanticism? :^^^)


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ITT we talk about how petty-bourgeois or full on capitalist we used to be.syndicalism will allow us to continue our consumption and continue the spectacle (me a few years ago)
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&gt&gt155> that they went through a naive phase in which they believed there would be some great revolution all at once right?! Reading the earlier Marxists makes me believe this too (and I'm still sympathetic to it), but now I just think capitalism will probably kill us all before any meaningful change happens. But you know here's to 15/hr minimum wage!


&gt&gt156>but now I just think capitalism will probably kill us all before any meaningful change happens.This so much. Capitalism will make this planet uninhabitable before we ever have global socialism.


>we talk about how petty-bourgeois or full on capitalist we used to be.Used to be a full on Libertarian.As many nerds in my teenage years, was pissed that I wasn't popular and girls didn't like me, so I took contrarian positions to my peers in order to justify a superiority complex.Climate Change wasn't real.Smoking doesn't cause cancer.Blacks are genetically stupid. etc etc.When I actually broke out of my shell, got out of high school, got new friends. The need to be a contrarian edgelord faded away and those views quickly dissipated. Within months of actually being in the workforce under the thumb of my beloved "Captains of industry", I was a Socialist.


I read the first third of Atlas Shrugged without knowing the context and I liked it. I saw it as a just slightly more grounded version of Gurren Lagann because the story contextualizes itself with that Icarus reinterpretation and I identified with the guy who hated his family. I might have to groan through the rest if I tried it now though because I really couldn't enjoy the Harrison Bergeron episode of My Little Pony.


>tsk, fucking lefties, obviously we need to give all power to the most intelligent and rational people - like me. Unlike everyone else these select few will be able to act in a truly altruistic way, also robots.

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