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Testosterone makes you take a lot of risk, which also includes drunkenly riding a motorbike off a cliff thinking you're Evel Knievel. Imperial eunuchs managed to live incredibly long too, because they got their balls STOLEN, ROBBED, NABBED from them.


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I don't think that you can blame testosterone for a lower life expectancy. It's unclear what you mean but you could be understood to imply castration as a medical measure for increasing life expectancy. That's not acceptable.

The class-divide in life expectancy is a larger factor than most biological factors. (outside of stuff like congenital deseases and so on).

By the way Evel Knievel was an adrenaline junkie, pretty much anybody can get addicted to that rush. I think that if we make realistic enough simulated experiences, this kind of behavior can be channeled into non destructive avenues. Think base jumpig in the holodeck.


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>but you could be understood to imply castration as a medical measure for increasing life expectancy.
I wouldn't cut a single nut off me if it meant I could live forever without complaints, I love them too much. Look at black and white pictures of Chinese eunuchs post nut-theft and they're crying. But test making you take more risks is the usual explanation I hear for why women live longer
>The class-divide in life expectancy is a larger factor than most biological factors.
That actually does make sense too, men are the ones expected to do the harder work too
>By the way Evel Knievel was an adrenaline junkie, pretty much anybody can get addicted to that rush. I think that if we make realistic enough simulated experiences, this kind of behavior can be channeled into non destructive avenues. Think base jumpig in the holodeck.
To give the man credit, he jumped over busses and fires and sharks and shit, but died in his old age of fucking diabetes of all things.


Women live longer vecausw theyre not expected to do heavy lifting.

>truly with age comes wishdom

Not automatically. Especially nowadays where the average adult has an artificial shallow perspective of age numbers as personality traits.


Nah. Men are just idealists. Men are guilt tripped into Herculean tasks to prove their worth.

Young men are pathologised by society for not being convenient demigod-servants for the community.

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How does it feel to know retards like stupidpol or Angela Nagle stole the term "Post-left" from you?
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If I had to guess it originated on leftypol back in the 8chan days.


>did it really originate from here?
prepending "post" to words was trendy for a while,
"Post-left" was probably invernted multiple times


They don't even call themselves that any more - they try out new slogans and memes and they all are shit, but by producing more and more shit, they make more shit for the shit god, more puke for the puke throne.

Anyway, there hasn't been a substantive "left" for a long time. What they wound up doing in the Soviet Union diverged from "leftism" and was trying to maintain international relevance without any real idea or goal except survival. You can't blame them - history gave them a shitty deal. They really had a hard time holding it together outside of the core, and they were running on defeating the Nazis for as long as they could. So, "the left" as an oppositional force against the ruling interests or even something that could contest it was pretty well dead by the 1970s. The last embers of it were extinguished during the 1960s and it was pretty quickly papered over with the student movement, because that was the core of the left and they got everything they wanted by promoting their institution above everything else. The last avenues for the working class to conceive of a world where they could be anything but oppressed serfs would be cut, and the institutions became so alien to them that it's like dealing with an alien species - and this is the intended effect of so much that happened in the past century.

That said, the left and right still "exist" - that is still the core contention in the political arena. The right won so hard that it hurts, but the left still exists as the loyal opposition to be kicked around, and there isn't a divergent thought from anything that has been permitted in the global discourse. The replacement of leftism and rightism with ideology and feels > reals warped the historical positions of the right and left, and it has been a deliberate mindfuck to "give" the right populist and anti-institutional positions while saddling the center-left and left proper with the association with eugenics, population control, and these institutions that nearly everyone recognizes as the chief threat in their life. The right in all final decisions will rally behind the institutions - they merely insist on purging them of any "left" elements, and for the vanguard, they thought Eisenhower was a far leftist, to give you an idea of how much the right pushes its agenda. Pretty much everything they call "politics" today has nothing to do with the genuine animal, or the actual positions of the right and left, but the struggle to conPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Take your meds.


You're a fag.

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What do you guys think of the supreme skeleton, Skull Knight?
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skeletons are kinda boring, because they hand-wave the obvious question of how does it move, by saying it's fucking magic, i ain't gotta explain shit.

We could say skeleton monsters are created by a goo-creature. It eats the flash, learns from eating the brain, and then uses the left-over bones for locomotion, by attaching it self in such a way that it can actuate bones and keep them connected.


He doesn't appear to be an actual skellington though, it's just the theme of his armor.


Oh never mind then.

The goo-creature stealing and "commandearing" skeletons is still a neat idea for a fantasy monster ?


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I'm pretty sure slime corpses are a monster in one of the Exile games.


>Exile games already did it.
i guess there really are no original ideas anymore

<Mung Slime attacks Barfbag

can't aim for shit without a skeleton

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All those stories that my dad told me,
They are just a whisper in time
All those things that never came to be,
They are just a whisper in time
A whisper in time, a whisper in time
Things that I can't shake from my mind
A whisper in time, a whisper in time
Moments that just flicker and die
(memories that flicker and die)
All those places I wanted to go,
They are just a whisper in time
All those friends who now I do not know,
They are just a whisper in time
Maps and roads that brought me here today,
They are just a whisper in time
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Complete noob here. I plan to hit up a walmart for some spray paint and stickers probably. Anybody have any tips on how to avoid getting caught or looking suspicous?
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It wouldn't be so bad if it was a few posts of single webms. Instead it's a fucking wall way past the point of getting the meaning across. Faggy autism shit. We get, you don't like nogs. No one cares


I mean he didn't really say anything.
For all we know he could think it's based which shoplifting, arguably, is kind of based. I dunno I am back and forth on shit like this.


Ok redact that cause yeah p shitty


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ogres get the wall


To win stop letting them live in your head rent free.
Just because people have a different opinion than you on a board centered around freedom of speech doesn't make them your enemy.

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when's /dead/chan?


It will take a week are you in the matrix?




Is the matrix why these places are dead

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>ctrl+f music
&lt0 results.
ITT We post music.

Old Trees - Violent Resistance
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part of a double single




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Life is meaningless and we are plauged by insignifigance.
We literally lvie, suffer, and die and all for no reason at all.
On top of this we are surrounded by idiots at any given point. In all aspects of our lives, but, mainily in positions of authority. Vestegies left over from a long dead era of civilization where man worshiped gods and fought for his own survival. Obviously, I do not take religion seriously and even the absurdist answer is a bit of a wet fart to me. Or the heninistic approach. None of it appeals tro me. No matter what I do I seem to be over come with a vast and incurable meloncolly at any give time due to the constant and endless realization of this epiphany.
I feel like it's driving me mad some times. I think I am crazy to some degree, maybe bi-polar. I am starting to experience short vivid hallucinations which I believe may be the begining onset of skitophrenia, or, some type of Alzheimers. I will randomly see black spots track out of the corner of my eye in the room. Like a black non existent void coming from no where.
I heard my first voice two days ago at work. It called out my name in the break room. Clear as day. I turned to see if it was my co-worker who was behind me, but, he was doing his own thing.
I believe this insanity is partially due to this constantly exetential terror that I experience. My realtionships that were most meaningful to me as well are all but dried up. The friends I have are good but my most meaningful relationships are all dead and, as I said, the few friends I know currently will be gone too. How do you cope with this and why? What is your philopsphy for this mundane trepidatious reality?

I feel like I'll either go insane at this point or killmyself.
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The dirty secret is that there was no "fall". We always knew we were evil and irredeemable. The "fall" was that we introduced a lie that there was such a thing as "the good", which only served to refine our evil to make it more deliberate and calculated. Nothing fell and nothing was liberated by knowledge.

Freedom in a genuine sense was never about an idea or state of mind, but an actual condition of humans and their person. If you can't defend yourself, or if you are forbidden to defend yourself, you don't have freedom. This is not impossible, and we've always been able to walk away in nature if we really wanted to. Nothing in the world compelled us to be around each other in this way, or compelled us to be around each other at all. We would be far better off if we just didn't talk to each other so much, and chose the type of associations and interactions we would maintain. That has always been known, but it is the task of philosophy to drag those who do not know into the abyss, and hoard knowledge as something permitted only with privileged access. In particular, the knowledge of who and what rules is obscured, and ultimately the very idea of knowledge is mutated into something very different from what knowledge was in our primitive and native sense of what things are. None of us never needed that, and we would have been far better off if we chose to speak to each other as actual humans. That is too much for those who held conceits that they were better, for the only way to maintain that conceit is to see others deprived and locked out. Otherwise, the fear of that conceit being terminated will remain.

There are many ways to resolve this so that humanity doesn't have to do this, and could make their lives and the world as good as they can make it - which is not much. If the concept of the good is defined by the thrill of those who lord over us, though, why would that ever be allowed to exist? There is no force in nature of humanity that would change that, and there is no way to convince those people by reason to be nice. If that worked, I and my whole family would be much happier, and not have to go through what we did while a bunch of Satanic retards cavort like they are something special. Seeing the worst assholes invariably win by design, and their venality encouraged, did nothing. They didn't even kill us or protect the thing they osPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I've always maintained though that suicide - true suicide - is the first genuine freedom, the concept of clean death and escape from the cycle of feeding and thrill-seeking. We shouldn't have to kill ourselves to find freedom, but the moment you tell someone suicide is never an option, you are holding them captive. Every abusive mother knows how to do this, and it is inherent to every slavery. The "suicide cult" and worship of death in neoliberal society is not clean death or even genuine suicide. Not that many people would commit suicide out of boredom or a general fear if they truly asked themselves the prospects for living, if they could live in any society that was tolerable. The idea of a total society is that suicide is only possible in the state of maximal fear, and this is inculcated in the slaves to impress upon them that they are close to death and have a knife at their throat at all times, and to tell them this is completely normal and they should be happy in this condition. What they are not allowed is the concept of a dignified death, or suicide as an act of final protest. The residuum, who are valueless, are "allowed" this in some way so long as it is invisibilized and the general fear polices the residuum to drive them to maximal fear and torture. Anyone of value is threatened with severe punishment if they even hint at the idea of a clean death. The choice of life and death is always monopolized by the holder of imperium, which is not any of the officers in the final judgement. All suicides and deaths must be commanded and justified by the imperial authority, and by extension, all life and life functions are commanded and justified by the imperial authority. This is the heart of eugenism and the society it must create. It is only when it came to the forefront that we have today's attitudes towards suicide, laws concerning it, and moral theories about what suicide is. In the past, whatever the religious prohibition, suicide was seen as a crime against the state. The punishment for suicide was death. The punishment for attempted suicide is that you were dragged in front of everyone and they finished you off painfully, to set an example. In practice, though, the message was clear - if you want clean death, do it yourself and do it right, and don't say anything unless you trust someone. There was a way in which suicide was, for free men and women, aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


That all said, these days I don't live for any of that shit. I don't live for "society", the state, or any expectation of proof. I don't live for crass material things. I don't live just because out of some degenerate sense of me wantee. I don't live because I think I'm going to somehow develop a soul in my own world, although that would be better than indulging in the shit that is valued in this society. I've found a moral sense of what is actually worthwhile that doesn't revolve around this stupid game we were made to play, and it is not the infantile belief that I get to declare my own morality and make others accept it. I can choose what I do with this time, and that places me in a better situation than a lot of us. It won't amount to much, but the genuine sense of freedom would demand this. Freedom in any real sense would entail the nonexistence of large institutions that can do this to us. There is no other way. The ruin of the contending classes is the only outcome of society, unless humanity chooses to do something new, that has not been part of anything in its history. There is no past example to draw from to make this new thing. It has to be constructed with the means available to us in the 21st century, with insight into what has been created up to now. It would require us to find out what this really was and assess its true meaning - or rather, what pushed humanity to become this, instead of the numerous outcomes which would have been better.


so have you fucking killed yourself already you fag?


>Anyone who is really effective at sadism is perfectly aware of what they do, and the sadists are granted security and praise for their actions because those are the values of the empire at present. I have seething contempt for middle class graspers who did this out of some bullshit conceit that they were going to somehow win or make the world a better place through torture, and who indulged in some faggotry or another and went out of their way to destroy the concept that there could be any decency.

Love this line.

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What brings you here today?
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Other dead thing:


>It’ll be interesting to see if archive today concedes. I don’t think most people realise that they rarely remove anything. Only time I can remember was when 8ch was under investigation.
Even though 8chan's .onion site is not a CP site, it was still removed from archive.ph. Thu, 22 Sep 2022 09:28:18 +0000 -> 8chan in Tor:
In response to a request we received from 'The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)' the page is not currently available.


Life is tedious and painful.


What this guy said.


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>Wow, didn't know 420chan died.
Now we wander the wastes like ghosts

OC from 2014 for reference

>Is there any archive of it?



>'The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)'

Anyone else think this is, at best, dangerously close to just being used as a cudgel for censorship & suppression? Cruise control for consent to erase public record is just to raise the "think of the children" alarm.

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When did you grow out of your Marxist phase? 24 for me. I can't believe I fell for such blantant ideological spooks propped up material dialetics. Imagine being an idealist in 2021, LMAO.
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I wouldn't say it's either completely random or determined by one specific thing. Class struggle provides a good metric to look at history we already have, and it can be assumed that class struggle will continue into the future - but whether class struggle actually ends, whether classes are actually erased, whether the erasing of class (should it ever happen) is to be permanently stable, etc. are things we simply can't say. Logic can only be applied by people to events, and we can attempt to use logic to determine the future through action… but all of this is still just some little mammals running around on a planet, the artifice of our logic comes tertiary to a whole lot of other factors, and these can not be fully predicted or understood. So if I was to say "oh, it should resolve this way" or "oh it's resolved now" that doesn't actually make any sense - I have no way of knowing whether even this single issue is resolved now or how it should resolve in the future if it ever resolves at all.


Without getting into the speciousness of the "Big Bang" theory - the term enters the lexicon as a pejorative to describe something that was considered absurd at the time - the universe doesn't begin with what we can observe, but a true beginning. No materialist scientific theory can be used to make philosophical claims of that sort. There has always been in naturalism the unspoken assumption of a prime mover, and science is not a purely materialist or positivist doctrine - in science you build models of the natural world with certain caveats.

Even if you get past that philosophical hurdle, it says nothing about particular events in the universe following this universal orientation. That's a purely philosophical claim and a very piss poor one. The ends of individual humans and whole societies can be absurd or end abruptly, rather than fitting some prescribed narrative. It's a very pernicious doctrine that is particular to eugenics and its view of "genes as destiny", rather than anything that stands up to any observation we make about the past. Eugenics, of course, must declare "history is bunk" so that the Great Leader Galton is never wrong. Eugenics cannot fail, it can only be failed.

It's a false dichotomy. There is a reason why events happen, but it doesn't involve some "world spirit" that suggests that the ruling ideas are inevitably correct and absolute, or will become absolute in the future. Living things down to the individual move on their own power, as do many of the non-living things in the world. There's not actually a principle you are obligated to folllow. The state compels submission because it can, not because the state did much for you. You can argue there is a condition states generally exist in - I call this the "general fear", i.e. we assemble in state societies because of the fear of predation at a psychological level, rather than any tendency outside of us that suggests the state has meaning. God, which is the inspiration for a lot of our thinking about the spiritual authority of states and that which may oppose them, is largely a metaphor for this very process - that is, that the state really involves the cult of power and the Satan, which can claim the throne of heaven until a new Satan overcomes it. "God" is the transcendent Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Class struggle is not an essence of the universe, and if that is your takeaway from Marx, you're a pretty bad Marxist, or you believe that class struggle really is eternal (which is something Marx could be seen as implying). Class struggle doesn't exist "just because" - it was understood that the struggle of classes was a struggle of individuals of those classes for position, before the classes formed distinct institutions through which they could project power. The bourgeoisie wouldn't be a class for itself if it did not have states, associations, conspiracies, and so on that organized the program of their class - and the bourgeoisie is not one uniform class, but a collection of interests defined as the name suggests by their origin in city life and the mercantile interests that held their support base in those cities. There was of course a time where the bourgeoisie didn't exist as such, or their character was very different from what it became in the liberal order. The class fights because it has something to fight for, rather than fighting for only their conceits. The greatest difficulty for the workers is that they only had their own bodies to fight for, and those bodies are disconnected from other bodies and under constant attack. If the society ceases to work for enough of the bourgeoisie and they are not dealt with, they produce a destabilizing element in the state, seeking its overthrow and replacement with something else.

Marxist narratives typically have huge difficulty with scale - and this weakness was engineered deliberately in the Germanic philosophy, so pedagogues could intimidate students by telling them they can't count, they can't read, they can't they can't they can't, until someone is convinced they can't and gives up, or keeps trying and failing because they're not given the cheat code or allowed to present themselves as understanding. The German education system only wanted soldiers to follow - university education was to be restricted to a favored group selected in advance, and they were mighty racist as they typically are about admissions.


It depends on what you are talking about and what you mean by communiam if class becomes irrelevant or not.


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pretty much within a month of being familiar with typical leftist/marx rhetoric. reflecting on previous work experiences coming to the conclusion proles got no soul. leftynons should themselves the favor and enter bandit mode

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