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File: 1617938809387-1.mp4 ( 5.53 MB , 1280x720 , DMX - X Gon Give It To Ya.mp4 )


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Yes but his brain remains as functional as ever


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Rip all music tbh


I'd like to see you try to make anything like he did


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DMX foretold his death from the covid vaccine and the mandatory vaccine passports being implemented now in his hit song "X Gon Give it to Ya".

>Yeah, don't get it twisted (your masks ear loops)

>It's not a fuckin' game. Fuck what you heard! (debunking anti vaccine rumors)
>X gon' give it to ya What? Fuck waitin' for you to get it on your own, X gon' deliver to ya (referencing mobile vaccination sites ie; nursing homes)
>Knock knock, open up the door, it's real (the door to your immune system)
>With the non-stop (number of vaccination higher than projected)
>, pop-pop of stainless steel (pop used twice to mirror the 2 dose vaccine)
>But I got such a good heart that I'll make a motherfucker wonder if he did it (good heart = not likely to have heart attack. Heart attack was caused by DMX receiving the vaccine
>Break bread with the enemy (rival companies working together on vaccine)
>You motherfuckers never wanted nothin', but your life saved (low/no cost vaccine clinics)
>"Freeze!" (Vaccines requiring Low temperature storage)
>I ain't got it, so you can't get it (he is vaccinated and cannot spread covid)
>Hit it with full strength (rate at which government roll out of vaccine)
>You against me, me against you (pro and anti vaccine groups debating)
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>no criticizing the food unless you're a chef


also minimalism, atonality etc.



Is Schnittke atonal enough? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtPAiBxUAA8

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Listen to few of their songs and it’s fucking good
Favorite ones are Venus and Bacchus and The Burden of Reflecting

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Anybody here play an instrument or have musical talent of some kind?
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i really want to learn the accordion but have honestly no idea how to start doing that, especially considering how expensive instruments are


I used to play alto saxophone when I was still in grade school. Because I really liked the idea of playing Jazz music because it was so cool. Though my original pick was going to be a flute because it would have been super cool to learn that from watching cartoons and such. But glad I didn't as flute is very hard to play with huge hands like mine.


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Yes, an old "Melody King" 3/4 (parlor) guitar I got cheap on ebay.
I had a Stefan Grossman instructional DVD on fingerpicked blues guitar, in which he said for this genre either get an old battered one from a junk shop, or a cheap new one.

Pic related shows the guitar complete " bits of paper modification" to lift the strings high enough to stop fret buzzing.
When I've got some money together I'll get a proper guitar "set up" done at a guitar shop.
But in the meantime it does the job. I used it to record this :


what type of guitar is that which woody uses?

also how the fuck did people make guitars back in the villages
some string and a stick?


I'm not talented at all but I have played guitar, bass + vox in a few punk and metal bands over the years and also played some solo noise shows. not gonna post anything bc I i'm not gonna dox myself If you like to listen music it's fun to make it too even if you're not that good.
Based gnostic blues comrade. There's some serious potential there. Keep it up!

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If you had the opportunity to choose a song to play at your time of death, what might you pick?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




Sorry I am retarded. How can I post the Video like the Two Anons above me and not just the Link?


There is an "embed" field on the top of the page.




Thans Anon


>Ancient Roman Music (118 Minutes)

authentic-sounding instruments that ancient peoples would've played. no orchestras, electronics or other modern "twists"

no christian, celtic/irish or "european medieval" music. they're too structured to be grouped together with ancient or other traditional music and they are so numerous they belong in different thread

if you embed a youtube link plz post the song title / description or no one will click your contextless link
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>Pausis (παῦσις) | Pausa | Ancient Greek Lyre | Rui Fu | Bendir


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it's a lot of guesswork/improvization after you made replicas of the instruments with a very involved process of examining papyrus fragments containing melodies, knowing which newer music theory rules/conventions to absolutely rule out, knowing the spread and influence of these empires and what they integrated from conquered subjects, knowing which existing civilizations / groups of people in the regions that used to be provinces of these empires didn't change their music over the centuries as much compared to others to attempt to backtrace and so on, all to figure what it couldn't have sounded like and what it most likely sounded like




Hey nerd I need your help for something plz
Music embedded is obviously borrowing from a musical tradition related to the music in OP what the fuck is it, and how did it end up so similar given the people who made this track I'm assuming never listened or studied directly the music in OP
Or am I wrong even on that?
It's driving me nuts trying to figure it out and I don't even know where to start to figure it out myself plz help plz


>>1286 (me)
Music actually relevant to thread as offering to you music sages

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Just Kanye
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Fuck MC Serch


who’s MC serch


Some wigger who leeched off of nas, and got dissed by jay z


what is gospel at the ye ranch is just kanye playing 808s over psalms

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Post Disco bros
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File: 1617597328548.mp4 ( 10.71 MB , 640x480 , Parliament - PFunk Wants T….mp4 )

You want the funk? You want the P Funk?


>2nd vid
Holy crap is that the QUEEN from Pink Flamingos?


Indeed it is the dogshit eating queen of filth, produced by Bobby Orlando the king of Hi-NRG. Edie the egg-loving mama also put out a record as Edie and the Eggs but it's not disco


tranny disco = best disco


shit wrong vid

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 No.511[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>No music thread
Step it up lads

>Boards of canda - 5.9.78


>Blackmores night - Journeyman

309 posts and 149 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


No lord in the heavens made this world,
No worldly lord the prosperity of humankind.
The cosmos is an eternal evolution of the material,
This material shaped for mankind's use by many a laborer.
The work of your hands, laborer, was mankind's yesterday.
On your hands also rests tomorrow.
When the temple of Solomon was being built by an army of laboring
Slaves, meanwhile Solomon was inside
His palace, solving the quarrels of wives.
When the nobleman in France was cursing his failed expedition to
The Russian land, thousands of wives wept for their fallen husbands.
The work of your hands, laborer,
Were the treasures of the lords,
But inside your fist now grows a different kind of tomorrow.
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In the night of Tammisaari, the twinkling of the stars are not visible, there the whips and bayonets stick from belts on each side. They want to show their masters how to beat those who have already been beaten down. So they fulfill the task that their masters gave them meticulously.

Under the whip, only few are bent, only a few without strength are exhausted from battles. We walk straight after all this, even though the herd of greyhounds beat us. Go back no step, the night is darker there.

This is not arrogance, nor is it defiance of fate. We walk the path of battles and will always remember: our class is the creator of everything, and the battle for it is enormous. It's also the protection of our battle, that's why the sky is so safe.

Don't worry our class is up, we will never let you down. The struggle in front of us is noble, this is the way we go. The vanguard of us, it inspires the struggle and the victims on the path of the struggles it teaches to give.

In the night of Tammisaari, the flame of hate still flares. Not in the hard work of a slave, our forces should not fall. With our class side by side we will give the last blow. Down with the oppressive parasites, down with their dark executors!


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damn this thread is bumping

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