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Don't get me wrong guys, I love you all. But I'm looking for a more populated board to discuss music production. I want to get into making music using a DAW and I need to talk to people, who know this stuff. This place here isn't very populated, this is why I consider to look for a board which focuses solely on music production. Does anyone know a good board or forum for this purpose? Many thanks in advance!


The only board I know of is, unfortunately, halfchan /mu/'s /prod/ general which is infested with blogposting, poseurs, cloutchasers, and a retard crab bucket mentality much like /ic/, /agdg/, or really any other hub of 'creativity' on that site. I post there occasionally because I like helping people learn, but more often than not, they're more interested in posturing and dragging each other down than trying to collaborate, or discussing the artistic process itself.

I took the plunge into using a DAW about a year ago with only basic tracker skills and no 'contacts' to ask questions to, I just bought Renoise one day and monkeyed around alone every day for months, trying to 'push the envelope' and do something new each time I booted it up. You can do it too. It sounds harder than it is: if you enjoy making music for yourself - if your motivation for doing so is intrinsic, not extrinsic - the improvement comes much more easily.

There are some decent music theory tutorials on youtube but a lot of musicians hardly bother with theory and just 'feel it out', so to speak. It helps to know, but it's not worth studying or sticking to like a science.
For the sound design side, this http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~clark/nordmodularbook/nm_book_toc.html seems overwhelming at first but may come in handy eventually, a very old synthesizer 'cookbook' of sorts.
Best of luck


Not OP, but have had similar thoughts personally. Thank you for this link. and 'IDM Forum', among a few others, seem right up my alley. Here's another IDM forum I found while searching for meta-discussion about the formerly mentioned one: https://watmm.com/


Also, OP, I dunno but I think there might be interest for FOSS music production techniques on here too. I mean the board is young.

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does anybody know anything about this song?

it sounds like that adam sandler bit on weekend update
weird italian singing

was it inspired by this or this inspired that bit?


that fucking audio alone was awful and don't even get me started on zound


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Last Brutal Sister Flandre S.
not even a weeb, its a good song
pic unrelated


Aw shaddap you face
It's a not so bad
Gotta no respect
Whatsa matta you


Based TISM poster coming through.


Posting the more political tracks, by no means the highlights.

Transcript of Les Murray's speech in OP:
In the immortal words of the great Hungarian center-forward Nándor Hidegkúti:
Amikor eljön a forradalom, a zeneipar lesz az első, amely menni fog. Köszönöm szépen, thank you very much.

Translation: When the rev­olution comes, the music industry will be the first to go. Thank you.


Is this praxis?




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No arrangement of their albums doesn't have Hot Dogma in the top 3.

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Should I even bother getting nice equipment if I'm not a "music expert" whatever that means? And if so, what do you suggest?
I want to upgrade the shitty $10 PC speakers and generic headphones I've been using for the last decade but I have no idea where to go from there. Not even sure if I've got the ear for it.
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Focus on purchasing good quality headphones, first decide whether you want in-ear headphones or over-ear headphones. If you exercise often you might want to try in-ear headphones. A good model is the Linsoul KZ ZS10 which is cheap at $50. It's quite sensitive though so you might notice some static if you use it with a phone. A good cheap over-ear headphone is the Audio-Technica ATH-M40X which you will need to amplify, the FiiO E-10K is a decent and cheap amp/dac combo that can drive those. Don't worry too much about DAC, 99% of DACs in phones, mobos, etc. deliver transparent sound quality, the only reason why they might be a problem is electrical interference.

If you want to LARP you can get high quality Soviet headphones like Echo TDS 16 and the Amphiton TDS 15 for cheap online.
These are quite expensive options for normal people


IEMs when going outside. Good sound, nice isolation and easy to carry. Cheap recommendations: BLON BL03, Tin Audio T2/T4
Open back headphones when in your room. Cheap recommendation: SHP9500
Closed back headphones if your place is noisy. Cheap recommendation: ATH-M40x
I wouldn't bother with speakers unless you regularly bring friends or other people to your room.


I tried to get into speakers but that was a whole can of worms that I was too lazy to get into. Buying the "right" headphones seemed much easier and straightforward and I'm a lonely autist anyway.


Speaking of ATH-M40X, I just laid my 8 year old pair to rest, my new pair of HiFiMan Sundaras arrived today. Really excellent headphones if anyone's wondering.


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>If you exercise often you might want to try in-ear headphones.
When I want to exercise to music I use ear clips.

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Sounds like General: General thread for discovering new music that sounds similar to other artists.

I'll start: BlackMill

Requesting artists that sound like Blackmill, or, similar! Thank you.


Isn't this just liquid dnb?


Never once heard of this.

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Freedom for Pablo!


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Did it have any guns or violence in it?


Freedom for all political prisoners


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he got jailed just for how hard these ones slap

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Post a song that you like and try to guess each other's personalities





flamboyant homosexual


Interesting thread idea and pretty relaxing song, very smooth. I would guess you are prone to contemplation and tend to romanticize the past a lot. You spend a lot of time daydreaming and are prone to episodes of strong emotions, but generally pretty laid back





fuck the police
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Jesus and the Gospelfuckers (NL) - Kill The Police


Post demos of songs that could surpass their final versions.




I think ye sounds like snoop at some parts


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The greatest album of all time.
If you've listened to it, you already know how great it is. If you haven't listened to it, what are you doing??? GO LISTEN TO IT!!!!!!!!
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What pretentious about folk music?


>greatest album of all time
>not Loveless
twee radlib detected


The emergence, development, and eventual descent into schizophrenia of capitalist production. The silence at the end represents the beginning of classless society.


the glow pt. 2 is better.


it literally has only one song good enough to be listened by a non ameretard

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