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Hey /leftypol/

I thought I'd make a general for any amateur or professional /leftypol/ musicians if there are any here. We can discuss your experiences, ask for or give advice, create resources, or just chat.

As for me, I am a hobbyist guitarist that's only been playing for about a year and a half; not even sure if I'm intermediate level yet lol. However, I can give tips or provide resources for anybody just starting out.
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Might be worth offering use of your tracks for free or nominal charge to small developers of videogames, short films, Youtube videos etc? That is where I find a lot of music I end up liking.


I was learning for a little while years ago but ended up dropping it. Learned all the chords, knew a range of some strumming patterns but struggled with those, was absolutely terrible at plucking. Got bored of learning how to get better, wrote some truly terrible original songs, then gave up.

I dont regret trying, it was nice.


much easier to play guitar on a keyboard imo, lots of good guitar vst's out there to download


I'd be interested to know how you actually became musicians. It's the one thing I just don't really understand how people get into.
I know the tiniest amount of music theory and I'm reasonably good at playing the simplest songs (of the "songbook that comes with $30 keyboard, one note at a time" variety), but I'd expect to understand *why* I don't understand how you make your own music by this point. It's like programming by copy and pasting: I'm hitting keys, the sound is coming out of the instrument, but if you ask me to tell you why it works I draw a blank.
I'm no further ahead with trackers or DAWs or anything, but in that case I suspect it's because I'm completely lacking in confidence when it comes to listening to things. I can draw a picture and immediately assess "yes, this conveys what I wanted to show" even if my art is bad. With music in a tracker I can never tell whether the pattern of notes I've made is pleasing, or if I've simply tuned out how irritating it is. Even then it's too small to be anything but one component of a larger tune, so it feels like drawing what you think is a passable three legged chair in what you intended to be a massive picture of a party.

Yet obviously people are breaking through and know what exactly they're supposed to stick at and practice to get good at it, so there's something I'm missing. Maybe being able to identify each note by ear suddenly makes music as intuitive as visual art. Maybe it all makes more sense if you try to write songs with lyrics with a guitar rather than trying to do instrumentals with a keyboard. I don't know, that's why I'm interested in how you all started.


You're halfway there already. Just find the right chord progression, and repeat

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does anyone know any good RABM? i know panopticon is kinda lefty but i dont like them and im kinda sick of listening to mostly reactionary pieces of shit

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Name and discuss niche genres on the internet.

Utopian Virtual

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We already have a noise thread >>1


I posted in the wrong thread forgive me for I have sinned

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What kind of file formats do we have available to us here?


So MP3 is the only audio format then? WebM and MP4, but only if they contain a video stream?


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This thread was made to post or ask for lost leftist YouTube videos or other media.
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Youtube keeps removing content related to any "terrorist group" they don't like.
I have saved one of those videos and also added subtitles.


Another translation of this song which was also taken down recently


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Some Soc or Bar vids.


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This thread is not for dumping art, but feel free to use it to supplement your points.
How do you believe a different political ideology, such as forms of socialism, may affect art nowadays?

For example, George Lucas discusses the artistic limitations of the commerce-driven film making industry of America, describing it as less free than the anti-anti-government limitations of the Soviet film industry: >>>/leftypol/40379

Some art industries, like the US televised animation industry, have moved away from more high-effort styles, settling into the flat digital style we see universally now (contrasted not only with traditional cel and stop-motion styles on the pre-2000s, but also with early 2000s shows with hand-painted backgrounds and more fluid animation) as it approaches the similar generic industrial feel of the music industry.
Is there reason to believe a socialist, communist or anti-capitalist society would avoid most of the quality-of-life pitfalls of the industrialization of art?

On the other hand, I have read accusations that communism such as that of some Soviet eras encouraged arts that emphasized realism, or minimalism and practicality, at the expense of culture and soul (an obvious example may be brutalist architecture, and the iconic geometric style seen in many propaganda posters)
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>at the expense of culture and soul (an obvious example may be brutalist architecture, and the iconic geometric style seen in many propaganda posters)
brutalism is amazing, fuck off to your glass towers.


I think OP was just presenting that as an accusation by other people.
Is it right to say that socialist art and architecture emphasizes practicality then? Not that that's a bad thing.


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Just in time, I was taking a while to find the right images… well might as well post my original response:

I didn't properly say what I meant; I'm actually a fan of brutalism done well (and also that iconic propaganda poster style) but I'm talking about the accusations. You know those cherry-picked run-down cookie-cutter economic blocks of apartments that people like to put in anti-leftist propaganda? Typing "soulless" next to "brutalism" gives no shortage of discussion, despite how beautiful the style can be.


I think most people don't give a shit if their house is "ugly and plain" as long as it's sturdy and a decent place to live.
Any other architectural style can be just as "soulless and cultureless" as capitalists claim brutalism is, and hey, some people just like simpler things and styles while, to them, fancier buildings may look disgusting.
(These are some of my thoughts, extremely simplified because I'm sleepy.)


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>filename 2
Oops, it was in plain sight on the Internet Trash OP.

I personally agree fully; I'd happily live in an ugly or plain house so long as I can decorate the inside to my taste. I was raised around a lot of people who cared about how other people's houses looked though, really entitled bourg shit.

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/kind/ is looking to build its own "webring" like network of likeminded boards since the actually existing webring has been overrun by /pol/types. Why don't we join them? I think we would be a good fit.

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>counterculture places like Lainchan
lol do people still believe this shit?


They should ask GETchan, they're way comfier and like anime more than leftypol




Moved to >>>/ent/8265.

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/kind/ is looking to build its own "webring" like network of likeminded boards since the actually existing webring has been overrun by /pol/types. Why don't we join them? I think we would be a good fit.

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It's a group of websites linking to each other, like leftypol.org and GETchan.net.


>counterculture places like Lainchan
lol do people still believe this shit?


They should ask GETchan, they're way comfier and like anime more than leftypol


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How much do you guys read a day (time, pages)? What do you consider ideal? Do you devote markedly more time/note-taking to theory/philosophy per page than other non-fiction or they pretty much the same?

Reading for the first time in years, I'm not really sure what I should be aiming for as a baseline, especially since my schedule is pretty open. I'm reading a rather long history book at the moment at the rate of about 20-50 pages a day, yet it takes me hours to get through due to extensive note-taking and writing down words I want to commit to memory. I enjoy it and it seems to pay off, but I can't deny it's almost prohibitively meticulous. There's so much I want to read between now and this time next year that I'll never get to if I keep this pace. Just wanna get a ballpark from you guys.

Also discuss whatever you're reading now, plan to read, other questions you have about reading, note-taking, and so on that isn't fit for /edu/. OP is just a springboard.



I dont track pages really. I just spend a good 3-4 hours everyday reading/notetaking/journaling off of whatever nonfiction I’m reading. I’m slow as fuck however so a rough estimate would probably be 30-40 pages in that time. However I do have more spare time then most so it’s not a good benchmark.

If you go to a big library you’ll realize that even if you read your whole life and did nothing else you probably wouldn’t even cover 1% of the books out there. Knowing this it’s important to keep in mind reading is ultimately to develop your own thinking/creativity so you can write your own books/theory later. It also helps put into perspective you should only really read what you like/what is suited to your personality and attitudes. There has to be a certain point you stop reading and start writing instead otherwise you’ll just end up reading your life away. Also if you read uncritically without taking notes/ adding your own thoughts and thought process you wont get much out of it- you’ll only remember vague details.

So nowadays I use books to trigger my own thoughts on topics to jot down really.


I could recommend the doomsday machine by Daniel Ellsberg, man who leaked the pentagon papers.
It covers the history of US nuclear strategy and has plenty of funny anecdotes in it.




the guide

first, choose a nonfiction book you’d like to read and set aside an hour or so. I recommend something that feels like reading it would be nice, but which you do not feel a lot of pressure to read.

second, read the title page and scan the preface. at this point, try to set aside your impressions and see what the author thinks the book is actually about. the title and subtitle might actually be a better guide to this than anything you’ve heard about the book.

third, using the table of contents as a guide, take a few chapters (the first, the last, and any which seem particularly vital or pivotal to the book), and sort of x-ray them. read the first and last few paragraphs; read the section titles if it has any, read the first and last paragraph or two of each section. you don’t need to be strict about this, the point is to get a sense of the contents of these chapters and their relationship to the book as a whole.

fourth, examine the remaining chapters in the same manner. any order will be fine. just adjust as necessary if you find you’re losing sight of the whole work or of the parts of the chapter at hand.

again, you should spend no more than an hour on these four steps. you want to get a feel for the contents of the whole, and for the contents of each chapter that comprises the whole. this sounds like a difficult task, but it’s actually fairly straightforward. you just take an hour or so and apply these steps.

when you’re ready, you can now read the book in full. you will have the bones, and much of the meat, in your head already. the book should be far less intimidating, and your comprehension should be far higher. but there’s no reason you need to do this any time soon. hopefully, with some books, you will feel compelled to give a more thorough reading right away. if you don’t, that’s fine and now you know. move on to another book.
an optional step
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30-100, sometimes more.

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