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Posting again from GET because it seems like that board is mostly consumed by the /leftytrash/ general. Wanted to start up a Bunkerchan movie nights thread. I'm thinking tomorrow evening I'm going to stream Reds on cytube to kick off some regular movie nights. Anybody can do the stream of course, nothing it stopping you, but I figured in the future people can suggest some movies or just announce their stream and people can come in. I might stream Reds later tonight, but aiming for tomorrow just because I've got a family thing I need to go to.

Next movie after Reds, I was thinking maybe a labor documentary. There are a couple out there following strikes and shit like that, could be fun.


A good thread idea m8 but FYI we have a movie nights thread, feel free to revive it.


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Plutocracy is an excellent series on the history of organized labor in the United States.


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How will I find your stream, toveri?



Man I'll post it or something I dunno. I know this is pretty poorly planned but it's because I was just waffling on what day I wanted to do it since I'm busy tonight. I'm going to do it tomorrow around 8pm est. But like I said if anyone wants to commandeer the resurrection of movie night for their own streams have at it, pick a movie and post a link to a cytube stream.


That does look pretty good! There is also a criterion collection movie called Harlan County, USA that is about a relatively large coal strike in the 70s. I'm not sure if I can stream it directly from the browser, me and some friends share a criterion account. I know some other services have ways of detecting if you are recording your screen and will block it with a black box. It looks like that particular documentary is on YouTube too though so I guess it doesn't matter.


We should watch some Soviet works too. Such as >>8840 or Come and See or even Soviet Comedies and discuss.

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fellow zoomers get ITT. I'm making this thread for myself, since it's all I listen to these days. don't hesitate to recommend shit you like. it does not necessarily have to contain rap. anything in the area of trip hop, downtempo, lo-fi, chopped and screwed, gorillaz. you get the idea

some artists:
Knxwledge is a former soundcloud producer. he's the founder of the sound that YouTube calls "lo-fi hip hop" these days.
Mach Hommy, my current favorite rapper. possibly the greatest rapper of all time. just released a great album called Fete Des Morts.
MIKE. rapper and producer. makes a LOT of music which is mostly him rapping over his own beats.

some songs:
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You guys know this one right? Pretty old by now, but timeless. If you don't know, try "Slang Blade" for a taste.



is this that degenerate bebop music Rob was telling us about?


you don’t work you don’t eat
you don’t work you don’t eat
you don’t work you don’t eat
you don’t work you don’t eat


cracktivity by villain accelerate

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Has anyone else watched the original british Utopia ?I marathoned the 12 episodes in 2 days and i was blown away ,it's a shame it isn't talked about more especially now with the pandemic
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Never even heard of it, what's it about?


There's a government conspiracy that's kept secret for a lot of the first season until it's revealed that they are going to exterminate a large portion of the population to stop climate change.


I mean it really fits because GRT are some of the most shat on people in all of britain


The anti-natalist theme to save the planet from self-destruction and conspiracy fiction was entertaining


>The message of the story was that we need to reduce population
huh, no, the message was that malthussian retards in power will want to do so in the light of ecological collapse, not that it's a good thing, as they're always the antagonists. I liked how it showed institutional power subservient to a secret agency apparitus, just like they are in reality with US empire and capital interest (very apparent in the assange case for example).


I found the directing, music and aesthetics amazing, and the plot/chars were great. One of my fav show. Yeah season 2 was not as good, but still good, and one really gripped me in.

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Fuck you the greatest TV show in history deserves its own thread

Do you think Ralphie did it?
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Based retards, now fuck off


>Fuck you the greatest TV show in history deserves its own thread

So this is the Big Bang Theory thread?

Also why did you post some random image from some cheap looking gangster movie?


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wait for it..



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What went so epically right? This is like the best tv finale yes?

It was so jam packed with references to other shows. It even cut to black in the end which I read on a wikipedia article that was a reference to some soap opera show called "soup ranos" idk never heard of it


Stay mad brainlet

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So… How was it?
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Just watched it. It sucked. Totally unnecessary sequel. It was much less ambitious or outrageous than the first, and barely had any decent gags. All of the stuff they were mocking are things we all already know about. There's nothing funny or revelatory or even interesting, really, just laughing at dumb Americans. If anything what's on display here in parody is more tame than the reality. The brand of humor feels extremely dated, too, which brings me to my other takeaway.

It feels out of touch about racism. Cohen is more interested in anti-Semitism specifically, which is whatever, but any other racism at most gets a throwaway line (kids in cages). What's even weirder is the one black person in the movie functions as a "magical negro" (both for Tutar and Borat) in the story they're telling to connect the skits together. With everything happening related to racism, that's all they could come up with?


>If anything what's on display here in parody is more tame than the reality.
Case in point >>>/leftypol/1083252


funny i think it would have been funnier if borat said "mah wife" lol


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So I watched these films just now. Well, watched might not be right, saw the first 30 minutes of the first one, then about 20 of the second one and proceeded to delete both from my hard drive.

These movies make me hate US more than I did before. Literally the peak example of burger exceptionalism as well as the most-of-the-time covert liberal racism and chauvinism. Its the modern version of having "Laugh at the nigger in a cage" circus attraction colonialist powers loved. All of the humor can be sorted into two camps of vulgar "lmao benis xDDDD" shit, and INCREDIBLY racist "laugh at the slavnigger savage" crap. Or more likely a mix of the two: "XDDD Borat eat wife breast cheese", "LMAO Borat retard son rape sister", "Borat want bussy magnet XXD" "XDDDDDD Nazarbayev skinned a mans dick". Second movie starts with a fucking gulag joke, in 2020 Kazakhstan. Lmao slavs love them gulags, am I rite XXDDDD. What is more strange… THIS IS A FUCKING LIBTARD MOVIE. The retards who get their pants in a twist when you raise the question that zoomies turning "non binary" on mass might be just a result of youth rebelliousness happily soyface over this racist shit inb4 I am called a /pol/yp for this. As I said, its peak liberal chauvanism: "America can have its problems, but we are the land of the free, unlike those problematic savages". Khruschev should have vapourized your nation off the face of the planet. You all deserve the Utopia of the rest of the world that Handmaids Tale scenario would be. DIE


yeah, I watched Borat 1 as a teen and it was burger as fuck, mostly cringe

an example of a good culture-mocking movie from that time would be Jay & Silent Bob, they even shat on capeshit before the rise of Marvel

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I'm gonna miss these niggas like you wouldn't believe.
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well most of its humor is from parody naturally arising from introspection of cartoon actions and logic in a more grounded world, so while the show always has a stern face about it the actual world is always funny because of the banality of both good and evil as a system that seeks to perpetuate each other to keep securing funding. People having passions and dreams in such a mechanically dream-crushing system is always going to be funny and/or tragic as a consequence.


This thread reminded me of video related


Red Death is a pretty good real evil villain


ß ump


Where is Venture Bros

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 No.2998[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I have never seen a show cause more butthurt on /tv/ than this. What are leftypols thoughts?
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Honestly surprised that shows like it and "The Expanse" and "Mr Robot" are even on Amazon Prime.


Amazon Prime outbid netflix on very specific shows so they can get the prestige. Remember the first major work of alt history of the Golden Age of Television was Amazon Prime…


Apparently Jeff Bezos personally liked The Expanse so he got it for Amazon.


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Homelander soyjak.


The New Mutants is also trying to pull the same thing as The Boys but not as well TBH. A lot of dumb shit in it, though the effects are decent


Post Soviet era paintings and propoganda posters
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probably rasputin's grandfather


>go on leftypol
>they think a valid criticism of NatSoc is "muh aesthetics"
>At the end of the day they're still children swept away by appearance and form like anyone else
You try to maintain a constant smug and condescending tone and then slip up all the time with your bullshit.


you can go on pastvu.com and pick paintings layer instead of photos

there are many


Spengler. He thought that you could see the difference between civilizations in their art and mathematics.


&lt Apollonian Civilization is focused around Ancient Greece and Rome. Spengler saw its world view as being characterized by appreciation for the beauty of the human body, and a preference for the local and the present moment.

&lt Magian Civilization includes the Jews from about 400BC, early Christians and various Arabian religions up to and including Islam. Its world feeling revolved around the concept of world as cavern, epitomized by the domed Mosque, and a preoccupation with essence. Spengler saw the development of this civilization as being distorted by too influential presence of older cultures, the initial vigorous expansionary impulses of Islam being in part a reaction against this.

&lt Faustian Civilization began in Western Europe around the 10th century and according to Spengler such has been its expansionary power that by the 20th century it was covering the entire earth, with only a few Regions where Islam provides an alternative world view. The world feeling of Faustian civilization is inspired by the concept of infinitely wide and profound space, the yearning towards distance and infinity.

A gothic cathedral that strives for height can be seen as Faustian. And a Greek sculpture that focuses on the body and can be seen from multiple angles can be seen as apollonian. Greek mathematics was this closed Euclidian space, whereas contemporary mathematics is boundless.

But at a cursory glance, there are some discrepancies. For instance, the Khmer probably invented the zero.

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I love constructivism. Any more?

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This video has some interesting takes
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its actually not that bad from a marxist perspective, its almost like a childrens book made under socialist realism (except the "muh both sides" ending). Certainly better than harry potter.

Basically the capitol is an imperialist power subjugating its colonies by creating economic monocultures in the districts. It has a sophisticated culture industry that reinforces the subjugation of the districts.


>A thread died for this
And it's libshit by the way


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Shitty shit lib shit.
Liberal entertainment is garbage for smooth brain corporatists.


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It has good concepts, but it fails pretty badly in execution.
You could actually improve the movie and actually make it pretty damn interesting.
But truly, it's really just corporate trying to skimp out on costs by watering down their swill and then hoping to sell the consumers cheap hooch without them noticing it's crap.

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Spoilers obviously
Was this Nolan's most reactionary film yet? The message of the film appears to be that future generations are all entitled brats who want to destroy the world to save themselves. The past should be preserved quite literally in this case at the expense of the future, who are all going to die of global warming. I think the future generations are right in this case. Fuck the boomers, global warming was their fault, and they would not hesitate to kill everyone before to save themselves so why should they?

Seemed like some references to the whole 'confederate statue' thing as well. This is the same guy who defended torture and mass surveillance. Elizabeth Debicki was hot as always though. Worth watching the movie just for her. That whole subplot was weird though, she didn't want to leave her abusive husband because he'd report her for art forgery? The level of threat there was not believable enough.

The movie as a movie is entertaining enough to watch at least once. The gimmick is enough to hold it up. I think everyone complaining that the sound mixing was too shit to hear anything is too focused on trying to understand something that's mostly an excuse for neat visual set pieces. That said, the climax of the film in that final battle was also the weakest part of the movie. It was difficult to tell who was shooting who and it looked like a scene out of inception.

Speaking of which I have trouble ranking this above or below inception. Inception had a stronger emotional core, Cobb was more of a character than "The Protagonist" but on the flipside(hah), Inception was still suffering from some halfway bullshit in terms of pacing. Rewatching that movie, it can drag heavily when they do exposition for an entire scene. In Tenet, Nolan and his editors seem to have perfected a style where every scene doesn't drag even though it can be exposition heavy.

This can be to a fault – the already mentioned plot point that future generations are going to invert the entire flow of time in a last ditch attempt to escape the end of the world due to climate change – is something that in any other movie would be treated as a major revelation. You'd have a scene of the main characters reacting to the news and thinking through the implications. The pacing in this movie is so scene-to-scene though that it's only explored once at the very end by the antagonist. Nolan leaves a lot of meat on the bone.

Which again, iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I watched it and I barely remember what happened.


>Literally the only good thing about Interstellar was the time-dilation plot-point
So…half the movie?


1) if only 1/2 the movie was any good, that makes it still pretty shit
2) I said the plot point was good, meaning that the science was technically correct… that doesn't make it any less boring or pretentious


>That whole subplot was weird though, she didn't want to leave her abusive husband because he'd report her for art forgery? The level of threat there was not believable enough.
It was mainly because he would take her child away.


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