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Anyone seen it?
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I dunno but after finish watching the first season I am not too keen on calling it anti-capitalist or something like that

Maybe I can't pick on subtlety but I feel the show's message and point was all over the place

Like sure, income equality and how the rich see the poor as a not even human is front and center with it, but I don't really know what the show is trying to say about that
This show needs a proper conclusion, It really needs a second season

The VIP episode had me wanting Resurrection Of Stalin, The main thing I came off after watching this series is that I hate the rich even more


Also wtf was up with that north korea plotline
that's one of those things that kinda made me doubt it's anti-capitalist sentiments
Like did the creator include that so the south korean censors or whatever don't think the show is too leftist?

along with that episode "A fair world" the villains constantly saying "everything is fair and equal and good here" kinda striked me as unsubtle anti-communist mirroring


i lub squidwarg
squidwarp my beloved


I thought it was a Spongebob movie.



It was banned from television for a reason

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I want to see dramatization and archives of Native American history when they lived in america
What are the best documentary/shows to learn about this period of time?


Seeing this rn
Tell me if there are inaccuracies



Gonna watch this next, somehow feels like this will be more inaccurate than the old one

It's got that History channel vibe

Also wtf "More than bows and arrows" is seemingly registered nowhere in my show cataloguing website but it's been given a certificate of originality by the library of congress and has a cowboy hall of fame award

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ITT: Movie or TV scenes that didn't age well

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You ever watch this shit? Ngl this is the sweet life, chill asf simple, fratbro but adult living

Apparently even goddamn Facebook has/had a streaming service and they aired 2 more seasons but apart from a torrent of S2 it's nowhere to be found

Like I get that these type of services are good for creative types to get funding, but they are a plight on media preservation

At least the first season will forever be up on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKnEB-2tPlM86_CSdaT4QHjgX1WJl6IXZ

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I started watching it again, Catched colbert's show

Isn't really that bad, Idk what people on the net were whining about
Yeah writing is not as sharp as the report on CC

But this is late night, the format is very old and much more centred towards "pop culture"
The only bad shit is the boring ass liberal wine mom aunt talk about US internal politics.

What late night shows do you like?


None because I'm not a fucking lib like you.


And I'm a lib because…?


Tom Green show is best.


The one he used to do in the 2000s?

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Who else likes to watch commercials? I find them to be entertaining and I also love to hear about new products to buy.
Post your favorite commercials!
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>Who else likes to watch commercials?


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kys ogre


>using the booru is an .ogre tactic now
touch grass you paranoid freak


Lmfao holy shit. I hate org fags but God damn. Meds guys meds.

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he cleaned his room, eh?


>rightoid loves rightoid


The moth joke is easily my favorite joke of his. I“ve recited it at a couple parties and got some good reactions to it

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Post your best 2008 era College Humor playlists
I want to laugh

None of that jake and amir shit tho




eh go fuck yourself

although these sketches weren't as funny as i remembered they were
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQGtucrJ8hM - your printer is a brat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OD8OcPGScRU - iphone reunion

but some stuff did

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QyYaPWasos - we didn't start the flamerwar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghB80YUdOE0 - good night internet

the six ways series is still good tho
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college tumor

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I need a picture in the same vein of this i.e lots of women
albiet with less nudity

I need it for my music collection, but this is too risque
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ok nvm i need to find a new art
it's people united but in the album art style

i'm trying to find something that looks like this
arms united


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found these cool latam posters while finding united people album art for that chile song "el pubelo jamas sera vencido"


leftybooru is vvv underrated

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So now that we finally have a general entertainment board…People have expressed interest before in doing a Bunkerchan movie night. This is a thread to discuss that and to post any planned streams (Hoxha might want to sticky this).So first of all: I'm not going to stream shit unless people show up. That being said, I can't stream every week at a time that works for everyone even if I wanted to, so if anyone other than me is able to stream and willing to, you should post here. I'm also wondering what sorts of things people would want to watch. People have in the past talked about doing lefty themed movies and documentaries, but I think that'd be kind of limiting if it was all we streamed.
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>>1002I don't think we should watch anything too heavy, some light and fun stuff, maybe leftism related ofc


>>1008finally someone agrees. I had to turn it off when the family of genius conmen went full retard and hung around in the house while the family was on vacation. too fucking stupid… everyone in it acted like a cartoon.


There's a Bunker Media project going on RN, maybe we could show the movies there.Link: https://bunkerchan.xyz/leftypol/res/133678.html


there's a fuckton of DPRK movies there too


how ot watch and shitpost movies with you guys

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