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 No.481432[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Continued from >>479880

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 34,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll.

The US Congress, with Biden's support, passed the final version of a bill to authorize more than $26,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel. It's been pointed out that this is illegal under US law.

Israel initiated its ground assault of Rafah.

Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing 16, and resulting in a carefully planned Iranian missile retaliation against military targets in Israel.

The International Court of Justice made an interim ruling in South Africa's favor in their case accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza, deeming it plausible. Ireland, Turkey, and Colombia joined Nicaragua in signing on to South Africa's case against Israel.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, expanding to the Indian ocean.

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>Kamal Kharrazi, an adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has told the Financial Times newspaper that Iran will support the Lebanese Hezbollah movement with “all means” if Israel launches an all-out offensive against the group.
>But Kharrazi added that his country was “not interested” in a regional war and urged the US to put pressure on Israel to prevent further escalation.
>“There would be a chance of expansion of the war to the whole region, in which all countries including Iran would become engaged,” he told the newspaper. “In that situation, we would have no choice, but to support Hezbollah by all means.”
It might go further, the Russians might end up installing nuclear missiles in Iran because the Zionist threaten nuclear escalation.

From a rational perspective the US should take Zionstan on a shorter leach, but all those MIC profits…


>Thousands gather in Tel Aviv for peace conference
>Israeli media and social media users are reporting that thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have gathered for the conference, titled “The Time Has Come”.
>They are demanding an end to the war, the return of Israeli captives held in the Gaza Strip and a deal to secure future peace between Israel and the Palestinian people.

Do these people have a chance at gaining enough political influence to steer the situation towards peace before the escalation spiral with Lebanon reaches a crescendo ?


US official resigns, says Biden administration funding and enabling ‘Israel’s genocide of Palestinians’

Maryam Hassanein, a former Special Assistant at the US Department of Interior, said in her resignation statement that she could not continue to work for an administration that ignores its staff on the issue.

“After months of Israel’s brutal violence, including the murders of over 37,000 Palestinians and the intentional starvation of millions of Palestinians, the only way I know how to make my voice heard and meaningfully represent my community is to leave,” Hassanein, who identifies herself as a Muslim American, said.

“Arab and Muslim communities in the US have watched in horror as the Israeli military has struck mosques, churches, hospitals, playgrounds, and schools, destroying entire cities in Gaza while killing thousands of people in Gaza of all religions and ethnicities with US-supplied munitions,” Hassanein added. “Instead of using US leverage to stop the killing, President Biden has continued funding this violence, while fueling hate crimes against Palestinian Americans by repeating anti-Arab tropes and outright lies.”

Yemen’s Houthis claim attack on Israeli target in Haifa

The Yemeni rebel group, which controls much of northern and western Yemen, says a missile attack had been conducted in cooperation with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

The target wasn’t specified although a Houthi spokesperson said the attack on a “vital target” in Haifa was successful.

The Houthis have announced a number of joint operations targeting Israel with the Iraqi group in recent weeks.
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Thrown out of Biden's rally in Raleigh for wearing a 'Jews Say Ceasefire Now' shirt, Roger Ehrlich, son of a holocaust survivor and member of Veterans For Peace.
No disruption or yelling, simply an idea on a shirt that challenges the genocidal monsters at the podium.


🔻Brave heroes of the Palestinian defense forces' Qassam Brigades run up to a tank of the Western-backed genocidal Zionist enemy and plant explosives directly on it, destroying it. While depraved cowardly Zionists starve & slaughter babies, Palestinian warriors fight like lions🦁


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“The Court effectively creates a law-free zone around the President, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the Founding,” Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor wrote. “When the president uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."


I mean, this is pretty much the definitional opposite of "left wing". This is a mostly right-wing country by law now.
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Name a single president in US history who has ever been held to account for their law breaking while in office.


William McKinley.


I am in favor of the break down of American liberal democracy because it means there will be a chance for something new to emerge very soon. Historically speaking a failing liberal system leads to a lot of civil disorder - and a lot of political opportunity for those who are organized and large enough to take it. The number one job of American Communists right now is preparing for that chance. The Bolsheviks were a tiny group before gaining strength and power in the span of a few years before Russia's political crisis in the first world war. American Communists need to get their head in the game so it can be the same way for them.


Well, I'm curious if the ruling does what the dissent said. But it probably does, yeah.

That considered, I saw this from… well, to be honest, I can't say "a mile away," because we weren't a mile away from it. We were and are extremely close to it, and it's obvious to me that the DNC is as enthusiastic about Project 2025 as the GOP is. That's why the red carpet is being rolled out right now, that's why Biden expanded warrantless surveillance law (https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/04/22/wyrz-a22.html), that's why the Dems have had no real answer to the biggest state-level attacks on abortion & trans medical care in at least the past 20 years, that's why Trump was convicted for fucking a porn star and not anything related to the fake electors or January 6th, that's why the constitution is irrelevant when it comes to Habeas Corpus or freedom of religion or freedom of the press, but isn't irrelevant when it comes to whether or not a senile man or a man who cheats elections can be president, that's why the Leahy laws are being totally ignored to aid in a genocide, that's why Biden himself has helped further militarize the border with Mexico (https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/06/06/czjy-j06.html), that's why Biden has sought to slander anti-genocide protestors as racists, that's why the DNC & GOP have both moved to crush dissent against their genocide with police force, that's why NYC is having the national guard come in to "police" their transit system, etc., etc., etc.

I knew this was happening, I warned people about it, some people know, some people have kept trying to pretend. What's really important is that those of us who have come to terms with what is going on act like it. We are in the final stages of a protracted version of the "Business Plot," a slow coup backed by the MIC, finance interests, and (actual, capital F Fascists in) Israel. They've bought and paid for the Republican and Democratic parties of the United States (same interests own both), and they've grown tired of having to deal with this semblance of democracy we've got - they would much rather they just have an outright dictatorship.

Here is what all need to do. Reach out to everyone yoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I'm against the breakdown of American liberal democracy, but we should be preparing anyway.
Amazing how easy it is to bridge gaps.


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 No.10032[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Site-Wide Feedback Thread
Complain about bans and other meta related things

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Use IRC for now please everyone. ircs://irc.leftychan.net:6697/#leftychan

It's just get an irc client (app), go to irc.leftychan.net and go to the #leftychan room. Should be simple on any computer.


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When will dorky millenial online activists and state sanctioned leftist influencers (i.e., teachers with twink tok accounts) realize they are making the right seem cool?

Think about it: a lot of hate that vegans receive isn't because people are overly hostile to eating vegetables. It's because vegans themselves brand themselves in a negative light: emotional, effeminate, weak, etc. Additionally, many younger people will naturally rebel against the professed values of the generation ahead of them. When will those who vehemently consider themselves part of the left realize they're actually helping to boost those they claim to oppose?

For context: pic related openly admits to being a cuck and gets offended if you don't praise him for it
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It wasn't impossible to "stop capitalism", as if this just happened by anonymous inertia. Throughout their history, the commons were seeking to enter the nobility, and that's what purchasing venal office was. The professions of the commoners that won in the liberal revolutions were already attaining the privileges of the nobility, and the commoners were not a united bloc with a singular ideology as such. It's the same with the ideologies as such of their associations like the Jacobin club and the secret societies. These outfits weren't united by an ideology or a singular thought-form, but were associations of men who climbed the ranks of that social hierarchy. There were liberal nobles who saw the revolution as a way to carry out their intercine struggle in new conditions, if we speak of France. How this worked in England and America is a very different story.


The ancien regime falls because the agents who would have maintained it saw no reason to continue it. There is a long trajectory of feudal privileges being displaced by the autocratic and despotic tendencies of the 16th-18th centuries, and that trend line didn't really go away with "revolution". It rebranded, found entry into the new way of doing things, and the game of musical chairs settled in the early 19th century.

The revolutions themselves all stem from 1776 in one way or another, and what the British Empire was aiming for to take the world, and their piratical approach to their Empire.


By time Louis XVI is there, he's a weak king, and doesn't have the heart for intrigue in him. Some would say he was a decent human being by the standards of his class, which doesn't say much, but mostly, the nobility were already distressed with the situation and the games played with the wealth of the nation - like entering the American Rebellion for spurious reasons that are the great "open mystery" of the period, which explains a lot of what was really happening and is a favorite of the conspiracist theory of history. This event was not self-contained in an ecosystem and then reproduced by "the theory". France faced conflict from the aristocratic order of Europe who were remarkably disinterested in the wages of war until they started losing and the French installed republics or kings of their choosing, and this was always understood as putting a rubber stamp on the effort to conquer Europe. At this time, no one but the French thinks of themselves as "national actors", and French nationalism is a new thing with the revolution. That was the thing that they really had to contain, and the most lasting effect of it.


If you look at how the French monarchy understood economics, they had their theory before the revolution, and the revolution wasn't really waged over economic ideas. The liberalizing tendency had more to do with the interests of actors in France and globally, then any belief that liberalism worked like magic. There was a theory of physiocracy, but the thing with them is that the physiocrats were more in line with the ancien regime than a naive faith in free trade. What the physiocrats wrote about was a precursor to both the idea of a planned economy - a precursor to the socialist idea - and a precursor to biological politics and biologically centered economic thought, using the example of economic life and the land as an organism with blood flows that could be regulated. That was what Quesnay invoked, due to his background as a physician.


All of these things are very interesting if you dig into them, and that's why I disdain these grand narratives that are divorced from history that can be independently verified. Any political event involves the agency of those things in the world that have the greatest stake in it - human beings, and particular human beings.


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So I thought here and now would be a good time to tell you I'm uploading parts of my book that I have completed. You can find them at:


I have up to chapter 13 written of the third book, and the whole of the second book. Maybe you all can provide feedback (and anyone saying snark will be given the fag tag).

It gets pretty depressing but I saw Chapter 13 as one of the more uplifting, since I basically say the way out… if only humans wanted such a thing. We've always known that, but all of the build-up to that is where we would really have to go. It's a pity humans will never think like that, not now.
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tbh I think imageboard users dont really care about actual pokitics beyond a substitue for having a life.
theyre so morally obsessed with cultural norms


I'll be honest, at the time in 2016 I didn't think Trump was going to win, because I was naive - not that I believed this was an actual contest, but I believed that the country was putting up Trump as a trial balloon and would give the Democrats what they needed to move as far right as they cculd and jettison what was left of labor. I didn't think the rulers of this place really were that evil and that degenerate in their thought. I still believed they had some scheme or plan to keep going, but it turns out all they ever needed was faggotry.


Well, I think the reason why Trump won is because he appeals to indignation.
And the Democrats love tussling with him.


Trump won because that was the script, not because "you" chose anything. There's enough insinuation to nudge numbers to whatever they need to be, and they wanted a "close, thrilling race" for this operation.

For all intents and purposes, the Patriot Act put an end to any part of the republic that functioned as you would think a republic would. The only thing that remained was eugenics and the general fear, and that refuses to die.


I don't buy the "Trump is the candidate of the downtrodden" horseshit. A few desperate rubes latched on to any faggotry that was going on and given to them, but most of us were too defeated to expect much. Then you consider that many who vote at all are motivated by hatred of the other assholes, and I don't mean a fickle or performative hatred. There are people who believe that Obama and Biden would be the end of them, and that they'd rather be dead than live under that… except, they're getting that anyway, and Trump didn't give those people a single thing. Their thinking was purely defensive for what little the Republicans might have offered them (because believe it or not, the Republicans aren't 100% starve and austerity when they have to go down to the yokels and do a little pandering, and when you look at the Democrats, they play the same game of placating parts of their base and playing interests in their tent against each other). The political system in the US relies on this poverty pimping where desperate people latch on to the few things that they sense they have some control over. Most of those people were not voting for anything Trump said but against the Democrats and the stated liberal agenda, and had no reason to care about any of the pablum in the discourse. Whatever Trump said was some bullshit that wasn't unfamiliar to them.

After the fact, the narrative of "the useless eaters actually love Trump" was just more child abuse, and affirming a story aristocracy always tells itself. Trump offered not one substantial thing. It was ridiculous how he talked about his plan to destroy Obamacare, because he had none and had no intention of doing any such thing. Why would the Republicans cancel a policy they had a large part in manufacturing, that the entrenched interests like just fine? The entire thing is a gigantic cash grab. They'll never give that up. They only think about how to build new excuses to give less and charge more rent. Any time it would turn to anything substantive delivered in health care, it must be attacked. That was always about maintaining the doctor/eugenics cartel on health care.



Sunak came out and declared they're on for July 4th. Corbyn's now running as an independent. Andrew Feinstein is running against Starmer, and maybe he'll knock him out of his seat - who knows?

Are you excited, /leftypol/?
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>So what the neo-liberal anti-democracy infiltrators ended taking over is now an empty husk ?
Not quite, but let's hope it gets there.
>The neo-libs are power-brokers, they infiltrate organizations and capture important positions in order to sell-out the functions of their position to the highest bidder. So if the democratic people periodically dump the old org, and regroup in a new org, the neo-lib infiltration process will get interrupted and they will have to begin from scratch. By making democratic organization a moving target, will it become less vulnerable ?
In a sense, yes.


3 days


W-what happens in 3 days?


I will be voting for my town's independent candidate


You know what's happening.

Which flavour of independent? Vaccine schizo, old bloke kicked out of the Tory party for racism or local muslim leader running on freeing palestine and the ummah?


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I am a Liberal
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most capitalist countries allow the non-productive poor to exist unlike most socialist countries, where they are forced into mental hospitals or jails

i think it's less a feature of capitalism, and more a feature of not-being-socialism

regardless the poor would fare the best with the means of production being given to some class other than the worker class or the business class

like the a collection of old liberal women who aren't in business roles owning the means of production


So according to you in socialist countries people get mental health treatment and in capitalism they get homelessness and crack, am I getting that right?


Sounds about right. But it's not the hole story. The main cause of homelessness isn't mental illness. It's economic precariousness.


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Return the jacket back to the museum 1st, you reactionary lumpen bueraucuck (served you right btw).


>I enjoy democracy
No you don't. Democracy means Tr*mp will be the next president.

>the rule of law

No you don't. Rule of law means all the BLM monkeys will be in jail.

>freedom of speech

No you don't. Freedom of speech means there's no such thing as "misgendering" or "medical misinformation".

>and freedom of association.

No you don't. Freedom of association means no more hiring diversity.

>most capitalist countries allow the non-productive poor to exist unlike most socialist countries, where they are forced into mental hospitals or jails
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We need more banners and a banner thread in general. Give me your pictures for banners and I will bannerfy them
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Apart from not being that funny, we don't want the smoke from calling real people pedos in the banners.


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Why did these not get added?


My bad, added.


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Kermit the frog caused 9/11. In the 2002 TV film "It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie", there's a part where an angel shows Kermit an alternate reality where he was never born. For whatever reason, the editors didn't really think about it, and continued to use footage with the twin towers still standing for this scene, however they aren't there in his original universe. Therefore, something that Kermit did in his life, did in fact cause 9/11 in Muppet lore.
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Ummm, idk man.
We had dyke bitch girls in the 1980s and proto SJWism.

Also in the 1980s, people were growing cynical and disillusioned.

Why else was punk so popular.


"End of history" is gen idpol shit.


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>My first Fatwa
Funny, but they were Sunni


lol that's a tent-sauna, but with her grinning, that caption does make sense.


Last I heard, there was some bratty CIA/(other αβ) department th@ was getting 2 liberal in checking on some highly secretive/illegal/generally unprofitable governance stuff th@ guys from the other agencies didn't want to get out or something like th@. So basically it's another tactical 5gon erasure attack on the parts of the government which are getting 2 unruly 2 contain.
In making the point 4 their colleagues feddos didn't even bother with timing the destruction & just blasted th@ thing into a fucking freefall LMAO. It's like this was done in such a way on purpose, "look how much of a fuck we are able not 2 give, unlike you".

Wasn't there some years l8r some skyscraper in Spain th@ was burning for a whole day or even more & despite th@ never even crumbled in any way?


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 No.361470[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other
The last thread hit the bump limit, so post new or old videos here.
Link to the last thread here: >>201250
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Gee, & I thought I am unhinged!




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Reactionaries tremble with joy by being placed into a system of relations, & their own position in this system in question doesn't even m@ter all th@ much, only the mere xistence of it. In other words, slaves by mentality will kill 4 remaining as slaves, 4 they cannot even imagine being free on their own. That's why their unhuman & unlife degeneracy is fused with necrophilia in its totality so much.
So yeah, mautism/turd-worldism/multiimperialism is just plain old nazism but for nonwytes.


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It's a very odd deal.
The criminal Biden admin is letting Assange go in exchange for a guilty plea.

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>thinking he will be safe in Australia
They didn't drop the charges he admitted guilt in exchange for getting out of jail. They could haul him right back in as soon as the election is over.

>he should probably just apply for citizenship in Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc.
Well not North Korea he will starve in a communist country. I bet staying in Australia is probably part of the deal though.


The famine in the DPRK ended a long time ago, and their economic outlook is positive now that they've re-established diplomatic relations with Russia.


Kevin Gosztola made an interesting point on a journalist panel today: He and likely other peers have been spending all their time the last several days listening to each other, the sources they actually trust to cover Assange honestly and fairly. Conversely, they have spent very little time assessing the corporate mass media's reaction to it. I sure hope someone has been cataloging all the recent libel and slander slung at Assange, these propaganda outlets and propagandists need to be held to account for the immensely destructive things they've done to the journalist profession.

Link to stream:



>the corporate mass media
>the immensely destructive things they've done to the journalist profession.

There used to be journalistic activities within that structure, but is that still the case ? Before we yell at these people for failing at journalism, we have to ask our self whether we're not complaining about how spoons are terrible shovels.

Maybe we should consider whether they are more like PR companies now.


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 No.285223[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello /leftypol/, we noticed an under-appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into leftism.

Don't forget to check out >>>/edu/ for more reading and discussion!

Common Right Wing Talking Points Debunks

Check out the /edu/ thread at

Also see the relevant leftybooru tag
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Does Trotsky cover it at all in his History of the Russian Revolution?


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 No.457563[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one is full and the worst thread on leftychan must be contained.

In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

Pro-Russia sources:

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<beaches are fictitious
they definitely lost it


>beaches are fictitious
I think he is saying is that he does not believes that there are civilians having fun on the beech behind Russian lines because Putin is such an evil dictator or something.


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>he does not believes that there are civilians having fun on the beech behind Russian lines
Well in that case, it's still a crazy argument that says the Ukrainian fun-police will drop a cluster bomb on people that go to the beach without having fun.


>Well in that case, it's still a crazy argument that says the Ukrainian fun-police will drop a cluster bomb on people that go to the beach without having fun.
It is a demented post I just wanted to point out he is obviously not denying the geographical existence of beeches. The implied context is that there are no civilians on those beeches because Putin is evil and Russia is losing and whatever lies the CIA has been telling.


>I just wanted to point out he is obviously not denying the geographical existence of beeches. The implied context is that there are no civilians on those beeches
So they're saying the civilians they murdered were fictitious.
>It is a demented post


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I hate banks. I hate CEOs. I hate Capitalism. I hate israel. why can't we be friends?
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I made this thread as a shitpost guys…


People hate the Zionreich for bombing children, schools, hospitals, aid trucks, for mass murdering a population via starvation, the list is extensive, and it's easy to list the war-crimes they haven't committed.
Those despicable actions deserve all that hate. Zionists attempting to claim victimhood while actively committing a genocide is fooling nobody anymore. Cry-bullying doesn't work for mass murderers.

We also have to talk about the 4 Zionist antisemitisms
1 holocausting the Palestinians who are ethnically Semites.
2 claiming that all this horror is done in the name of Jews.
3 weaponizing false accusations of antisemitism to attack democracy, eroding the protections for Jews
4 equating Zionism with Judaism


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Right and you're complaining that not enough people shat in it ?





Because you killed people for being NEETs or neurodivergent. Also makes the Soviet Union shit though and why socialists in general here are cringe.


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Who are you voting for, anon?

So far, the top candidates are:
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Independent)
Claudia De la Cruz (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
Joseph Kishore (Socialist Equality Party)
and now "Based Chase" Oliver (Libertarian)

and then there are some unserious candidates nobody likes.
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FYI despite the platform and the national association with socialist parties, many if not most locals don't give a shit about much beyond envirnmentalism.

I don't have an issue with people voting Stein, but the idea the Green Party is some left-wing party at the local level is a mistake. There's been plenty of Green mayors and they do nothing unusual.



They only give a shit if their job is at risk. Democrats are pretty selfish assholes who only wake up if their livelihood is on the line.

If they cared so much about this election they wouldn't have gone out in hoards to nominate an 81 year old as the "savior of democracy"


It really depends on where you live. There's still a split between socialists (roughly two thirds) and liberals (roughly one third) in the Greens, and it's very distributed regionally. In places where the battles for ballot access are the hardest like Georgia you'll find some of the most radical anti-capitalist Greens.


Wasting your vote.


Think it'd be fun to see Trump in jail, that's pretty much the only reason.

Also, the supreme court


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It's a sub full of nominal Democrats arguing for the homeless in their city to go to jail or otherwise violently violated by local police and due to a recent Supreme Court ruling.

Join me in raiding their threads. Please keep in mind Reddit automatically blocks accounts for profanities or threats so try to avoid those.

Last thread:

There's a new once every few days, which you can find under "New" in https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/

I don't live in San Francisco but this is by far the most obnoxious liberal forum I've ever seen.


Arm the homeless. Execute reactionary vermin.


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The US Supreme court has decided to hear the case, fueling speculation they will side with those wanting to criminalize public homelessness.

With the approval of the California governor as well.

This recently came to a head in Grants Pass Oregon, a small Republican county with almost 2% homelessness. Their approach so far was over 500 criminal citations being given to their homeless for sleeping in parks until a circuit court stopped Grants Pass from issuing further citations. Now Grants Pass is asking the supreme court to give explicit permission to all states to criminalize public homelessness.

The DOJ disagrees however, stating “Regardless of any future Supreme Court ruling, the law” is clear that “officers lack reasonable suspicion to stop people for merely sleeping on public property when they have nowhere else to sleep,” in a criminal complaint against Phoenix Arizona's treatment of the homeless. https://prospect.org/justice/2024-06-20-scotus-homelessness-doj-war-on-poor-phoenix/

The subreddit r/SanFrancisco is also celebrating the possibility of public homelessness being illegal.

What is your take on this /leftypol/? The war on the homeless is in full swing.
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>The first thing isn't really relevant - who the landlords are doesn't actually matter. The only people to worry about are single-home owners, and an exemption or reduction can be carved out for them.
>The government as it exists now literally prints money to pay for its military spending. We can't actually afford to do that when the US loses its hegemony, which technically means we can't afford to do it now, since the country has a fuckton of debt & the military spending isn't stopping China from outpacing us. The extensive militaristic spending is profoundly wasteful, and we'd have to stop doing it even if we didn't invest in housing and (other forms of) American labor. The handouts for the arms trade would have to stop no matter what we did, and investing in the wellbeing of the nation will have far greater returns, and will also be a much better deal if we fund it by taxing deadweight economic activity like land speculation which drives up costs.

Honestly good take, but the military industrial complex is not going to yield funding easily. They see the shrinking empire as proof that there needs to be more militarism. That investing into "the well-being of the nation" has to look and sound like it's still militarism. You see it's not universal health-care it's universal combat-readiness.


The government could pay off its debt in a heartbeat. The reason it doesn't is because finance capital has a vice grip on officials and directly profits every time treasury bonds are issued. It indirectly benefits from the debt ideology it imposes over the government and by claiming its interests take priority over the federal government's. Remember Obama's entire cabinet came from Citigroup.


The Supreme Court says cities can punish people for sleeping in public places

In its biggest decision on homelessness in decades, the U.S. Supreme Court today ruled that cities can ban people from sleeping and camping in public places. The justices, in a 6-3 decision along ideological lines, overturned lower court rulings that deemed it cruel and unusual under the Eighth Amendment to punish people for sleeping outside if they had nowhere else to go.

Writing for the majority, Justice Gorsuch said, “Homelessness is complex. Its causes are many.” But he said federal judges do not have any “special competence” to decide how cities should deal with this.

“The Constitution’s Eighth Amendment serves many important functions, but it does not authorize federal judges to wrest those rights and responsibilities from the American people and in their place dictate this Nation’s homelessness policy,” he wrote.

In a dissent, Justice Sotomayor said the decision focused only on the needs of cities but not the most vulnerable. She said sleep is a biological necessity, but this decision leaves a homeless person with “an impossible choice — either stay awake or be arrested.”



There's only one option left, the homeless have to become ninjas



Made a thread for raiding the liberal r/SanFrancisco forum who have been calling for the arrest of their homeless there in massively upvoted threads for weeks, join me in the raid



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Are police proles?
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false conscious class traitors


>are police prole?
Only if prole is a term that lacks any relevance





The paper pusher administrators are proles, so it is not a good indicator.


Not really, also police is the most corrupt government entity after the guardians (politicians) in social-democracy. I like Plato’s idea, where the guardians cannot own any private property and are dependent on the prole for their living; only the prole (in sense of ateliers, artisans, craftmen, trademen etc) can own private property; although I would change it so no one can own private property, except for a fictional entity— a file in the IRS— that can own all property and all enterprises MUST be owned by their employees. And if a company wants to own properties abroad it MUST register a fictional entity locally in the State and pay ALL the taxes the State has oblige them to pay.



LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) — Bolivia’s President Luis Arce warned Wednesday that an “irregular” deployment of troops was taking place in the Bolivian capital, raising concerns that a potential coup was underway.

He called for “democracy to be respected” on a message on his X account came as Bolivian television showed two tanks and a number of military in front of the government palace.

Former Bolivian president Evo Morales, also in a message on X, denounced the movement of the military in the Murillo square outside the palace, calling it a coup “in the making.”


vid unrelated



And how come a government/president doesn't have control over its military?


Might just be a flash in the pan. Telesur says it's already "neutralized"


Pro-coup troops chased out by protestors.


Yeah the hole thing was basically a reminder to the MAS coalition that they have a common enemy.


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the world works on looks. looks are important. we human will always fully think and associate people with lighter skin color as looking better, better to look at, and is more beautiful/pretty/handsome.
we all also associate lighter skin color with being more feminine for women consider feminine. we can never change this. not a single thing anyone do and say will ever change this. you can never change how people think like this. man or women everybody think like this.

now then have and obvious answer. for the sake of use call it the “Blond Path". we need to produce white people with blue eyes and green eyes and blond hair and ginger hair. the quota would be 10 times the world population including the world population of whites with natural color hair and eyes. To do this we ignore or erase things that are a hindrance such as marriage, monogamy, family unit, relationship, and romance. Production does not stop there, we also need to group ethnic whites together with the same ethnic whites (Ex: Scotts with Scotts, serbs with serbs, and etc). Although this one is of a different program. This program also require us to get rid of the same hindrance the former program have. Both program do not see heigh, body or looks. As long as your face are not horrendous you are good, so even if your not handsome and beautiful you will still be in the program.

As part of the Blond path and to prevent dehumanization and other such unwanted idea,we will educate people. Specifically we will tell them about that one zoning infrastructure real-estate thing (I forgot the name of it) that put black and brown people in place were the chemicals,paint ,water ,walls and environment in general are doing things to their head (mind and brain) and body. In general everybody need to be educated about racist laws and myth and other such things. Other then that we need to eliminate race science and race bias in science.

In short. The world need to have industry level production of ethnic whites and more importantly whites with blue eyes, green eyes, blond hair and red hair because the world work on looks. But we also educate people so they don’t believe in race science and race biased science.

we must advertise this to every rightoid, boomers, and whites.

I am speaking as a brown.
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then you unerstand that criminalising yputh sexuality is just like forcing eugenics.

The criminalisation of young adult sexuality is what makes angst and other at risk behaviors in youth.


it's literally just pregnancy. were not forcing women to marry or be shackled. the women will be taken care off. outside that the woman is free to do whatever she want.
>boohoo job
>boohoo bills
>boohoo stress of everyday lives
all will be taken care of ffs. as long as your pregnant with the desired child then you can go clubbing or go swimming or do whatever you want. yes, we will take care of the job and money problem for you.
>but I don't want to
we will make you want it. if not then we will make you do it. or else…….


>That's horrible, enslaving people like this has a tendency to find violent ends, this will eventually seize, and it most likely will be, because who ever does this gets killed.

those women do it voluntarily. but that doesn't matter if I impose my will onto the whole world


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not politically viable


Maybe you should make power fantasy video games in the style of Populous or Black&white.


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 No.475365[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Be honest…

Has your life gotten materially better or worse since this faggot supposedly got elected.?
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"Real corporate profits" are not "the economy."

This statistic is just an artifact of two things:
- Inflation (CPI adjustment does not account for all inflation because CPI is rigged)
- Reducing the wage share (wage share goes down, profits go up)

Neither of these things are an improvement of "the economy" for the masses, they're a degradation.


this is a regressive economic boom where the lower classes aren't thrilled because not enough is trickling down and prices rose a few years ago

thing is, it's mainly the Fed rate hikes causing the tail end of this boom. Which is inherently inflationary.

A Dem Congress without gridlock would do better than Republicans in making it less regressive but we have gridlock now


we had like 5% GDP last quarters of last year

virtually every other indicator has been great

a recession requires 2+ quarters of negative gdp growth, and it is still positive with Republicans blocking everything

Biden did a better job than Obama at flooding the economy with money and if u can't get at it ur retarded because so much money got put into the economy


either Trump or Biden will keep flooding the economy with money, there really isn't any indication there's be a crash that'll bleed into the real economy unless the Republicans with the House and Senate again. A Dem Congress + Trump or a Dem Congress + Biden would keep money flowing into the economy for whoever needs it. Compared to that miserable 8 year money shortage under Obama. God those years sucked.


This is the first year in my 34 years on this planet I could conceivably live on my own and without help from others.

It's been an objectively good economy for myself.


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This thread will detail some of the changes made to the site in the past year, as well as our plans for the future.

New i2p Address
As requested by several users, and in accordance with our general ethos of encouraging online anonymity, leftychan now has an i2p address which can be found here:
http://leftychmxz3wczbd4add4atspbqevzrtwf2sjobm3waqosy2dbua.b32.i2p or http://leftychan.i2p/

Moderation Changes
* New spam filter - Thanks to the hard work of our dev and admin Zer0-, leftychan now has an effective countermeasure against the automatic bot spam that plagues alt-chans. Dubbed as the 'spam noticer', the implementation of this system has led to a dramatic fall in malicious advertisement threads being posted to the site.
* New mods & dev - In order to better cover european and asian timezones, two more mods have been voted onto the team. These are sindikat, who has previous moderation experience, and jon, who is also acting as a dev and has made many valuable contributions in this capacity.
* Removal of Zul - In line with the rule that if a mod is inactive for over 15 weeks their status as a mod is called into question, Zul was voted off the mod team.

New Roulette Board
After some discussion, we decided on /k/ as the new roulette board theme, replacing /CHAD/. Archived threads from previous roulette cycles can still be viewed here >>>/roulette_archive/
Any suggestions for future roulette board rotations are welcome.
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i don't know why anyone even care about ogre

it's user interface sucks and they censor too much

haven't used or browsed it for more than a few hours


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Discuss and share songs, albums artists you like. You can talk about making music as well.
Usually not my genre but I enjoyed this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMaRguzy2gU
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watched it
pretty good find, thanks


>Here's a pretty sick beat


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Saw this scrolling tiktok, that chorus is 🔥




Sonically inferior to death grips, sorry.


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Did Oswald act alone?
Or do you believe he really was the patsy?
Which do you think is the more likely scenario?


At this point you have to be willfully ignorant to believe something as ridiculous as Oswald having anything to do with the assassination.


The official story is statistically implausible. If all it took, to take out a head of state, was a guy with a rifle, heads of states would be dropping dead, left, right and center. It is reasonable to conclude that it takes a lot of resources to have a head of state assassinated. An explanation that doesn't reflect that is not credible.




This guy did a decent video, on an attempt at introducing a internet ID-law
<government ID for accessing a website (initially porn-sites).

It's hiding behind deceptive legislative speak.
<think of the children while we attack your civil liberties

Big tech companies apparently are supporting this.
<so it might spread to other parts of the internet as well

Obviously none of these people really care about the welfare of children, or else we'd be living in a very different world. They might be targeting porn because they think it's a way to get a foot in the door for an ID-access-wall. Or they might actually be trying to identify people's porn habits in order to facilitate discrimination based on sexuality. Even if that's not the intention right now, it'll definitely be the result. We don't live in a dark age theocratic society where the church regulates sex, because it's currently not possible. All the puritanical bullshit will come flooding back the moment it becomes possible. Every ruling class seeks to control sex.

The Internet ID stuff will get hacked so even if you're a gullible fool that believes in this.
<think of all the identity theft
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I possess an exceptional online tool that creates highly authentic and lifelike depictions of adolescent royalty, catering to a demographic characterized by youthful exuberance and unbridled potential. NO ROASTIE CAN STOP ME!!!


sus-ness aside, do i need a beefy computer to run this program and which program is it? or do you do it from online?


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(obfuscation sponsored by GPT4All)

To successfully set up your environment for "on topic" activities, follow these steps:

1. Acquire a used Nvidia GPU with 16GB VRAM at a cost of less than $200, and purchase a cooling fan retrofit to ensure optimal performance. Note that Tesla GPUs are suitable options but require additional power supply and do not come with built-in cooling systems.

2. Choose a hypervisor capable of supporting GPU pass-through technology. This will allow your "on topic" guest to directly access the hardware resources, including the Nvidia GPU.

3. Set up a VPN or Tor router as a guest within your hypervisor environment. This will help hide your "on topic" activities and protect your privacy while downloading files.

4. Install a Linux-based operating system on another virtual machine (guest) for the purpose of running "on topic" tasks. Ensure that you have installed the proprietary Nvidia driver to support the GPU operations.

5. Introduce comfyui into your "on topic" guest, and then install the comfyui-manager plugin for added functionality.

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This setup is designed to minimize potential risks associated with "on topic" activities by creating a secure, isolated environment within which these tasks can be performed without leaving any trace or causing unwanted attention. If you prefer not to engage in such activities, feel free to proceed directly on the hardware (metal) level without using virtual machines. However, if caution is your priority, utilizing VMs will help isolate "on topic" operations and ensure they are temporary and easily reversible by reverting to a previous snapshot or shutting down the guest within the hypervisor environment.


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India renamed it self, a bit like Turkey recently was renamed into Türkiye. However unlike Türkiye which makes a nice sound, Bharat sounds harsh like somebody burping during speech. They're undoing the colonial naming legacy and have been renaming their cities for some time, but they could have picked a nicer name for their country. Oh well.

I wonder if BRICS for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South-Africa , now has to be spelled BRBCS. 'Brubkess' def. is a downgrade from 'Bricks' too.
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>Look up the definition of cultural appropriation
Why ? cultural copyright is even more retarded then the corporate copy nonsense.


>Any idea where i could listen to somebody saying that aloud.
prolly around birmingham


i hope the entire subcontinent get sterilized. their ugly as shit


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did some brown guy take your crush or something?


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you must be a salty cancuck from yorkdale, brampton, toronto, ontario


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generative ML software
-generative machine learning software will kill off the copyright-restriction lobby
Media creation will become cheap and abundant, restricting access to content will become self defeating. SO called IP will seize to be capital, the new capital will be the chip-plants and power-plants. Small artists will benefit the most, these new tools will allow individuals and small teams to create very sophisticated content that previously was only doable for large companies.
-Copy restrictions are the most destructive in the pharmaceutical field because they prevent people from getting medicine, and globally this leads to the involuntary slaughter of tens of millions of people every year. I would expect a similar dynamic from computationally brute-forcing candidates for molecules with medical properties and a explosion of cheap generica.
-it will become so easy to make fake surveillance-recordings and digital-records that all kinds of video, audio and digital records will be downgraded from forensic evidence to testimonial evidence.

-The so called "client-side csam-scanning" scheme will backfire spectacularly, because AI image-recognition and image-generation are very similar, and one can be turned into the other. AI-stalking is deployed like regular malware, the attacker injects a payload into the victims computer to exfiltrate data. Big tech like Apple or the EU Thorn-surveillance group (responsible for chat-control), are pushing to infect a gazillion smartphones with this crud. They will end up spreading a pedo-porn-generator far and wide. The think of the children political deception will die with this one.
-meat-space surveillance with cameras that recognize peoples faces will turn into a gang-violence bonanza. While the meat-space mafia is generally stupid with mediocre tech skills, they will eventually figure out how to wear "other people's faces". Public safety will nose-dive and the fashion trends will get surreal with women wearing face-curtain-hair and men growing up-beards that go from the chin to the forehead.
Everything eventually turns into it's opposite. Something something dialectical.

surveillance capitalism
-People'll use AI to generated loads of data, personal profiling will eventually die because the data becomes diluted with ai-slop. Data-brokers will also usePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


OP if I may be frank with you a bit about image board etiquette. When you create threads with gigantic OPs like this on a slow board, although you probably think you're doing a good thing by creating a bunch of thoughtful content to help the board along… The reality is in fact the opposite. It's actually intimidating to other posters, who feel like they need to measure up to the amount of writing or the quantity of topics covered in the OP in order to contribute, and the real tendency is that big essays don't actually generate discussions at all. I have seen this play out many, many times in the years of image boards under my belt.

My suggestion is to keep OPs simple and open, and if you feel like you really have something to say do it in a subsequent post.


>Machines that have the same shape as a human worker, are still a solution in search for a problem
Everyone wants a robot waifu gf, there's definitely a market for a decent one.


>Everyone wants a robot waifu gf
Sure, but you won't get a wholesome "robot waifu gf", they'll produce "robot whores" that make you buy into an expensive subscription model. Even if you pay all that, it'll still interrupt the sex to tell you about products and services from companies that participate in the third-party sex-vertisement program.


>it'll still interrupt the sex to tell you about products and services from companies that participate in the third-party sex-vertisement program
Dang, these sex robots are already more human than humen!


So it would have been better to split this into half a dozen separate threads instead ?

Even if that's like having a bunch of threads with kinda similar topics ?


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I'm asking my self whether or not the neocons are nothing but blood-dripping salesmen for the arms-industry, and all their ideological stuff is foolishness.

I'm not looking for cheap shots, like proving they never achieve their stated goals like "winning the war on terror". Just assume it's part of their strategy to lie about their true goals.

I used to think that they were both effective at generating profits for the arms industry and also furthering US imperial power. But I don't think that anymore.

For example the wars in the middle east caused something like a war-chaos-belt that separated Europe from Asia and prevented the formation of "Ꭼurꭺsian" (loaded term) economic integration that could potentially become an economic block that would be many times more powerful than the US. So in that sense you could look at the failed wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and so on as somewhat effective at maintaining US hegemonic power.

But it turns out that it wasn't the case. The conclusion that most analysts are drawing now is that the US wasted a bunch of time and effort fucking up the Arabs. And was nothing but a distraction that allowed China to grow into an economic powerhouse that is now more or less untouchable for the foreseeable future.

The Ukraine crisis again follows a similar structure, it seemed like a viable way to separate Russian-German economic cooperation by creating a trade-disrupting war-zone and political-capital for economic separation, so that economic integration may not lead to a Russo-European economic block that would have been more powerful than the US.

But it turns out that this wasn't the case either. The result of the Ukraine crisis is:

Sino-Russian economic integration. Which might lead to the formation of a much more powerful economic block than the Russo-European one. But the consequences don't stop at undoing the Sino-Soviet split. It also has killed the economic power of Europe which means that a potential Trꭺnsatlꭿntiꮸ (loaded term) economic block is much weaker now.
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The neocons are planning to seize the frozen Russian assets in order to continue funding the Ukraine proxy war.

Western finance went REEEEEE DON'T, this will trash our reputation and spook the investors

The Unintended Consequences of Seizing Russian Assets
<the West is persisting in its endeavours, with a proposal to use frozen public Russian assets to finance Ukraine
<For many other countries, however, freezing Russian assets is widely perceived as a method the US-led West employs to weaponise its primary currencies. The European Central Bank warned in June that using interest-rate proceeds from the frozen assets could prompt other central banks to “turn their backs” on the euro,
<“The implications could be substantial: it may lead to a diversification of reserves away from euro-denominated assets, increase financing costs for European sovereigns and lead to trade diversification,” the note added. And Bank of America analysts led by Michael Hartnett recently noted in a report that “US dollar debasement is the ultimate outcome as the dollar is weaponized in a new era of sanctions.”
<Such fears are thus expediting not only the ongoing global trend of de-dollarisation but also the construction of viable alternative financial systems by China or even Russia.
<nations and regions have accelerated efforts in recent months towards arrangements aimed at reducing their dependence on the dollar. At the heart of these de-dollarisation initiatives is the fear in many capitals that the US could someday use the power of its currency to target them the way it has sanctioned Russia
<Indeed, central banks are already calling back their offshore gold assets to domestic storage facilities in increasing quantities over such fears.
<According to the results, a substantial percentage of central banks are concerned about the precedent set by the US freezing Russian rPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Starting at 1:09:00 Alexander Mercouris sums up how the Neocons managed to unite all of the US's adversaries and make them forge alliances, creating a geopolitical opponent that is so large and powerful that it will be indomitable. And the irony is that the early neocons from the 70s like Brzezinski, warned about this.


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I feel like the neocons ultimately got exactly what they wanted though: an enemy so large that they can justify another massive spending spree on their friends in the military industry.


Yeah you might be right the neocons may simply be motivated by Number go up for defense contractors. And there is no grand strategy or anything.

But an arms race against all that ?

The US and the EU plus a few other countries just lost at war supply logistics against just Russia in Ukraine. I can't fathom trying that against a block that is over an order of magnitude larger.



Consider the following:
The neocon Ukraine scheme resulted in Russian relations with ROC (South Korea) withering and they now went for an alliance with the DPRK (North Korea). Including a mutual defense agreement and military exchange.

Neocon sanctions damaged Venezuelan oil production, resulting in Cuba no longuer getting fuel from Venezuela. The neocon sanction against Russia eliminated any incentive the Russians had to not break the blockade against Cuba. The Russians have begun sending fuel and other exports to Cuba.

Add up these developments to other events like the severing of German-Russian economic ties via hijacking of EU foreign policy and the Nordstream gas pipeline sabotage, or the reversal of the Sino-Soviet split by antagonizing both Russia and China at the same time.

I can see a pattern emerging
The neocons are trying to revert the international relations to how it was during the depths of the cold war.

I think the neocons realized that they personally flourished during the cold-war political climate, but when the detente came, all that went away, and society turned towards peace-makers instead. That's why they are trying to recreate those conditions. They simply are optimizing for rising personal careers as cold-warriors, and that's it. Nothing else. All the damage they are causing to the west's geopolitical status , because that strategy no longer works in present material conditions, isn't part of their considerations.

I'm proposing to call this political solipsism


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Is there even a single 4X game that's ever managed to solve the problem of tedious micromanagement in the late-game phase? It seems like this should be a solvable problem, yet I haven't encountered any that have pulled it off.


There are coding games, that require that you make, lets call it, deployable patterns. In a manner of speaking you would play the micromanagement once, record it and then it gets abstracted away from the game-play.

For coding games this is easy because it's like declaring a function. For a UI driven game where players are not expected to enter code, designing player input would be a challenge. I would try to record player actions, analogous to old-school desktop automation software. But you have to somehow shoe-horn that into a set of instructions that can be run in a loop. And you probably want more than one loop, so that the abstracted micromanagement patterns can be switched based on event triggers. Which means now we're making the player record different micromanagement instruction loops. Abstraction does have overhead.

Another option would be to design for constant gameplay complexity. That means you just stop simulating the low level gameplay elements once enough high-level gameplay interaction happens. After-all games don't have to be realistic.


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Although it doesn't relate to the current phase of the game at all, Freeciv does this to a certain extent with its auto-governor system. It allows the player to program certain priorities in how they want their city managed, and then the optimizer will figure out exactly the best way to arrange citizens for any given city. This massively reduces the tedious city-by-city citizen management that was a characteristic of early Civilization games.

One way of relating something like this to game progression I think is to unlock this stuff as a technology or event, making it unavailable to the player until they've passed a certain progression threshold.


>One way of relating something like this to game progression I think is to unlock this stuff as a technology or event, making it unavailable to the player until they've passed a certain progression threshold.
That's actually kinda brilliant, it stops being UI and it becomes game content. But you really do have to nudge players hard to activate it, so they don't get stuck playing in first gear.


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So apparently google is going to attempt force-feeding ads to everybody, including those who really really don't want it, and they will try to break ad-blocker functionality. Many people think that there will be a war on ad-blocking.
Here is a short recap from a tech-channel that's pretty black-pilled about the future of technical work-arounds to ads.

I think it's unreasonable to accept adds because they represent a security risk, because ads load random executable code on your computer. Ads also tend to infringe on privacy by data mining and tracking people. Adds have become crazy intrusive which probably is bad for your mental health, and use too much bandwidth and compute resources. Going online without ad-blockers is the technical equivalent to having unprotected sex with a hooker in a failed state where 30% of the population is infected with an incurable STD.

The tech-porkies will want subscription for freedom from ads, but:
Subscriptions suck in general because it's paying without getting ownership in return, which is a bad deal.
It'll be too expensive for many people who can't afford the paywall and still need another way to protect them selves.
Those platforms are not politically neutral, you'd expect that if you have to pay that you get unfiltered access, but they probably won't do that.

Many fear that if this spreads beyond the googstuff like YouTube, it will become a nightmare to manage a bazillion subscriptions even for those that are loaded enough to afford it. It could create even more walled-garden type distribution monopoly platforms, because the average person probably can't manage more than a handful of subscriptions and that will cause consolidation into a few distribution gate-keepers.

My questions:
1. Will there be a new type of adblock as a technical-fix that will overcome all the attempts of undoing ad-blocks, and all the black-pilled people are wrong ? Will there be new programs that can separate the content from the ads, what will that look like ? ad-blocking is human species being and nothing can prevent it
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It seems so. Tho keep in mind it's very difficult to predict what laws mean for a layperson.

Many people think that Youtube is doing this because they're not making enough money with adds to break even on platform costs. My guess is that add-revenue is probably shrinking because most people have less disposable income (because wealth inequality is growing), and rich people spend a much smaller share of their income on commodity purchases, so all of those adds are chasing a piece of a shrinking pie. It looks like we're winning this round, but this is probably going to come back in some other form.


google's add crusaders have come up with a new scheme.

They want to remove the ability of adblockes to update their block-lists independently from the entire add-on. Which means instead of daily updated block-lists, it might take upto 2 weeks, that delay will probably make them alot less effective.

I predict that Firefox will regain popularity, and some ad-blockers might actually become there own browser.


File: 1718814555899.png ( 25.75 KB , 1258x1076 , adblockwar.png )

Youtube is now trying to inject adds directly into the video stream.

That means that they will cut the actual video at a key-frame and then splice in the add video. The nature of video compression makes it so that it requires computationally expensive re-encoding if the splicing were to occur at a non-key-frame. Key-frames usually happen at one second intervals.

Since users get targeted add videos, that means in order to find the adds one only needs to compare two streams. The add will be what's different in the 2 streams, while the actual video will be whats the same.

This video stream comparison can be done very efficiently because it only requires looking at key-frames in an interval that is short enough to avoid accidentally skipping over an add. It's enough to compare a random sample of pixels every 10 seconds or so. Once a statistically significant divergence is detected, you found a key-frame that belonged to the add. The next step is to sample all the key-frames in front and behind of the divergence match to find the exact beginning and end of the add.

It's also possible to just compare the bit-rate of two streams, videos usually use variable bitrates to optimize compression, that is even less computationally challenging, although it is less robust and will produce occasional errors.

The same principles can also be used with audio and potentially subtitles.

If the Adds are placed in random locations for different users, it will require segmented comparison, which is a variation on a theme of what i have already described. The segments present in both streams are the actual videos the segments not present in both streams are the add.

Youtube could also try to fuck with colors, video speed, or do "poisoned" pixels, and that's why i sugested to use statistical matching, that does allow for correct detection even if there is some variation.
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This will completely break timestamps.

There is also no open platform to move to. And if there was there would have to be a way to pay creators (which is doable). Youtube also has so much content at this point that egress is going to be very painful even if the creators and users were motivated.

>There used to be magnetic tape tv recorders in the 90s that could reliably skip adds in recordings. Those used simple analog circuits that detected the loudness dynamic range compression in add-audio.

That's really cool!


>This will completely break timestamps.
Except for people who use adblock, those will all see the same video where all the timestamps will reference the intended part of the video. Which is ironic.

>There is also no open platform to move to. And if there was there would have to be a way to pay creators (which is doable). Youtube also has so much content at this point that egress is going to be very painful even if the creators and users were motivated.

I have my doubts about youtube's model. They are trying to increase their profits by squeezing more add-revenue out of users, when they really should be trying to radically bring down the cost of video hosting. The big data-center model can't be scaled up much beyond the current size and the AI-enabled-video flood is on the horizon.

I think a peer to peer system would have fewer scaling issue. In that systems creators have to host the primary source file, and the peer to peer aspect helps with demand surges. If suddenly a million people want to see the same video, they all have to help share bandwidth. The self hosting of primary files means that nobody can fill up all your servers.

I don't think that there will be an egress from youtube. When the AI video stuff takes off all the data-center platforms will put severe upload limitations in place, and possibly even do pay to upload. That's when something new can emerge.

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