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 No.10032[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Site-Wide Feedback Thread
Complain about bans and other meta related things

Board Logs
View different board logs by changing the end of the url
249 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Because fuck right wing nazi faggots that's why.


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Hello everyone. I am making this post to announce the establishment of the leftychan official IRC network: irc.leftychan.net/6697 #leftychan
It took about a days worth of work but we finally managed to get her up and running. We plan to establish a bridge connection in the future to the matrix and fbi.gov chats and possibly a massive bridge room too. Also I2P service is coming in the future. So, come join us, anon! It sure would be nice having you around the IRC!
30 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Apparently we do, so I've set one up. Same domain and port as in the OP. It's bridged to the matrix room.

Additionally I hooked it up to i2p, so you can access the irc over i2p by using the domain leftypolmatpqjy3d653eqncfblx6iaze6dlxcax6r6asbito2tq.b32.i2p and either port 6697 (make sure you can accept invalid certs) or 6667 (doesn't use TLS).

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This sticky will be for discussion about the on goings of votes currently happening in the congress.
All votes that happen in the congress must be required to be posted here upon their establishment as a vote in the voting hall.

For anyone who is not aware:

Every single person on this board is entitled one vote on the matrix for any vote that is taking place on sed matrix. Voting functions as follows: Firstly you must join the matrix upon which you will enter a vetting room. The vetting is pretty much to make sure you are not a poltard and that you follow some tenant of socialism, nothing more.

After you are vetted you will be added to the chat, the voting hall and the congress respectively. Any anon may make any proposal at any time
In order for a proposal to become a vote, firstly, a proposal must be created (duh); simply make a post in the votting hall declaring your proposal.
A proposal must receive two thumbs up by two other congress members other than the person who drafted the proposal.

After you get two thumbs up you, or any other congress member, may open up a vote by declaring that it is a vote, a short summary of what the vote is over, and a date and a time for when the vote will conclude.
In order for a vote to pass there must be a civil majority (no ties) from the time the vote opens to the time the vote closes. Votes close, nominally after 3 days from the time they are start, but, if a majority of 6 or more anons over overwhelmingly support the proposal then the vote can be fast tracked to 24 hours upon such a threshold being reached. One last thing: A vote that is deemed critical cannot be fast tracked.
The numbers required for a proposal to become a vote and fast tracking are subject to change as the congress grows, fyi.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Originally it was only viewable by mods. In 2021 antinous made it visible to everyone because an anon requested that feature to prevent samefagging.

But I agree with you, it was probably only for mods for a reason.

For now we've fixed the count, but I've brought up the issue of removing it in the congress.

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Filter Breadtube to Fedtube and Vaush to Agent Kochinski again


Filter deng to dung


filter dung to deng


Filter Hitler to Shekelgrabber


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Filter fascist to faggot
– ontologically, linguistically, historically & actually accurate.
or maybe shitskin subhuman (as they always relate to the aryan race they love so much), th@ works too.


In chan-lingo "fag" or "faggot" are synonyms for "person". You kno, like "old-fag" or "new-fag" that differentiate on the basis of how long somebody has been posting in a chan.

Maybe "fascist" could be filtered to "national-suicide-gang", because historically that's usually how it turned out.

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Are we done with guns? What should the next board topic be?


>Are we done with guns?
As a species ?
Probably not until we can do cheap directed energy weapons.

>What should the next board topic be?

tools ?

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This is a rough analysis of leftypol from a political perspective. Not a lot of time was spent on thinking out the details of this analysis, so it lacks any proposed solutions. It needs critical feedback in order to be fleshed out properly.

The assumption being made here is that leftypol ought to be a discursive platform in support of a left-wing political movement. From this perspective, there are two main issues with leftypol:
- threads tend to surround disconnected topics and events, involving discussions that are low-effort and bereft of value
- leadership drives poor quality discussion by creating irrelevant boards and wantonly censoring posters by highly subjective standards
From this perspective, leftypol ought to have the following characteristics:
- threads should focus more on analysis and critique; organization and practical activities; and reporting of politically relevant events
- posts should be serious and thoughtful, made by users with a sincere desire to pursue the goals of the movement
- leadership should encourage discussion directly connected to the movement, where each board exists to categorize threads by a purpose
- moderation must strictly follow a set of clearly-defined standards which follow from the principles of the movement

Leftypol lacks these qualities because it is not in support of a movement with a political programme in any meaningful sense, and because of the nature of imageboards as a discursive platform. The absence of a programme results in a lack of purpose that engenders reactive rather than proactive engagement, which tends to be driven by superficial posts crafted to generate strong reactions, posted quickly to be nearer the top of the thread and thus among the first to be read. In turn, threads tend to receive more engagement by staying near the top of the catalog by being bumped, creating a feedback loop where impulsivity is rewarded, favoring quantity over quality. While high-quality posts and threads do exist, they tend to be rare and are often tainted by the degenerated culture of the platform. Apart from the imageboard as a technology, the history of imageboard culture arguably plays an equal part in how the platform as a whole is structured.


This might be a blind alley, but let's take a quick and dirty look at how for-profit platforms work. Take Twitter/X for example. Most(?) of its revenue comes from advertiser fees and the sale of data. To this end, advertisers need clearly defined audiences to target, whereas the value of data relies on plentiful and consistent user engagement. The platform supports this by encouraging the development of communities surrounding cultural products and specific personalities. Nearly all content revolves around some form of personality marketing or cultural production. Users are given numerous ways to superficially engage with and curate content. They are served content through an endlessly scrolling feed interspersed with advertisements, and the platform uses various limitations and nudges to encourage content creation which can be consumed with minimal cognitive load. Moderation is oriented towards securing communities and advertisers by policing speech, and eliminating junk content (though what counts as "junk" is pretty much arbitrary at this point).
Other platforms with a developed business model tend to follow the same pattern, driving the process of market concentration and degeneration ("enshittification") that defines a lot of social media, but this could change over time. Smaller cultural producers would prefer a simplified version of decentralized platforms similar to Mastodon, since the lack of such a business model puts less pressure on the platform's developers and maintainers to interfere with content consumption, as well as allowing for interoperability between a multiplicity of niche sub-platforms that can organize in ways that better serve their specific needs. Since existing platforms are under immense financial pressure to maintain their existing business model, it's likely we'll see the development of sophisticated services that help users automatically collate their data across multiple platforms and export them to another one.
With this in mind, as long as we're still assuming that leftypol is supposed to be political, it really doesn't make any sense for it to be structured like other imageboards considering the business model that the most prominent ones operate under. However, simply altering the structure of the site wont help if it still lacks a clearly defined political movement to drive the kind of engagement that is needed.

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We need more banners and a banner thread in general. Give me your pictures for banners and I will bannerfy them
69 posts and 75 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


comrade dylan's boot, normie


stop being such pussys
Add the fucking waifus


Random here, I vote no on adding those two


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add the strasser monika and unabomber waifu, mods. I like edgyness
I don't get it
is this russian ambassador who got shot? lol why was this not added?


>add the strasser monika

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dude, (or madame), why is the overboard catalog black an white?
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>the code is Spaghetti
>leftychan is hosted in a Western country


The explanation and proposed solution are in >>>/tech/12030 2023-03-16.


always though it was because i clicked on a /dead/ thread on the overboard


Stop taking drugs kid.


It's a feature!

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You know, looking back at the split cycles and looking back at how insane the jannies at org are currently what does chan think of the possibility that leftypol.org was the target of CIA/FBI infiltration / divide and conquer? I mean, look, we know the FBI intentionally will go after hacker forums like Raid Forums who are doing grey market shit, but, I don't think it's beyond rationality to think that a website as HUGE and influential as bunkerchan was during its heyday from being targeted by the Feds. In-fact, I would say it makes perfect sense.
Look at the current state of org and tell me it's not glowing brighter than the surface of the sun. I think it makes perfect sense that the FBI would want to get something like org under control and foreign agencies have already targeted us in the past.
So what do you think anons? Fact or fiction?
89 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I remember that. The O9A "general" on org with some poster talking to himself was just another strange episode in a long list of strange episodes on org.


Oh yeah I remember that. He posted a tranifesto using a password protected full metal alchemist tranime password protection. Fucking disgusting Nazi anti-human pedos. They all deserve to be thrown in a pit like the waste they are.


Yeah, what looked suspicious is that the mods allowed those threads to go on for like several weeks before they started to remove them, everyone could tell there was some deliberate shilling going on in them.


While it's likely there is some fuckery, I think it's more the case this is what happens when you let mentally ill, ultra-thin skinned, Idpol/Tumblr obsessed trains into mod positions. Their politics is first and foremost about signalling how "radical" and woke they are and upholding every retarded piece of LGBTQZGDRPGFPS+-+# radlib-ism even if it goes directly against working class agendas or Dialectical Materialist analysis. The amount of times i've copped a ban, for holding the word for word exact same position as pretty much every relevant Marxist through history, lmao.
Like what even is the point of .org? It's literally identical to every "leftwing" reddit sub where you can't critique any fad lib ass position the radlibs have decided is a shibboleth.
This is why Leftist orgs and communities need to engage in serious gatekeeping against crazies, especially of the BPD/NPD variety, becaue as soon as they grab an ounce of power they use it to force out anybody that even questions their retarded positions becaue of their thin skinned narcissistic insanity.
Reminder that Narcissists and BPDs are literally attracted like flies to rotting meat to left wing spaces that don't gatekeep.


<We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that we combine with an established measure of virtue signaling to operationalize the virtuous victim construct. We show that individuals with Dark Triad traits-Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy-more frequently signal virtuous victimhood, controlling for demographic and socioeconomic variables that are commonly associated with victimization in Western societies. In Study 5, we show that a specific dimension of Machiavellianism-amoral manipulation-and a form of narcissism that reflects a person's belief in their superior prosociality predict more frequent virtuous victim signaling. Studies 3, 4, and 6 test our hypothesis that the frequency of emitting virtuous victim signal predicts a person's willingness to engage in and endorse ethically questionable behaviors,
Sound like a reasonable analysis

<such as lying to earn a bonus, intention to purchase counterfeit products and moral judgments of counterfeiters, and making exaggerated claims about being harmed in an organizational context.

How is
>intention to purchase counterfeit products
considered as
<ethically questionable behaviors

LOL did they just try to sneak in copy-monopoly ideology into psychological research.

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What is wrong with Pasquale? Like actually…

Yesterday I made a post half-jokingly how the West should be destroyed for the human race to survive. The post was deleted. I then posted it again and it was deleted within 30s.

Now if you post anything about nuclear war, Pasquale deletes it within 10s, no joke. Can't even mention nuclear war in the Posadist thread or post a news article where Medvedev threatens the West with nukes.

Pasquale thinks I posted it to get his attention and is literally losing his shit in the /meta/ thread because he thinks a post saying "Western capitals should be nuked" is somehow a personal attack against him.

He is literally schizophrenic.
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he has hrt brain


I went ahead and moved this to meta because it seems more apt being there.
Carry on…


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>The schizo had a moment of lucidity
It's not a moment, they do it constantly.
They're flaming, and then cowardly covering their tracks when someone's smart enough not to bite.


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A person who thinks they are untouchable:


Spoiler alert: they were touched a week later.

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