>It appears I've caused some controversyI don't want to point any fingers, but merely offer a case for a bit of shit poasting..
It wouldn't be an out of character remark for me to say I think the left is a bit stale.
My own opinion is firmly grounded in historical materialism, and I've remarked about it a long effort here:
https://leftychan.net/b/res/143076.htmlIt didn't garner a response, and that's honestly fine for me.
But I want to point out is two things, I don't think you're a bad person or some political deviant if you're skeptical. (Except the ghey culture/ political identity left, obviously. Fuck those ppl frfr.) I don't demand anyone believe this or else they're a xyz who supports abc.
If you didn't get all the way through my effort poast, I don't blame you. My big takeaway, the tldr, is that you all should 'poast moar.'
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