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Oh wow, I just watched the mods zap a huge wave of spam just now. Immediately after reporting a few spam ads I started refreshing the page and they were dropping like flies, even ones I didn't report. Good job, jannies!


And 4chan for that matter; Is .org just the equivalent of a Facebook alternative for leftists? No one at org really accomplishes anything and they just echo their own opinions at one another and the moderation stays nebulous just like on Facebook or reddit and while we're at it 4chaj is pretty much like that for poltards.

People bash us for being smaller but at least our rules are pretty objective and our staff aren't up their own asses. Pleroma and net and other alternative services that aren't glow pilled are much better, imo
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Coping about what? Not posting on a dying board run by a bunch of mentally ill faggots? I'm good M8. I think this is cope projection.


>still ass chapped by the 5 people that won't post on .ogre.
Many keks.


1. Egoism is correct

2. Racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. are the natural products of millions of years of evolution.

3. Therefore, all the standards of cultural marxism (racism is wrong, sexism is wrong, homophobia is wrong, etc.) are just moral spooks of society, to be disregarded?

Why force yourself to struggle against natural instincts that benefit the propagation of your genes and memes and grant them increased evolutionary fitness?

Race is the product of genetic traits, and extended family, if you will, which means that if you are white, that means that other white people share a greater amount of genes with you than those of other races, so anything that benefits whites over other races is an evolutionary advantage to your genes.

The "realness" of race has little bearing on this:

It works regardless of how you think racial groupings and genetic traits relate to one another.

Regardless of whether the variation of genetic traits within races has any bearing on the fact that racial groups have a different distribution of genetic traits from one another and are, in fact, defined by such differences (the fact remains that even though the circles around the genes which define racial groups are larger than the gap between the circles, you still have to accept that there is a gap betwen the two circles that sets them apart as clearly separate cirlces without significant enough overlap to say that the differences in genetics arent significant enough to qualify them for taxonomic distinction from one another).
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Holy shit go back


What a retard he thinks stirner is right while also being a fanatical Nazi.

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I am curious about this because I feel like our community is small enough and close enough to achieve something like this.
Only a select few chads actually use this site and I feel like we could bring more quality posting on this boiard by appealing to the nature of secret haxxor culture and making the site only accessible through private secure and anonymous nodes such as tor, i2p, lokinet, etc etc etc.



Yeah, getchan already exists, so that can become the bunker on the clearnet if .ogre goes down or attracts to many rightoids.


Nah, we want to be read for outsiders to join this chan if we ever get popular.


get is full of fags no way


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Getchan is also full of pedophiles.

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The server hosting matrix.leftychan.net as well as our mumble and a few other internal services has been kicked offline by our service provider. On Friday there were some raids and our isp kicked that server offline for 10 minutes and then again for 30 minutes, today it happened again and it will be offline for 24h.

I will find a solution to the spam, hopefully that happens soon as there no reason for me to ask support to bring that server back online without fixing the problem first (since it will just happen again).

Please excuse the inconvenience. If you already were in the matrix room you can still use it using a matrix.org account.
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Isn't there a DDOS protection you can use or something?


The current ddos protection we use (called cloudflare) has a free account but it only works for http (so websites). It wouldn't work for mumble or email or other future stuff. Perhaps cloudflare has a paid account that can help our use-case, I will try to find out what that would cost.


Get on pleroma and pm me you looser


It appears the DDOS attacks have picked up again. Be patient and normal service will eventually be restored.
No DDOS attack can or will last forever.


sometimes canencynnnnvfczzzbcontentquestionsquestionsquestionscbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

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The damage isn't that bad but if you notice the art thread is missing and hand full of posts gone that's because user interface for the mod panel is shit.

A VPN using spammer had his post deleted and once again "delete post by IP" has done its damage. Its not has but I am asking the anon who made this thread to please make it again.


Not that bad**

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The vote to create a leftychan discord community has passed. By a slim margin, but, it has passed none the less. In lieu of this I am going to take the liberty to lay down some very basic ground rules.

1. The discord will have Zero influence over the affairs of the board. Only Matrix Users will be granted that privilege.

2. No Drama or faggotry is going to be tolerated in our discord. We are going to appoint mods very apt at sniffing out faggotry and other fbi.gov type drama whores and they will be granted the privilege of booting anyone they see fit who is attempting to do so.

3. The discord will be subject to removal at any point in time. If you can't use it then you will loose it should the congress see fit.

4. The discord is subject to the will of the congress in the Matrix. Any and all major action taken against the discord and its users will be handled by the congress and the general attitude of the board itself as we see fit.

I personally don't use discord much if at all, so, I am not super familiar with the culture of discord, but, I have heard many negative things about it. (The subject of privacy is another debate entirely.) We strongly encourage using the matrix (which will soon be on our own servers) over the discord for many reasons spanning from privacy to having influence on the on goings of the board. We also understand that this is not a reasonable for every single person and some people just want to grill, so, use the discord at your own discretion, but, be on your P's and Q's.
I was going to lock this thread, but, I think I will leave it unlocked for general discord debate and conversation revolving around it for the time being.

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Because you're talking nonsense, banning won't stop this.
If you can't recognize this fact, you're either a clueless newfag or one of the aspiring circlejerking illuminati wreckers yourself.


What issue? What is "the issue?" They can't take it over if they aren't in it. You're retarded


I'll allow you to play dumb.


Just say it; You thinking democratically voting on a fbi.gov was bad.


Yes. In the same vein as democratically voting for legalizing child rape would be a bad thing.

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On a daily basis we get threads regarding this topic which devolve into endless autistic screeching, moralizing, thinly veiled or mask off reactionary judgements, essentialism, bastardization of materialism, conflation of gender and sex, liberal crybullying, woke scolding, false flagging, without the conversation ever moving anywhere and overall it's just very tiresome to deal with to the point that it would be necessary to do something about this before it completely undermines the already lack luster quality of the site.

If nothing is done, we might as well all just stop posting here and leave the Culture Warriors to do their thing until they cause yet another split.
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>which devolve into endless autistic screeching
this could very quickly devolve into everything i don't like is autistic
this is true
>thinly veiled or mask off reactionary judgements
that might also be an opportunity to change minds of lurkers if proper refutations are made.
>essentialism, bastardization of materialism
nobody here is free from idealism honestly, it would be helpful if we could level up together
>conflation of gender and sex
You can't enforce this. The gender identities separate from sex that were recently invented or discovered, aren't yet scientifically verified. At the moment they are just based on people saying that they feel a certain way or another. That's good enough for sexual preferences that don't apply to everybody, but if you apply new baseline-categories to all people you have to be able to independently verify that stuff. (I don't feel like i have a gender separate from my sex and I will not accept you applying this to me, unless you have evidence, i also don't have a race or soul, nor am i possessed by demons, and i would be furiously angry, if you tried to contradict me on this)
There also is a strategical problem you would re-open the door for white supremacy, they could easily change it from hwhite race to hwhite gender. Don't look at how it is being used right now, look at how it could be abused. Technically speaking purely self professed genders are based on essentialism and it's not a materialist analysis if you have to accept it on faith. So you are breaking your own rules.
can somebody explain to me what that is, i read the dictionary definition: "harassing others while claiming to be the victim"
but i don't really get it.
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Better slow than glow.


Truer words have never been spoken.


You'd be better off banning all discussion of the topic if you don't want to see it. Prevents radlibs using it as a wedge topic to seize control of a community and inciting inflammatory responses. Banning one side of the argument only amounts to allowing the other to sperg endlessly. The fact that the ogres were insistent on only banning people who rejected the ideas of Butler, Serano et al is a large part of what revealed them as reddit radlibs. As well as the endless butthurt about reddit's stupidpol (which allows dissent on that topic).


This is how we become org

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A vote was passed in the congress to merge anime and games into /ent/ I was moving threads and all seemed well. I deleted the boards, but, upon further inspection the pertinent threads from the boards did not merge properly for whatever reason. We're working to fix. Might do a full restore and try again, or, it might not be worth it.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Well I did move all the pertinent threads but there's bugs so -_(0.0)_-


all or most of the anime threads are gone, is there a gzip


Way back?


Most seem to not be existent in the WB machine.

Did the mods here forget how selected threads can be restored from the backups? The board, if even that is beyond the competence of the administration, is one raid away from its end. Why not do the old way of board deprecation and save them to a hidden archived board?


Lol get fucked manchild

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1. publicize the politics of the moderation team in its entirety
2. purge the rightists and recruit more mods among communists in their place
3. start curating content and make reactionary shitposting have actual consequences after its NOT SAGED but DELETED instead
4. start enforcing no idpol and no sectarianism rules with an iron fist
5. take an actually active role as moderators instead of being in effect nothing but the complaints department you have to in practice create a matrix account for because the report function is completely useless
6. fuck growth, fuck pph, fuck numbers since what chasing them has done is more harm than good for our community
7. bring the hammer down on /b/ by gassing the reactionaries and taking out their trash
8. bring the hammer down on the anti-/GET/ defamation which has zero evidence to back up the claim that it is a pedophile site or that it has pedophiles in its moderation, as the forced rumor goes
9. if soyjak.party does not behave or stop its raids, ban all soyjaks and delete the /soy/ general
10. go harder on OPs than regular posts, delete rulebreakers and sage non-rulebreaking bait or shitposts

just some ideas. feedback, criticism and adding to these is very much appreciated
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take a fuckin pill m80


Answer the question .ogre.


Lol it's funny because we're faster than getchan.


Use the report function! Its not useless and the report queue is frequently empty even if there's spam.


>1. publicize the politics of the moderation team in its entirety
How are we to prevent moderators from simply concealing their politics, or otherwise discussing it in secret?
>2. purge the rightists and recruit more mods among communists in their place
How are we to consistently tell apart rightists from non-rightists, and communists from non-communists?
>3. start curating content and make reactionary shitposting have actual consequences after its NOT SAGED but DELETED instead
How should we define what content is worth curating and what content is reactionary?
>4. start enforcing no idpol and no sectarianism rules with an iron fist
How should we define idpol or sectarianism?
How are we to prevent posters from simply concealing their idpol/sectarianism? "It's okay if we don't see it"?
>5. take an actually active role as moderators instead of being in effect nothing but the complaints department you have to in practice create a matrix account for because the report function is completely useless
>6. fuck growth, fuck pph, fuck numbers since what chasing them has done is more harm than good for our community
Do you have proof?
>7. bring the hammer down on /b/ by gassing the reactionaries and taking out their trash
See 3.
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Can we have a geberal news/wsws geberal as to avoid the spam.

Not saying these posts aren't bad, I quite like them, but I believe a general would be bettee

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wsws threads are more than ok


Fuck mods. This is some .ogre shit.


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put your capcode on pussy


We voted on it. If you don't like it join the matrix and join the congress and be present for the votes and proposals.

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