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I've been touching grass for the past 2 weeks, what exactly is this new site? Who's the admin and why have you caused a split?
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>Because we’re not constantly jerking each other off
Sounds like a cope to me
>overt pro LGBTQ sentiment was allowed to run rampant
no It wasn't. You're just a retard who refuses to use the report function, and who expects moderators to be terminally online in every single thread


>Sounds like a cope to me
Nah, you all cluck on and on like a gaggle of old hens. Of course your PPH will be higher.


>Nah, you all cluck on and on like a gaggle of old hens. Of course your PPH will be higher.
This is pure cope because our PPH is 5 posts LOWER on /meta/ and 20 posts higher on /leftypol/. The only one clucking about the drama here is you, meanwhile we discuss serious leftist topic.


You guys use every board to bawk on. Your fastest thread is about leftychad. Serious topics my ass. Anyway if it's do great go there now, shoo!


>no It wasn't
So much of their board is Shay's nudes and chaser anons thirstposting they might as well retitle it /onlytrans/

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We currently have several applications that are over overwhelmingly in favor in the congress. We are waiting for them to resolve. Right now, yes, we are short staffed. Please be patient with us as we work to resolve the issues the board currently holds. If you are interested you can check the assembly board to see the currently existing votes.

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Remove the overboard

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They had the last laugh after all.


It's somehow alive at https://bunkerchan.live/anime/

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I like that if I type out a big post and accidentally open another thread and it still saves my post so I can go back and don't have to type it all back

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This coup was supposed to have improved the state of affairs, but it might just have accelerated the decline of the website. The jannies on all sides seem to be quite disconnected from the masses which have composed the life essence of these boards. It is long past time, therefore, that a tribunal representing the popular thrust be established to directly parley with the cliques of moderators, because there are many problems which urgently require resolving and the petty factionalist struggles of the administration have caused those issues to be forgotten. And what better individual to be the Tribune of the Posters than Shay, who not only has been a fixture around here through the multiple tribulations of migration, retreat, and reconstruction of this place but also represents decently the unity of the ideals which /leftypol/ is supposed to uphold. Steeped in the culture of both effortposts and shitposts, she is rooted in the material reality of the average posters. Shay is proletarian in class background, someone opposed to imperialism and Angloid Boxism, and also one who is not so spooked about the usual progressive canards. The current crop of moderation, be they the junta, the soyjak avatarfag narcissist axis, or the furries, can argue in /meta/ to the end of time, but most of the resident anons dedicated to the improvement of /leftypol/ know a true government of action is of utmost importance at this moment of upheaval.

Make SHAY TAN the SUPREME LEADER of /leftypol/.

Overthrow moderators' bourgeois vestiges.


Ew, fuck no
Shay has barely posted in the last month anyway
Pretty sure they got yeeted along with Caballo and the others


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>Motion to install Shay as Moderator in Chief

>This coup was supposed to have improved the state of affairs, but it might just have accelerated the decline of the website. The jannies on all sides seem to be quite disconnected from the masses which have composed the life essence of these boards. It is long past time, therefore, that a tribunal representing the popular thrust be established to directly parley with the cliques of moderators, because there are many problems which urgently require resolving and the petty factionalist struggles of the administration have caused those issues to be forgotten. And what better individual to be the Tribune of the Posters than Shay, who not only has been a fixture around here through the multiple tribulations of migration, retreat, and reconstruction of this place but also represents decently the unity of the ideals which /leftypol/ is supposed to uphold. Steeped in the culture of both effortposts and shitposts, she is rooted in the material reality of the average posters. Shay is proletarian in class background, someone opposed to imperialism and Angloid Boxism, and also one who is not so spooked about the usual progressive canards. The current crop of moderation, be they the junta, the soyjak avatarfag narcissist axis, or the furries, can argue in /meta/ to the end of time, but most of the resident anons dedicated to the improvement of /leftypol/ know a true government of action is of utmost importance at this moment of upheaval

>Make SHAY TAN the SUPREME LEADER of /leftypol/.

>Overthrow moderators' bourgeois vestiges.


shay is not even alive anymore bro


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I've never been a janny before. Allah knows i don't over moderate either, even in places i have been in charge. But if i see any gore or cp, i will clean it up for free.


Namefags of all kinds need to be defrocked and publicly flogged.

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Where tf the copypasta thread
Not for serious shit but for jokes/memes plus effortposts
I lost my files of effortpost screenshots and need them back


In /b/

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I've been an Imageboard user for 10 years, I've been posting regularly on 8 imageboards ranging from 4chan, to other more niche oriented imageboards and others focused on certain languages.

And I can say with total certainty that leftypol has by far the worst mod team I've ever seen, they can't agree on what the rules mean, they don't understand their own rules, they challenge and dispute each other over petty things, they feel the need to constantly post using their mod caps as a way to bring attention to them, they are unnecessarily obnoxious etc etc.

They all behave like spoiled 15 year olds, no they're even worse, moot managed to moderate and manage a much bigger imageboard at that age, you have absolutely no excuse for your behavior, and this applies to all of you.

Do you really need to make tons and tons of stickies to complain about others? Tons and tons of threads playing victim and blaming other mods? This is not a game, you're running a website, you're at the vanguard of a movement that will be very strong and far reaching in a few years, and instead of doing your jobs as quietly and diligently as possible with clear rules and moderation policies you feel the need to destroy the site with your drama, your stupid backstabbing, your stubbornness and plain horrible behavior.

You're supposed to be adults, well read and intelligent adults, but for some reason you feel the need to act like pic related. While destroying the site at the same time.

Grow a pair, all of you, and focus ffs, this whole shitshow may be fun for some of you (roleplaying as Coupists, dictators or poor victims of the opposition) but it's not fun at all for us, the users of this place.
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




>using 4chan

fuck off conservative socialist


rules ought to be guidelines and moderation ought to be based on discretion rather than lawyer-like adherence to rules. where the mod team fell short was not bringing their disputes into the public domain for discussion before they grew to the point where they started removing one another. in this way, a general policy could be decided for how to moderate any given subject (with rules added, clarified or altered as necessary.)

sorry about the 10 wasted years.


Migrating from bunkerchan was a mistake

also see my thread: >>441498


>fuck off conservative socialist
no u

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Enable flags and IDs in [ assembly / meta ]


Not a bad idea.


It should have been that way since the start. Who knows all the astroturfing that could be going on here


Why not, though it can be easily circumvented. That being said, it could be too hard to implement from scratch from the existing software to be a realistic proposal.
ok glowie


no u

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the postertariat has had enough of this! the janitourgeoisie infighting and couping each other, the site turning to absolute shit! we cant take it anymore and we will not take it anymore!

this thread will be one where the posters will initiate their demands directly to the current ruling junta and finally unionize to protect the place they know and love!

90 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


That wasn’t the response. The rest of the mods aren’t on his side in this to begin with.

t. Was fucking there.


Fucking liar.
The mods agreed to any changes to the system that were to be imposed.


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To all mods, kill yourselves. The postertariat is more important than your faggotry. It's not going to be the /pol/ raids, the soyjakkers, or even the avatarfags, its you that's going to kill this website.


>The mods agreed to any changes to the system that were to be imposed.
That's not the whole picture.
The coupists have no experience doing anything. So the mods were willing to do ALL the work to implement the changes to the system.

The coupists behaved like the classic incompetent hostage scenarios where the retards don't even know what they want so they order pizza.

Let's not forget the hilarious idpol and fedposting """rules"""" that were proposed by the coupists. Weaponized incompetence.
The mods are grill pilled, which was part of the issue because Zul, the drama wrecking faggot, was allowed too long. When the mod team finally unanimously (including watermelon) decided to kick him, the sysadmin initiated a coup. Now Zul and watermelon are fuckbuddies? Lmfao.

Clean up the fucking site, coupists.


once again there seems to be a spate of pol rapefugees in the midst of an attempt to slide into the boards and frankly it makes a person miss the days where the highest annoyance mostly was an excess of pornographic threads by shay

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