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/biz/ board when?


call it /deng/ meanwhile go /hobby/

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OP of this thread is constantly posting with a marx flag, but has always been rather supportive of reactionary talking points. Now he makes a thread about Mosley. This uygha needs to be banned

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I don't wanna click on some disgusting dog fucking thread. How the fuck do I report it without entering it?


click on the box in the top left of the OP to check it and then type a report in the bottom right corner under the delete post function

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While the radlib idpol seems to have decreased of late, there seem to be an increased level of "rightoids are so dumb", "zomg rightoid beliefs" , etc. threads.

This is on top of the increase in them "Hi I'm a libetardian/poltard/etc.. please respond" threads.

I really think this is sucking up valuable time and energy that is better spent on almost anything else. Is there some way to put into force more strict containment threads?

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Can you add [code] tags markup?
Simply change/add: $config['markup_code'] = ("/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/is");
to the config.




it works



Doesn't this place already keep whitespace?
Kinda useless.


the matricks

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Why are you deleting my thread about relocating homeless people, and banning me for "idpol". Is being homeless an identity now, or are you just using "idpol" as a generic ban message for anything that gets your panties in a twist janny? Write a reply if you have a problem with me instead of lashing out autistically.


can you please give a link with the ip in question anon?






Lol, this is so stupid


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>Lol, this is so stupid

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New threads on /leftypol/ are posted on intervals of 45 minutes, after a posts get submitted it stays on a limbo before an admin gives it a green light.

If it gets a red light it is sent to /b/, unless it is an absolute dogshit of a post, then it is erased
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Would those measures have stopped you?


I am not a shitposters though, just because reddit gets triggered doesn't make a poster a shitposter


This is potentially an interesting idea, however it would require more coding, and I doubt people would like the idea of their posts being held in a queue for moderator review. Also; there's an important legal issue here, if you 'pre-review' all posts then you are legally responsible for them. If you 'post-review' like most sites, you can simply claim 'oh sorry we didn't see that post, thanks for bringing it to our attention'.

With that in mind, we will not be implementing this, but thank you for your input.


So it's like moderation, except far more frustrating and complicated, because you can't bear to even see a thread out of place for a few minutes?
Gay idea fam


youre worst than a shitposter, at least shitposts can be funny

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you ever gonna ban avatarfags or are you scared of having your pph go down a bit?
9 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


>Hmm, yes, we need edgy Facebook rejects asking for people to edit their classmate's bikini off.


File: 1624222993895.webm ( 677.61 KB , 360x360 , chen.webm )

Chen is too pure for this world.


We have no plans to ban avatarfags at this time, especially on /b/. Thank you for your concern.


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>We have no plans to ban avatarfags at this time, especially on /b/. Thank you for your concern.
Tell me how I know you're an avatarfag


A few mods are actually some of the avatarfags but I won't reveal which.

t. non-avatarfag mod

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*ruins your thread*
Seriously, when are the jannies going to ban this contrarian retard? He's currently derailed two threads by arguing (1) climate change isn't a real threat and (2) we should support American imperialism against Venezuela.
17 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


We might not like the LeftCom poster, but they actually managed to build left unity


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Hello, I take your point about some of the notable flagposters being a bit of a disruption. Obviously though, we can't just ban everyone who posts with a particular flag because anyone can use a flag. But, we will try to police threads better and more judiciously. Remember that if you see a bad post, you should use the report feature or bring it up in the Matrix congress chat. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


he should have been banned long ago

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Just testing memeflags, ignore this
24 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This is Slavoj Zizek, right?


This is Slavoj Zizek, right?>>6159


Serbia Strong!


Is there a way to view all flags?


Flag previews are now enabled. Selecting a flag will show you what the flag looks like without posting.

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