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Thread creation limit should be on a per board basis. It's silly that I can't make a new thread on /games/ because /leftypol/ and /b/ are being too active.


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This might actually be possible, I'll forward it to the devs.
Sorry for the wait.


Ageing because now that some retard is flooding /leftypol/ I can't make new threads on the side boards.


Working on it now.

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Holy shit just remove those sticky threads from /leftypol/. Who the fuck wants to frequent a board that greets you with RULES AND BUREAUCRACY, followed by THE CORRECT WAY TO SELF-INDOCTRINATE.

If someone violates the rules, you ban them and link them to the rules page.
If someone wants to seek knowledge about marxism, they'll make a thread, five people will answer with differing opinions and then derail the rest of the thread about how their opinion is the right one and everyone else is a retard. That's the FUN part and the whole point. Imageboards are supposed to be fun places for retards. Not some sunday assembly forums for lobotomized bureaucrats.

NEVER have a permanent sticky. Avoid sticky threads. If you really need to inform people about something, have your sticky for a day or a week and remove it. But in normal situations let the people decide what's on the front page.

Then again I bet you'll just ban me for not giving feedback the right way because I'm a normal human being and didn't bother to read any of those FIVE STICKY THREADS you have on /meta/. Jesus Christ they say left can't meme but you sad fucks can't even run an imageboard without turning it into an institution of no-fun-allowed.
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Welcome to the internet newfriend.


This is the right answer


klunga do we have to do this right now?


Stickies are literally for goons. If it wasn't because 4chan came from SA they wouldn't even exist.


>If you really need to inform people about something, have your sticky for a day or a week and remove it.
If you really need to inform people about something, staff should use the global announcement option that comes with vichan. Or fix the home page already.

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So, apparently I got banned, because I stated my opinion on the gender question. But why did I got banned, but not the person to whom I was responding >>314263 to? He started talking about Idpol and he started derailing the thread. Then why did I got banned? I didn't said that I hate trans people or what ever. I'm just not a fan of genderism. Is this really a reason to ban and to suffocate discussion?
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>mfw they are touching the guys prosthetic penis as if it were nothing
I realize they are detached, but it still feels like a personal thing, you know?


translate deutsche anon


Sorry about the ban, it's been lifted



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disable secure tripcodes, tripcodes are meant to be disposable


if they were meant to be disposable then there wouldn't be an option to make them secure.


That's something 4chan retards added many many years later.


Secure tripcodes seem to serve a function, for example in game threads, AMAs or other similar situations. There are no plans to remove them at this time.

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Why are you cunts always on the feds side? You're a fucking joke. I can't imagine a bigger group of snitches and rats than the team you've assembled. Why are you all so keen to grass on everyone? I would rather die than be a snitching little fucker like you are.
Why are you guys so fixated on handing over information to the fucking government? Like I would just bury it, but you guys are properly insane, demented little cunts. Fuck you for selling out hundreds/thousands of communists, fuck you.


What the fuck are you talking about skitzo?
Is this cope from the fall out of the fall of the bunker?


this could be psyop shit, there was another thread early that tried to scare people


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what information lol
is this the brittard whose mad they cant dox people or instigate violence on a public imageboard?

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Make it so that you see which post got you banned.


There is currently no code for this. There are urgent priorities that come before it.
If you are able and willing to code it, you are welcome to do so.

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While there is another thread dealing with this topic, it was very verbally abusive.

But is indeed obvious that there has been a rapid increase in bait threads, bog down topics, low quality posts, etc.

Is there some systematic way this can be dealt with going forward? Besides bans for outright terrible behaviour I mean.

I don't have suggestions myself. The only thing that comes to mind is perhaps low quality threads could be dumped on the b board if a majority of moderators agree.

Any ideas?
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>The only thing that comes to mind is perhaps low quality threads could be dumped on the b board if a majority of moderators agree.
Is this a bit? What do you think 80% of /b/ threads are?


A lot of threads have been started lately that seem to be focused lolbertarian related topics.

I think we may have a troll trying to shift attention (rather than just shitpost).


and the influx of faggots that suggest everything is illegal


But leftypol is radlib central, jannies are radlibs themselves


There are plenty of censored subreddits where you can discuss your ideas in a safe space, dont bring this shit to an imageboard.

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Why is /leftypol/ so censored?

The entire purpose of the “imageboard” website format is to encourage a wide variety of ideas and information by using front-end anonymity and less moderation to spur people to post new ideas. The ability to remain anonymous (on the front end allows people to post different ideas and stops critics from browsing through one’s "post history”. The low-moderation encourages new ideas that would be “revolutionary” or “unsettling”.

This forum (/leftypol/) is heavily moderated which prevents free discussion of ideas. The reason why /pol/ is "avant garde” and “revolutionary” is because it doesn’t censor controversial ideas.

It seems to me that /leftypol/ merely adopts the “aesthetic” of an imageboard instead of its actual purpose.
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But /pol/ censors shit all the time man.


Are you a delusional oldfag or very new and naive ?
There haven't been ANY board that doesn't moderate specific topics.
Text only boards like 2ch are not exempt,and also delete political posts for exemple.
Jannies always curate context and content,and only those who see the posts disappear can tell you if they are censored,and you can't check whether or not they're lying to you (since it's anonymous)
Even off-topic posts also get deleted all the time to curate threads.
Your exemple is one of the worst to choose too as others have already mentioned,any thread made on here would get deleted on /pol/ in less than a day.


I do believe it is moderated too much, at least in some areas. It literally says in our rules that non-leftist topics are allowed. A couple of mods don't realize that, and same with many users.
>The reason why /pol/ is "avant garde” and “revolutionary” is because it doesn’t censor controversial ideas.
They have the same problem of mods deleting stuff that shouldn't be deleted. Also, they aren't avant garde nor revolutionary, unless /mlpol/ and qanon count as avant garde.
>It seems to me that /leftypol/ merely adopts the “aesthetic” of an imageboard instead of its actual purpose.
Who died and made /b/ king? There isn't some inherent purpose of an imageboard. I use them for cybersecurity reasons, convenience and distaste for persistent identity.


commieposting gets regularly deleted on /pol/
post chin, faglord


>avant garde

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Why did you ban me, while this obvious islamic fundamentalist >>304943 is still allowed to post?


lifted the ban


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i hate religioids so much it's unreal
anti-materialists bastards


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it's because being reactionary is anti-idpol and based while being progressive is idpol and cucked
that is how you are against idpol on /leftypol/

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This thread will only be on /leftypol/ for 72 hours before being moved to /meta/, so answer at first convenience.
Greetings users, we at the mod team are trying to understand user browsing habits. We're hoping to understand who the userbase is and how our actions are affecting them, so we're conducting this questionnaire.
Answer as you please, just include a greentext arrow and the number of the question you are responding to.

Survey Start
1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?

2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?

3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?

4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?

5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I read it


>Cat 21: I miss oldBO/Che: 1

Fucking embarrassing, lawl. Like being the only vote during the class representative election.


Tor gets blocked by CloudFlare on the clearnet domain. I know there's an onion domain but the connection is too slow to watch certain videos that are posted. And frankly its only benefit that I see is having a backup if clearnet domain gets censored.

So if possible unblock Tor in your CloudFlare's settings.


It limits a lot of spam :/ especially "the bad spam".

A read-only mirror of the site could be good. It might also serve as a backup. Idk.

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