>>11142>authofagBack to .org you sissy bitch.
Or what, you don't like when le saint authority represses
you instead of someone else, huh? lmao
>>allow criticism of the Vlassovite traitors in Russian government>>Ban any and all criticism of Bashar Al Assad<emprah s*alin iconAuthoschizos just can't cease to amaze. They manage to screech over their beloved SU elites who took all their gubbmint shit into their now officially private hands while
simultaneosly screeching in support of the same neofascist fuck who is doing the same thatcherite/reaganiete economic policies in Syria which mr. pooteen's party does in R*shia!
Fucking disgusting faggot cocksuckers. It's like they make you in some fucking factories or something if one would try to understand how do you manage to have such contradictionary ideas in "
your" "
>>allow antivax, conspiracy theorist, """schizo""" posting>>allow anthropogenic climate change denialIdealistic status quo preserving idiocy.
Way to go for creating a lefty board.
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