Perhaps this belongs in /meta/, but I decided to post this on the main board since very few people even browse there and this concerns everyone.
I've been on /leftypol/ since 2017, and lately I've been feeling pretty depressed about the state of the board. Maybe I was looking at things through rose coloured glasses, but before the latest split I felt like we were just starting to recover from the 8chan days, and building a new chan identity and userbase. The board activity and notoriety grew steadily for the whole of 2020, and sustained itself for the most part even after the Burger election.
Sure, there were constant /pol/ raids and that weird attack by the Thai royalists, but that drama also bred interest. le /pol/face mem, or at least the iteration that triggered halfchan to conduct those giga raids, came from us. I remember talking to several newfags from leftist discords and subs that came to us in those days.
The board was also much, much faster. I still don't have a very clear idea of what caused the latest split, since I was away for few months, but I do know that board activity right now is back to the darkest early days of bunkerchan. And still there are people calling for bunkerfags banned from the site.
>but muh board qualityPicrel is a thread from late-era bunkerchan. While the board quality does suffer proportionally as newfags flood the site, we also get good new posters, and oldfags are encouraged to effortpost when there actually is an audience for quality posting. There are very few regular effortposters left, practically no quality shitposters (who are very important for the site, again picrel) and no threads where different quality posters coalesce to create long chains of effort posts I can enjoy while taking a shit at work.
>It's just a chan, get a lifeI mostly do other things than lurk /leftypol/. I've got a job, a GF, real passions and budding interest in organizing. But /leftypol/ at it's best has been the absolute best leftist online forum, at times even news source. Everything else out there is pure shit. Even the so called "magazines" are shit. /leftypol/ has occupied an important space in the online Left IMO. I come across memes that originate here in far off and surprising places. This board has always been place that punches above its weight in terms of influence, and has been pretty close to being relevant
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