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post R9K culture


That's Walmart Core.


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i feel rly bad because i was going to this girls curiouscat to recommend songs because i have like 3 friends and their music taste differs so much from mine

and like she was calling me “the music anon” and i was hey i got a friend who actually likes similar music, or rather, who likes this genre of music that my friends don’t

and then she went “get out of the shadows let’s be friends” i didn’t really want to but i went and did it, sent her a DM hello i’m the music anon tell me what you think about this /sends a clip/

then she literally ignored the song and just asked some whatever questions like since when was i following her, and i said since september, and that i was following her because my feed was boring since all my friends acted like boomers on twitter, taking themselves too seriously or being g*mers, and also that i didn’t have any friends to send certain songs to

then she asked me “how old are you” and i said “29, only got 1 more year to live sadly” and she said “well that explains the boomerisms”

then she ignored me again, and not just on DMs she never even answered 2 twitter replies i sent such as when she posted that “parents if your child listens to synth pop and post-punk they’re LGBT” and i replied like “what if i like dark wave which kind of mixes both”

and now i feel even weirder because she’s like 18 and i’m 29 with a fake twitter photo (that picrew crap) because i hate taking selfies (last one i posted was in 2017) and i’m wondering if she’s avoiding me because she thinks i’m some kind of internet pedophile???

not gonna lie feeling like shit i miss when i just had a pal to send songs to
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Where's the songs?


>3 days
>still no songs


Do you have any This Ascension albums you can share? I really like August Rain by Trance to the Sun and read somewhere this song was very similar to their music.


>i’m wondering if she’s avoiding me because she thinks i’m some kind of internet pedophile???

relax, brother. She does not think that, otherwise she would had just blocked you long ago. It is just that zoomers tend to behave that way online, they ignore each other sometimes.


>It is just that zoomers tend to behave that way online, they ignore each other sometimes.

Bruh, enough of the genpol.
Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers also behave this way online.
I've had experience dealing with people on hookup personal websites


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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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CHUDs in shambles


Never seen a more heinous example of a criminal trying to whitewash their misdeeds with idpol.


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Hoes on suicide watch




Tik Tok is back


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Friends, let's unite again to fight the evil of this world. Anyone interested in fighting with me against the rot in the world, contact this email [email protected].


Friend? Moar like Fed.


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There is no good reason to oppose incest.
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>Likewise conservatives have no problem pointing out racial differences even though they don't believe in evolution and God made everyone equal.

You know that racial differences as we know them aren't as absolute as you think.

Also, you assume Im an SJW who believes in tabula Rosa theory.



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What would happen if the most fantastic smelling, the most fantastic tasting, pussy you ever came into contact with was your sister's?


>You know that racial differences as we know them aren't as absolute as you think.
>Also, you assume Im an SJW who believes in tabula Rosa theory.
What's your point? You believe that different humans evolved in radically different environments but then magically all turned out basically the same because you don't want to be called a "racist". You are just as dumb as the conservatives you think you're dunking on.


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My younger sister is hot as fuck with big tits and 18 years old. If she ever came on to me and wanted to fuck I would absolutely lay pipe on her with no condom and cum deep inside her pussy as long as it was in a private place where we were both alone so nobody could reasonably catch us.


Jackerman is a hero



Aliens or AI robots could read stuff like this, it could be dangerous.


>AI robots
Doesn't exist


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If Aliens can read this stuff they probably already have warp drives.


A potential hazard of sci-fi films???


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So does anyone on this board actually believe that nuclear war is unironically a good idea?


Of course not
It's a GREAT idea, not merely good




found the alien real-estate agent looking to 'develop' the 3rd planet in the Sol system.


Aren't you tired of being a 3rd planet? Wouldn't u rather live in the luxurious conditions of a first planet from the sun instead of third world conditions?


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 No.15840[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ask your /fit/ related questions here.

Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

<Previous Thread

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Post results. What is your routine? I am still struggling


I'm going slow and steady on 5/3/1 for Beginners. I've been pretty susceptible to either burnout, interruption or other issues last year so it's a good routine for me. It avoids getting btfo+rekt all the time, which fucks up anything else you were doing.
Currently tracking on par with the recommended progression of 2.5kg and 5kg (upper body and lower body respectively) per 3 week cycle.

My legs and back have always been better due to a mix of sports, and posture exercise in teen years.


>androgynous fuckboi asesthetic
Is this over for me bros? I don't wanna reinforce the idea of leftists being gae twinkie fags, it's enough as it is already.


Should steroids be avoided?

>I Asked 100 Gym Goers if They'd Take Steroids
"Is it actually possible to ever do steroids safely?
"Uhm… No… It's impossible, unfortunately. Otherwise, I think a lot more people would be doing it."
>"The tren stories, in particular, people develop homosexual-like tendencies, they will have insatiable libidos, which is a pretty typical outcome, but often this leads to a diversion in sexual appetite, their increasing escalation of intense and extreme pornography to achieve that dopamine hit."
>clips of Ronnie Coleman twerking
Is this real?? This might explain the gay posts online..

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>Should steroids be avoided?
Probably, roids aren't worth it, they have a reputation for causing a lot of health issues.


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Thread for upbeat & anthemic metal for lifting, cardio, etc.
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dance music thread
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Thread about planning, programs, laws, and practice (by the state or others) that have the characteristics of being politically incorrect and or morally questionable, but reasonable and or executable.

My specific request, give me literature about sterilization (forced or not) of people of color, breeding programs, family planning, and eugenics. Not talking about one of those "nAZi BreeDIng ProgRAm DoeSN't WOrK!!! *insert soy" type of books and documents. I am talking about literatures that actually tells me how it is done and doesn't just smear dung all over it.

>inb4 just go at library and gov websites bro

<I have specific sub mental disability of ADHD that doesn't allow me to do things that even a autist could.


Are you that brownanon that's obsessed with white skin?


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Im just here to rant. Im too scaredof popular forums because of glowies. And truth be told I hate them fake intellectual types so much. The people whose opinions are set in stone, and you can't debate them or anything because they think they're right 24/7. I hate it when people who don't even know what a VPN is try telling me the government is gonna whoop my ass because I go on tor. I hate their snooty laughter, fake ass smiles, the way they scrunch their noses up at you, im so tired. and theyre so stupid too. idk just needed to ramble somewhere. I probably sound like eric harris rn but whatevs


>I probably sound like eric harris rn
… How?



Substituted psychedelia for a doomed planet.
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Christmas comes late now




Nooo my punk band is literally gonna cause the revolution bro I swear tbf on god bruhhhh


Post-Punk isn't punk.



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Thread for kvlt shit
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Early Rotting Christ


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 No.468[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
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How do I know what is the real me?


>online handle is a reference to some fetish shit
>expect me to take you seriously


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>no reply after four whole minutes


All women are whores.


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tired but i don't wanna go to sleep


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 No.7537[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
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"Evolution" in a vague sense was the default "null assumption", but not in the sense that Darwin's theory answered. Darwin wasn't even making a specific revolutionary claim about evolution or creationism. His claim that humans descended from apes was a novel claim, but also one that relied on scant evidence and very spurious claims about natural history and how to detect it.

It is not a great revolution to say "life forms adapt and change over generations" to explain the variety of organisms. It was the eugenists who "taught the controversy" specifically to defend the eugenic creed. I go over this repeatedly in my books though it is never the main point, since I don't believe I need to spell it out for everyone. Instead of attacking Darwin's theory, I work through his assumption that political economy can be placed in nature. That is the basis for everything I write—that history does not work that way, and never did, and that politics and political economy do not work in the way that was mandated. That is not a novel claim from me. But, I hope with my next book I can finally place what I'm writing in a study of history, rather than the trans-historical claims I've made of what it means to speak of the economic or the political.




I am uploading new chapters to Book 4 periodically, and reached chapter 18 so far, with 19 already written and the topics for the next section fleshed out.

I really would like to engage with people about this. I get that my writing is "difficult" after re-reading it and it takes a while to go through all of it.


I'm getting 404 on a lot of those pages, is something wrong with the server?

re: engaging with your writing. tbh I have downloaded the books but mainly just check these threads and your twitter on twitter proxies. have you considered compiling some of your tweets into a separate easier to read book? it'd be like the little red book or society of the spectacle.


I only uploaded up to chapter 18.

There's too many tweets and I pop off whenever I feel like it. I might write a collection of one-off essays. This was originally what I was going to spend the majority of my time doing, but the book got bigger and more involved and I wanted to do it right. Eighth book (if i get to it) is all "disorganized" since the first thing I say, after all I wrote, is that there really is nothing to make of humanity and no "goal" as such other than to survive in a world gone horribly wrong. That would be the "Quotations from Chairman Eugene". Society of the Spectacle is shit btw. Nothing about this is about a "spectacle" or "display". That's always been an ideological grift. The real game is eugenics all of the way through, and Debord wants you to class that as "spectacle" rather than the death cult and torture being the point and the supposed "material interests" are only there to feed the ritual sacrifice. It was an insult to us who had to be humiliated, whose families were put through the wringer, while these grifters collected their increasingly meager paychecks for writing that shit.


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 No.1351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
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also, point out the pedophile getchan connection to leftypol…. see how fast they ban you lol


reporting child porn to the fbi makes you a bootlicker and a fed, to quote the leftypol usa thread. lots of pedophile ideology in that thread


Reporting child porn to the fbi is basically a citizens duty.

Yes but no…are you one of those people who equate lolicon and real CP?


HOLY SHIT I'VE NEVER NEW ABOUT THIS IN LEFTYPOL. im to it so i didn't know shit what do i do cause i don't be doxxed


Opps miss spelling i mean im new to it and i didn't now :(


 No.5680[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Seeing how there’s multiple /co/ related threads on the board. I think we should just put all of them into one general just for clarity’s sake.

Discuss anything related to comics and animations from comic recs, leftist animations to comic writers’ attempts to larp as leftists.

Seriously is there a worse anarchist in the UK than Alan Moore?
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>implying /v/ even know who bendis is






>The main problem with X-Men is that mutants are actually dangerous.
Not all Mutants.
>There aren’t any black people that emit instant death auras or shoot fire out of their hands so the racism allegory doesn really work. I mean, why the fuck wouldn’t people be worried about mutants when they can just be born with the ability to kill everyone around them even if unintentionally?
Why are Human Leftists so anti-Mutant?


>Why are Human Leftists so anti-Mutant?
It's more like mistrust.

A human body can produce perhaps 500 Watts of continuous power above what is used for keeping the body alive. There is no way you can generate any of the mutant super power effects with a measly half-kilowatt.

For example the magnetic guy made a giant metal bridge weighing like 100000tonnes hover in mid air, that's got to be at least tens of megawatts of power draw. Wherever this power is converted there has to be waste heat and lots of it. So that magnetic mutant can't generate the power from his body, even if he could the heat would incinerate him.

That is all very sus, where are the mutants getting their energy from ? and where is the waste heat going ?


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>TFW even the captchas are gangstalking you


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You think that's bad…


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In most countries it's 16 which I think is good. I'd say there needs to be some "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions added. No reason to have a 17 year old go to jail for dating a 15 year old.
15 is a just a little too young for the age of consent. What is hilarious is that burgers think just big age gaps are pedophilia while the average roastie in America becomes sexually active at 13, and often even younger.
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I don't give a shit how it looks to a country full of cucks. Fuck westoid society and fuck you. 16 is a fucking adult as far as any reasonable person is concerned and if you try to stop me from fucking a willing 16-year-old girl, I will actually unalive you. Fucking sick of your pearl clutching. Happy fucking new year, faggot.


Why do imageboard users always say this?
This is the truth.
Pedophilia is not the same as hebephilia.
Yet they get butthurt if I confuse leftism with liberalism.


Western Europe and North America will soon say that 18-24 is a child.


Already happened. It's not limited to the West though. Even in North Korea marriage is being delayed to 30s.


Yea but I mean to say that the West and its ethnogeographic associates may eventually legally extend childhood to 25.
We are already have social laws discouraging 18-24 from adults activities.


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Post 'em.

Picrel, an '80s zine interviewing the members of Venom in 1984.


Another Venom interview with Sky's Monsters of Rock in 1985.


KISS - The Tom Snyder Show 10/31/1979
Ace Frehley very drunk.


Literally who?


You've never heard of KISS?


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Who else is hyped as fuck for $2 billion worth of triple-A slop?
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at that point why not just do airsoft?


Airsoft looks like an expensive hobby, and it's more limited about where you can play. Running around while awkwardly holding your smartphone makes you look stupid, but nobody will call the police because they didn't know the orange tip means it's a toy-gun.

As far as fully physical play-simulation goes, paintball is probably the most fun. I never played real paintball, but i did play a few matches of a budget-variant that used 2 types of slingshots, one with elastic-rubber bands for small paintball-pellets and a traditional centrifugal rope slingshot that you spin over your head with slightly bigger paintball pellets. That was great fun and comparably cheap since renting slingshots is much cheaper than renting compressed air paintball gear. Slingshots don't impart as much kinetic energy as compressed air, and that means that you don't need protective gear other than for your eyes/ears. You can get away with diving goggles and a headband.

Paintballs are biodegradable and dissolve in water, so rain will clean up the mess but many places require permits none the less, some places only allow for it in dedicated areas that have organizational oversight and safety instructors. That's one advantage all the augmented reality shit has going for it, it's zero fuzz.


I keep coming back to this word.


>I keep coming back to this word.
but what does it mean ?


if GTA 6 is trash, what would u do?

i would cry



Dream Pop, jangles, etc.
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Yep! Although I haven't heard much by them.




Hell yeah





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So it seems a US court has just ruled that Google monopolized the online search market. Now the Department of Justice is "considering" breaking up Google as a potential option in response.

At long last is there finally some hope for the future of the web?
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M$ would be the amusing outcome.
In reality, some company nobody has heard of, that certainly has zero ties with Google, and which conveniently decides to collaborate with Google to continue developing Chromium.


Online advertisement is broken for a fundamental reason. It's inverted the intended logic of consumer-markets. Which is the customer chooses which product to buy. Online Advertisement is about letting the product(technically the seller) choose its customer.

This inversion has existed in all advertisement long before the internet, but it mostly didn't work with old-school media because those couldn't nail down individual people.

Google and most other online ad business' that operates by tracking people, is driving people to adblocking because they want to be the ones that choose. Forcing the issue by messing the browser will not counteract the online ad-revenue decline.

They have to change their advertisement system from scanning people to scanning the context. Want to display an add on a webpage, read/analyze the page and display an add that's related to the content of that page. That doesn't need any people tracking and it returns choice to consumers.

To answer your question, i don't think that they can do anything that can't be changed or reverted later, because it's software.

I've wondered about such a scheme also, but i do wonder how much controle they would be able to exert once there's those extra steps.


So the worms in charge of the Linux Foundation just officially endorsed Chromium as the hegemonic web browser.

>The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, today announced the launch of Supporters of Chromium-Based Bowsers. This initiative aims to fund open development and enhance projects within the Chromium ecosystem, ensuring broad support and sustainability for open source contributions that will drive technological advancement.
>"With the launch of the Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers, we are taking another step forward in empowering the open source community," said Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation. "This project will provide much-needed funding and development support for open development of projects within the Chromium ecosystem."

Is this really the ship they wanna tie themselves to right now? Right in the middle of Google's potential break up by anti-trust rulings?


I don't really know what to make of this either
but lets wait and see what comes out of:
<empowering the open source community
<funding and
<open development of projects within the Chromium ecosystem

Could be marketing word salad for a corporate enshitification project or something worthwhile that's beneficial to quality libre tech.


>Is this really the ship they wanna tie themselves to right now? Right in the middle of Google's potential break up by anti-trust rulings?
Yes. Obviously they are positioning themselves to take stewardship of chrome after the state wrestles it away from google.


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>he who does not work shall not eat
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You are totally wrong. Read attached pdf.
>Communism is the abolishion of private property.
Communism is the abolition of class. This has been acomplished in Communist China.
>I suppose all the Bentleys driving around Beijing are owned by very hardworking janitors.
You are brainwashed by capitalism to believe that driving a Bentley makes one bourgeois, but this is only so in capitalism production. In Communist China, wealth is not a sign of capitalist exploitation but a testament to the success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. In line with marxist theory, the value of a Bentley far exceeds any value produced by a janitor. Therefore, it’s clear that those driving Bentleys in Beijing are not janitors but proletarians who play a far more productive role in the economy. If janitors were afforded Bentleys, then they would recieve more value than they produce, which means they would exploit surplus-value from the proletariat; therefore, as per marxist theory, these Bentley driving janitors would be bourgeois in this utopia.


he's right


I think the USSR could have kept reducing the number of hours in the work week and then no one would have a leg to stand on when they talk about stagnation. TBF I think China can start reducing the hours in a working week, not sure why they don't.


>I think the USSR could have kept reducing the number of hours in the work week and then no one would have a leg to stand on when they talk about stagnation.
For perspective the Soviets complained about stagnation when they had over 3% economic growth. Most capitalist countries would consider that a booming economy-

But your idea is not wrong. It's a little bit counter intuitive at first. Lowering work hours actually results in economic growth because it forces improvents of production techniques to make workers more productive. To get more work done in less time. The simple explanation is that by rationing the labor-time, the better tools that speed up the work become the cheaper option.

>TBF I think China can start reducing the hours in a working week, not sure why they don't.

The Chinese don't do anything without coordinating the shit out of it. So they'll queue up the development of more advanced production techniques, then they create the political cadres that get tasked to chase down all the relevant enterprises and prepare them for shorter work days at a higher technical level . And when all their ducks are in a row, they set the hole thing off like a complictaed fireworks show.

I don't know why they do things like that. But it's always amusing when they do, because all the neo-lib econ "experts" come out of the woods to declare with great conviction that it's a sign the chinese economy is about to collapse, and then they're wrong about it every time.


Socialism was always workerist. Why it always sucked. Communism is just some bastard child of that which gives a false promise of no work at some undefinable point.

-isms people are extremely annoying and destructive people in general


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 No.677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
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Ah, hello future Terminator


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I didn't know there was lore behind this VTuber moment


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>A mother has claimed her teenage son was goaded into killing himself by an AI chatbot he was in love with - and she's unveiled a lawsuit on Wednesday against the makers of the artificial intelligence app.

>Sewell Setzer III, a 14-year-old ninth grader in Orlando, Florida, spent the last weeks of his life texting a AI character named after Daenerys Targaryen, a character on 'Game of Thrones.'
>Right before Sewell took his life, the chatbot told him to 'please come home'.
>Before then, their chats ranged from romantic to sexually charged and those resembling two two friends chatting about life.
>On February 23, days before he died by suicide, his parents took away his phone after he got in trouble for talking back to a teacher, according to the suit.



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What made millions of people go and decide to masturbate to these mentally unwell and emotionally abusive (whether they know it or not) women?
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>I literally only saw him suffer. What are you talking about?
you wouldn't get it

suffering and happiness go hand in hand, you can't have one without the other

just like in the first fallout: "For the first time in your life, you are looking at the vast expanse of the sky"


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>Not even your mom likes you at this point, does she?
nah, my mom is okay

only her xenophobia rubs me the wrong way, but it is to be expected from a petty bourg

as long as she doesn't bank roll rightoid death squads..

>I'm not the one crying about fictional chads online.

we're talking about fiction here, no? you expect me to talk about real world chads?

>You're jealous of a fictional 14 year old boy.

nah, I'm not. I would be jealous of Shinji if I couldn't self insert tho.

>You know it to be true.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>what, you think girls don't have eyes or something? female recognition of dymorphic traits was honed by the millions of years of evolution you absolute dumbfuck
It is my experience that your looks aren't that relevant. At least, I'm very normal-looking and have had no trouble wit women. Seems like a skill issue on your part. Maybe go out and get some xp.
>read even a basic wiki article on sexual dymorphism, for fucks sake! such ignorance is embarrassing
This is incel behavior. I prefer actually talking to women.
>then your sentence doesn't make any sense
I was saying that I don't judge you for liking the worst girl. You are allowed to have shit taste.
>That elephant-ears fuck's whole problem is that everyone well, almost everyone kek fucking likes Asuka, and that's not what he had in mind
Anno doesn't like Asuka because he's not a mentally ill loner that wants a girl that cuts herself.
>I can expand the world beyond the "source material", NPC
Yes. We call that fanfiction. This is more like incelfiction, though. All under the umbrella of "making shit up."
>Nah. He WAS and he still IS.
The man has groupies, anon. He's a chad.
>is this even a serious question? OF COURSE
I don't know. Gendo could have moved on. Chads don't usually stick to one female. He also took his wife's name. Typical female behavior.
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>It is my experience that your looks aren't that relevant.
And it is "my experience" that the Earth is flat.

>This is incel behavior.

<studying sexual selection in dymorphic species is incel behavior.

>I was saying that I don't judge you for liking the worst girl.

Yeah, ok, whatever.

The original context was about what Anno thinks, not you.

>Anno doesn't like Asuka because he's not a mentally ill loner that wants a girl that cuts herself.

Nah. He's just a possessive incel bitch throwing a tantrum for not getting it his way.
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I guess this is the Eva thread here.

I rewatched TV Eva for the first time in 23 years since my thirdoid TV station broadcast in the early 00s, and I loved it!
It's not only as good as I remember it as a dumbass 10 year old kid, it's even better as a retarded 33 year old.
The plot was entertaining, I can appreciate the mecha and tokusatsu homages much better now that I've spent my 15 last years being a smelly mecha otaku, the now-retro tech aesthetics were peak, the show has supreme emotional depth and no jaded internet person can convince me otherwise, and it resonates deeply with despite being closer to a normoid than a western otaku of the /a/ variety. And I still have a crush on "teh" Rei somehow

I don't get why deb8 around this show gets so messy online. My guess is that the biblical / old testament theming and the visceral depiction of violence (physical or otherwise) annoys certain sensibilities.

Funnily enough this is the kind of internet post that sent Anno into an autistic frenzy when making EoE back in the '90s, even if I know it's mostly in jest.


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Kpop general

Post and discuss Korean pop (both sides)

inb4: "kpop is reactionary!"

Chollima On The Wing - DPRK Music Video

Furthermore, there is a blockchain themed Kpop group active right now named tripleS (that lets fans vote using NFTs), and the DPRK has been dabbling in cryptocurrency, so there you go..
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Wish I had some potato taffy & an abundant potato harvest.


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my kpop cards came in


I'm assuming this is related to the music genre, but what's a kpop card ? and why did you get it ?


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>what's a kpop card ?
They're photo cards of people in the kpop group. In this case, I bought a bootleg lomo cards from Aliexpress because it's cheaper.

An album usually includes photocards. But if I bought an album+shipping, it would cost around 100 bucks.

>and why did you get it ?

I bought it because I am a fan and consoomer/enjoyer.

>What is lomo?

Pic attached. Turns out there's a Soviet connection. Another win for kpop enjoyers.


The real question is, are they original prints or are they copies.


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Should I start a carnivore/raw primal/high cholesterol ,high-fat diet?
I know how terribly unhealthy this all sounds but it also sounds hyper-masculine and caveman. I know some bodybuilders have 40 eggs a day and theyre fine(inb4 Gaston)
a Builder of Communism must be strong and manly!


no loser


It will raise your testosterone and kill you at the same time. You will die from a heart attack while masturbating furiously.
IMO it's worth it.


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I thought this was already the diet of the average Argentinian?


Thoughts on diets?

- Pescetarian diet (only seafood in an otherwise vegetarian diet)
- Mediterranean diet (plant-based diet, focusing on unprocessed cereals, legumes, vegetables, and fruits - also, moderate consumption of fish, dairy products (mostly cheese and yogurt), and a low amount of red meat - and olive oil)
- DASH diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods)
- Vegetarianism (practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, insects, and the flesh of any other animal). It may also include abstaining from eating all by-products of animal slaughter)


>10. European Union (28 countries)
How are they gonna mash all that up? What about the poorer countries in the EU?


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When I was young I liked natural women then growing up I realized it's actually natural made-up looking women that I like. Women who didn't put too much makeup. My question is, why are most women ugly without makeup.
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Women have been wearing makeup since at least ancient Egypt.


I said modern makeup industry. Which is mass produced, cheap consumerist makeup. Not artisanal niche products.


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I'm not a ghoul.


The modern cosmetic industry started around the transition between the Early to Late Modern Era


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