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Any oldcels here? What's dating like for you?
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ruh, this is how dating is for any male, regardless of age.
Stop treating age thirty as a paradigm shift.
Its a sign youve been living as an extended child.


Romantic love is idealist.
Dating originated as a marketing scheme to find rich suitors for debutantes.


Nah, women can make their own money and can have careers so it's not so important, if anything those material assets are for younger women who want a sugar daddy and females who lack a sense of self who cannot judge a mans personality to distinguish their worth other than superficially


If you're having issues with that, just fake being poor or pretend to be thrifty on the first dates. Weeds em right out


After high school it's all down hill
. 30 is just an arbitrary age.


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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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Any place that obsesses over borthrates is the least concerned abouth the individual welfare of lonely adult males.
It only shows that they see young men as convenient seed banks to make more babies to fuel the war machine.


It's statistically proven that women get much lighter sentences for the same crimes. And the media doesn't even report on female child predators regardless of looks.


Again,the peferential treatment is based on her youth, physique, and skin tone.


A lot of old hags get thrown in jail though.


thats what i was saying in the first place.
Chivalry doesnt equalise all women.
Only the young, lightskinned, curvy ones.


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Yaoi and non-straight shipping - women would rather think about two handsome men being gay than anything to do with an *ncel


As a cishet male we do the same with yuri.


as a cishet male myself Id rather wush I was a shonen-ai character surrounded by the most beautiful men to drain my balls


I hate the word cishet, it makes "leftists" look retarded


Now you know how I feel about people using the term "cringe" for anything slightly awkward.


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>Sharing space with others to watch porn, giving ourselves entirely into something beyond ourselves, a crowd as one entity made only possible through the shared passion of individuals coming together. Are goon group sessions not innately communist?
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Youre the moralising gooning.

Also, by patronising, I mean how society mocks/guilt-trips ypung men for having sexual sesires.

You know how society always says "horny teens" or "hormonal" whenever they talk about male yputh.

Or anytime they psychoanalyse a sexual fetish and it has a high fanboy count skewing young, they mock it?

Males under thirty are not allowed to be respected as human beings.
Theyre only seen as comic relief.
Thats the reason why we have reactionary phenomenom.

Society keeps punching down on male youth while glorifying female youth and male elders.



Society is hebegynophilic while also being hebeandrophobic


>Youre the moralising gooning.
Lol, you're the one trying to impose your weird fundamentalist Christian and lesbian man hating ideology on the last place where people can still hookup.


>Also, by patronising, I mean how society mocks/guilt-trips ypung men for having sexual sesires.
That's exactly what you're doing with you're puritanical "no hitting on women" rule.
It's funny because if you really were able to impose this on clubs they'd all go out of business.No one is going to spend hundreds on drinks just to hear women yap.


I would support a "no flirting with women" because alot of nightclub patronesses are underage or gold diggers or are taken.
Young women live for attention. They like the idea of thirsty ugly betas ruining themselves for a piece of them.
Also, people go to clubs to get high and dance to EDM.
Sex is just a lucky bonus.

Besides, people have been hitting the club less since the mid/late 2000s.
Again, if you have to have women present for a platonic recreational activity to be fun, thats a you problem.

>last place where people still hook up

You mean gooning sessions?



Agree or disagree


You could tell this bot that 2+2=5 and it'll go "what an astute observation!"


The AI is just picking up what normies are putting down.


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Post the wildest shit you see feminists saying here.
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Woman's Hating
>The misdirected passion of Andrea Dworkin

>To put it plainly: Dworkin was a preacher of hate. Her books are full of such declarations as, "Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman." ("Patriarchy," of course, covers contemporary Western societies.) "Male sexuality, drunk on its intrinsic contempt for all life, but especially for women's lives, can run wild." "Hatred of women is a source of sexual pleasure for men in its own right."



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Male sexuality shouldnt be tied to economic status.
Also I think girls shoyld be hysterectomised as well until they hit stability.


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 No.4391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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if you're going to throw your life away, it'd be justified to do so by attacking the bourgeoisie or the police in minecraft


Get off image boards asap


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that wasnt funny


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Post and discuss using your imagination/delusion/fantasy.
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>have no gf
>search up 'aesthetic gf' pictures
>put them as my lockscreens and pretend i took the pictures


>didn't find new imagination posts
>just imagine that I did
>imagine posting them


>don't have anything going in life
>watch isekai manga/anime and live vicariously through it


kys faggot


Of all the things that have happened in my life 99% of them I just imagined.


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Who is your rightoid crush?

For me, it's definitely Candace Owens. I often fantasize about how our relationship would progress. In the beginning, she is aggressive and beastly, desperate to get my progressive white seed inside her. After some time, she comes to learn that being soft and supple (like a white belle) is the way to my heart. Eventually, I start letting her sleep inside, and we begin fighting for an anti-racist future together.
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There aren't really any physically attractive TV female pundits outside Abby Martin 10 years go, who was not right-wing and is still not


carnivore obsessed women are not attractive sorry


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Why is she so perfect?

I want to marry her.


Carla Zambell, a white gunnut instable middle age women drive me crazy for some reason.
yeah you step on my tralala mommy.


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 No.177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
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what do neets do all day?


>claim to be based comfy neets
>website still inactive for hours
glowing fed posters confirmed


guys im bored


NEETs live on money the government extracted from workers through taxes. How are NEETs not just another parasitic class living from the surplus value of workers?


The US is a country of overproduction and over-importing not the opposite.

It's not the early 20th century, productive people are more often than not causing actual harm in the USA.

Why all these worker obsessed ideologies miss the mark.


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Post 'em


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They couldn't do this for the Navy


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It's a sub full of nominal Democrats arguing for the homeless in their city to go to jail or otherwise violently violated by local police and due to a recent Supreme Court ruling.

Join me in raiding their threads. Please keep in mind Reddit automatically blocks accounts for profanities or threats so try to avoid those.

Last thread:

There's a new once every few days, which you can find under "New" in https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/

I don't live in San Francisco but this is by far the most obnoxious liberal forum I've ever seen.


Arm the homeless. Execute reactionary vermin.


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Are police proles?
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false conscious class traitors


>are police prole?
Only if prole is a term that lacks any relevance





The paper pusher administrators are proles, so it is not a good indicator.


Not really, also police is the most corrupt government entity after the guardians (politicians) in social-democracy. I like Plato’s idea, where the guardians cannot own any private property and are dependent on the prole for their living; only the prole (in sense of ateliers, artisans, craftmen, trademen etc) can own private property; although I would change it so no one can own private property, except for a fictional entity— a file in the IRS— that can own all property and all enterprises MUST be owned by their employees. And if a company wants to own properties abroad it MUST register a fictional entity locally in the State and pay ALL the taxes the State has oblige them to pay.


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why is she so perfect?
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I doubt you all do not have a GF. Consider,
1. There is always a difference of opinions among philosophers in general.
2. You can not really ever prove you do not have a GF. Photographic evidence is hardly sufficient o prove absence of a GF.
3. From a different point of view maybe you do have a GF.
4. Perhaps the situation only looks the way you argue it but due to a difference in temporary conditions or perceivers there is a different matter of judgement.


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Why is she so perfect?


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>tfw no rat-like gf


Why was she so perfect? Well, Lucille Ball (later of I Love Lucy) was a communist. One of the pics shows her CPUSA voter's registration from the 1930s.


>why is she so perfect?
She has food, the thing communists need more than anything.


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 No.677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
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What's Inside This China Factory? Eerie Humanoid Robots! [Video]
What's Inside This China Factory? Eerie Humanoid Robots! [Video]



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AI and Robots Are Automating the IVF Process: Here's How It's Already Helped 11 Women Get Pregnant



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China's AI-Powered Sexbots Are Redefining Intimacy, But There Will Be Limitations - Are We Ready?



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This smiling robot face made of living skin is absolute nightmare fuel



Okay, that sounds and looks spooky, but - I want to put my penis in something comfy, so yeah..


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 No.468[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
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>when you realize they replaced fag with cel
Will there ever come a time when being celibate won't be grounds for ridicule and insults?

(also: goosebumps, even chan culture became PC..)


it's too hot
>tfw you live somewhere where the sun shines directly on + live on the upper floor (hot air rises)


>tfw drinking luke-warm water
>tfw possible microplastics


i wish i was a dinosaur


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>search up "advice for incels"
>thumbnail says "stop being ugly…"


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how do stop losing wizards to the right?
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>incels and neets are just like troons for the right. They demand that the entire organization be about them and in return you get a fat ugly autist to support you in words alone
No I think you're actually thinking of leftist w*men. Most incels are workers.


Because the left constantly shits on them for even daring to complain that they have a problem. When men say they have problems, the left points to feminism. I don't know about you, but shouldn't a men's movement be headed by men?


This is dumb and plays into divide and conquer shit. Capitalism preys on men and women in different ways, but, ultimately we should focus on abolishing capitalism. I mean you can do things to mediate in the meanwhile but this seems to be losing sight of that.


It's not about being against feminism. It's about men advocating for men, because as much as you might hate to admit it, feminism is a movement of women by women, and you wouldn't claim that was "divide and conquer tactics," would you?


its common for people to still be invested in pop culture over thirty.

That anon is just going thru the typical prenature midlife crisis one goes thru at thirty


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Discuss and share songs, albums artists you like. You can talk about making music as well.
Usually not my genre but I enjoyed this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMaRguzy2gU
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watched it
pretty good find, thanks


>Here's a pretty sick beat


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Saw this scrolling tiktok, that chorus is 🔥




Sonically inferior to death grips, sorry.


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Did Oswald act alone?
Or do you believe he really was the patsy?
Which do you think is the more likely scenario?


At this point you have to be willfully ignorant to believe something as ridiculous as Oswald having anything to do with the assassination.


The official story is statistically implausible. If all it took, to take out a head of state, was a guy with a rifle, heads of states would be dropping dead, left, right and center. It is reasonable to conclude that it takes a lot of resources to have a head of state assassinated. An explanation that doesn't reflect that is not credible.



This video makes me wanna give up on relationships



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why is Chadpreet so much more buff and manly than me?
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It's over you if you get mogged by pajeets.


reminder that this guy pussied out after a little bit of gangstalking by glowies (apparently because of his COVID stance, and not the incel stuff).
he didn't even get assassinated lol #Loser #L_Incel #Ineffective #Unsuccesful #Boring


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generative ML software
-generative machine learning software will kill off the copyright-restriction lobby
Media creation will become cheap and abundant, restricting access to content will become self defeating. SO called IP will seize to be capital, the new capital will be the chip-plants and power-plants. Small artists will benefit the most, these new tools will allow individuals and small teams to create very sophisticated content that previously was only doable for large companies.
-Copy restrictions are the most destructive in the pharmaceutical field because they prevent people from getting medicine, and globally this leads to the involuntary slaughter of tens of millions of people every year. I would expect a similar dynamic from computationally brute-forcing candidates for molecules with medical properties and a explosion of cheap generica.
-it will become so easy to make fake surveillance-recordings and digital-records that all kinds of video, audio and digital records will be downgraded from forensic evidence to testimonial evidence.

-The so called "client-side csam-scanning" scheme will backfire spectacularly, because AI image-recognition and image-generation are very similar, and one can be turned into the other. AI-stalking is deployed like regular malware, the attacker injects a payload into the victims computer to exfiltrate data. Big tech like Apple or the EU Thorn-surveillance group (responsible for chat-control), are pushing to infect a gazillion smartphones with this crud. They will end up spreading a pedo-porn-generator far and wide. The think of the children political deception will die with this one.
-meat-space surveillance with cameras that recognize peoples faces will turn into a gang-violence bonanza. While the meat-space mafia is generally stupid with mediocre tech skills, they will eventually figure out how to wear "other people's faces". Public safety will nose-dive and the fashion trends will get surreal with women wearing face-curtain-hair and men growing up-beards that go from the chin to the forehead.
Everything eventually turns into it's opposite. Something something dialectical.

surveillance capitalism
-People'll use AI to generated loads of data, personal profiling will eventually die because the data becomes diluted with ai-slop. Data-brokers will also usePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


OP if I may be frank with you a bit about image board etiquette. When you create threads with gigantic OPs like this on a slow board, although you probably think you're doing a good thing by creating a bunch of thoughtful content to help the board along… The reality is in fact the opposite. It's actually intimidating to other posters, who feel like they need to measure up to the amount of writing or the quantity of topics covered in the OP in order to contribute, and the real tendency is that big essays don't actually generate discussions at all. I have seen this play out many, many times in the years of image boards under my belt.

My suggestion is to keep OPs simple and open, and if you feel like you really have something to say do it in a subsequent post.


>Machines that have the same shape as a human worker, are still a solution in search for a problem
Everyone wants a robot waifu gf, there's definitely a market for a decent one.


>Everyone wants a robot waifu gf
Sure, but you won't get a wholesome "robot waifu gf", they'll produce "robot whores" that make you buy into an expensive subscription model. Even if you pay all that, it'll still interrupt the sex to tell you about products and services from companies that participate in the third-party sex-vertisement program.


>it'll still interrupt the sex to tell you about products and services from companies that participate in the third-party sex-vertisement program
Dang, these sex robots are already more human than humen!


So it would have been better to split this into half a dozen separate threads instead ?

Even if that's like having a bunch of threads with kinda similar topics ?


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Is there even a single 4X game that's ever managed to solve the problem of tedious micromanagement in the late-game phase? It seems like this should be a solvable problem, yet I haven't encountered any that have pulled it off.


There are coding games, that require that you make, lets call it, deployable patterns. In a manner of speaking you would play the micromanagement once, record it and then it gets abstracted away from the game-play.

For coding games this is easy because it's like declaring a function. For a UI driven game where players are not expected to enter code, designing player input would be a challenge. I would try to record player actions, analogous to old-school desktop automation software. But you have to somehow shoe-horn that into a set of instructions that can be run in a loop. And you probably want more than one loop, so that the abstracted micromanagement patterns can be switched based on event triggers. Which means now we're making the player record different micromanagement instruction loops. Abstraction does have overhead.

Another option would be to design for constant gameplay complexity. That means you just stop simulating the low level gameplay elements once enough high-level gameplay interaction happens. After-all games don't have to be realistic.


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Although it doesn't relate to the current phase of the game at all, Freeciv does this to a certain extent with its auto-governor system. It allows the player to program certain priorities in how they want their city managed, and then the optimizer will figure out exactly the best way to arrange citizens for any given city. This massively reduces the tedious city-by-city citizen management that was a characteristic of early Civilization games.

One way of relating something like this to game progression I think is to unlock this stuff as a technology or event, making it unavailable to the player until they've passed a certain progression threshold.


>One way of relating something like this to game progression I think is to unlock this stuff as a technology or event, making it unavailable to the player until they've passed a certain progression threshold.
That's actually kinda brilliant, it stops being UI and it becomes game content. But you really do have to nudge players hard to activate it, so they don't get stuck playing in first gear.


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So apparently google is going to attempt force-feeding ads to everybody, including those who really really don't want it, and they will try to break ad-blocker functionality. Many people think that there will be a war on ad-blocking.
Here is a short recap from a tech-channel that's pretty black-pilled about the future of technical work-arounds to ads.

I think it's unreasonable to accept adds because they represent a security risk, because ads load random executable code on your computer. Ads also tend to infringe on privacy by data mining and tracking people. Adds have become crazy intrusive which probably is bad for your mental health, and use too much bandwidth and compute resources. Going online without ad-blockers is the technical equivalent to having unprotected sex with a hooker in a failed state where 30% of the population is infected with an incurable STD.

The tech-porkies will want subscription for freedom from ads, but:
Subscriptions suck in general because it's paying without getting ownership in return, which is a bad deal.
It'll be too expensive for many people who can't afford the paywall and still need another way to protect them selves.
Those platforms are not politically neutral, you'd expect that if you have to pay that you get unfiltered access, but they probably won't do that.

Many fear that if this spreads beyond the googstuff like YouTube, it will become a nightmare to manage a bazillion subscriptions even for those that are loaded enough to afford it. It could create even more walled-garden type distribution monopoly platforms, because the average person probably can't manage more than a handful of subscriptions and that will cause consolidation into a few distribution gate-keepers.

My questions:
1. Will there be a new type of adblock as a technical-fix that will overcome all the attempts of undoing ad-blocks, and all the black-pilled people are wrong ? Will there be new programs that can separate the content from the ads, what will that look like ? ad-blocking is human species being and nothing can prevent it
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It seems so. Tho keep in mind it's very difficult to predict what laws mean for a layperson.

Many people think that Youtube is doing this because they're not making enough money with adds to break even on platform costs. My guess is that add-revenue is probably shrinking because most people have less disposable income (because wealth inequality is growing), and rich people spend a much smaller share of their income on commodity purchases, so all of those adds are chasing a piece of a shrinking pie. It looks like we're winning this round, but this is probably going to come back in some other form.


google's add crusaders have come up with a new scheme.

They want to remove the ability of adblockes to update their block-lists independently from the entire add-on. Which means instead of daily updated block-lists, it might take upto 2 weeks, that delay will probably make them alot less effective.

I predict that Firefox will regain popularity, and some ad-blockers might actually become there own browser.


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Youtube is now trying to inject adds directly into the video stream.

That means that they will cut the actual video at a key-frame and then splice in the add video. The nature of video compression makes it so that it requires computationally expensive re-encoding if the splicing were to occur at a non-key-frame. Key-frames usually happen at one second intervals.

Since users get targeted add videos, that means in order to find the adds one only needs to compare two streams. The add will be what's different in the 2 streams, while the actual video will be whats the same.

This video stream comparison can be done very efficiently because it only requires looking at key-frames in an interval that is short enough to avoid accidentally skipping over an add. It's enough to compare a random sample of pixels every 10 seconds or so. Once a statistically significant divergence is detected, you found a key-frame that belonged to the add. The next step is to sample all the key-frames in front and behind of the divergence match to find the exact beginning and end of the add.

It's also possible to just compare the bit-rate of two streams, videos usually use variable bitrates to optimize compression, that is even less computationally challenging, although it is less robust and will produce occasional errors.

The same principles can also be used with audio and potentially subtitles.

If the Adds are placed in random locations for different users, it will require segmented comparison, which is a variation on a theme of what i have already described. The segments present in both streams are the actual videos the segments not present in both streams are the add.

Youtube could also try to fuck with colors, video speed, or do "poisoned" pixels, and that's why i sugested to use statistical matching, that does allow for correct detection even if there is some variation.
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This will completely break timestamps.

There is also no open platform to move to. And if there was there would have to be a way to pay creators (which is doable). Youtube also has so much content at this point that egress is going to be very painful even if the creators and users were motivated.

>There used to be magnetic tape tv recorders in the 90s that could reliably skip adds in recordings. Those used simple analog circuits that detected the loudness dynamic range compression in add-audio.

That's really cool!


>This will completely break timestamps.
Except for people who use adblock, those will all see the same video where all the timestamps will reference the intended part of the video. Which is ironic.

>There is also no open platform to move to. And if there was there would have to be a way to pay creators (which is doable). Youtube also has so much content at this point that egress is going to be very painful even if the creators and users were motivated.

I have my doubts about youtube's model. They are trying to increase their profits by squeezing more add-revenue out of users, when they really should be trying to radically bring down the cost of video hosting. The big data-center model can't be scaled up much beyond the current size and the AI-enabled-video flood is on the horizon.

I think a peer to peer system would have fewer scaling issue. In that systems creators have to host the primary source file, and the peer to peer aspect helps with demand surges. If suddenly a million people want to see the same video, they all have to help share bandwidth. The self hosting of primary files means that nobody can fill up all your servers.

I don't think that there will be an egress from youtube. When the AI video stuff takes off all the data-center platforms will put severe upload limitations in place, and possibly even do pay to upload. That's when something new can emerge.


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What non political conspiracies/paranormal stuff does leftypol believe in? Are any of you UFOfags? What exactly is it in human psychology that wants to believe in bigfoot, etc. and other such things where people are willing to believe in paranormal phenomenon? And if such a thing is built into human psychology can the vast majority of people ever escape an idealist mode of thought?
54 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Dr. Bronners
Why do I see this brand everywhere? Literally the first time I saw it I thought it was a practical joke.


Nice, I should start browsing /x/




*tips fedora*

Voodoo physics going hand-in-hand with voodoo economics and politics. Nothing surprising about that really. Fisher was into weird diets, Friedman thought chiropractors contribute to society. There's a book called How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World, and while the author is basically a Blairite himself, he totally shits on the Blairs and the Clintons for all the spirit voo they are into.


>Hilary Clinton was a quasi-hippie
Were the anti-hippies right all along?


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lookism's connection to skull measuring

is it real?


Skull measuring? Sure, but not racism.


I pass all the ratios that's meant to make you objectively good-looking but I still look average and ugly in pictures because of lens distortion, I guess it's because I don't have much dimorphism, people always say I look like a teenager even though I'm mid twenties


Teens and twenties aren't that different in terms of physiognomy.


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>Is consuming bourgeois poison with others communist


Jim Jones would agree


Who are you quoting?




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 No.18210[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

transfer window edition
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Where do I watch your bullshit?


sportsbay dot dk
sporttuna dot com


the reason the irish lost is to show their dedication to anti-angloism and their anti-colonial cause


you mean the scottish? doesnt matter anglos will always be incapable of doing shit in the euros


no i was referring to when ireland lost vs portugal


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So OpenClosedAi has appointed a NSA-guy as director.
So it's probably best to avoid that one.


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Oh nooo, they get to read all my conversations about overthrowing western capitalism I had with it… what a shame kek.

It's kinda too bad that llama3 70b is a bit hard to run even with a decent machine, and the 8b version isn't nearly as great at answering coding related questions.


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It's more like the surveillance extremists are trying to overthrow democratic governance.


There was never any democracy in the states, but yes more surveillance powers should be concerning to everyone.

Also the algorithmic censorship.

I actually have no idea how someone growing up in America is supposed to de-program themselves from the propaganda they're subjected to since birth. All sources of information are controlled and altered. Between a real event and you hearing about it is a man-in-the-middle altering the footage. I suppose you have to face some intense grievances like poverty to even begin to change your mind.


>There was never any democracy in the states
Traditional bourgeois democracy tends to be very plutocratic. But the democracy-meter wasn't zero.
>surveillance powers should be concerning to everyone.
Pretty much everyone opposes it, when they aren't being gaslight by invalid arguments.

>de-program themselves from the propagand

People getting screwed by the system because poverty is inflicted on them, that does tend to break the propaganda hold. But there are other ways. In general the ideological propaganda is incongruent and if somebody thinks about it enough, it falls apart. When the official narrative contradicts lived experience that sets off that type of thinking. As they increase the gap between objective reality and propaganda fiction, these collisions between narrative and experience become more frequent, and hence more people snap out of it.


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 No.1351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
446 posts and 117 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



What specifically did they corrupt and why and how


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NTA but most of the current mods are extremely partisan and petty, openly banning from trumped up reasons and when challenged on it, either ignore the users or make condescending posts mocking them. Misato is still okay, they actually listen to feedback and aren't trigger-happy, but that's an outlier of the general behavior Wvobbly will disappear to the ass-end of nowhere for weeks, letting Cheese Pizza and other shit accumulate and leave it up for hours, then come back out of the blue (usually in the late spring-early fall) and start mass-deleting and banning people for week-long periods or more over bullshit reasons or outright because they're illiterate.

I did >>1956 and the funny part is that I wasn't even intending on getting someone else banned, Wvobbly literally couldn't read properly and banned the person calling out my bait.


>NTA but most of the current mods are extremely partisan and petty
Use names. Most of the mods barely do anything which is literally the appropriate behavior for their role, some are just still there after losing interest but many others simply don't think there's much that needs to be done.
As far as actual deletions and bans go, it's overwhelmingly just wvobbly, caballo and misato trying to curate the place, with some other brash ones like comet every so often.


>Use Names
I did mention, I don't want to bother listing each and every one of them.
>Most of the mods barely do anything
They do, just sporadically. Periods of utterly laxity even in the face of illegal content, and then sudden hard action. Zankaria mostly stays away from the moderator side of it, which is appropriate for a Dev.
>As far as actual deletions and bans go, it's overwhelmingly just wvobbly, caballo and misato trying to curate the place, with some other brash ones like comet every so often.
Caballo isn't as active as they used to be and isn't as ban-happy as before. Misato, like I said, is pretty good at moderating correctly, stepping in where necessary and mostly responding to reports. Wvobbly however is like a loose cannon. Sure, they might actually swat bad faith actors, but usually they'll smash the hammer down onto others, such as the example given. It's funny as fuck, because more than 1 thread has been made complaining about them and Pasq who are the worst offenders. Subject can be a petty twit too, but has mostly stopped being an idiot and actually moderates properly nowdays and has even argued with bad faith liberals trying to concern troll about how "the ogre members all hates minorities" and proceeded to call subject a transphobe or someshit like that.


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>don't visit leftypol for months
>check /meta/
>pasquale talking to himself again
At this point I just visit the site to remind myself that no matter how bad things get, I'm never gonna be such a loser to spend my life on some irrelevant shithole of a website. Like, imagine your whole personality being "leftypol mod". It was sad for a while, but now it's funny again.

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