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File: 1621661853370.png ( 263.53 KB , 342x291 , Shadowrun_(1996)_Coverart.png )


>Shadowrun is a cyberpunk visual novel role-playing video game for the Sega Mega-CD adapted from the Japanese version of the pen and paper RPG Shadowrun by FASA (which was created by Group SNE). It was developed by Japanese company Compile and released on February 23, 1996 in Japan only as both the last Mega-CD game released in Japan and the last game released anywhere on the Mega-CD/Sega CD.
Is there an English (fan)translation for this somewhere?


There is one that's dead at barely 20% of the game because they got C&D by who knows who.


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Never ever.

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Does what it says on the tin.
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>Whats special about the map ?

its more like a paradox map, but honestly looks much better and feels more intuitive imo. scrolling to a smaller scale shows terrain, mid level shows provinces with colored borders of nations, high level shows a full political style map. one of my biggest problems with TW usually is how you need to drag the screen because the map doesnt pull out enough but the whole UI looks and feels much better in Three Kingdoms


Shame about the unit variety, or lack thereof.


>future of TW 3K
<we are canceling it and making another version
What the actual fuck?


I guess they're gonna be focussing on the actual 3 kingdoms period this time? But yeah weird that it isn't just an expansion pack (oh wait they want an excuse to release it for £50 again).


I love that now everything on steam is getting downvoted to oblivion. As if that will do anything against CA.

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Japs are too retarded to know about mumble.
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Your IQ is just too low.


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But when you drive a tesla you don't even drive it
Yet another one of life's great past times ruined by proprietary software


>open source
Everything in this picture is bullshit but this is the biggest one.


>Doom (KotH)
>Quake (CtF)
>Rainbow: Team 6 (tactical)
>Tribes (40 player death match)
>Counter Strike: Source (tactical defuse)
<cod (death match)
<halo (death match in space)

if you actually play halo or cod seriously you are an npc
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What is the meaning of this post exactly?


old good,new bad.


yeah all kinds of vehicles including faction specific tanks


Old was new
New is old


>imagine using a bump mine to rocket jump

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Albion (from Fable series) vs Tamriel (from Elder Scrolls series) vs Thedas (from Dragon Age series).

A 1x1 tricontinental war among them, which one would win? I think Albion would utterly crush both due to massive superior tech, magic in Fable series seems to be much more powerful too


Bump, I'm curious


Gotta be honest, it's so long since I played any of those games I can't really answer you


Albion is more united than Tamriel.

If this was of existential dread were to play out, the telvanni mages would be forced to delve deeper into the dwemer ruins and solve the mystery of the disappearing race.


assuming the Aedra and Daedra are a factor, Tamriel easily. the Aedra will bat for the home team and the Daedra would love releasing yet-unseen horrors onto all of these new lands from demonic beasties to magical diseases that these lands have no defense against. and thats before assuming some prophesy boy comes along and reactivates the Brass God or something ridiculous, on the day to day Tamriel would be pretty weak but when they go up to bat they go fucking hard.

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Im a direct victim of crypto mining last week my graphic card died now im stuck with my own board graphic cards
Pls give recommendations for low spec games
I mainly prefer faster paced stuff that isnt to easy but doesnt require thinking to much about strategy etc
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Dorf Fortress


You could try Rome Total War (the original) depending on how good your on-board card is


Cho Ren Sha 68K


Download RetroAchievements, make an account, and start hunting for achievements in retro console games.


extremely cpu intensive though

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It was a different time.


Ron Paul was a socialist


these team roomba videos made me buy orange box cause i wanted to join their server. I ended up playing on a 7chan server instead.
I miss those days




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TF2… home…

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Is anyone interested at playing Minecraft with a thrdie shitskin 25 years old NEET literal faggot?
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Server's up.


Don't play minecraft but bump for wholesomeness


Bump for lonely anon. I might join too if I can manage to login properly.


I did join a certian leftypol server, made some changes and gathered some food for others, can someone post IP adress?


>wake up
>wavedash out of bed
>wavedash past sister
>"kisama ka…"
>wavedash to bathroom
>crouch cancel shit animation
>wavedash outside
>see bully by the bus stop
>"kisama wo koko de owaraseru!"
>wavedash toward bully
>he ducked
>big punish, leaving me in rage
>"Koko ga kisama no hakaba da!"
>wavedash ontop of his corpse


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It's pretty good but the size on disc for a fighting game is beyond a joke man


look here, stage reskins take up a lot of space


I remember when even 20gb was a lot for a single game and now devs are shitting out 100gb+ non-compressed files that are mostly audio like what the fuck man this sucks


Storage space is cheap now so they don't give a shit.

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Is the relinking of the fire like capitalism? Trying to keep it going means it comes back weaker and weaker despite all their efforts to keep the fire going.
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fiction aways mirrors reality


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>dialectics isn't literally magic, stop saying it is!!!!!!!!!!


Imagine being so retarded that you say nothing in a one large paragraph mixed with copious amounts of bad grammar.


you will never be taken seriously


This is a good analysis.
>>9106 is an idiot.

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