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Hello comrades, I've been playing the Harvest Moon/ Rune Factory/ Story of Seasons series for a long time, is Farming Simulator worth it? Is it relaxing and tranquil? Or is it too realistic and a desperate push to break even?

Other sims allowed in this thread too, flight sims, goat sims, whatever.


The Harvest Moon series is best described as a sort of social life RPG. It's a big mistake to group it in with sims, which don't even making any real attempt to be games.

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The site's good for general discussion of gaming stuff of course, but for those who play multiplayer there's no way to connect and team up with/1v1 fellow bunkerbros,
and the actual /leftypol/ Matrix server seems more for direct discussion about political theory (duh) and moderation.
I just wanna play tf2 with bros who don't think 'gasthejuice' is actually funny, you know.
Voot and discuss.
(pic semirelated)

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Let's see how many people here are actually interested in a matrix room for /games/. Here's a room I made (https://matrix.to/#/!YWrRUKLasccyNpfbue:matrix.org?via=matrix.org). I will ask mods to add this to /leftypol/'s matrix community if we get some people on board.


tried joining, says i am not invited, go figure


Did you enter the address or click the link with ). added to the end?


Sorry forgot setting it so anyone who has the link can join. You can try now. https://matrix.to/#/!YWrRUKLasccyNpfbue:matrix.org?via=matrix.org (fixed typo in the link)


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Valve Index: One Year Later
Around when do you believe these will price drop to the more reasonable 200 dollar range?


Can I get a little more context on your link OP before spending 30 minutes increasing the video hit count for a shit eating e-celeb?


That's not an e-celeb. Its what it says on the tin: Review of the Valve Index after a year of usage

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It seems like a pretty random place, but it seems like that these people are pretty much 80% trump supporters. A lot of ex-obsidian guys hang out over there and shit post about SJWs and stuff. It's a pretty big place where Underrail and Age of Decadence (the two big meme CRPGs) developers hang out so it's not a small place.
I Just find it weird how reactionary these people are though.
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Sorry, didn't mean to mansplain


GOOD post.


what does that even mean, this word has no meaning
the ancient regime is dead and will never come back
all I see is the big three technocratic religions fighting each other like the three original god given religions used to do


first cause they're burgers, second many small and loved rpg studios over there have had problem with retarded sjw


also the elitism foster a reactionnary culture I guess

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Farewell gamers of leftypol. /games/ future will be voted on the 31st Dec
The community mostly sees that this board -along with /anime/- should be merged to hobby. We shall meet each other there soon.
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t. OP


What's that site about? They seem reactionary.


This is pretty melodramatic. Game threads on /hobby/ are still game threads.
Join lain regardless tho, it would be more active.


8ch diaspora site for people who hated /a/ and /v/ but still wanted to talk about anime and video games.


Why'd they delete the thread though
I wanted to know what other anons's ideas were
And I also wanted to propose that we should try to repost our new posts from Bunkerchan's hobby boards on this site to let others know that we're here wanting to continue our conversations

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What are your favourites? Been playing pic related (Rogue State) yesterday, it's not the best game but it has a banging national anthem.


Last week I played Suzerain at the suggestion of a topic on bunkerchan, that was better IMO but I ran into a game ending bug which is always sad.

Which ones do you love? Hidden Agenda, Democracy 3, or?

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Should I get it?

I wonder if it will be in favour of libertarian socialism or a completely decontextualised porky screed. The description says it will try to 'tackle the issues of 2020' so that sounds like a winner.
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Why does it have anime style visuals?


That just looks like a contemporary western style to me, though granted there has been a heavy Japanese influence.


>I wonder if it will be in favour of libertarian socialism
Why would it be? The game is based on an anti-communist book


Figures. The fact they had the persmission of the Orwell estate just makes it more damning.

I pirated it and tried to play, but all three times I played it Snowball was exiled from the farm by Napoleon after proposing the windmill and things deteriorated from there. Also, the game basically portrays all of the pigs as pretty hypocritical and malevolent, rather than having Snowball as a 'counterweight' and basically gives the impression that animal farm sucks and it was better when the farmers ran things. I'm sure it's possible to win but after 2.5 plays I don't really wanna put in the effort to do more. It's also VERY repetitive. Overall, a 4/10.


post I was replying to

> Imre Jele – Project Founder

>“Animal Farm is a literary masterpiece which uses deceptively simple language to accurately describe the downfall of communism from the dream of equality into totalitarian oppression. The fate of the farm was all too real for me growing up in totalitarian Hungary.
> “History seems to repeat itself. And once more, Orwell’s classic has become a painfully relevant warning as some Western democracies started using tools and language eerily similar to those of oppressive regimes of the past.
> “I’ve long wanted to explore how, through video gaming, we could design an experience which immerses the player in Orwell’s vision, and in Nerial we found the perfect partner to make this happen.”

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Hi /Games/. Tired of being the same kind of talky-talk board? Want to be a Get Shit Done Board like the imageboards of yore?

Why not help in creating a leftist post-apocalyptic community for Catacylsm:DDA, a singleplayer roguelike-like survival game? It could act as propaganda, that is to say nothing obvious and not just having the communists as the good guys but that could leave players walking away thinking 'huh, maybe some of my ideas about leftism/communism were wrong/unfounded.'

You don't need any knwoledge to help, just your ideas and a willingness to learn simple markup ( JSON ) if you would like to write data.

Mostly right now I am looking for Lore, how the group came together, interesting leftist characters, backstories, mission ideas, anything.

obviously we will have to add our mascot as a character so what kind of stats and proficiencies would Alunya have? If she cannot have cat ears what would be next best thing? Wolfs?


Oh, and C:DDA is the best Survival game out there. Prove me wrong.
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also, we should consider if we want to go with the mainline DDA fork or the Bright Nights fork, or both. DDA is more near-future where bright nights is sci-fi.


I was considering the same. I'm thinking mainline for now and hopefully we can add extra content for BN. Also i'd like to see some more basic factions in vanilla and for BN to become more developed first and become more refined even if it means sticking with vanila lore.

Can you guys tell me how Alunya could be as a person? so i can choose traits and make the dialogue i write for her right now feel less wooden. Character traits, etc?


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I accidentally made her male, but here's a sketch. Maybe no cooking and some survival. And there are plenty more cat perks to add if you want, though I'm not sure how catty she is. Need a furry in here asap to offer advice.


Great. Yea, i will add more cat mutations as time goes by and if you do quests for her, get her to the larger faction base, etc!
Do you think she should start with tail and ears or just ears and they'll mutate the tail fairly early on, such as after first or second mission?
The latter was my thoughts anywas.

Can you send me over the JSON file or just post it here? I dont think this thread will get much interest but if it does we can use a free file sharing service like: https://cryptpad.fr/ Or just github to share eachothers things. :)

I'm working on dong the building she start in at hte moment and will be nice if i had base of character layed out.

I think she will be kind of cagey about her role in protests unit you get to know her more or have high speech/perception. What do you think?


Wrote her first quick quest, havn't checked yet but honestly want to just get them out and refine/bugfix later. What is her cat [KITTY] called? I think some kind of non obvous reference to her ideology or leftypol here could be quite nice.

"type": "mission_definition",
"name": { "str": "Find some cat food for Alunya." },
"goal_condition": {
"and": [ { "u_has_items": { "item": "catfood", "count": 10 } }, { "u_has_items": { "item": "catfood_dry", "count": 5 } } ]
"item": "catfood_dry",
"count": 10,
"difficulty": 1,
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Enroth, home.
At least it was before I fucked everything up.
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>I definitely gave up.
It's a game defintly for people with autism, as it takes a very very long time, alot of detail and planning for you to do it. H2, I need to beat Archibald's, and a few other campaigns, but i got though the hardest ones.


I cant get over how ageless the graphics in these games are. Heroes 2 is almost 25 years old and it still looks gorgeous. I wish modern indie games would go for sprite graphics like these.


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Heroes 2 and 3 were fun as a kid, and I played 3 some later in life, but it's not that great a game. Age of Wonders 3 scratches the same itch, and is a far superior game.
Eador: Masters of the Broken World is also a very interesting game in this genre, but that definitely isn't going to be for everyone.


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Eh, it's been quite a while since I last played it, but I think HoMM5 wasn't half bad. Though I remember the magic system was designed in a way that many factions got in their towns schools of magic that they couldn't use effectively.

It's been an even longer while since I last played 3, and I lost my CD. I guess it's perfect timing though, there's a sale at GOG right now.


AbsoluteZero does livestreams every Sunday afternoon and plays multiplayer using HD HOMM3 HOTA mod.


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I just started playing the original Deus Ex after watching Sseth's video on it recently, and I'm hooked. I played the new games a couple years which were also great, they introduced me to Cyberpunk. Thoughts on the series?
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>>2480>They have loose threads that won't be resolved until the sequel/followup, so why do you treat Mankind Divided differently?I don't like Witcher 2, but one problem it didn't have was this one. The story within the game was done well enough that ending it on a cliffhanger didn't bother anyone. Mankind Divided dropped the ball, and very clearly for trying to squeeze as much as they could out of fans. I've only played through it twice, and in one "session" so maybe i'll lighten up on it if I ever replay it, but I don't feel an urge to. Whereas with every other game in the series I have gone back to multiple times. It wasn't awful, I had fun playing it, it just wasn't at the level of the rest of them.


>>2479>use melee weapons(aim for the back)ah fuck, never tried that. thanks for the pointer.


Does Deus Ex (2000) actually hold up? Not really speaking from a gameplay perspective which I don't care about, but more story and dialogue-wise.
From what I can gather the whole story is basically a hackeyed collection of le ebin X-files tier conspiracy theories except they're TRUE :O but maybe there's more to it and it's actually worth playing. Got to Chinatown last time I played the game and I don't remember being terribly impressed, but maybe I should give it another go?


> le ebin X-files tier conspiracy theories
&ltImplying this is a bad thing
X Files is the greatest show ever made, and its conspiracies are great - and frequently anti-US government.

Anyway, the story in Deus Ex is just a fun conspiracy romp. What makes it stand out is its themes. Whilst the major theme of the game is about the role of technology (e.g. as a replacement for God) it explores many more.
It's different to the later games in that it covers a very large number of themes, whilst the newer games cover a smaller number in greater depth.
There's no game like the original (and the series) so well worth playing.


>melee weapons(aim for the back
Works half of the time. HAving to save/reload every time I wanted to whack someone with a baton is why I dropped this early. Also, sleeper crossbow is completely useless because enemies stay awake for a good ten seconds during which they'll warn everyone.

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