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This game is absolutely brutal and I'm playing all the levels on easy.
It almost seems like every stage has different timings for each button. Considering also you're not allowed to press buttons late.

Is the trick FPS or something? How do you fix it on linux? All builds that do only work on windows and wont work with wine.

Also general thread I guess


Unmodded Friday Night Funkin has inconsistent tracks that do get better in the later weeks. Also mods give better feedback and even remove the penalty for early button press where it simply won't count.



When I played Stepmania I would always set the speed to constant across all tracks.


the game is a buggy mess but it's still easy as fuck. no idea how you can have trouble with it at all, let alone on fuckin easy


I'm op, I figured it out, stare at the buttons and use peripheral vision to check for new inputs.

Because I didn't think of skipping week 2, didn't know it was the final boss.


newgrounds propaganda

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What qualities make an FPS game good? I'm doing this so others can reference, and out of my own curiosity, here's what I know so far: Make the weapons unique and serve different functions, make enemies aggresive and varied, levels shouldn't be corridors, anything else?
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I made a large autistic post about this in the Halo thread: >>3331
But if there's one single piece of advice I can emphasize, it's that the game should have an automap function, so levels can be fearlessly designed with complexity and freedom justifying that.

Unless, of course, the player journeys to some kind of gimmicky madness, like the descent into hell in Doom, or inside the protag's nightmares in Marathon Infinity. Even then, somewhere more "normal" to compare it with is helpful in accentuating the weirdness of weird levels.

Your design's varied weapons and foes seem like the best area to add depth to its combat would be special interactions between enemies/weapons, and different damage types.

Have some enemies be bullet resistant, fireproof/flammable, electrically insulated/vulnerable, etc.

Have different "phases"/"modes" for tougher enemies to encourage weapon combos, like electrocuting an enemy to disable their shields, or using bullets to crack heavy sealed armor then ignite their ammo with flames, or the old standby of regenerating enemies that need to be hit with high explosives to be permakilled. Maybe add group dynamics so some enemies could blow out fires or supercharge each other.

And maybe environmental features, so electricity would be more effective against foes in water, flame would ignite some scenery, etc.


the idea behind the taser was that it would ignore armor and auto stun, unless you charged it, then it's subject to the same rules as anything else, each shot would do 10 (adjust later) "damage" which doesn't mean anything, a stunned enemy isn't anymore easier to kill than others, but if say, you shot an enemy with 100 health 10 time with the taser in quick succesion, they would explode. Your ideas on the more interactions are interesting and I will write some shit down, I had a feeling shields would stop tasers, maybe the taser and flamer (energy weapons) strip that shit down pretty quick like in halo. your comment on igniting ammo and enemies is a good idea, maybe armored grunts need to have their armor breached to prompt the use of a flamer on them, making big booms, I'd always envisioned them as slow shock troops that would march at you with flamers and plasma cannons and have no regard for personal space, so that would be a good counter. Regnerating enemies doesn't gel with the setting, but maybe it would be good to hear other ways explosives could distinguish themselves aside from splash damage. srsly, thanks man, those are good ideas I hadn't thought of


I think that's too general. I have my own likes and dislikes which may not be everyone's.

Things I hate:
>Bullet sponginess
If I shoot you in the head with any caliber and you don't die it kind of breaks my immersion.
>No way to aim accurately
Makes a weapon ridiculous when you can't get a reasonable grouping from across a small room

>Weapons too accurate, no bullet drop(hitcheck)
Half Life 2 The magnum is just a hitcheck from any distance with pixel accuracy. It's ridiculous.

I also probably would lean towards limiting healing to make it harder, but you probably wouldn't want to go for full realism when it comes to gunshot wounds. Can you imagine a game where you get shot in the spine and you're just permanently crippled. I can't think of any besides ARMA.

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>Can you imagine a game where you get shot in the spine and you're just permanently crippled. I can't think of any besides ARMA
I know a game named DEUS where you can lose all your limbs and eyes (which actually change the gameplay,and can't be replaced)
you can also suffer from basic illness etc,it's at a point where it's unplayable and just a meme DOS game,especially since it's hard by itself,but you have to deal with survival elements on top of it. (you can have hiccups and even funnier,the screen where you see your stats is a real ingame element that you have to get batteries to power it up or else you can't see them)


If this is only single player, then:
>give up since single player shooters are naturally boring since with any skill you master the game in seconds.

>Punish slow game play styles
>no snipers unless the game has double jumping and/or dashing
>allow deep customization (guns having variants with inherent stat changes + attachments that change the gun radically)
>give players challenges that are rewarding to do (I don't mean "Do 5 headshot get camo" I'm talking a challenge where all damage you output is half but the exchange is you're worth two men in objective game modes).
>Server Browser, etc.
I can go on, but I won't because I'm gay.

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What are some of your biggest disappointments in vidya anon?

Pic related for me, it pretty much ruined my youthful innocence. When I was a child I believed that there was such a thing as "good" and "bad" developers. That good ones existed who would never betray their fans on greedy marketing decisions, developers who were innately pure and reliable. Then I played this abomination and grew up.
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>take a steamy dump all over the series' core mechanics and the way characters play
I don't like YRC either but they're much closer than most Blazblue sequels
>ruin the character aesthetics
>replace beautiful hand-drawn 2D art with ugly cel-shaded 3D garbage
I mean it's definitely different but the way Xrd looks is the last complaint I'd have with the game.
>remove half the playable cast and introduce a bunch of cringe BlazBlue tier characters
Half is a stretch. People don't even like Justice/Kliff in AC. Do you want more +R Zappa swords?
The only character I don't particularly like from Xrd is Leo, who's just kinda bland. If I could play Elphelt in +R, I would in a heartbeat.


Metroid Other M was the biggest piece of shit I ever played, and it's astonishing how much of its problem can be foreshadowed by Metroid Fusion. Sakamoto should never be allowed to touch the series ever again, although at this rate, who knows if the series is even alive at this point.

Another disappointing garbage that happened to destroyed its own series is Final Fantasy XIII. Its new entries now come out every once a decade and it seems we're also going head first into wacky remake territory.


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>and it's astonishing how much of its problem can be foreshadowed by Metroid Fusion

<1UP: What most people love about Metroid is that it offers a huge, open world. It's non-linear, there's so much to explore, and you can move about at your own pace. Is that something you're going to be retaining for this game, or is it going to be more of a linear, level by level progression?
<Sakamoto: If you think about this one as being maybe similar to Metroid Fusion, then I think you'll have an idea of how the story will play out. It's still linear in the sense that there's a progression, but there are side areas that players can go into. It will retain that true, Metroid feel.
I tried to warn people. But they refused to listen.


The positive critical response was clearly down to the guided review event. I remember gamers diaping out about it way more than was warranted when it actually released. In the end it was a well designed sandbox game with great missions that suffered from too much filler and an unfinished story.


Why would you respect your audience when your audience is video game players?

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Tonight We Riot, an explicitly communist beat-em-up game, is free on GOG today. Anyone here played it?

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If anyone drops a link I'll try it.




>communist and not antifa
is commupunk just cyperpunk but no-one was dumb enough to get brain implants?


This game is alright, nothing amazing, but it's cool to play an openly commie game


About to start playing this on stream for a bit tonight

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A thread dedicated for discussing the Pillars of Eternity game series, as well as anything related to the Project Eternity setting.
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I started playing the game again on your recommendation OP and am really enjoying it. My complaints about having a prebuilt party were misplaced because the interactions between characters and the relationship building mechanics are actually very interesting. Normally I'm not too partial to high fantasy but what I'm saying here >>8218 was really cynical, the setting is very cool, I like the marriage of 18th century colonial era inspired politics and tech with the existence of real but not all powerful gods. Also just as a little note I like how the Vailians(?) seem to be almost all black but are also a colonial power, avoids the eurocentrism of most fantasy without shoving in weird liberal idealization of nonwhite people even in an entirely different universe


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come back OP i want to talk about the game now lmao


Sorry for being away. At first I was planning to do it as a bi-daily thing, but a lot of IRL crap came up that meant I had little time to post. I'll try to rectify it, perhaps on Monday.
Anyway, did you finish the first one or both of them? And is there something in particular you wanted to discuss more about? I was planning to do Thaos>Engwith>Gods>PoE2


oh i was just fucking around anon no worries. i didnt play the 1st one and im maybe halfway thru the 2nd, got 60 hours in it so far, party level 11 and doing side quests before doing the He Waits In Fire Quest.

not sure how long the main eothas quest is or how long the faction quests are, but so far my faction priorities have been Deadfire Huana > Principi > Rautai Hauna Trading Co. > Vailia Trading Co. , with the big exception of freeing the dragon from the Watershapers Guild.

really loving the game so far. ive been playing with the turn based combat beta bc i prefer turn based in iso games, but it does make combat a little tedious because the game was obviously designed for real time combat. not sure if i made a mistake in selecting turn based but ill just play it through like this anyway, nbd.

like i said in my original misguided posts im normally not really into high fantasy or attempts to subvert it but this feels less like a subversion and more like a proper realization of high fantasy, really impressed with the overall balance of tone they accomplished. feels like a sword & sorcery pulpy dungeon crawl and also feels like an unusually compelling contribution to fantasy as a genre

idrk about Thaos at all besides dialogue with Aloth bc i havent played the first one, the Engwithans and their becoming the gods is very interesting to me though.

is there any significant gap between the gameplay of the 1st and 2nd? loving the 2nd enough that ill probably go back and play the 1st anyway but hoping its not much of a downgrade (tho i say this after having just finished a playthru of Temple of Elemental Evil from 2003 lol)


The combat in first one is a bit more annoying. Basically all your good spells are on a per-rest basis and not a per-combat one, but also are more powerful. Also you get a bigger party size than II. This means some companions are more equal than others, especially the chanter who is a builder-spender summoner and the priest who, at least in my experiance, had some of the most useful spells in game.

Base stats matter a lot more for dialogue, so I'd recommend getting more will/perception and some int (although you can Disco Elysium it because some gear gives base stats).

Since you're doing PoEII, guess I'll talk about their factions. Maybe I'll start with Huana. Oh, btw, you should totally explore what lies at the far-east side of the map (specfically the inconspicious floating flotsam). Are you doing the DLCs by any chance?

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Why are like 50% of gamers totally antisocial sociopaths whose only emotions are seething hatred and rage? Why do so many gamers seem completely incapable of empathy or goodwill?
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no, my exposure has been in actually playing multiplayer and PVP oriented games and experiencing how utterly sociopathic gamers are in their habitat.


That's because of the type of games you play, not because all "gamers" are like that. What about people who prefer single player games?


There's plenty of reasons for it, but here are just a few.

A) You're playing multiplayer games, which are over saturated with 'competitive' type players and underrepresented with other types of players, such as story focused or exploration focused or creatively focused players. Those kinds of players tend to be far more easy going, and they are also too busy playing single player games to cool down the atmosphere in multiplayer games.
B) Antisocial parasitic retards are really fucking loud and obnoxious. They are constantly screaming and broadcasting their rage. More chill and relaxed players tend to stay quiet and just play the game. When I play a multiplayer game with a server of, say, 24 people, I generally won't find 50% assholes- what I'll find are 3 players that are public but chill, 3 players that are screeching their raging spergy assholishness, and 18 players that just keep to themselves.
C) Video games are easily accessible to children, and people who have never really emotionally matured past the state of children, for whatever reason. Children aren't really capable of separating themselves from a product, and will invest their ego and self worth into it. If someone is just kind of generally a failure that spends 100% of their available time playing video games instead of growing or maturing, then they'll continue to act like children with an inability to separate themselves from the game they're playing, which leads to seething hate and rage whenever any one of a million things causes dissonance. The server having lots of either manchildren or actual children will lead to a lot of screeching and sperging out.
D) Antisocial, antagonistic and socially parasitic attitudes are actually celebrated by large segments of capitalist society. See all the people who thought that "Greed is good" was meant as an inspirational quote. Cooperation is bad, dominating others is good. Kick and claw and fight your way to the top of the heap, then stomp on the face of everyone below you so that they can't climb up and dethrone you. These are seen as positive behaviours and encouraged, so why wouldn't that translate into video games as well?


play better games lol
I've had games where other players take a few minutes to teach you tips on how to play better.


Its not the games per say but their community, it is why many people do private games where it is only people on their friends list.

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aight imma play a lot of Hotline miami 2 to purge myself from this retarded larp invasion from retardchan


A lifetime bitch.


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There are people out there who want to corrupt the succubus tradwife.
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Who's this semen demon on my /overboard/?


>calling Pathfinder a gacha
What the fuck


1. I've never played it
2. I was just reading to the guy's name and quads.

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shadow of the necropolis edition
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Slower, more deliberate gameplay isn't "shitty gameplay". The gameplay you're talking about is more suited for the singleplayer experience or the multiplayer "set match" experience. Twitchy, fast paced combat isn't suitable for the MMORPG experience, where this type of gameplay conflicts with the social experience which should always be put front an center. As the other poster pointed out, they were able to take down endgame bosses in the current iteration of WoW without need for communication which is a *problem* for any game calling itself "MMO".

If what you want is an adrenaline pumping, super-fast, twitchy experience, I'd never recommend Chess to you because that's not the experience you're going to get from Chess and, at the same time, even the most fast-paced MMO "action combat" system is going to be wholly inferior to singleplayer and set match multiplayer games. And you're not there for the MMO experience anyway, so why bother? Play the better game, the one that suits your tastes.


Speed chess is actually pretty dang adrenaline pumping.


Speed Chess isn't proper Chess. It's one of the many Chess variants.


Also, I don't think even Speed Chess is going to measure up very well in comparison to most physical sports when it comes to being "adrenaline pumping". So, instead of recommending Speed Chess to someone, I'd just recommend they play a sport. Speed Chess would very likely be inferior to someone looking for that kind of experience to something like soccer, football, rugby, tennis, etc.


Is the landlord bullying Leninist from /wowcg/ on /vg/ here by any chance?

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>Heavy isn't actually a communist
>in lore his father was killed by the USSR and his family was sent to a gulag
This is like being told Santa isn't real as a kid.
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Yeah, they pulled a super lib move for PR, saying even Medic isn't evil enough to join the nazis.
Can't blame them, I guess.


I wouldn't blame the medic for flipping nazis off but not making the heavy a commie was a dick move considering how he has a ton of soviet themed cosmetics.


>in lore his father was killed by the USSR and his family was sent to a gulag
There's plenty of people that stayed/became communists despite their family going to prison.


despite that communist heavies are a popular meme
the hammer and sickle pootis heavies transcend lore


Just because you've gotten shit in the USSR doesn't mean you're a not-communist. Think about Valery Sablin, Trotsky, among others. Life is complicated.


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