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 No.9389[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

To join:
>open minecraft
>add server
>use address leftypol.aternos.me and name it whatever you want
If it's offline you can log in to the public-use aternos.org account leftypoluser to turn the server on.
The password for that account is bunkercelsBTFO
Reminder to bump the thread if you bring the server online so other players will see.

Mode: Survival
World Type: Large Biomes
Pirate Friendly: Yes
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>Is there plugin to prevent this from happening?
It's a limit the website imposes because they have limited server space.


How far have you gone from spawn so far?


When i try to join any of the rooms, it says i wasn't invited?

I see, but i meant something like reducing the same numbers of chunks loading, as to alleviate this.

Some 1400 blocks.


>When i try to join any of the rooms, it says i wasn't invited?
I've set the join setting for the rooms from invite only to public. That should do it.


After a few unsuccessful tries, i think i finally managed to create a portal in a nice location to move the base.

Problem is, it seems the portal spawned just outside an Pillager Outpost lol. So if anyone wants to help me clean that shit, i'll gladly accept, as i can only burn so many things with a single flamethrower at a time.

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/v/ and /tg/ tend to say that gatekeeping would've kept the soul of the hobby intact but what would gate keeping even entail anyways?


what a great fucking question. Like being a racist incel was never going to stop women from playing games anyway. Consumer revolts don't work! fucking gamergate retards. Look at how they dumbed down games across the board to appeal to wider audiences. Thats fucking capitalism. You gotta make the money.


Gatekeeping is a stupid concept because it's completely ineffective when it comes to something the gatekeeping group has no control over. The audience of games has always been larger than the desires of a handful of online autists.

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Don't see a thread for this game, let's have one.
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Can we talk about Railway Empire here too? Or is that too capitalist?


Do you recommend? I've been eyeballing it on steam lately
Same genre I suppose, but this game has a VERY steep learning curve and tons of depth, whereas banished is pretty simple.


Yeah I think it's good, though it takes a while to figure out how to set rails properly on 'realistic' (ie trains don't just fly through each other) difficulty (not that complicated really but the game does a poor job of explaining it). You'll want to look up a short guide on that.

I'm going through the DLC now, pretty fun stuff. You can get them on sale for like £3.50 which is worth it to me for a new region and new scenarios.


politics completely aside, I love this game and hope I can soon spend more time in it again.
I do love making my micro DDR


Are there hotkeys for navigating the menu in this game? I don't want to destroy my mouse hand with too much clicking.

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I remember reading the review for one of the Drakengard games in EGM a million years ago and iirc it got big point deductions for a weird incest plot


There is a priest in the first game who rapes children, but he's comically evil, just like everyone else in the game tbh


Imagine having a nice enough butt that people would pay to polish it for you.


How is that a bad thing?


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>anatomically innacurate figurines

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[b]Server is up. Server IP is:[/b]

[b]Server Name is: BunkerHell[/b]

You should be able to download them, extract and plop them into MultiMC.

I'm going to have a shitton of free time over the next few months and I'm thinking about hosting a new Leftypol Minecraft server. Had some experience back in the day hosting factions based servers on the mindcrack modpack. I'm a little rusty but I should be able to pick it all up again reasonably fast.

Right now I'm leaning towards a factions based server (maybe with factions maybe based on lefty ideologies, or people could just sort themselves into teams or w/e) a tech-y modpack based on PVP and a limited mapsize - ideally a large, continent sized island with limited resources and with borders around it so there is some competition for resources (hopefully creating incentive for political alliances and conflict). I'll try to find a plugin which allows physical territory claiming/restricts harvesting of resources on non territory so expanding, building outposts, trade between factions and etc would be encouraged. Nuclear power, high-tech weapons/defense & industry mods are of course a must. Hardcore food/agriculture mods may also be added so there is a need to diversify agriculture/food production and encourage large teams.

I'm willing to put down the money for a decent server and can probably maintain it for a while, possibly indefinitely although that all depends on interest in the idea.
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Is this still active?


Not all threads need to be a +300 posts "general".


ufile says that the file is expired. is there a way i can get the file without paying premium


Is this still on?


This thread is an old bunkerchan thread that was imported in the move to leftypol.org. The newer minecraft server thread is over here >>9389

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Alright, what's everyone's opinion on this?
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>modern revolution
Sounds like liberal bullshit.
>the conditions that lead to the rise of fascism in a nation, the costs of imperialism, forced labor,
>the need for free-and-fair elections, LGBTQ+ rights,
>to empower our team to be fearless in the story we were telling
Nevermind, it is liberal bullshit.

>We also tried to be very careful about how we approached our inspirations, which include Cuba, but also other countries around the world that have experienced political revolutions in their histories.

>In our approach we made sure to seek creators and collaborators for our team who can speak personally to the history and cultures of the regions we were inspired by.
Could this mean that they're focusing on what happens before a revolution?
>I am from a family that has endured the consequences of revolution.


its pretty dull. the game play is ok, story is dumb


Ths isn't out yet though


This is the sequel to 5 right?


I don't know about sequel, but it's certainly the next entry into the series

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Let's end it once and for all
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no you know, all the games have to wait for a remake in a post-capitalist world to be considered art just like any other media :^)


Sometimes, but they're never high art.




That depends what your definition of art is. A game with a good, sophisticated story that has elements of tragedy or comedy can be considered art. The gameplay itself is just competition, a sport like chess played between you and another player or an AI.
>inb4 muh graphics
>inb4 muh music
That's just the decoration, the essence is the story, in video games the graphics and the music are like satellites that orbit around the story.



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Holy shit holy shit did you know comrade Xi Jinping is childhood friends w/ Nie Weiping and plays Go

Holy shit the great helmsman plays Go wow

Also a Go game general


revisionist gaming


That's to too terribly surprising tbh.

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>Squeenix and Disney have collaborated for decades now
>Kingdom Hearts is a massive franchise with something like 50 games that melds Final Fantasy and Disney movies together into one cohesive(?) whole
>Disney have utterly cocked up Star Wars
>Marvel seemingly in disarray after Infinity War
>Squeenix, like Marvel before it, is a large, profitable corporation with a large stable of characters and marketable franchises

My prediction is that as profits fall off from their Marvel products, Disney is going to seek out new mergers/acquisitions to improve their prospects. Squenix is a ripe property, which Disney will seek to exploit by purchasing and/or merging with ala Pixar, and then making a bunch of movies/series based on FF, and using SE's gaming clout to expand further into the extremely profitable world of gaming.

So I hope you're reading for the Kingdom Hearts cinematic universe, because it's fucking coming.


>muh dark ness weebshit
Kingdom hearts’ “lore” is such a giant mountain of shit that is somehow worse than marlel. Most normal movie goer would laugh at it.


>Most normal movie goer
>Disney fans
>final fantasy fans


>My prediction is that as profits fall off from their Marvel products, Disney is going to seek out new mergers/acquisitions to improve their prospects
Of course dude thats par gor the course

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 No.9267[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


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New dev diary dropped yesterday, a few dozens screenshots, looking sexy


Magna mundi was the true EUIV but they had to kill Ubik ….


Urgh, mods will have to fix it


it doesnt look like anything like that will be implemented


The closest thing to Mana is the authority capacity or whatever it's called, which seems to be the replacement for National Focuses from V2.

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