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So our idea was as follows (as I understand what we discussed)

We want to make a VN in Ren'py because the software/coding is pretty easy.

moo_moo knows how to code python for the backend
hardkoba does nice sexy art for the characters
spurdo does 3d and 2d works and can possibly do the backgrounds and/or other design elements
caballo is a writer and can write the novel bit
pepe_pp does writing and some art and can assist with those
moo_moo also does music (electronic) so can handle that

Other people may want to contribute with their skills of course.

Plot concept:
Main character lives in present day Earth sadly because capitalism and the ongoing social collapse sucks.
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It’s a shame, but was one of the things originally said could happen. Do you guys have a very early alpha stage that could be shown


>Do you guys have a very early alpha stage that could be shown
Yeah, I wonder about that too. There's also people who have released their progress to the public like the dudes who made Eisai (they worked on Katawa Shoujo too): https://gitlab.com/Leonhart231/eisai/-/tree/master/
Like this guy said >>4660
>The project can be adopted by another group/person/team if needed.


what is a "VN"?


It's basically a digital version of a choose your own adventure book (in some cases they're like a regular book instead), with (usually) anime visuals and sound.
Or did you mean what VN stands for? Visual novel


In other words, not a game.

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 No.1853[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Devs who left CDPR said otherwise. Fuck r*ddit, what a shitty cesspool of corporate suck ups.


Made for BBC (Big Black Creepypasta)


You are beyond retarded if you believe this.


Considering he used the "Friends from everywhere" meme, he probably doesn't believe this.


Wasn't addressing the Anon, hun.

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Hi /games/. I'm looking for a few volunteers to create a leftist post-apocalyptic community in C:DDA both to discount the Hobbesian idea of war of all against all and show that humans are communal creatures as well as showcasing leftist ideas to a large, international group of gamers.

No Technological Experience or Knowledge is required, mostly just an active imagination, possibly some writing and an interest in having real leftist examples in video games.

If you do not currently play c:dda but would like to understand the other factions that currently exist in the game, read:

It's important to mention that the two currently most developed factions are a capitalist one which broadly speaking are free market capitalists, with some just wanting to make money whilst others are pure 'right libertarian' ideologues. The second being a faction which is the remnants of the old american state and seeks to unite the US back into the old USA. Patriots, Generals, beurocrtats, basically govt people and there patriot supporters.. rumored to have a good portion of the US fleet still active and just off-shore of somewhere preparing for a ground offensive.
These two groups are allies. This is significant as it allows for conflict with leftist organization and as we know Conflict Drives Plot.

Let's Get Shit Done, anons!
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>What sort of game is this? Is it even fun?
Survival. Zombe Survival specifically but it is he most intricate Survival game that exists even f you turn zombies off. guarantee you could not name a more intricate, 'realistic' one.

>I started a few CDDA games, but either did not get out of the starting location or starved/was poisoned, because of the lack of reliable food sources.
You will die a lot. ths is part of the experence. every death is avoidable and you will learn with each one. Find a building to use as a HQ and run expeditions from at night to get food and supllies.

>hey will probably object strongly to any kind of straight-out revolutionary factions.

We could get away with some kind of syndicalist faction though.
Revolution s uncessary because the old orld has been destroyed. Now it s just a matter of building a community (i have an idea for them to start in a church or school, they were using it to have there reading group when it all went down.)

With regards to your other stuff i was thinking they'd start in a building just on the edge of the city but is stlll urban. This gives them some reason to want to try to agitate in the Tacoma Commune so they can take over a rural, working commune and will in the larget context create conflct with the Free Traders Captalist Faction and Old Guard faction which i imagine to be guided by a kind of neo-American Exceptionalism.


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>the old orld has been destroyed
The relations of the pre-Cataclysm USA are mostly destroyed.
Through the strong focus on defense against the zombie hordes, relations above communal level will probably stagnate for the first few years.
However this does not spell out the end of classes.

Because of the sudden nature of the Cataclysm, the starting factions will for the most part be influenced by their former class, as you already took into account.
Therefore we need to carefully weigh the desire of the factions clinging to their former self interests against the emerging material conditions.

>Undo the Cataclysm, or failing that, re-establish civilization under the Old Guard’s control.

>The Old Guard claims to be the remnants of the US Federal government, with an armada of ships in the Atlantic Ocean and a few walled off cities near the coast.
<The established conflict of the Old Guard is predominantly concerned with the administrative question of balancing military presence and living conditions in newformed settlements.
<The Old Guard is probably aware of the large growth potential of their relatively save communities at the coast, so will they be able to regain farmland and resources inland, or will they focus on aquaculture and send missions to overseas?
<Their need of overseas expedition may depend on the success of the Free Traders with stabilizing trading relations and projects like the Tacoma Commune.

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I'm thinking of making a tutorial video for newfriends to better get into this game. Any ideas on how I should structure this? Never done any videos before.
I'm thinking an edited video of the first few days where I explain what is needed to craft the most basic stuff, how to gather supplies etc.


I would structure it as a kind of "what to do in the first few days" thing where it is more a loose set of recommendations you can give which will maximize their chances of survival in all situations. stuff like what skills to raise quickly, what they can do to grind them, good starter weapons, how to use the terrain when fighting towards your advantage, recommended early armor, encumbrance and warmth and how to manage it, ect.


Straight up unnecessary.
Instead make a fun video showcasing all the wacky shit you ran into. Then start that video with a brief explanation of how to get the game, and how it works.
You get more eyeballs pointing your way and it's a more entertaining video besides.

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what's the most based faction?
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bumping dead thread but I play TR. need to brush up on the lore tho.


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Started playing again, feels like I'm missing out on the outfit stuff, anybody playing?


we allready have >>6435
right now this board is kinda dead, you've got to get more people from leftypol.


>right now this board is kinda dead
Well it's not going to improve with that attitude.


Merged but it went to the bottom, so I'mma bump it.

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is it propaganda that all the good, allied phantoms in dark souls are white (or blue) while all the enemy phantoms are red?


Now that's an interesting question, does good guy color: blue and bad guy color: red go back before the Cold War?


>does good guy color: blue and bad guy color: red go back before the Cold War?
French vs British comes to mind.
Also the traditional baby colors pre-ww2 was red for male and light blue for female.


>French vs British comes to mind.

That doesn't really seem to fit though because the British were more analogous to the 'international community' (ie during the Napoleonic period) and they were red.

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Something I really respect about this game is that it makes the player squeeze absolutely every little bit of advantage out of its mechanics not just to master the game, but to beat the game at all. From the fact that changing ship speeds damages enemies from your ship exhaust, to contact damage from your gun pods, and even to crashing your ship into large enemies for massive damage at the cost of a power-up because they can't be defeated fast enough any other way, every little bit of mastery of this game's mechanics is required to successfully defeat its brutal second loop and win the game. A lot of games have massive depth that rewards advanced players, but very few of them require diving deep in order to win because the stage design requires it. Are there any other games that do this?


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A-anon? Don't you ever master video games?

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Just played the first 30 mins or so, I guess I made my own bed by buying this game as one of apparently the few people that liked 'action Resident Evil', which this is I guess a repudiation of, but it's the most hackneyed cliche shit. Wandering around a boring shithole at a snail's pace with random noises that you know won't mean anything, seeing generic gross/creepy things, then characters disappearing into nothingness the second you look away at a speed that you KNOW is impossible and is just utter cliche horror shit, everything is paint by the numbers utterly. And yeah, 'it's scary', I guess so, but I also expected a game, not just the game equivalent of a trashy horror flick. Clearly I shouldn't have bought this game but I feel I was misled by the hordes of people saying how amazing this is.
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Resident Evil 4 remains the only good mainline Resident Evil game, and even it is not without its problems.


Pft, this game was good OP. You just don't understand how to enjoy shit like this because you are a cynical jaded zoomer faggot.


Fuck off, I was born in the early 90s, I just felt like I was watching one of those shitty jumpscare horror movies where the trailer is 'LOOK AT HOW WE MADE THE AUDIENCE JUMP!!!'


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What more do you want from RE? The whole game is about suspense which I thought the game pulls off masterfully. I think the voice acting is corny, but, fitting. RE1 was extremely corny. It's not just the jumpscares but the whole ambience of an RE game is about building suspense. You probably went into the game with this shitty attitude and here you are. I thought the game was wonderful and much better than the faggotry that was everything after re4


yeah the beginning of the game is shit. once you get past the second boss it becomes fun though.

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Not sure what to pick for the next playthrough
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I don't hate the game. Its alright, better than other FO's for sure. However its not some ultra mega top all time game either. What I am hating on is the entire chan culture of debating which one of the weaksauce factions are the best.


Dreadfully bad. Mind-numbingly bad.

Fallout is unironically a game for old millennials who no longer have the fast-twitch muscle and rapid hand-eye coordination of their youth, who are embarrassed to play video games in front of their 10 to 14 year old kids.

Falout is for the most casual of casual gamer. Fallout is literally the "Participation Trophy" of video games. Bethesda should rebrand it: "Fallout: The Safe Space… For the Aging Millennial"

>Fallout gameplay summary:

Time to mount my power armor, and now I'm just going to mosey on over to there. And then I'm just going to mosey on over to there. And now, oh, howdy folks, don't mind me, I'm just going to mosey on over to there. Yikes, a quest! Time to do some grinding. Ahh, would you look at that wonderful landscape. Welp, armor up, it's time to mosey on over to there.

>you gais, Fallout is like Elder Scrolls with guns

Stop with that nonsense. At least be honest. Fallout is like all the excitement and energy of bingo night at the senior center. And this game isn't even a game. It is a movie occasionally interrupted by brief grinding to act like a sight-seeing simulator.


>new vegas bad
<scathing critique of fallout 4
new begas is shit but not for the reasons you cite


Accurate review of the Fallout series.


>Time to mount my power armor, and now I'm just going to mosey on over to there. And then I'm just going to mosey on over to there. And now, oh, howdy folks, don't mind me, I'm just going to mosey on over to there. Yikes, a quest! Time to do some grinding. Ahh, would you look at that wonderful landscape. Welp, armor up, it's time to mosey on over to there.

Utterly insipid, you can describe literally any game like this

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A game music thread with a twist. It occurs to me that I don't encounter music like this too often in games, but it's really cool when it's done well. Looking for vidya music that creates a sense of dread and uneasiness, that stresses the player out and adds to the tenseness of a particular level or area in which it plays.
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One more for good measure






doesn't all music have a combination of consonance and dissonance?


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post your torrents
i'll start
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playing phoenix point atm, technically not great but fun overall


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Is turok still good? I used to play it when I was little and I had a really hard time with it, but I still enjoyed it. Turok 2 with all the cheats was ridiculously fun too. "oblivion is at hand" was the cheat I think.


what the fuck torrent search engines y'all use

i updated qbitorrent and now suddly no torrents are being found

i want to download all the DBXV2 dlcs


Share poster torrents plz

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