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I'll start.
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>Chrono Trigger
I wouldn't say it's ahead of its time in any respect, it's just polished beyond belief with a team of people who couldn't be touched. The battle system, the plot, the time traveling aspects, etc had been done in RPGs prior. In fact, there isn't much in CT that I would say future JRPGs took from.
I hate on Earthbound more than I should, not because I actually dislike the game (I think it's a really fun time), but compared to how good some of the RPGs on that console were and how clunky the game was at times, I just can't say it's even in the top five of its genre. Also Mother 3 exists and while it's not fair to compare the two, one is a 8/10 game and one makes Chrono Trigger look like IdeaFactory shlock.
FE7 isn't the best of the series, but it's such an easy game to sink 20+ hours into without realizing where the time gone. Speaking of which, pic related is what I'm going with. Fire Emblem isn't nearly as good as it is without what this game establishes. It's also one of the few games in the series that's meaningfully critical of the premise of the series (superpowered monarchs tear the countryside a new asshole, except this game points out that's not actually good)


How do you feel about The Binding Blade? I found it at a cheap price in a second hand store.


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Actual Best SNES RPG comin through.


It's hard for me to give it a fair shot considering how much of an improvement FE7 and FE8 are. There's just a lot of weak units (even for casual runs) and some truly awful maps. Chapter 14 of FE6 is my least section of gameplay in the entire series, and it looks even worse because FE8's main desert map is one of the coolest fights both from a map design and plot standpoint.


>They're all decent
After Tellios the series became increasingly bad.

>Otherwise you'll be waiting for hundreds of turns to get your preferred romantic pairings.

Just play a regular galge/otome at this point. The dating sim aspects of FE are honestly terrible if you've ever played VNs worth their salt.

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post games where you are monke
hard mode: no donke kong
nightmare mode: you return to monke
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Tell me more about this game


>You start monke
>You grow up stand monke
>Game over
It's a decent 3 hour game imo


Fucking awful game, don't even try it. Utterly miserable, explains nothing, repetitive, boring, etc etc.


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I love F-Zero GX


Did they ever manage to fix the glaring control flaws in DKC Returns?

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What about a mod of minecraft in which you relive eastern european history. So you begin like normally, then you find a village, if you make a certain advancement, or create certain tool to grow crops more efficiently, then you get to take villagers as slaves, but you can only do it by subjugating other villages, so that when you eventually run out of villages nearby then you can simply take them as serfs. then you implement a trading system like the one there is now, but make it so that after becoming masters some villagers become teachers of their craft and teach it to other villagers, and then make it so that at a certain point it becomes more profitable for the player to trade with these, and he becomes compeled to drive away serf villagers, and create capitalism.
Think about it, it could be made really naturally too, you would need to add a system so that you could fight a villager to subjugate him, and make him grow crops, and if he happens to be from your village you can only make him give you a quota of grain, but if he is from another village, then you are allowed to make him give you everything. so that the first one will be more profitable at the beggining, but as you get better tools, then they become more equalised, and you are incentivised to take serfs instead, and then when they are serfs you have to physically fight them to take them out of their land
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>mod the autismblox to teach the crotch goblins about capitalism
This seems like going far out of your way for what you're trying to do. There are already simulationist games that deal with economics. Something along those lines is much better suited to simulating early stage or emergent capitalism than something like minecraft. Just because the base game is popular doesn't mean that your mod would be.


I feel like a Minecraft mod with slaves would get Cheka’d off all the mainstream mod platforms real fast


That was a depression post my god, to clarify (because that post is really spastic), the idea is this. You have one gameplay mechanic, which leads you, according to your material conditions, to behave in different ways, these different ways are close simulations of modes of production. So the mechanic is that if you defeat someone in a battle you get to be their "boss" and thus make them work, and take a part of their product, but that amount of product is different depending on productivity and tools that you give. So at the beggining you can make them give you everything, and only take what they need in food, making them slaves, and then through gameplay conditions you are force to go through the motions, and get serfs and then workers, but not through contextual menus, but through organic gameplay
actually i don't really want to teach anyone anything, i just think it would be a nice game lmao, certainly just because i though of it as a mod, doesn't mean it has to be.

we could always name them something else, these are not slaves clearly, these are life servants or some shit


life servant is not any more politically correct my g


I get what you're saying and your idea makes more sense now but your OP was pretty fuckin weird NGL

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Just finished Touhou Luna Nights liked it alot but could've been a bit longer.
Recommend me good Touhou games and other games with simmilar gameplay
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Thx for all the suggestions
I started playing this game >>8617
Its pretty nice so far also gonna look into the other stuff


Shit taste.


Play Imperishable Night


>not even mentioning THE touhou kamige, Imperishable Night
Opinion discarded.

I'm not even >>8629.


You need to play more STDs, my gott.

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Hi, /games/ I opened up a stream for vidya if anyone is interested.
https://tv.leftypol.org/r/chrootStream Also, there's music.


Nice gonna watch for a bit


Thanks anon. I logged off today, but, I had a shit load of fun. Will stream again as soon as possible.


great you could use the cytube if you want


I try and pay attentuion to the cytube, lol. I forget it exists some times, lol.

I think I am going to mostly be streaming every day before work from here on out. I am streaming right now if anyone wants to jump on.


Is this Lee b8?

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What do you think about killer7's politics?

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What's your favorite pinball game, anon? Most of us aren't made of money so we have to settle for virtual pinball. Is there anything about your favorites that you think distinguishes them from other pinball games?
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Every home will contain a pinball machine under communism. We must make this a slogan.


I never knew that Kirbys Pinball had more "levels". Both games seemed so simillar because both games where made by HAL and both of them used the same engine. I always thought that Kirbs's Pinball is the same as Revenge of the Gladiator except thats its Kirby themed.

I've always wanted a real pinball or arcade mashine as well, i actually had the same problems as you did. I live in Europe and i've never seen a real Arcade mashine or Pinball cabinet anywhere here. The only time i did see one, was in a hotel when i was visiting Egypt a couple of years ago.
I think its a shame that Pinball mashines aren't being made anymore, there is an American company, (that i can't remember the name of) wich makes smaller versions of Arcade cabinets, but i dont think that they do the same thing with Pinball mashines, sadly.


>Revenge of the Gladiator
Curious that you keep calling it this. Don't you notice all the alligators?


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>Don't you notice all the alligators?
I did, but i just noticed that it's actually called "Revenge of the Gator". I probably accidentally said it wrong the first few times, then got used to calling it like that.

Thanks that you've pointed it out.


After what amounts in my estimates to several days worth of on-and-off play, I have finally maxed out the score counter in Kirby's Pinball Land. Turns out it actually rolls over back to zero when you get to 100 million, so I had to very carefully and intentionally kill myself at 99,999,990 to place on the high score table. That bonus minigame with the goalie on the Poppy Bros. table is really broken when you get good enough at it. It's not too much trouble to rack up 1ups indefinitely if you can keep getting sent to the minigame, while the bonuses gained there are one of the most efficient ways to score huge points. The trick to getting real good at Kirby's Pinball Land is realizing that the left and right flippers actually have their own characteristics and send the ball on different trajectories even if you hit it at the exact same point on either side. I wonder if it was intentional behavior or a quirk of the game's resolution/physics system or something. I guess I can finally put this one to rest and move on to another pinball game.

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The PS5 pack in (Astro's Playroom) taps into PlayStation nostalgia while Sony didn't even give Vita developers advance warning in the closing of the Vita store this summer with some developers having to scrap their projects as they can't get it out in time.
It is like Sony hates its fans for still loving their old hardware, wanting them to only care about (and develop for) the PS5. Hell Sony's head of marketing (Jim Ryan) in 2017 basically said the PS2 was too old for anyone to really want to play anymore thus why Sony had no plans for backwards compatibility despite even the PS4 having the processing power to do PS2 software emulation at full speed with up scaling let alone the PS5.

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Since it appears that multiple threads are now talking about remasters (or remakes), what do you guys think about the Definitive Editions compared to the originals?


Its great, but it also fucks up some of the unofficial xpac campaigns. They used to have a lot of focus on being akin to the StarCraft "dungeon" missions and were a blast to play, especially since they would take a while (the Bari campaign was awsome, literally presenting in it a few year long campaign with various battles in a single "dungeon" mission). Now if I load in to Bari its just a nomad start where the logic is just "build base, beat foe" instead of the micro adventures of the past. Same with other Forgotten campaigns. Hell, they cut the Amazonian conquistador campaign which was 100% dungeon all way through.


I don't even understand why they need to change it. It seemed entirely pointless. Those campaigns were a unique twist and a well-made spin on the original game.


I guess they might have found them to be overdesigned and too complex. That, or maybe they found them to be cringe, like the first Sforza mission where your dipshit father drowns himself and his army.


They were probably just being lazy. We've all seen how successive strategy/RPG remakes have failed to even retain the same features of the original game, because apparently skill of game designers has devolved so much.

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Death Stranding thread
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Agreed. It's one thing to be masturbatory like artsy film directors, because it's usually more about capturing an image or feeling. It's another thing to include tons of lines of psychobabble that pretend to make perfect sense. There are also pacing issues with a large chunk in the middle of the game with no story development.

Overall I enjoyed the game a ton and I'm glad some teams still risk big budgets on crazy ideas. But I still felt disappointed because someone to reign in kojimbo's insanity would have greatly improved the game.


>But I still felt disappointed because someone to reign in kojimbo's insanity would have
greatly improved the game.

I always have the feeling that a good movie/game has to have the right balance of auteur director whims and studio mandate. Too much of either is bad.

Too much studio mandate: mass market trash with no soul, i.e. capeshit, Ubisoft games

Too much director control: incomprehensible self-masturbatory trash that doesn't try to appeal to anyone, i.e. Kojima games, or movies that are four hours long like Heaven's Gate

The perfect blend is a mostly-equal struggle between director and studio where they are forced to compromise. This gives you a product that has a good central concept and heart behind it, yet is constrained and tightly wound to actually be palatable to the audience.


I'm sure there's a Marxist analysis in the game somewhere.


Razortits was right even though I hate that faggot: Kojima needs actual editors and people to tell him no for anything to be good. Sony giving him the carte blanche on every creative decision was naive and stupid.
The game is basically every shitty part of a Kojima game rolled into one boring package that was received like a wet fart days after release.


My issue with the game, gameplay wise, is that it's a half step between being arcadey and a simulation leaving anyone who'd like a full step in either direction unsatisfied.

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