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Whats games are the /leftypol/ people currently in the middle of playing?
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Hidden Agenda.

It's ultimately cringe and surprisingly based at the same time. Cringe, because it's peak virtual socdemmery shice which expects you to unite the private exploiters and the death squads with their slaves fur le cummon goot. Based, since it unknowingly teaches you that it is impossible to drive society-oriented humane politics when the main production forces still reside in private property instead of a governmental one at least.
And guess what, even if you slam your ministy with the most supposedly radical fighters for socialism, some of which were commanders in guerrilla and others stuffed in prisons, you still won't get a chance to promote any move that comes out of succdam way. E.g. there's an event where landless farmers say it's enough and just go and take the land from the big guys and ask you to legalize it ‒ and you won't, since you can only take path of either a seething big guy or your so-called radical ministers, all of whom would gently ask you to pacify the dang dirty wageslave stupid proles by speeches of a soft reformation for le cummon of ouh nayshun.

And yeh, this is also the grandpa of that shiddy chauvinistic political "sim" that is called "Crisis in the Kremlin" ‒ even the main gameplay screen, as you can (I hope) see, is practically the same.


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I don't play vidya, but this seems pretty kino


Half Life on redream, Gran Turismo on ppsspp.


gran turismo 2 on a ps1 emulator better albeit

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You asked for it, you get it


I never wanted this


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why do they think they are on a "side of history" ?
Isn't entertainment meant to be escapism from the part of reality that matters to history ?

>You asked for it, you get it

Who asked for this ?

If those games were foss-software people could create a non-snitching-fork of the game and none of this would matter. Those that wanted the policed experience would stay on the original branch an everybody else would migrate to the forked branch.
People would also have already created plug-ins that auto-mute excessively rude teenagers, assuming that's the point of contention ?

And it's possible to do free-software but with closed art assets which basically keeps the "muh business model" unchanged.


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>now I have to deal with the Israel lobby when I'm trying to relax and have fun
Let's be honest: humanity never deserved video games, did it?


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AAA/Steam/Console/online gaymers suffer? Me happy

Go Go Ubisoft! Fuck them to death! Squeeze them out of every penny!
willing paypigs should pay, and they DO pay - that's one of the few things I really appreciate about capitalism, if only they couldn't get their income through exploitation


fake news

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Anyone else here play Gikopoi?

It's like a mix of 2ch and habbo hotel.
No accounts, no registration, no money, no accounts. Just hang out and chat! Been going strong since 2003.
A number of people from leftypol Matrix play but no clue how many board users know about this. It's been a meme on 4chan since 2004, but it's a bit esoteric.



It's basically dead until huge holidays like new eyars and christmas which is when image board users jump on and party.

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Sorry sweetie. Workers are reactionary now. Only low t liberal arts students with pronouns in their bio and tech/media workers with soft hands and a porn addiction are revolutionary. Please educate yourself, polyp.


Fuck game "workers".

Why are you so defeatist? The American government is experiencing unparalleled levels of illegitimacy. How can you claim to be a socialist if you aren't going to stand up for the entire proletariat, even those in the Imperial core? You sound like a liberal arts student gonzaloite.


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>entertainment workers aren't real workers
With takes this shitty, how did you even find this webzone?


>Fuck game "workers".
nah, fuck "gaymers"
just wait and see how those bitches will blame unions for bugged releases now
fucking scum

glad for qa testers, unionization was long overdue

now tech support needs to unionize too


The entire games industry is a farce
Go back

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Yeah, I hope that terrible gangstalking and doxing website (kiwifarms) gets taken down for good. How many people need to die because of bullying before Cloudflare and whoever hosting it finally shut it off? The celebration of doxing/bullying on there is just sick and wrong and obviously it has real world consequences.

About SNES Emulators: Been trying to think of how best to emulate/recreate the handheld gaming experience. My ideas so far are a modded Gameboy Advance/SP or Rasberry Pi with emulators put onto it. :D I have a switch deck pre-ordered too, so I am excited about the potential for emulation on it! :] There's always PC too for emulation.

Sorry to hear about Near, R.I.P. <3


Chris was right to rape her mom, or… what is it you're trying to argue, exactly?


>94/105 negative reactions to this post
What was your point again?


Imagine trying to judge a whole community based on one random post when 90% of that same community downvoted it.


>le edgy post
Best it Kiwifag

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Let's discuss Fortnite/post memes!


I literally haven't played this yet. I have kind of been wanting to but I feel like I wont be able to get in before the next fad rolls in.




Just install it, anon! Never too late :] get those dubs!


Is Prolekult right: are lootboxes responsible for the decline of singleplayer games? Seems like a bit of confusing causation here.

TF2 is quite honestly the only game I've ever played that has lootbox shit, and I stopped playing it before they added it to it. I simply don't waste my time or money on the sort of crap shallow enough to attempt lootboxes in the first place.
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>Single player games need to tell a story.
Stop playing movie games anon.


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The best games tell a story without any exposition.
>inb4 DERP muh fallout story telling


wtf is that second game


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Last release of the Puzzle League series back when Intelligent Systems cared.


Nah single player games are alive and well
Tanks to red china
That Journey to the West game that's coming out looks damn good as well

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Sorry, I don't quite understand why you would be sent to prison for an IP violation. Seems like the sort of thing that would be a fine. Unless I don't get it?


>Sorry, I don't quite understand why you would be sent to prison for an IP violation. Seems like the sort of thing that would be a fine. Unless I don't get it?
"intellectual property" is a mix between a religion and a shakedown mafia. They crucified that guy for not believing in their retarded religion. He didn't do anything wrong, he didn't even deserve a fine. He should be the one getting payed millions in damages for harassment at this point.

Nintendo is like a comically evil company, (beyond the regular capitalist mega corp shit) that has a history of sending private goons to people to harass them for the most moronic reasons. I remember reading where they send stalkers to a guy for making a mod that improved graphics on an old game. Never buy anything from them, tell others to boycott them as well.


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Sanitize that link, anon.

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Will we get to have the NDS TV addon under socialism?
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>he doesn't know about cybernetic markets


You want modularity and upgrades ? Capitalism used to do that allot but now you'll only find this in niche products. I suppose that could come back in capitalism but you're more likely to get that from a socialist system.



Seriously tho, I never thought about this that way
That socialism offers more modualrity and upgrades, I guess it's true

The best apps are also open source


Yes you might have to find people to make it with you
There will also be amazing vidya


that looks really nice i wish my computer could run that

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Bruh you can literally tweet anything with #Xenoverse3 and it will get to trending because the fans really want it

Brb gonna tweet Mao apologia with #Xenoverse3 tweeting the cultural revolution was based as praxis

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